6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term acute angle acute triangle additive inverse adjacent angles algebraic expression altitude 6 7 8 Definition Any angle that measures less than 90 degrees. S S Any triangle in which all angles measure less than 90 degrees. S S One of a pair of numbers whose sum is zero, also S S known as its' opposite S Angles that share a common side or ray. A sentence that contains a variable, a number and at S S S least one operation. S The height of a shape. area To break down a concept or idea into parts and show S S relationships among the parts Two rays that intersect at a common endpoint. S The number of square units required to cover a given S S S surface. arithmetic sequence ascending An ordered list of numbers in which the difference S S S between consecutive terms is always the same S S moving upward analyze angle associative property axis (axes) B bar graph bar notation base (of a solid figure) base (of a 2-d figure) base (of a power) biased sample When three or more numbers are added or mulipltied, changing the way the numbers are grouped does not change the answer (sum or S S S product.) The horizontal or vertical number line used in a S S S graph or coordinate plane. The variable within the volume formula that stands S S for the area of the base A method of displaying data using horizontal or S S S vertical bars. S S Used to identify a repeating decimal. Special face of a solid figure if the solid is a cylinder or a prism , there are 2 bases that are parallel and S S congruent. line that is perpendicular to the height (forms the right angle) S The number that is used as a factor in exponential S S S form S A set of data that favors one viewpoint. S A type of graph that arranges data into even fourths. box and whisker plot capacity S S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using The amount that can be contained within an object. Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term circle 6 7 8 Definition Occupying a middle position. S S S The prefix meaning 1/100. S S The set of points that are the same distance from a S S S given point called the center. circle graph circumference cluster coefficient commision S S S S S S S S S S S A type of graph used to compare parts of a whole (percentages). The distance around a circle (perimeter). A set of data that is grouped closely together The number multiplied by a variable. Money earned as a percent of sales. common denominator S S A whole number that is the denominator for all members of a group of fractions. common difference common factor The difference between any 2 consecutive terms in S S an arithmetic sequence. A number that is a factor of 2 or more numbers. S center centi- commutative property compatible number complement The order in which two or more numbers are added or multiplied does not affect the answer (sum or S S S product.) Numbers that are close to the given numbers that are easy to work with mentally S S The chances of something not happening. S complementary angles composite event composite figure composite number cone congruent consecutive constant constant of variation S S S S S o S S 2 angles that have measures with a sum of 90 . S S A combination of simple events. An irregular figure that can be composed of 2 S S or more recognizable figures. A number that has more than 2 factors. S S A 3-d shape with a circular base and 1 vertex. S S Having exactly the same size and shape. S S In order with none missing. s S a quantity that always stays the same. The constant factor by which a proportion S increases or decreases. The ratio of change in one quantity to the S corresponding change in another quantity. Surveying people in a convenient way as S opposed to a random sample. constant rate of change convenience sample coordinate plane A plane containing two perpendiular axes(x and y, S S S intersecting at a point called the origin (0,0). S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term coordinates corresponding angles corresponding sides cube (3D Figure) Cube (third power) cup customary system cylinder data decagon decidecimal number decimal point decreasing degrees dekadenominator 6 7 8 S Definition An ordered pair of numbers that identify a point on a coordinate plane. Angles in the same relative position from one figure S S S to the other. Sides in the same relative position from one figure to S S S the other. A 3-d figure in which all faces are squares. S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S dependent event descending S S S diameter difference S S S S S S digit S dilation S dimensional analysis dimensions S S S direct variation discount S S S S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using A number raised to the third power; 23 = 2 x 2 x 2 A measure of volume A system of measurement used in the US A 3-d figure composed of 2 circular bases. given information, a set of numbers 10-sided polygon prefix meaning 1/10 number that includes a decimal point separating whole numbers and parts of a number getting smaller; going down in value unit of measure for angles prefix meaning times 10 bottom number in a fraction event in probability that is affected by another event getting smaller; going down in value the distance across a circle, measured by line segment going through the center The answer to a subtraction problem symbol used to represent a number, examples ( 0, 1, 2, 3…) proportional enlargement or reduction of a figure (uses scale factor) a method of converting between units of measure refers to length, width, height proportional relationship between two variables, S and y, with a constant rate of change amount an original price is reduced Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term 6 7 8 Definition product of a number and the sum/difference of two numbers is equal to the sum/difference of the two products, a(b+c) = ab+ac. distributive property dividend S S divisible S the number that is divided when one number divides into another number without remainders divisor S S the number that divides into another number(dividend) domain double S The set of all x-coordinates from each pair. times two S S graph