West Valley Aquatics Newsletter

West Valley Aquatics Newsletter
April 16, 2014
Volume 1, Issue 6
Shawn Marsing, Head Coach
Lisa Jones, President
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dear Parents:
It’s Long Course Season!
That means summer. That means
swimming outside. That means 50
meter pools. Remember to throw
sun block and a water bottle into
your kids’ bags.
Our annual Swim-a-Thon is Friday,
May 2 at 4:15 sharp. This event is
mandatory for all swimmers. Each
swimmer has 2 hours to swim as
many laps as possible up to a
maximum of 200 laps. Bring water
and someone to count laps.
Collect pledges per lap (50 cents
per lap, for example) or single
Free Meets!
Dear Parents
Coaches Corner
Upcoming Meets & Events
Volunteer Needs
SC Records
Body & Mind
Want to pay zero dollars to have
your kids swim in meets? Want the
best seat in the house? Want to get
your volunteer hours in (remember
we ask every family to volunteer at
least 20 hours per year)? Want to
something to your child’s team?
Become an official. Meet fees are
waived when you work at the same
meet! See page 2 for dates and
times of upcoming clinics. We will
also have information available and
officials you can speak with at our
next banquet May 2.
Packets were distributed at
practice on April 14. Please let a
Coach know if you didn’t get one!
All packets and donations MUST
be turned back in by May 9. This
is our priority fundraiser and
money raised goes toward many
Swim-A-Thon Fun
WFFM Spring Meet
Timpanogos Meet
Swim-a-Thon &
Team Banquet
Service Project
Kearns LC Meet
What is a Swim-A-Thon?
A 200 lap marathon!
You swim, parents count
Finishing is paramount!
You are raising funds
hopefully thousands!
If each swimmer collects $150 bucks
that would be awesome luck.
For your Seawolves team
to grow, build and dream!
Show how much you care
See you there!
By Lisa Jones
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West Valley Aquatics Newsletter
Coaches’ Corner:
Welcome to Frank Bates - our new coach in charge of the 11 &12 year
olds! Frank swam in college at USC and was on two national
championship teams. He was also an All-American seven times! He
currently coaches a high school team in addition to WVA. We are very
lucky to have Frank join us. Welcome Frank!!
Please read the articles attached to this newsletter and make sure
your swimmers read them as well (or discuss them with your
swimmer). See a Coach with any questions.
Upcoming Swim Meets:
WFFM Spring Classic (Kearns):
SDAT Developmental (beginners only)
Timpanogos LC Invite (Orem):
Kearns LC Classic (Kearns)
UTES LC IMX (Kearns):
MAC Firecracker Classic (Missoula):
Utah LC State Championships
Western Senior Zones (California)
April 25th – 26th
May 3rd
May 9h – 10th
May 21th - 22th
May 30th – June 1st
June 26th – 29th
July 9th – 12th
July 30th – Aug. 3rd
Upcoming Events & Reminders:
Swim-A-Thon: May 2nd
Team Banquet / End of SC Season Party: May 2nd
Team Service Project: May 17th
Magna Parade: July 4th
Officials Clinics: Stroke & Turn Clinics – 6 to 8:30 pm (email Wane
Oviatt at [email protected] to sign up)
o May 6th @ Cottonwood Heights Rec
o June 3rd @ Clearfield City Rec
o July 15th @ Sandy City Library
Current & Upcoming Volunteer Needs:
 Team Banquet: Sign up to bring some food May 2. All parents should
attend this event. Lots of information will be presented.
 Team Service Project: May 17 from 9am-noon come help clean up
the Fitness Center grounds. Picnic and popsicles afterwards!
 Montana: Our annual team trip to Missoula, Montana!!! More
information will be available at the banquet and sign ups will be open
on the website soon.
 Magna Parade: In May we are going to start planning our float entry
for the Magna July 4th parade. This is a great project for the Dads to
help with! Decorating, water guns…Sign up to help at the banquet.
