Lindroos et al. 214 Problems in radiocarbon dating of Roman pozzolana mortars Alf Lindroos – Jan Heinemeier – Åsa Ringbom – Fiona Brock – Pia Sonck-Koota – Miia Pehkonen – Juhani Suksi 1. Introduction Mortars, including concrete-like Roman pozzolana mortars, from various archaeological sites have been radiocarbon dated since the 1960s, but often without taking into account the distinction between hydraulic or non-hydraulic samples.1 The method of radiocarbon dating of the binder carbonate of mortar has always been known to be problematic, and hence it has been used with caution. In the case of non-hydraulic mortars the method has been studied experimentally and the problems are fairly well understood,2 the main issue relating to the presence of old, radiocarbon-dead material in incompletely calcined limestone residues and in calcite grains present in commonly used geological mortar fillers such as sand and gravel. Our protocol for dating non-hydraulic mortars has been presented in several publications.3 We have monitored the effects of the contaminants using sequential dissolution of mortar with acid under vacuum for up to 16 hours, until the samples are almost completely dissolved. Successive fractions, or increments, of carbon 1 J. Labeyrie - G. Delibrias, ‘Dating of old mortars by the carbon-14 method’, Nature 201 (1964) 742; G. Delibrias – J. Labeyrie, ‘The dating of mortars by the carbon-14 method’, in R.M. Chatters - E.A. Olson (ed.), Proceedings from the 6th International Conference on 14C and tritium dating, Washington D.C., Clearinghouse for Fed. Sci. & Tech. Inf., Natural Bur. Standards, U.S. Dept. Commerce, 1965, 344-347; M. Stuiver – C.S. Smith, ‘Radiocarbon dating of ancient mortar and plaster’, in R.M. Chatters - E.A. Olson (ed.), Proceedings from the 6th International Conference on 14C and tritium dating, Washington D.C., Clearinghouse for Fed. Sci. & Tech. Inf., Natural Bur. Standards, U.S. Dept. Commerce, 1965, 338-343. 2 R.L. Folk – S.Jr. Valastro, ‘Successful technique for dating of lime mortars by carbon-14’, Journal of field Archaeology 3 (1976) 203-208; C. Pachiaudi – J. Marechal – M. van Strydonck – M. Dupas - M. Dauchot-Dehon, ‘Isotopic fractionation of carbon during CO2 absorption by mortar’, in M. Stuiver – R.S. Kra (ed.), Proceedings from the 12th International 14C Conference, Radiocarbon 28:2A (1986) 691-697; J. Ambers, ‘Stable carbon isotope ratios and their relevance to the determination of accurate radiocarbon dates for lime mortars’, Journal of Archaeological Science 14 (1987) 569-576; M. Van Strydonck – M. Dupas, ‘The classification and dating of lime mortars by chemical analysis and radiocarbon dating: A review’, in W.H. Waldren - J.A. Ensenyat R.C. Kennard (ed.), The 2nd Deya International Conference of prehistory, Vol II (BAR International Series 574) 1991, 5-43. 3J. Heinemeier – H. Jungner – A. Lindroos – Å. Ringbom – T. von Konow – N. Rud, ‘AMS 14C dating of lime mortar’, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 123 (1997) 487-495; A. Lindroos, ‘Carbonate Phases in Historical Lime Mortars and Pozzolana Concrete: Implications for 14C Dating’, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Åbo Akademi University, Diss., Åbo 2005; A. Lindroos – Å. Ringbom – J. Heinemeier – M. Braskén – A. Sveinbjörnsdottir, ‘Mortar dating using AMS 14C and sequential dissolution: Examples from Medieval, non-hydraulic lime mortars from the Åland Islands, SW Finland’, Radiocarbon 49:1 (2007) 47-67; Å. Ringbom - J. Heinemeier - A. Lindroos - F. Brock, ‘Mortar dating and Roman pozzolana, results and interpretations’, in this volume. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 215 dioxide (CO2) are collected from each sample and AMS radiocarbon-dated, and the results are presented as age profiles. The theoretical principles required to interpret the 14C profiles have been presented in other publications.4 The Roman pozzolana mortars are considered to be hydraulic, and have received less attention than non-hydraulic mortars. This is certainly not because they are deemed to be any less important, but because they have been considered even more difficult to date. It is known that hydraulic mortars are less permeable to atmospheric CO2, that they contain less dateable carbonate, and that they are constantly active chemically and can generate carbonates whenever they are disturbed. Our research group has analyzed a large number of Roman pozzolana and other hydraulic mortars since 1988 and we have studied the effect on the radiocarbon age of the presence of young carbonates, such as re-crystallizations and efflorescent growths, in them. Some of the results have previously been published.5 In this article we present our experimental data for hydraulic mortars and evaluate the effectiveness of our dating method by comparing our results with well-known dates from brick stamps and other archaeological criteria. 2. Hydraulic or non-hydraulic mortar? A mortar is considered hydraulic when a substantial part of the binder minerals within it are produced by direct reactions between the lime and the filler material (e.g. calcium silicates and silica gels), or by hydration of other burned minerals (e.g. burned clay minerals). The mortars are, however, based on slaked lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) and at some stage they are in contact with atmospheric or dissolved CO2. Therefore dateable carbonates do form according to reaction (1): CO2 + Ca(OH)2→CaCO3 + H2O Other minerals formed by direct reaction between the lime and other constituents dominate within the mortar. These minerals are usually complex chains of hydroxides, aluminates and silicates, as well as some un-reacted calcium hydroxide or portlandite. Common minerals present in mortar are presented in Table 1. 