Bell Ringer

Monday Nov. 11 - Veterans Day Holiday
Tuesday November 12:
Bell Ringer: From an episode of Bones:
Finn Abernathy: I'm sorry... I didn't mean nothing..
Arastoo Vaziri: But still your words have meaning, don't they Mr. Abernathy?
1st sentence: RESTATE the quote and give credit
2nd sentence: Tell what the quote means.
3rd sentence: Tell MORE about what the quote means.
4th sentence: What is the message for students studying history?
1. Finish Hand Format Essay for Patriot in Purgatory.
2. Page 7 - FINAL page - 13 Colonies Packet:
Acrostic Poem of George Washington. Use information from the packet and BrainPOP and your
book. Each letter must be part of a 3 or more word phrase.
3. HOMEWORK: Finish George Washington worksheet - students will be given text to use if they
are unable to log onto BrainPOP to finish the worksheet.
PACKETS need to be completed for Friday's Open Packet Quiz.
Click on the links below to see a completed packet:
13 Colonies 7 page PACKET (this is in .doc format)
13 Colonies Packet in PDF Format (this is in .pdf format)
Wednesday November 13:
Mrs. Moore is sick today. Please follow this lesson and have a great work day!
Bell Ringer:
Take out your BrainPOP article about George Washington (it was passed out to you yesterday).
Pick 5 words from the article that you think best describe George Washington and circle them.
Then, write these 5 words down in your bell ringer packet in order of importance – from least
important to most important.
Raise your hand to share your 5 words.
Take out your 13 Colonies packet and open to page 7 – the George Washington acrostic poem.
On your own – spend 7 minutes finishing the 3 word phrases for each letter of George
Washington’s name. (SSSHHHHH - thinking time).
When time is called, raise your hand to share phrases for each letter.
If your poem is incomplete, use the phrases shared by your classmates to complete your poem.
American History BOOK – Section 4:
2nd and 3rd periods – take out the section 4-1 and 4-2 paper you received last week.
5th and 6th periods – you will be given the section 4-1 and 4-2 paper.
All periods – you will be given the section 4-3 and 4-4 paper.
All periods - you will also be given a list of vocabulary words for sections 4-1 and 4-2 and 4-3
and 4-4.
Use the vocabulary list, your book and 1 partner (partner means 2 – no more than 2) to
complete section 4-1/4-2 and sections 4-3/4-4.
Work on these until the bell rings.
KEEP your papers. We will finish these and go over the answers tomorrow.
The 13 Colonies Packet Quiz will be moved to FRIDAY – please have your packets ready by
Thursday November 14:
Mrs. Moore is at a meeting in FWB today. Follow the lesson and have a great day!
*** If you were absent last Friday and missed the end of the BONES episode, Mrs. Moore will
be staying after school tomorrow, FRIDAY, until 3:30 to show the episode. ***
Bell Ringer:
Draw and Label the Printing Press on page 112 of your text book.
Then, think about how the Printing Press is like the Internet.
List 5 ways they are alike.
Raise your hand to share.
Take out your 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 worksheets that you completed on Wednesday with a
Take out a colored pen or pencil to check your answers.
Follow along with Ms. Bobnock to grade your OWN paper.
Write how many you missed at the top of each side.
Turn these in.
BrainPOP - Causes of the American Revolution.
(Not the American Revolution, but CAUSES of the...)
Watch the BrainPOP Video as a class.
Then, as a class, take the 10 question Quiz.
Now, take out a sheet of paper.
Watch the video again.
This time, write down a list of 10 important words from the video.
Then, list # 1 - 10 on your paper and answer the quiz questions on your own.
Ms. Bobnock will use the Review Quiz so you can check your answers after each question.
TURN IN these papers at the end of class if finished.
Make sure you have your 13 Colonies Packet ready for tomorrow!!!
Friday Nov. 15:
Bell Ringer: Draw the dollar bill with George Washington.
Lesson: School House Rock - Shot heard round the world and No More King.
13 Colones packet quiz.
Monday Nov. 18:
Bell Ringer: Draw the stamp below then tell 5 complaints you would have against the school if
you were required to get each of your school papers stamped with this stamp. If you did NOT
pay for and get the papers stamped, then you would not be able to turn in any work or receive
credit. Nor would you be able to turn in absence letters or other forms without it.