West Valley Aquatics Newsletter
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New Best Times:
Short Course Senior State Team:
Natalie Aguilar
Mikayla Bambrick
Sissy Baum
Brookelle Corbridge
Madelyn Flower
Kaelynne Grant
Kimberly Guzman
Alexis Huhtala
Claire Jackson
Ashley Jones
Emme Kennedy
Hailee Kennedy
April Kindall
Adriana Lopez:
Aliah Martinez
Tina Nguyen
Davida Ong
Erica Peters
Stephanie Poprzenovic
Jess Ray
Marlayna Robertson
Kenzlee Robinson
Tessa Schrom
Shae Simonson
Andrea Thomas
Ashley Thompson
Cindy Truong
Chloe Warnas
Sophia Warnas
Rachel West
Alyssa Whetstone
50 free/100 free/200 free/100 breast/200 IM (Polar Bear and AG State meets)
200 free/100 fly/200 fly (5A State and SR State meets)
50 free/100 free/200 free/500 free/100 breast/200 breast/100 IM/200 IM (Polar Bear, AG
State and WVA meets)
50 free/100 free/500 free (AG State meet)
100 breast/200 breast (4A State and SR State)
50 free/100 free/50 breast/100 breast (WVA meet)
50 free/100 free/50 breast (WVA meet)
50 free/100 free/100 back/100 breast (WVA meet)
500 free/100 breast (SR State and WA Sectionals meets)
100 free/100 back/100 fly (WVA meet)
50 free/200 free/50 back/50 breast/100 breast/50 fly/100 IM/200 IM (Polar Bear, AG State)
50 free/100 free/200 free/500 free/50 back/50 breast/100 breast/50 fly (Polar Bear, AG State)
50 free/100 free/100 back/100 breast/50 fly (WVA meet)
100 free/50 fly/100 fly (Polar Bear meet)
50 free/100 free/200 free/50 breast/100 breast (WVA meet)
100 free/200 free/50 breast/100 breast (WVA meet)
50 back/200 breast/100 fly (AG State and WVA meets)
100 free/100 fly (SR State meet)
100 free/100 breast (WVA meet)
50 free/100 free/50 back (Polar Bear and AG State meets)
50 free/200 free/100 back/50 breast/100 breast/200 IM (WVA meet)
50 free/100 free/200 free/50 back/100 back/50 breast/100 breast/200 IM (WVA meet)
50 free/50 fly (WVA meet)
50 back/100 back/200 breast (5A State and SR State)
200 free/50 fly (WVA meet)
200 free (WVA meet)
100 back (WVA meet)
200 free (WVA meet)
100 breast (WVA meet)
200 free/100 back/200 breast (Polar Bear and WVA meets)
200 free/100 back/100 breast/200 IM (WVA meet)
Jay Abu-Dan
John Aguilar
Brayden Corbridge
Jaxzen Corbridge
Kyle Darling
50 free/100 free/200 free/100 breast (Polar Bear and WVA meets)
50 free/100 back (WVA meet)
200 free/200 breast (5A State and SR State meet)
50 free/200 free/100 back (Regions, SR State)
100 free/200 free/500 free/1000 free/1650 free/50 back/100 back/100 fly/200 fly (5A State,
SR State and WVA meets)
Gage Erickson
50 free/100 free/50 breast/100 breast (WVA meet)
Gavin Erickson
50 free/100 free/100 back/50 breast/100 breast (WVA meet)
Gibson Erickson
50 free/100 free/50 breast (WVA meet)
Victor Hernandez-Tejada 50 free/200 free/50 breast (WVA meet)
Seth Kohler
50 free/100 free/200 free/100 breast/200 breast/200 IM (5AState and SR State meets)
Gabriel Motley
50 free/100 free/50 breast (WVA meet)
Nathan Ocampo
50 free/100 free/200 free/50 back/100 back/50 breast/50 fly (Polar Bear, AG State, WVA)
Spencer Perry
50 free/100 free/200 free/50 breast/100 breast/100 IM/200 IM (Polar Bear and AG State meets)
Tyler Perry
50 free/100 free/200 free/100 breast (Polar Bear meet)
Andrew Phelps
100 free/100 fly/200 IM/400 IM (Regions and SR State meets)
Will Purdy
50 free/50 back/100 back/200 back/100 breast/100 fly (5A State and SR State meets)
Kayce Robinson
100 back/200 back/100 breast/200 breast/200 IM (5A State and SR State meets)
Luciano Sanchez
50 free/100 back (WVA meet)
Landon Thomas
50 free/200 free/200 breast/100 fly (WVA meet)
Kevin Truong
100 breast (WVA meet)
Daniel West
50 free/200 free/50 breast/100 breast (Polar Bear and WVA meets)
Dylan Woodbrey
100 free/200 free/100 IM (Polar Bear meet)
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West Valley Aquatics Newsletter
2013-2014 Short Course Season Team Records:
13-14 year olds:
 Madelyn Flower: 100 Breast
15 and overs:
 Claire Jackson: 500 Free, 200 IM, 400 IM
 Shae Simonson: 100 Back
 Madelyn Flower: 100 Breast, 200 Breast
 Mikayla Bambrick: 100 Fly, 200 Fly
 Kyle Darling: 200 Free, 500 Free, 1000 Free, 1650 Free
 Will Purdy: 200 Back
*PLUS, our 15 and over Girls and Boys teams set new teams records in ALL relay events!