4See Lindroos and Lindroos et al., cit. n. 3 5 Lindroos, cit. n. 3; J. Hale – J. Heinemeier – L. Lancaster – A. Lindroos – Å. Ringbom, ‘Dating ancient mortar’, American Scientist 91:2 (2003) 130-137; Å. Ringbom – J. Hale – J. Heinemeier – A. Lindroos – F. Brock, ‘Mortar dating in Medieval and Classical archaeology’, Construction History Society Newsletter 73 (2006) 11-18; Å. Ringbom – J. Hale – J. Heinemeier – L. Lancaster – A. Lindroos, ‘When did the Mortar Harden? A new method for dating buildings and other structures through AMS radiocarbon analysis’, Poster presented at the XVI International Congress of Classical Archaeology, The Associazione Internationale di Archeologia Classica, Harvard University, August 24, 2003. Lindroos et al. 216 Table 1. Common concrete minerals according to Lechtman and Hobbs6. Formula Habitus Mineral Ca3Si2O7 . 3H2O gel tobermorite Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12 . 26H2O rods, fibers ettringite CaO Al2O3 6H2O . hydrogarnet . Ca(OH)2 plates portlandite The concrete minerals and calcite dissolve readily in diluted mineral acids and many organic acids, and it is therefore possible to classify the mortars to some extent using their partial dissolution chemistry. Van Strydonck et al.7 describe different ways to characterize historical mortars, including the hydraulic index (HI) which they defined as the ratio of the soluble non-carbonate components in the binder, to the soluble carbonate component in the binder: SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 CaO + MgO It should be noted, however, that CaO is in fact a major component in all common binder minerals. Samples with a ratio >0.5 are defined as hydraulic. In principle we have adopted this definition, but some problems are considered: i. HI is designed to distinguish between lime mortar and modern concrete. In modern concrete the hydraulic minerals are mostly formed from burned mineral products and not from reactions with the filler. In ancient mortars the hydraulic minerals are formed through reactions between a reactive filler and lime. The reactivity of the filler in turn is dependent on its´ mineralogy, crystallinity, devitrification and secondary alterations.8 A reactive filler tends to be soluble, and thus a contaminant in the HI determination. Therefore the results tend to be biased towards hydraulic classification. ii. The Rome area is an alkaline volcanic province and potassium is a major component in the rocks, which comprise of up to 10% K2O.9 It occurs in 6 H.N. Lechtman – L.W. Hobbs, ‘Roman concrete and the roman architectural revolution’, in W.D. Kingery (ed.), Ceramics and Civilization, vol III, Westerville OH 1987, 81-128; L.W. Hobbs - R. Siddall, Cementitious materials of the ancient world, in this volume. 7 M. Van Strydonck – M. Dupas – M. Dauchot-Dehon – C. Pachiaudi – J. Marechal, ‘The influence of contaminating (fossil) carbonate and the variation of δ13C in mortar dating’, in M. Stuiver – W.H. Waldren, Proceedings of the 12th International 14C conference, Radiocarbon 28 (1986) 702-710. 8 M. Jackson – F. Marra, ‘Roman stone masonry: Volcanic foundations of the ancient city’, American Journal of Archaeology 110 (2006) 403-436. 9 E.g. M. Gaeta – C. Freda – J.N. Christensen – L. Dallai – F. Marra – D.B. Karner – P. Scarlato, ’Time-dependent geochemistry of clinopyroxen from the Alban hills (Central Italy): Clues to the source and evolution of ultrapotassic magmas’, Lithos 86 (2006) 330-346 and references therein. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 217 refractory K-feldspar and leucite grains, but also in soluble micas and volcanic glasses. Sodium is also abundant, but is less soluble. In Fig. 1, a widespread volcanic rock unit is presented as a pie diagram.10 Elements with concentration values <1% are omitted. The Loss On Ignition (LOI) component will be discussed in the next chapter. We have included K2O in the pie diagrams describing mortar compositions, but it is Figure 1. Pie diagram representing the composition of a widespread volcanic not included in the HI. We do not know rock from the Rome area: The upper if hydraulic potassium minerals are flow unit of the “Villa Senni” eruption. formed as a result of reactions with the volcanic glasses, but if ashes are present in the mortar then potassium hydroxide (KOH) is also present. iii.Our sample preparation method is not designed to determine HI as accurately as possible, but rather to isolate dateable carbonate from the sample. In order to get a representative HI value we use a coarse grain-size fraction, where the separation is poor. Old mortars are so heterogeneous that it is not usually possible to take a big enough sample for crushing, grinding and homogenisation for proper HI determination. However, grain-size fractions >100 µm usually yield rather uniform HI values, whereas finer fractions are highly enriched in carbonate and yield low HI values. Fig. 2 shows an example: the <38 µm fraction yields the value 0.28 and the 100-150 µm fraction yields the value 0.51. The ground 150-300 µm fraction has an HI of 0.54. Torre delle Milizie (Rome 007) 1h in 10% HCl at 20°C <38µm fraction Al2O3 SiO2 100-150µm fraction HI: 0.28 HI: 0.51 FeO K2O CaO MgO Figure 2. The value of the hydraulic index is strongly dependent on the grain-size of the fraction analyzed. Carbonate-rich fine fractions yield low (non-hydraulic) values. 10 Values from C. Freda – M. Gaeta – D.M. Palladino – R. Trigila, ‘The Villa Senni eruption (Alban Hills, Central Italy): the role of H2O and CO2 on the magma chamber evolution and on the eruptive scenario’, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 78 (1997) 103-120. 