that has two bars to compare different data on the same graph S graph that has two lines to compare different data on the same graph S double-bar graph double-line graph edge equally likely equation equilateral triangle equivalent fractions equivalent ratios estimate evaluate experiment experimental probability exponent exponential form expression face factor factor tree S S S S line that connects two vertices in a 3D figure chances that two events will happen are the same S S S S A statement that two expressions are equal. triangle with 3 equal sides S S two or more fractions that are equal S S two ratios that are equal S S To find a number close to an exact amount S S S S to find the value of a numerical algebraic expression a situation involving chance or probability that leads to results called outcomes S S the probability of an event occuring based on actual S S S trials The number that tells how many times the base is S S S used as a factor Way of writing a number using a base and an S S S exponent numerical statement including numbers, S variables, and symbols S S S one side of a solid figure integer that divides evenly into another S S S number diagram used to identify the prime factors of a S S S composite number S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term fair foot formula fraction 6 S S S S frequency table front view S S S S S function S S S fundamental counting principle gallon gram graph greater than greater than or equal to greatest common factor S S S S 7 8 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S height heptagon hexagon S S S S S histogram hypotenuse image S S S S S S improper fraction increasing S S S S S independent events S S Definition equal chance of all events happening customary unit of measure for length general mathematical statement or rule part of a whole number or part of a group table that shows often each event happens or each item occurs view of a 3D figure from the front relation in which every value of x has a unique value of y using multiplication to find the total number of outcomes of two or more events occuring customary unit of measure for capacity metric unit of measure for mass pictoral way to show data more than more than or equal to largest factor of two or more numbers perpendicular line between the bases of a figure 7-sided polygon 6-sided polygon graph in which the labels for the bars are numerical intervals longest side of a right triangle copy of the original figure fraction in which the numerator is larger than the denominator; greater than one getting larger; going up in value two or more events that do not affect each other finding a missing measurement by using a proportion mathematical sentence that compares two unequal expressions The process of drawing logical conclusions from data known or assumed to be true. indirect measurement S S S inequality S S S inference S S S input The number on which a function machine performs one or more operations to produce S S S an output. integer S S S The set of whole numbers and their opposites S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term irrational number isosceles triangle Definition The difference between the upper quartile and S the lower quartile The point where two or more lines cross S S S S Operations that undo each other the set of all numbers that cannot be S expressed as finite or repeating decimals a triangle with at least two equal sides S S kilo- S S S prefix in the metric system that refers to 1000 interquartile range intersection inverse operation 6 7 8 the area of the surfaces of a three dimensional S figure not including the bases lateral area lateral face leaf S least common denominator S S least common multiple S S leg s length S S less than S S less than or equal to like fractions S like terms line line graph line of reflection line of symmetry line plot line segment S a face that is not a base in a prism or a pyramid the digit or digits on the right side of a stem S and leaf plot, usually the ones digit the smallest number into which the denominators will divide exactly the smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers the sides of a triangle that are adjacent to the S right angle of a right triangle a measure of the distance of an object from S end to end A quantity that is smaller than another given S number. A quantity that is the same as or smaller given S number. fractions with common denominators terms that include the same variables raised to the S same powers a connected set of points extending forever in both directions S data displayed in a line to show change over S S S time the line over which two figures are mirror images of each other S a line along which a figure can be folded so that S S S the two resulting halves are congruent a diagram showing frequency of data on a number S S S line a part of a line defined by two endpoints S S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term 6 7 8 Definition a figure that can be folded along a line so that the two halves match exactly line symmetry S linear equation liter lower quartile an equation with two variables (x and y) that takes the genreal form y = mx+ b, where m is the slope of S the line and b is the y-intercept S S S a metric unit of capacity S the median of the lower 50% of a set of data mean measures of central tendency the sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of elements in the set. Often referred to as the S S S average S S mean, median, and mode A representation of how spread out or S scattered a set of data is measures of variation median meter S S S the middle number in an ordered set of numbers S S S the metric unit of length metric system mile milli- S S S a system of meaurement based on powers of 10 S S S standard customary unit of measuring length S S prefix in the metric system that refers to 1/1000 mixed number S S S a number with both a whole number and a fraction the number or element that occurs most frequently in S S S a set of data mode monomial more than multiple multiple representations multiplicative inverse mutually exclusive negative number nets nonagon non-proportional nth term numerator S an algebraic expression