Lesson: CLOSE read The Causes of the American Revolution.
1. Read for flow.
2. Read and underline the unfamiliar words and the WHO, WHEN and WHERE.
3. Read and underline specific content.
4. Writing activity using the information.
FINISH 13 Colonies Packet Quiz and turn in unfinished packets.
GEORGE WASHINGTON on BrainPOP worksheets will turn into Z's on Wednesday.
Tuesday November 19:
Bell Ringer - FINISH 13 Colonies Packet QUIZ - No Bell Ringer.
If you are finished - Work on George Washington Worksheet, Check your grades, READ your
Dear America book, turn in 13 Colonies packet...
Lesson: CLOSE read - use YELLOW to hihlight the ways the Colonists PROTESTED the acts.
DRAW definitions of: smuggling, Parliament, Colonial Legislatures, effigies, boycott, molasses.
What is slower than molasses?
Wednesday November 20:
Bell Ringer: Pretend you are a colonist that is upset over the taxes and Acts that have been
passed in the colonies by the British government - Parliament. DRAW a flier that you could
make to distribute to people as a way of protesting. In your drawing, tell 3 things that made you
MAD and
tell 3 things colonists can do to PROTEST. Include a picture.
Finish Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary - CLOSE read note-taking component.
Writing Component: We are going to watch the video - "It's too late to apoplogize". After
watching the video, you are to write a "break up" letter to England. Tell why it is too late to
apologize and that it's over! Tell 2 specific reasons why you are breaking up. Tell 2 things
England could have done to keep this from happening. Tell England, that you still want to be
friends, but that it's time to break up and move on....
Thursday Nov. 21 and Friday Nov. 22: MEDIA CENTER
1. Use the bell ringer from Wednesday to create a flier to protest the Sugar, Stamp and
Declaratory Acts.
Use this Powerpoint Slide as a Guide: PROTEST PowerPoint Starting Document
2. Go to this Quizlet site to study terms from the CLOSE read:
*****Take the Multiple Choice test and write down your score when done.
You may take the test several times to get a better score.
3. Take the CAUSES of the American Revolution test on BrainPOP.
4. Read one of the President books and take the AR test. You may refer to the book during the
*****USE these settings for your QUIZLET QUIZ:
Week of: December 2-6
Bell Ringer: "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or
the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." John Adams
1st sentence: RESTATE the quote and give credit
2nd sentence: Tell what the quote means.
3rd sentence: Tell MORE about what the quote means.
4th sentence: What is the message for students studying history?
Lesson: AMERICA: The Story of Us - Rebellion to the Boston Massacre
Begin CLOSE read - Causes of American Revolution pages 3-4:
STEP 1. Circle unfamiliar words and underline Who, Where and When
Bell Ringer:
Paul Revere - Watch this short video and take these notes:
Paul Revere
Political Acts:
War Activities:
After the War Activities:
Lesson: CLOSE Read pages 3-4 :
STEP 2: Read and Circle Terms then Underline Who, When, Where
STEP 3. Note taking - Vocabulary - levied taxes, Daughters of Liberty, Liberty (ship) brink of
rebellion, redcoats (lobsterbacks), customhouse
STEP 2. Text Marking - blue for verbs of the colonists, red for verbs of the redcoats
Bell Ringer:
Write this term and definition.
Propaganda: material where the information is presented in a way that is designed to win the
audience over to a certain point of view.
CLOSE look at the Massacre and list 10 things you see - nouns and verbs - things and actions:
Now, look in each quadrant.
List at least 5 things you SEE in each section - nouns and verbs - things and actions:
Note taking - Vocabulary - levied taxes, Daughters of Liberty, Liberty (ship) brink of rebellion,
redcoats (lobsterbacks), customhouse
Text Marking - blue for verbs of the colonists, red for verbs of the redcoats
Create a T chart to compare the verbs - actions
1 minute eye to eye, face to face talk
Compare the verbs/actions in the article with the picture created by Paul Revere. Do the two
accounts match up? Are the verbs/actions the same?
4. Writing Component Propaganda is defined as material where the information is presented in a way that is designed
to win the audience over to a certain point of view.
Is the Paul Revere image of the Boston Massacre propaganda?
Give 3 reasons why or why not.
Thursday: EARLY RELEASE - Media Center - Bring Your DEAR AMERICA material. We will work on
DEAR America projects and complete make-up work.