218 Lindroos et al. Grinding the coarse grain size fraction further (a common laboratory procedure) is not recommended because it may affect the dissolution which strongly depends on mineralogy. Iron silicates in particular tend to dissolve so slowly that grinding enhances their solubility significantly. The hydraulic indices are therefore only reference values, which should be used with precaution especially if compared with values obtained by other labs. One should also consider which part of the sample has been analysed and what it represents. Is it a bulk sample (and therefore, how representative is it for the whole mortar batch) or is it a grain-size window of an aliquot of a small sample crushed in a certain way? It is evident that all samples must be prepared and analyzed the same way to be comparable. Our hydraulic indices have been measured from the unwashed 150-300 µm grain-size fractions that have been produced by crushing 50-150 g of the sample with plastic covered pliers and vibrating the splinter in a sieve series for 20-25 min. The 150-300 µm powders are leached in 10% (by volume) hydrochloric acid (HCl) at 20oC for 1h and the elemental concentrations are determined using ICP-AES (at the Geological Survey of Finland and/ or at the Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, Åbo Akademi University). The conversion of the ICP-AES data to concentrations of oxides within the mortar is a simple stochiometric calculation.11 It should be noted that the above preparation procedure is developed for 14C dating (where the washed 46-75 µm grain-size fraction is usually used) and not for bulk chemistry. Fig. 3 shows the HI plotted against the approximate age of the Roman mortars. It is evident that the division between non-hydraulic and hydraulic is rather arbitrary and there is an extensive “grey-zone” composed of mortars that are not clearly one or the other. It is questionable what purpose the distinction between hydraulic and non-hydraulic serves in a 14C dating context. Therefore non-hydraulic mortars from the Roman empire Figure 3. The hydraulic index of Roman mortar samples (our data) plotted against the known, expected or determined age of the samples. Although HI is the standard way to characterize a mortar, the ICP-AES analysis can easily, and at a low extra cost, be extended to cover many trace elements as well. This is of special interest in the Rome area because the geochemistry and mineralogy of the volcanoes around Rome is rather extreme and some minerals and geochemical anomalies can be identified also in the mortar fillers. Preliminary comparisons with geological material and provenance studies have previously been published11 and more detailed studies will be presented elsewhere. 11 P. Sonck-Koota – A. Lindroos – J-O. Lill – J. Rajander – E-M. Viitanen – M.H. Pehkonen – J. Suksi – F. Marra – S-J. Heselius, ’Characterization of volcanic material used in ancient Roman mortars using external-beam PIXE’, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 2367-2370. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 219 are included in this study. From a historical perspective, in the Rome-Naples area there seems to be a diffuse trend from non-hydraulic BC mortars to more hydraulic AD mortars. However, in Iberia all mortars with a geological filler are non-hydraulic. 3. C dating of mortars; Principles and problems 14 An AMS-based procedure of dating non-hydraulic mortars and interpreting the results is presented in an earlier publication.12 The same procedure is used for hydraulic mortars, as described below, but the interpretation of the data is different, as we will discuss shortly. • The mortar samples to be dated are collected from areas that represented the surface of a mortared construction when it was built. Prior to sampling the mortar surface is scraped clean with a chisel and ~ 100 g mortar is collected using a hammer and chisel. The sample pieces are collected into plastic bags that are then sealed for transport. • One piece of mortar is tested for alkalinity using phenolphthalein (alkaline mortars absorb modern CO2 and yield biased 14C ages). In the lab the pH of the mortar is tested once more by putting the same piece that had been tested using phenolphthalein in water or by taking some of the water after wet sieving to check if it is alkaline. • The mortar is inspected visually and microscopically and some mortar pieces are studied using cathodoluminescence (CL). This method usually reveals natural carbonates from limestone and marble. • The remaining material is crushed with plastic-covered pliers and the splinters are vibrated in a sieve series for 20-25 min. This selectively shakes off dateable soft carbonate binder mineral dust and leaves harder geological material in the coarse fractions. • Of the fractions collected during sieving, the 150-300 µm fraction is usually utilized for chemical characterization and the 46-75 µm fraction for dating. The most fine-grained materials are seldom dated because they are more difficult to study and their behaviour is difficult to model since they may either react violently during acid hydrolysis or remain partly floating on the acid. Prior to dating the fraction is studied using CL (to check if the sieving has removed the limestone) and the CO2 content is determined using Loss On Ignition (LOI) at 550-1000oC. The sample is then reacted with 85% phosphoric acid (H3PO4) under vacuum and the CO2 released is collected in 5 successive increments or fractions representing roughly 20% of the total gas each. In many cases it is, however, advisable to increase the resolution in the beginning of the dissolution and collect a first fraction representing <10% of the CO2. The process is allowed to continue for at least 16h until the dissolution is nearly complete. 