consisting of a single term. A quantity that is greater than another given number. S S the product of a given number and an integer S S a variety of ways to display data (ie , graphs, tables, i n ep l o t s , e t c …) S S l S S Reciprocal of a number S Two events that cannot occur at the same time S S S numbers less than zero a two-dimentional shape that can be folded into a S S three-dimensional figure a polygon with nine sides S S S S a comparison of 2 unequal ratios. The term in the nth (any specified - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, S S etc.. ) position S S S the top number in a fraction S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term 6 7 8 numerical expression S obtuse angle obtuse triangle octagon opposites order of operations S S ordered pair origin outcome outlier output overestimate parallel lines parallelogram pentagon percent percent of change percent of decrease S S Definition a mathematical phrase containing numbers and operations ( +, - *, ÷ ) but does not have an equal Sk S sign an angle whose measure is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees S a triangle with one obtuse angle S a polygon with eight sides S S numbers whose sum is zero S S Rules for evaluating mathematical expressions Two numbers (called x-coordinate and y-coordinate) S S S written an certain order. the point (0,0) on a coordinate graph where the xS S S axis and the y-axis intersect S S S a possible result in a probability experiment a piece of data that is much smaller or larger S S S than the rest of the data in a set the number or value that comes out of a S S S process an estimate greater than the exact numerical answer S lines in the same plane that never intersect and S S S are always the same distance apart A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel S S S sides. a polygon with five sides S S S S S a ratio that compares a number to 100 a way to describe a change in a quantity by expressing it as a percent of the original S S quantity the absolute value of the percent of change S S when an amount goes down perimeter S S the percent change when an amount goes up comparing two equal ratios where a percent is S S one of the quantities. A number whose square root is a whole S S number the distance around the outside of a closed S S S figure perpendicular lines S S S two lines that intersect to form a right angle percent of increase percent proportion perfect square S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term pi 6 7 8 Definition the ratio of a circle's circumference to its S S S diameter. population S S S a customary unit of measurement for capacity a flat surface extending in all directions S an exact location in space S a closed plane figure, having three or more line segments as sides S S a solid geometrical figure that has four or more S S S plane faces the set from which a sample of statistical data S S is selected position (in a sequence) positive number S S the ordinal number of a term in a sequence S S S Numbers that are greater than zero pound a customary unit of measurement for weight the number of times a base is multiplied by S S itself, represented by an exponent a factor that is also a prime number S S the expression of a composite number as a product S S S of its prime factors a whole number with exactly two factors, one and S S S itself pint plane point polygon polyhedron power prime factor prime factorization prime number prism probability product proper fraction proportion proportional pyramid S S S S a solid figure that has two parallel, congruent bases S S S a measure of the likelihood of an event S S S the answer to a multiplication problem a fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator. S S S S a comparison of 2 equal ratios S S having equal ratios a three-dimensional shape where the base is a polygon and the sides are triangles that have a S S S common vertex A theorem that states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of 2 2 2 S the legs. a +b = c pythagorean theorem quadrants The four sections that the Cartesian coordinate T S S system is divided into by the x and y axis S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term quadrilateral quart quartiles quotient radical sign 6 7 8 Definition a polygon with 4 sides S S S S S S a customary unit of measurement for capacity the values that divide a list of numbers into four S equal parts S S S the answer to a division problem S S a symbol that tells you to square root a number radius (radii) random range S S range (statistical) rate S S rate of change ratio rational number ray real number reciprocals rectangle rectangular prism reflection regular polygon repeating decimal rhombus right angle right triangle a line segment between the center and a point on a S S circle happening by chance, without order S S The set of all y-coordinates from each pair. The difference between the highest and lowest S S values S S a ratio that compares different units The speed at which a variable changes over a specific period of time; represented by the slope S of a line. S S S a comparision of 2 numbers S S a number that can be written as a fraction a line with one end point S S all numbers on a number line S S two numbers whose product is 1 S S S A parallelogram with four right angles. A prism that has two congruent, parellel bases that S S S are rectangles. A flip across a line of reflection that creates a S S S mirror image. A polygon that has all equal sides and all equal S S S angles. S S S S S S S S S The amount of vertical increase between two points. rise rotation run sales tax S S S S A decimal which has digits or a set of digits that repeat infinitely. A parallellogram with all sides of equal length. An angle that measures 90 degrees. A triangle with one right angle. A transformation in which a geometric figure is turned a certain number of degrees around a fixed point or line. S S The horizontal distance between two points. A percentage added to the total cost of goods or S S services. S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term scale drawing Definition A group that is used to represent a whole S S population. S S S The