Bell Ringer:
Nelson Mandela, the revered South African anti-apartheid icon who spent 27 years in prison,
led his country to democracy and became its first black president, died Thursday at home. He
was 95.
President Obama said his first political action was an anti-apartheid protest inspired by
Mandela, who "achieved more than could be expected of any man."
“I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example Nelson Mandela set," Obama said.
Lesson: Short Video - John Adams - the Trial of the British Soldiers.
Essay - Propaganda Essay - Hand Format for essay. Compare/Contrast image to the verbs listing
the actions of the colonists and redcoats.
Begin Johnny Tremain / Boston Tea Party.
Week of December 9-13:
25 minutes - work on / finish Boston Massacre essays.
Continue Johnny Tremain Video.
Quiz on Causes of American Revolution page 3-4.
Continue Johnny Tremain Video.
Field Trip to Pensacola Historical Museum.
Johnny Tremain video and notes.
Bell Ringer:
Copy Vocabulary from Johnny Tremain excerpt - page 140.
Listen as the teacher reads the excerpt out loud.
Answer questions from Causes of the American Revolution pages 5-6.
Homework: Fill in names of states on map.
Week of December 16 - 19:
Monday December 16:
Bell Ringer: In the video, the British leader General Gage tells Dr. Warren that the British must
confiscate the arms being stored by the colonists. Dr. Warren states that the colonists will not
give up the means of defending themselves against tyranny. How can we apply that thought to
today's society?
Finish Johnny Tremain Video and Notes.
Tuesday December 17:
We will be working in groups in the Media Center.
Wednesday December 18:
Bell Ringer: Watching the video Johnny Tremain is an effective way to learn about the start of
the American Revolution. PLAN a 5 paragraph essay for this topic using the hand format.
Lesson: See, Hear, Smell, Taste, Touch, Emotion - the senses in shown in the Johnny Tremain
Finish 20 questions from pages 5-6
Finish map of 50 states
Finish Boston Massacre essay
Finish media center stations
Thursday December 19:
QUIZ - open note quiz on Johnny Tremain and pages 5-6 (postponed to Jan. 6)
Pictionary review of the terms used this semester.
SEMESTER EXAM: Tuesday January 14, 2014.
Week of January 6 - 10, 2014
Bell Ringer: Write this list of Acts that led to the American Revolution and leave room for
1. 1764 Sugar Act
2. 1765 Stamp Act
3. 1766 Declaratory Act
4. 1767 Townshend Acts
5. 1773 Tea Act
6. 1774 Coercive Acts
QUIZ - Open Note - Johnny Tremain and pages 5-6 of Causes of the AM. Rev.
Bell Ringer: NONE - get your notes out and a paper ready for the quiz.
QUIZ - the ACTS that led to the AM Rev.
Library visits to take AR tests on Dear America book.
Work with a partner on your HOMEWORK - Semester Exam vocabulary.
Bell Ringer: Use a BLUE PENCIL to circle/check each day of Bell Ringers. We will then count
these for a 9 weeks grade.
Turn in and review HOMEWORK.
Semester Exam Review - Shot heard round the World and No More Kings with Lyrics
Semester Exam Review Terms - all students will be given a list of the words and their meanings EXCEPT for the ACTS which should be in their Bell Ringer and other notes.
THURSDAY: Go to Media Center for Early Release Day - we will spend the 20 minutes studying
for the Semester Exam using the Quizlet Site:
Bell Ringer: Answer these questions.
1. Why was the Jamestown Colony established? How did that work out for them?
2. DRAW the Middle Passage (map)
3. Who were the Patriots? Who were the Loyalists?
4. Why did the Puritans leave England? What was the Church of England?
5. List the New England Colonies.
6. List the Middle Colonies.
7. List the Southern Colonies.
NOTES - take out your Shot Heard Round the World Lyrics for notes.
January 13 - 17, 2014
Monday: Bell Ringer:
1. 1764 Sugar Act
2. 1765 Stamp Act
3. 1766 Declaratory Act
4. 1767 Townshend Acts
5. 1773 Tea Act
6. 1774 Coercive Acts
These will be on the Semester Exam as matching.
Make-Up Work - Finish Dear America testing, USA maps and other assignments. Work on
Revolutionary War Timeline questions with a partner.
Tuesday: Semester Exam