12 Lindroos et al., cit. n. 3, see also Ringbom et al., cit. n. 3, in this volume. Lindroos et al. 220 • In the Aarhus AMS lab each CO2 fraction is divided into two aliquots, one for dating and one for determination of the δ13C and δ18O stable isotope values (note that the δ18O values are only used for reference because they are produced using 85% acid). In the Oxford lab each CO2 fraction is passed through an elemental analyser and isotope ratio mass spectrometer prior to graphitising the sample for AMS dating. • The stable isotopic values measured rarely represent single carbonate phases, but are instead the weighted average of CO2 from all soluble carbonate phases. They may, however, still yield important qualitative information. 4. Carbonate content Hydraulic mortars are known for their ability to harden under water without access to atmospheric CO2. However, while the mortar is not submerged it does absorb carbon from the atmosphere in sufficient amounts to be reflected in a 14C date. We have analyzed a large number of ancient mortars with a range of hydraulic properties. Fig. 4 shows some statistics on the hydraulic mortars and their soluble Figure 4. Calcium carbonate content in Roman carbonate content. The values are the mortars. The calculated carbonate values are based carbonate-equivalents calculated from on the CO2 yield in 85% H3PO4 hydrolysis in 16h. The filled dot to the left denotes an exceptional the carbon dioxide yields during the acid BC mortar from the Jupiter Anxur temple of Terracina. dissolution for dating. The values presented do not cover the total carbonate inventory of the samples because the viscous phosphoric acid is not an efficient solvent and it is relatively difficult to reproduce the same carbon yield in replicate dissolution experiments. In order to measure the carbonate content properly we used the standard “loss on ignition” (LOI) method whereby the sample is first heated to 550oC to remove organic material and water in the hydroxides before the temperature is raised to 950oC to remove the carbon dioxide. The weight loss is registered and the carbonate content is calculated assuming that calcium carbonate is composed of 56% CaO and 44% CO2. Fig. 5 shows a LOI vs acid hydrolysis plot. In general there are undissolved carbonate residues in the samples and the samples plot under the 100% dissolution equiline. Especially carbonate rich, non-hydraulic mortars and pure lime-lumps show irregular dissolution behaviour. Some points plot slightly above the 100% line, reflecting the poor precision of the CO2 yield measurements in H3PO4 hydrolysis. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 221 Figure 5. CO2 yield in phosphoric acid hydrolysis for 14C dating relative the total CO2 inventory. Only samples that have been dissolved for at least 16h are plotted. The relatively low carbonate content of the Roman mortars compared with normally 60-70% for younger nonhydraulic mortars is a drawback in radiocarbon dating because contaminants are omnipresent and the ratio of binder calcite to contaminants determines the suitability of the sample for dating. The different kind of contaminants will be described below. 5. Particular problems in the dating of pozzolana mortars The general problems in 14C dating of mortars have been discussed to some extent in the literature.13 The most common problems are the degree of calcination of the burned lime and the presence of limestone grains in the sand and gravel material used as filler. Our contribution to this issue has previously been published 14 and these problems will not be discussed further here. The pozzolana mortars have some specific problems, which are discussed below. 5.1 Carbonate in the filler The term pozzolana originates from Vitruvius, who described a volcanic soil, “pulvis puteolanus”, from the village Puteoli, nowadays Pozzuoli, at the active volcanic Campi Flegrei district on the northern shore of the Bay of Naples. According to Vitruvius, mixing this soil with lime would make the mortar hard and durable. In geological terms the deposit is a loose pyroclastic surge deposit (fine-grained, hot, vitreous material deposited from horizontal blasts during a violent volcanic eruption). Post-depositional, hydrothermal alteration (by hot acidic vapours) makes these deposits more reactive as mortar fillers.15 Similar volcanic materials are also common in the Rome area, originating from the Monti Sabatini volcano NW of Rome and the Colli Albani volcano SE of Rome. The city is founded on the deposits of these volcanoes, many of which have been used as pozzolana. It is of special significance for radiocarbon dating of these mortars that both volcanoes have grown on a Mesozoic limestone basement. This means that ascending magmas interact with the limestone foundation and calcinate and react with the limestone 13 B. Willaime – R. Coppens – R. Jaegy, ‘Datation des mortiers du chateau de Chatel-sur Moselle par le carbone 14’, PACT Journal 8 (1983) 345-9; M. Van Strydonck – M. Dupas – M. DauchotDehon, ‘Radiocarbon Dating of Old Mortars’, PACT Journal 8 (1983) 337-43; Lindroos et al., cit. n. 3; Heinemeier et al., cit. n. 3 ; Folk – Valastro, cit. n. 2; M.S. Baxter – A. Walton, ‘Radiocarbon Dating of Mortars’, Nature 225 (1970) 937-938. 14 Lindroos et al., cit. n. 3. 15 Jackson - Marra, cit. n. 8. 