Congrats to: Claire, Maddy, Shae, Mikayla, Erika, Seth, Brayden, Will, Kyle, Kayce, Andrew and
Thank you to everyone that pitched in at our last home meet! We can’t run meets
without many volunteers.
Thank you to Claire and Kyle for selling stickers!
Thank you to Clint and the West Valley City Aquatics Dept. for all the new equipment
(timing pads, printer, power towers)!
Thank you to Central Glass Company for donating the glass for our new trophy case!
This is a great local business located at 4785 West 3500 South in WVC.
Thanks to Lynn Baum and Gary Jackson for carefully picking up the glass and delivering
Thank you to Paul Bambrick who has volunteered his craftsmanship skills and materials
to build the team a new Trophy Case! We can’t wait to see it.
Please send ideas, comments, questions, photos to [email protected]
We want your input!
West Valley Aquatics Newsletter
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West Valley Aquatics Newsletter
Happy Birthdays!!!
Tyler Perry
Coach Tim
Natalie Aguilar
Chloe Warnas
Will Purdy
Kayce Robinson
Body & Mind:
April 1
April 2
April 3
April 5
April 23
April 28
Emme Kennedy
Hailee Kennedy
Marshall Pugmire
Kenzlee Robinson
Alyssa Whetstone
Daniel West
Brookelle Corbridge
Gabe Motley
May 6
May 8
May 9
May 11
May 11
May 13
May 18
May 22
Fluid Balance and Swimming
Swimmers just like any other athlete lose fluid as they work, however it is less noticeable because
they’re in the water. Being in the water is deceptive and fluid loss may not be realized.
Studies have shown that at a 2% loss of body fluid the athlete’s performance and ability to work
become impaired. Some early signs of dehydration include feeling thirsty, headache, muscle cramps,
dry mouth, fatigue, unclear thinking etc.
Hydration Strategies:
 In general, to determine how much water your child should be drinking daily, divide their body
weight by half. That is a safe amount of water in ounces they should be consuming daily without
 Two hours before exercise, swimmers should consume 16 fluid ounces (or half a litre) of water or a
sports drink to help hydrate them ahead of time. For really young swimmers cut in half.
 Swimmers should always bring a plastic drinks bottle with them to training sessions. For less
intense swimming workouts water is probably just fine.
 Long-term, moderate to intense activity of 30 minutes or more requires periodic re-hydration,
such as the 8 fluid ounces (quarter of a liter) every 20 minutes. Sports drinks low in sugar but
containing electrolytes may be considered for longer intense workouts.
 Older swimmers may consider weighing themselves before swim practice and again after for
several days to get an idea of what their fluid loss is. If they are hydrating well they should weigh
the same or a little more after practice.
Electrolyte Replacement:
Another key factor in hydration mentioned above is electrolyte balance. Some key electrolytes are
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride. Electrolytes are abundant in many foods and
should be consumed as a regular part of your swimmers diet. These foods include fruits and
vegetables including canned and frozen such as green beans, carrots, and corn, as well as bread, milk
and rice. Water with a pinch of salt, sugar, and flour will provide electrolytes.
It is important to note, the best hydration strategy is a little bit often not a lot all at once so next
time you drop your swimmer at the pool make sure they have their water bottle in hand.
By Sue Kennedy, NASM-CPT, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
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