Dress and Appearance Code 2015-16

The Casady School Dress and Appearance Code for both Boys and Girls
No camouflage, cargo pants or shorts, sweatpants, or athletic wear (including t-shirts but excluding
appropriate sweatshirts).
No blue jeans or blue denim of any type will be permitted except on out-of-uniform days.
No hoods under a blazer or sportcoat and no hoodies at Chapel or lunch.
Overcoats with hoods worn over a blazer or sportcoat are acceptable.
Hoodies are acceptable on out-of-uniform days, provided they meet the other criteria of the Dress and
Appearance Code.
Appropriate undergarments must be worn but must not be visible.
The Casady crest or mascot are the only logos or advertising larger than four inches allowed on tops or
Hair must be clean, neatly groomed, and out of a student’s eyes.
Only naturally-occurring hair coloring is allowed, including streaks and highlights.
Hair cut or shaped into designs, letters, numbers, shapes, or Mohawks will not be permitted.
Piercings and Tattoos:
Pierced ears and nose studs are acceptable. Other piercings are not.
Body art (tattoos) must remain covered at all times while in school dress.
Footwear and Headwear:
These are not permitted: shower shoes, sliders, or flip flops, regardless of heel, style, or price.
Hats, caps of any kind, or bandanas may be worn outdoors only and never in the public areas of buildings.
Out-of-Uniform Days:
Remember, we may have guests on campus even on out-of-uniform days!
Blue jeans must be neat without holes or rips.
These are not acceptable: short shorts or skirts; ragged-edged clothing; camouflage; cutoffs; or clothing
printed with inappropriate language or disrespectful items or advertising referring to alcohol, tobacco,
drugs, or sex.
The Dress and Appearance Code for Girls:
Tops and Dresses:
“Off-the-shoulder” tops and dresses are not permitted.
Shoulders must be completely covered, either by a collared blouse or by a sweater or jacket.
Sleeveless tops are permitted provided that they cover the shoulders completely.
Cleavage must be covered.
Clothing must cover midriffs at all times.
Dresses, Skirts, and Shorts:
Shorts and skirts must be an appropriate length for Chapel and for class.
Shorts and skirts must be within the width of a dollar bill above the knee.
Slits in skirts or dresses must be at or below regulation skirt length.
Tights and leggings must be covered by a skirt, dress, or shirt that is of regulation length.
The Dress and Appearance Code for Boys:
Neatly kept beards are permitted.
It is not permissible simply to skip shaving for a day or three.
No scruff or half-grown beards are permitted.
Boys must wear one of three types of shirts – all must be tucked in:
• a collared dress shirt or Oxford with full front buttons,
• a turtleneck sweater (without a zipper), or
• a polo shirt or similar two- or three-buttoned, collared shirt.
Polo or similar two- or three-buttoned, collared shirts may be in these colors, according to the
student’s grade:
9th and 10th: any solid color.
11th and 12th: any color, solid or striped.
Blazers, Jackets, and Sport Coats:
A neat and tidy blazer or sport coat must be worn to Chapel and to lunch at Calvert Hall.
A neatly tied tie must be worn with a jacket for Chapel and lunch if a dress shirt is worn.
Pants and Shorts:
A belt is required.
Pants must be dress pants, khakis, seersuckers, corduroy, or denim.
Blue jeans are not permitted except on out-of-uniform days.
Summary of the Dress and Appearance Code:
Both Girls and Boys must wear
Neither Girls nor Boys may wear
Neat attire that meets the requirements of the
Dress and Appearance Code and that is free from
rips or tears.
Blue jeans or blue denim
Short shorts
Hoods under a blazer or sport coat
Hoodies at Chapel or lunch
Logos or ads larger than four inches, other than a
Casady School logo
Cargo pants or shorts
Sweat pants
Athletic shorts
Unnatural coloring or designs in hair
Piercings other than earrings or a nose stud
Flip flops, shower shoes, sliders
Hats, caps, bandannas in public areas of buildings
Girls must wear
Girls may not wear
Something that covers the shoulders completely
Skirts, dresses, or shorts, the length of which falls
within the width of a dollar bill above the knee
Off-the-shoulder tops or dresses without a
sweater or jacket
Anything that reveals cleavage
Low-cut tops
Bare midriffs
Leggings, unless covered by appropriate top that
meets the length requirements of dresses, skirts,
and shorts
Boys must wear
Boys may not wear
A belt
Scruffy or partially grown beards
A button-down shirt dress shirt; three- or four-but- Untucked shirts
toned, collared shirt; or a turtleneck
Pants without a belt
Blazer or sport coat at Chapel and lunch
Tie with button-down dress shirt at Chapel and
Summary of the Dress and Appearance Code for Out-of-Uniform Days:
Students may wear
Students may not wear
Neat attire that is free from rips or tears.
Blue jeans or blue denim
Appropriate shorts
Logos or ads larger than four inches
Cargo pants or shorts
Sweat pants
Athletic shorts
Hats, caps, bandannas in public areas of buildings
Clothing printed with inappropriate language or
disrespectful items or advertising referring to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or sex.
Girls still must wear
Girls still may not wear
Something that covers the shoulders completely
Skirts, dresses, shorts within the width of a dollar
bill above the knee
Off-the-shoulder tops or dresses without a
sweater or jacket
Anything that reveals cleavage
Low-cut tops
Bare midriffs
Leggings unless covered by appropriate top that
meets the length requirements of dresses, skirts,
and shorts