222 Lindroos et al. Figure 6. LOI (loss on ignition) values for volcanic rocks from Rome (1-5, 7-14, 17-19 and 21), Pompeii (16, 20), Herculaneum (6) and Pozzuoli (15), showing their content of hydroxides (550°) and carbonates (950°). The rocks have been used as building material in ancient Rome.16 before16reaching the surface.17 The processes result in an unusual geochemistry and mineralogy of the magmas as well as extensive CO2 release during the volcanic eruptions. The CO2 activity continues long after the actual eruptions and hot CO2 and sulphur dioxide rich vapours alter the volcanic deposits to suitable mortar fillers. The vapours and hot springs also produce carbonate minerals in the volcanic rocks and even travertine deposits composed of mainly calcite. Many of the rocks are around half a million years old and they may contain marine carbonates and carbonates originating from submarine volcanic activity. The risk of carbonate contamination from the pozzolana filler is therefore high when dating Roman mortars. We have sampled the pozzolanas in order to study their geochemistry, mineralogy and in this context their hydroxide and carbonate content. Fig. 6 shows the results of the LOI analyses at 550o and 950o. The volcanics with a high LOI at 550o (where hydroxide water is removed) are potentially good, reactive pozzolanas whereas the ones with a high LOI at 950o are potential sources of contamination in 14C dating of mortars. In our pozzolana samples we have found the common carbonates calcite, aragonite and dolomite within voids and cracks in the volcanic rocks. Marble splinters and dust are also common in the mortars. According to our experience so far all these contaminants dissolve 16 Jackson - Marra, cit. n. 8; M.E. Blake, Ancient Roman Construction in Italy from the Prehistoric to Augustus, Part 1, Washington D.C., Carnegie Institution of Washington 1947, 308352; L.C. Lancaster, Concrete Vaulted Construction in Imperial Rome, Cambridge University Press 2005. 17E.g. A. Rittmann, ‘Die geologische bedingte evolution und differentiation des SommaVesuvius magmas’, Zeitschrift für Vulkanologie 15 (1933) 1–2. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 The Colosseum 2300 Samples 001 and 002 Profiles AAR-7347-1.1-3 AAR-7348-2.1-3 AAR-7348-1.1-8 AAR-7348-2.1-8 2250 C age BP 2200 14 223 2150 001 002 2100 002 002 2050 2000 1950 Figure 7. 14C profiles from the Colosseum. Sample 001 contains only little contaminants and up to 50% (F<0.5) of it can be dissolved before the 14C age is significantly affected by them. Sample 002 has more contaminants and, depending on dissolution technique, only 5-20% can be dissolved before the 14 C age is affected. 1937±21 BP =AD 25-85 (68.2%) 1900 1850 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 F 14 C age BP in acid more slowly than the bulk of the binder carbonates. This means that it is possible to date mortars that include these geological contaminants, if the CO2 for dating is extracted at an early stage of the dissolution progress. Two samples from the Colosseum (Fig. 7) show that if less than 10% (F<0.1) of the sample is dissolved the CO2 evolved will date the time of construction. One of the three profiles from the same sample is quite different, which is due to experimenting with different dissolution temperatures and pressures and emptying of the vacuum system between the collection of the individual CO2 fractions. The experiments show that it is possible to affect the solubility of the contaminants relative to the solubility of the binder carbonate. However, the first CO2 evolved still comes from the binder carbonate. Terracina The mortar from the temple of Jupiter 3000 Sample 001 Anxur, Terracina, from the republican 2900 Grain-size 46-75 µm 2800 Analyses AAR-9780.1-5 time shows a similar 14C profile with 2700 contaminants that release CO2 relatively 2600 2500 early during dissolution but it still appears 2400 possible to date the samples if only small 2300 2200 2126±31 BP (210-90 BC, 68.2%) CO2 fractions are collected and dated. The 2100 age presented in the Fig. 8 is preliminary; 2000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 an actual dating requires several samples F and a better control of possible carbonate Figure 8. 14C profile of the Jupiter Anxur temple, Terracina, with a preliminary dating result. re-crystallization. 5.2 Carbonates that are younger than the construction The pozzolana mortars are famous for their ability to heal themselves after rupturing by growing new minerals in the fractures. The most common of these new minerals is calcite that can grow when alkaline inclusions come into contact with the ambient atmospheric CO2 or dissolved CO2 in percolating waters. The alkaline inclusions are common because most pozzolana mortars are in fact alkaline. Fig. 9 shows the alkalinity of some mortars when put in water and measured 3 times within 4 hours and then the next day (not plotted, but taken into account in the plot). Lindroos et al. 224 Re-activated carbonate growth seems to be very common in Roman mortars and 9.5 the presence of efflorescent carbonates Trajans market (018A) usually also affects the 14C dating. Fig. Trajans market (018B) 9 Tivoli (005) 9 may suggest that the sampling and 8.5 grinding and especially exposing the Trajans market (019A) sample powders to water may trigger 8 Insula de Casa e Giardino, Ostia (027) carbonate growth. A low initial pH and a 7.5 Colosseum (002) rapid drop in pH seems to correlate with accurate dating. The young carbonates 7 Basilica Ulpia (004) seem, however, to dissolve rapidly in the 6.5 chemical preparation and affect only the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time in water (h) initial CO2 fractions. We have studied one Figure 9. pH evolution of dry-sieved mortar sample from the Colosseum and a series powders when put in water. of well-preserved Trajan and Hadrian mortars from Trajans Market and Ostia in some detail. In Fig. 10 we plotted the age of