set of all possible outcomes The ratio between the actual size of an object and a S S proportional representation. A proportionally correct drawing of an object or area S S at actual, enlarged, or reduced size. scale factor scale model scalene triangle The number by which all elements of an object are multiplied in order to create a proportional S s enlargement or reduction S S A proportionally correct model of reduced size. A triangle with no sides of equal length. S S sample sample space scale 6 7 8 sequence A way of expressing a number as the product of a number between1 and 10 and a power of ten. For S example, 687,000 = 6.87 × 105. A graph of plotted points that show the relationship S between two sets of data. S S S half a circle An ordered set of numbers, shapes or symbols S S S arranged according to a rule side view similar The left or right view of a three-dimensional figure S S S S Same shape but not necessarily the same size. scientific notation scatter plot semicircle Figures that have the same shape by not necessarily the same size. Corresponding angles are congruent S S and corresponding sides are proportional. similar figures A single event in a probability problem (for example: the tossing of one coin). simple event S S One outcome of an event where more than one outcome is possible. Example: The probability of choosing a woman if both women and men are in the S sample. simple random sample simplest form simplify simulation A fraction is in simplest form when the GCF of the numerator and the denominator is 1. S reduce to lowest terms; use mathematical rules to S S rewrite an expression in simplest form A mathematical experiment that approximates S a real-world process. S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term skew lines slope solid solution 6 7 8 Definition Lines that do not lie in the same plane in space; so they cannot be parallel or intersect. S The ratio of the rise to the run. S S S A three-dimensional shape. S S S The answer to a problem or question. S sphere S S square S S S square root squared S S S S standard form S S A perfectly round geometric solid, consisting of a set of points equidistant from a center point. (1) A rectangle with congruent sides. (2) To multiply a number by itself. A number that when multiplied by itself produces a given number. For example, 3 is the square room of 9. A number multiplied by itself. A number written with one digit for each place value. The branch of mathematics concerning the collection and analysis of data. The left side (usually the tens section) of a stem and leaf plot. A data display that shows groups of data arranged by place value. An angle that measures 180 degrees. The answer to an addition problem statistics S S S stem S S S stem and leaf plot straight angle sum S S S S S S S S supplementary angles S S S A pair of angles that measure exactly 180 degrees. The sum of the areas of all the faces of a geometric S solid, measured in square units. A method of collecting statistical data in which people are asked to answer questions. S S S S S A way to display data. Mark used for counting. S S S A percentage added to the total cost. S S S An element or number in a sequence S S S A decimal whose digits end. surface area survey table tally mark tax term (in a sequence) terminating decimal theoretical probability Three Dimensional Figure tip ton S S S Probability based on known characteristics or facts. S S S A figure that has length, width, and height. The amount you gives extra over the cost to a S S person who provides a service. S S S A measure of mass that equals 2,000 pounds. S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term 6 7 8 top view S Definition The view looking down on a three-dimensional figure. transformation A mathematical process that changes the shape or S S S position of a geometric figure. translation A transformation in which a geometric figure slides to S S S another position without rotation or reflection. tree diagram triangle triangle vertex triple twice two dimensional figure unbiased sample underestimate unit rate S S S A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides. A branching diagram that shows all possible combinations or outcomes of an experiment. S S S S A three-sided polygon. The common point of two rays of an angle. S Three times. S S Two times. S S S S S A figure that has length and width. S A sample that represents the entire population. an estimate less than the exact answer S S S S The rate with a denominator of 1. unlike fractions S trapezoid upper quartile variable verbal expression venn diagram vertex S S S S S S S S S S S vertical angles S vertical line test S Fractions that have different denominators The median of the upper half of a data set, abbreviated UQ. Symbol (usually a letter) that represents a number An expression written in word form. A diagram used to show relationships between sets. The common point of two rays of an angle, two sides of a polygon, or three or more faces of a polyhedron. angles that are opposite of each other at intersecting lines A test used to determine whether a relation is a function. If any vertical line crosses the graph of a relation more than once, the relation is not a function. The number of cubic units needed to fill the space occupied by a solid. The measure of the distance of an object from side to side. volume S S S width S S S x-axis S S S The horizontal number line of a coordinate plane. S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011 6th - 8th grade Math Terms Term x-coordinate yard y-axis y-coordinate zero pair 6 7 8 Definition The first number in an ordered pair which tells the distance to move right or left from the origin on a S S S coordinate plane. A customary unit of measurement. Three feet or 36 S S S inches. S S S The vertical number line of a coordinate plane. The second number in an ordered pair which tells the distance to move up or down from the origin on a S S S coordinate plane. A positive and negative numer that cancel each other out. S S= Students should be using T= Only teacher should be using Allen ISD Revised June 2011
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