the first CO2 fraction extracted versus the pH of the mortar. The size of the CO2 fraction is reflected by the size of the dot. Samples with low initial pH yield relatively accurate dates whereas the more alkaline samples with pH values >8.5 yield younger ages for the initial CO2 fractions than anticipated. The smaller the first CO2 fraction is, the younger the age. Is it then possible to date alkaline samples? If the only problem is alkalinity then the later CO2 fractions should be devoid of rapidly dissolving young carbonates and yield the correct age. If there is also geological carbonate present, it might be difficult to read the right age from a 14C profile because there is the possibility that the interference of young carbonates and geological carbonates will result in a plausible date that is biased. It should, however, be considered that the binder carbonate is by far the most abundant carbonate phase in a well-preserved mortar and if a series of samples consistently reproduce the same 14 C age for the mid-CO2 fractions of the samples then they reflect the age of the binder because the likelihood of getting several equal and plausible 14C ages by uncontrolled combinations of young carbonates and geological carbonate is negligible. Alkalinity of Roman samples pH 10 pH, Roman mortars 002 Colosseum 2000 C BP time-span for Trajan-Hadrian 14 004 Basilica Ulpia 1600 019A 14 C age 1800 025A 018A 1400 CO2 fraction 018B percentage 5% 10% 20% 1200 026 027 1000 7 7.5 8 pH 8.5 9 9.5 10 Figure 10. The 14C ages of the first CO2 fractions for a series of well-preserved samples from central Rome. The samples are sorted by initial pH value when the 150-300 µm grain-size fraction was put in water (100 mg in 5 ml). 18A, 18B, 19A and 25A are from Trajan’s market and 26 and 27 are from Ostia, and from the time of the Hadrian reign. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 225 Insula de Case e Giardino, Ostia 2600 Samples Rome 26 and 27 Grain-size 46-75µm Analyses: AAR-6287.1-3 AAR-6288.1-3; 6288.2,1-8 OxA X-2147-06-09 OxA X-2146-46 2400 14 C age BP 2200 2000 Figure 11. 14C profiles of two Hadrian samples from Ostia, each analyzed twice. The samples were first analyzed in 3 successive CO2 fractions (open symbols) and the second fractions yielded the right age. When we increased the number of CO2 fractions (profiles with filled symbols) and thus the resolution of what actually happened during the dissolution we can see that there is no interval covering several CO2 fractions with a similar age in either of the profiles and no age plateaux are formed. 026 027 Known age in 14C years 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 F Unfortunately, 14C dating is rather expensive and it is quite common that the few available 14 C profiles are ambiguous. To ensure that we actually get the age of the binder carbonate, several successive CO2 fractions from each sample, preferable in the 20-60% dissolution interval, should yield the same age.18 Fig. 11 shows two problematic profiles from alkaline samples from Ostia (see Fig. 10). The samples were taken next to each other from “Insula de Case e Giardino”, which was built in the time of Hadrian.19 This age would require a radiocarbon age of around 1900 BP, which we got from the second CO2 fractions in the first dating attempt where only three successive CO2 fractions were collected (open symbols). The multi-fraction profiles do not reveal such an age. Instead they show that the samples have at least three types of contaminants: 1) a very rapidly dissolving young contaminant affecting the first CO2 fraction of the lower profile, 2) a slower-released young contaminant affecting the first half of both profiles and 3) the common slowlydissolving geological contaminants slowly raising the age at the ends of the profiles. No age plateaux are formed because the second young contaminant dissolves too slowly and it will be exhausted so late during dissolution that it tends to overlap with the dissolution of the geological contaminants. Based on this information we can reason that the midsections of the age profiles are less affected by contamination. 5.3 Diagenetic alterations When mortared constructions are buried under soil they will slowly become a part of the geological cycle and the processes that turn soft soil into sedimentary rocks will affect them. These processes are referred to as diagenesis and they include all the chemical, physical and biological changes undergone by the sediment after its initial deposition (excluding surface weathering). The most relevant of these processes to radiocarbon dating of mortars is the formation of a carbonate matrix between grains and carbonate crystals 18 See also Ringbom et al., cit. n. 3, in this volume. 19 Personal communication with Janet DeLaine. Lindroos et al. 226 Table 2. Samples from Pompeii and Herculaneum Sample Material Site Expected age From the Helsinki University excavations in Pompeii 1. EPUH 002L Lime lump Casa di Marcus Lucretius AD 62-79 2. EPUH 006 Mortar Casa di Marcus Lucretius 2nd C BC 3. EPUH 007 Mortar Casa di Marcus Lucretius 2nd C BC 4. EPUH 008L Sintered lime lump Casa di Marcus Lucretius Geological From the British School in Rome excavations in Pompeii 5. BSR I:9,3 001 Mortar Casa di Successus 80-25 BC 6. BSR I:9,3 003 Mortar Casa di Successus 25 BC-35AD 7. BSR I:9,11 011 Mortar Insula I:9, Room 1 AD 62-79 From the British School in Rome excavations in Herculaneum 8. Herculaneum 001 Mortar The Suburban baths AD 79 9. Herculaneum 002 Mortar The Palaestra ? inside voids and hollows. The new carbonates comprise both calcite and its polymorph aragonite as well as other less common carbonate minerals.20 We undertook some sampling in Pompeii and Herculaneum to explore these problems. Samples were taken at the Helsinki University excavations in Pompeii and at the British School in Rome excavations in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Seven mortar samples, a lime lump and a limestone inclusion were analyzed (Table 2). Sample Herculaneum 001 from cast moulds was covered in volcanic ash in AD 79, which prevented the access of contemporaneous atmospheric CO2. Instead it yielded a modern age corresponding to the excavation. The general impression from the analyses (Fig. 12) is that it is very difficult to date excavated mortars of this kind. The first problem to consider is the CO2 emmissions from the active Somma-Vesuvius volcano and the whole, large Campi Flegrei volcanic system at the Bay of Naples. If the atmospheric CO2 was locally contaminated with excess volcanic CO2 it is impossible for us to assess to what extent the 14C age is influenced by radiocarbon dead material from the volcanoes. Any 14C profile would be expected to look perfectly normal but it could be biased towards an older age. However, many of the profiles we have, do not look normal and they are severely biased either to the older or to the younger side. In 3 profiles the first CO2 fractions are older than the second fractions, which is very unusual (Fig. 12). We have recently encountered these kinds of profiles in samples from basement rock areas with marble (i.e. metamorphic limestone).21 The lime lump EPUH 002L from Casa di Marcus Lucretius displayed a rather puzzling 14 C profile (Fig. 13). The original carbonate within the lump has been entirely replaced by carbonate with a 13th century 14C age and some even more recent material that dissolves first. The mineralogy of the samples is generally not very different from other ancient mortars. CL analysis inidicated that many of them looked suitable for dating or they displayed a lot of luminescent carbonate that is not limestone, but looks more like re20 M. Tucker, Techniques in Sedimentology, Blackwell, Oxford 1988. 21 Lindroos, cit. n. 3, p. 83, a case from Medieval Barcelona. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 Pompeii & Herculaneum 6000 Mortar samples, grain-size 46-75 µm EPUH 006 EPUH 007 BSR I 9,3 001 BSR I 9,3 003 BSR I 9,11 011 Herc 002 5500 5000 4500 4000 14 C age BP 227 3500 3000 2500 2000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 F Figure 12. 14C profiles of mortars from Pompeii and Herculaneum. Figure 13. 14C profile of a lime lump from a first century construction in Pompeii. The 46-75 and 76-100 µm grain-size fractions were combined to get enough material from the small lump for 5 CO2 fractions. The carbon in the lump has a 13th century 14C signature and some even more recent rapidly dissolving material. crystallizations, which is common among ancient mortars. Some peculiarities were, however, observed. For example, even the lime lumps contain carbonates that have a slightly brighter luminescence than the bulk of the material. All the samples dissolved rather rapidly and one sample (BSR I:9,11 011) dissolved extremely rapidly and displayed heavy contamination with luminescent calcite and aragonite. The stable carbon and oxygen isotopic values do not deviate significantly from those of other Roman samples and thus they provide no clue to what kind of alterations have taken place. Only sample BSR I:9,11 011 has rapidly dissolving carbonate with a rather negative δ13C signature (-25.7‰ vs PDB) and an old 14C age. Lindroos et al. 228 Table 3. Uranium isotopes in pozzolana rocks from Rome and Puteoli determined by α-spectrometry. Sample K-Ar age22 (ka) Leaching Solvent/t (min) U (ppm) 234 U/238U (activity ratio) Pozzolana Nera 407 ± 4 HF near total 18.2 0.93±0.04 Pozzolana Nera 407 ± 4 Aqua Regia 16.3 0.97±0.07 Pozzolana Nera 407 ± 4 1M HCl 10.7 0.83±0.06 Pozzolana Rossa 457 ± 4 1M HCl (10 min) 0.87±0.05 Pozzolana Rossa 457 ± 4 1M HCl (285 min) 0.84±0.05 Pozzolana Rossa 457 ± 4 1M HCl (1410 min) 0.89±0.04 Pozzolana Rossa 457 ± 4 1M HCl (6750 min) 0.88±0.07 Pozzolana Rossa 457 ± 4 HF near total Pozzolana Rossa 457 ± 4 HF near total 9.6 0.91±0.05 Pozzolana Rossa 457 ± 4 HF near total 9.9 0.89±0.03 Pozzolanella 357 ± 2 HF near total 51.0 0.90±0.09 Pozzolanella 357 ± 2 10% HCl 27.9 0.93±0.07 0.92±0.02 It22is well known that carbonates co-precipitate trace elements, including U.23 In order to identify the presence of carbonate precipitations from groundwater we analyzed the uranium (U) isotopes in the carbonates of the samples. Uranium offers a powerful tool to study carbonate precipitation from groundwater because the U isotopic composition in groundwater can be very different from that in rocks. Uranium has 3 naturally occurring isotopes 234U, 235U and 238U. Their relative abundances in nature are 0.005, 0.720, and 99.275% respectively. 235U and 238U have been around since the beginning of earths´ history and they have a constant ratio (0.00725). 234U, however, is a short-lived daughter of 238U (with a half-life of 245 000 years) and their ratio can vary considerably in geological samples being far from their relative abundance in nature, i.e. 234U and 238U are said to be in radioactive disequilibrium (in activity units 234U/238U≠1). Because 234U is a decay product and can therefore be more mobile than 238U, it is more prone to end up in aqueous solution than 238U when minerals are weathered.24 Any samples, archaeological or geological, exposed to weathering can be expected to have a 234U deficiency (234U/238U<1) and the samples that have been buried and exposed to groundwater precipitations tend to be enriched in 234U (234U/238U>1). The deviation from unity can be measured accurately enough with current techniques (a-spectrometry <5% and MC-ICP-MS <1%). Our working hypothesis is that U coming from limestone is in equilibrium (234U/238U=1) and insignificant because the concentrations are very low. Uranium in the pozzolana samples 22 D.B. Karner – F. Marra – P.R. Renne, ’The History of the Monti Sabatini and Alban Hills volcanoes: groundwork for assessing volcanic-tectonic hazards for Rome’, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 107 (2001) 185-219. 23R.J. Reeder – M. Nugent – G.M. Lamble – C.D. Tait – D.E. Morris, ‘Uranyl incorporation into calcite and aragonite: XAFS and luminescence studies’, Environmental Science & Technology 34 (2000) 638–644 and references therein. 24 See e.g. D. Porcelli – P.W. Swarzenski, ‘The behavior of U- and Th-series nuclides in groundwater’, in B. Bourdon – G.M. Henderson – C.C. Lundstrom – S.P. Turner (ed.), UraniumSeries Geochemistry 52 (2003) 317–361 and references therein. Comm. Hum. Litt. Vol. 128 229 Table 4. Uranium isotopes in mortar carbonates from Pompeii, Herculaneum and Rome determined by α spectrometry. Sample Locality Estimated age U (ppm) 234 U/238U (activity ratio) Rome 007 Torre delle Milizie AD 8th c. 0.62 0.76±0.08 Rome 017 St Costanza AD 4th c. 1.23 0.89±0.05 Ostia 13 Insula di Giove e Ganymede AD 2nd c. 2.60 0.89±0.19 Ostia 13 Insula di Giove e Ganymede AD 2nd c. 2.40 0.86±0.17 Ostia 13 Insula di Giove e Ganymede AD 2nd c. 5.38 0.92±0.38 Ostia 027 Insula di Case e Giardino AD 123-124 0.96 0.95±0.05 EPUH 006 Casa di Marcus Lucretius 2nd c. BC EPUH 006 Casa di Marcus Lucretius 2nd c. BC EPUH 007 Casa di Marcus Lucretius 2nd c. BC BSR I:9,3 001 Casa di Successus 80-25 BC 1.07 BSR I:9,3 001 Casa di Successus 80-25 BC 1.13 BSR I:9,3 003 Casa di Successus AD 25-35 1.02 BSR I:9,3 003 Casa di Successus AD 25-35 0.97 1.41 0.95 1.08 1.00±0.05 would yield values <1 because they are weathered. Consequently, U in the mortars would also have values <1 because most of the U in the mortar originates from the pozzolana filler. Carbonate precipitated from groundwater, however, should contain excess 234U to compensate for the deficiency in the weathered rocks. Values >1 are therefore expected. We measured the U isotopes in some of the pozzolana rocks (Table 3) and in the calcite of some mortars (Table 4). The calcite was separated by partial acid leaching and using ammonium acetate extraction, which selectively dissolves calcite. Table 3 shows that the pozzolanas are generally significantly depleted in 234U as expected. The Roman mortars have a similar 234U deficiency, but the mortars from Pompeii that have been buried under volcanic ashes have gained some 234U and display values near 1 or significantly >1 (Table 4). The excess 234U is believed to be present in rapidly dissolving carbonates. Earlier we have seen that these carbonates have very old 14C of inorganic origin. Sample BSR I:9,11 011 may have carbon of organic origin because some 30% of the sample dissolves extremely rapidly and displays the δ13C value -25.72‰ vs PDB. In the lime lump the carbon is of inorganic origin (δ13C = -2.71‰ vs PDB) and young. These variable isotopic data can best be explained as repeated precipitations from groundwater carrying old carbon of variable, but mostly geological, origin. 6. Discussion Pozzolana mortars are usually more problematic to date than contemporaneous or younger lime mortars. The distinction between hydraulic and non-hydraulic mortars seems somewhat unnecessary to apply to samples prior to dating because the original binder mineral texture may be lost and a distinction based on the chemistry of partial leaching is Lindroos et al. 230 attached with many factors that are difficult to control. The main problems in 14C dating of pozzolana mortars are: 1. There is less binder carbonate available than in lime mortars and therefore numerous other carbonates, that must be considered contaminants, can have a relatively large impact on the measurements. 2. Young volcanic systems that produce pozzolanic rocks may produce a variety of carbonate minerals as well, which occur in and grow on the pozzolana. This is especially the case in mainland Italy where the volcanoes are underlain by thick limestone sequences. 3. The hard and durable pozzolana mortars are relatively impermeable to atmospheric carbon dioxide and they commonly have alkaline inclusions that react with contemporaneous atmospheric CO2 whenever the mortar is ruptured and the inclusions are exposed. 4. Constructions that have been buried in soil or volcanic ashes may have severe contamination originating from dissolved volcanic CO2 or dissolved carbonates carried by groundwater. The problems are tackled in a similar way as for dating lime mortars, but we strongly recommend that the alkalinity of the sample should not only be checked with a pH indicator, but it should be measured quantitatively. Samples with pH values >9 have usually given too young ages. Mortars excavated from deep in the ground will probably be so problematic that 14C dating will not give a reliable age for the construction. The 234 U/238U ratio for the most rapidly dissolving carbonates in the sample can be used to indicate the presence or absence of carbonate contamination from groundwater. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Eeva-Maria Viitanen, Fabrizio Marra, Lynne Lancaster, Agneta Freccero and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill for guiding us during the sampling, Talvikki Savolainen for the pH measurements, and the Academy of Finland, the Åbo Akademi Foundation, the Rector of Åbo Akademi University, and the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation for financial support.
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