Proverbs Test Book - Way of Life Literature

Test Questions
Teacher Answer Sheets
Way of Life Literature Advanced Bible Studies Series
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Copyright @ 2007 by David W. Cloud
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This book is one of the titles in the Way of Life Bible Advanced Bible Studies Series
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Following are the tests and teacher score sheets for the course on Proverbs. This is one of the titles in the Way
of Life Literature Advanced Bible Studies Series. The course itself can be obtained from Way of Life
1. What is the theme of the book of Proverbs?
2. What verse in the New Testament says that the exhortation of Proverbs 3:11 is for New Testament
3. What man wrote 29 of the chapters in Proverbs?
4. What other two books of the Bible did this man write?
5-6. Justice refers to being__________and____________in dealing with my fellow man.
7. Judgment refers to making wise and righteous_______________about things in this life.
8-9. Equity refers to things that are right and fair and________________and_______________.
10. The book of Proverbs is a divinely-inspired system of_________ ______________under which the
believer may place himself.
11-12. What two passages in the Gospel of John teach us that we can know the truth?
13. To perceive refers to spiritual________________.
14. What verse in Proverbs defines the simple person? __________________________
15. This verse says the simple_________________every word.
16. What verse says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child?_______________________
17. The dark sayings mentioned in Proverbs 1:6 refers to __________ __________________.
18. What verse says the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God?__________________
19. When the Proverbs exhorts the reader to “hear” or to “hearken,” what does this mean?
20. In what verse did Jesus say that He is the theme of the Psalms, of which Proverbs is a part?
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1. What Bible chapter describes Solomon’s apostasy?
2. In what chapter of the Bible is the Scripture called the fear of the Lord?
3. What was the first commandment with promise?
4. In what verse did Jesus say, “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me”?
5. What verse says evil communications corrupt good manners?
6. What verse says to turn away from those who have a form of godliness but deny the power
7-9. What are three ways that sinners entice?
10. What verse talks about the “pleasures of sin for a season”?
11. What verse says Jesus Christ enlightens every man that comes into the world?
12-13. Repentance is a change of ---- that results in a change of ----.
14. What verse says the preacher is to reprove and rebuke?
15. What verse promises that when a man searches for God he will find Him?
16. What verse says that Jesus draws all men?
17. What verse says that few men find eternal life?
18. What passage says that God has ordained that men should seek the Lord?
19. What verse says that if an individual does not make an effort to understand the Word of God the
Devil will snatch it away from him?
20. What verse says it is good for me that I have been afflicted?
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1. Where is wisdom found?
2. What verse says “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”?
3. What verse says that it is the baby Christian that is unskillful in the word of righteousness?
4. What verse says that fleshly lusts war against the soul?
5-6. What are the two great spiritual enemies that are described in Proverbs 2?
7. What does the “strange woman” represent in Proverbs?
8. Why is she mentioned so many times in Proverbs?
9. In what verse did Peter say, “We ought to obey God rather than man”?
10. What verse says, “Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour”?
11. What passage exhorts us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own
12-14. What three things are required in this passage to know God’s will?
15. Who was the first person in the Bible that is said to have practiced tithing?
16. Was this before or after the giving of the law of Moses.
17. What verse says give and it shall be given unto you?
18. In what Psalm does the Psalmist complain that he was “plagued, and chastened every morning”
and become envious of the wicked?
19. What are durable riches?
20. When Proverbs 3:18 says wisdom is a tree of life, what does this mean?
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1. What verse says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”?
2. In what chapter of the Bible does Jesus warn a church that he would spew them out of His mouth
because they were lukewarm?
3. In what verse did Jesus promise, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine,
whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself”?
4. Why must wisdom be guarded and held on to?
5. What does Proverbs mean when it says that wisdom will give you an ornament of grace?
6-8. What are three of the six things that Proverbs 5 says we must do to avoid the snare of
9-11. The strange woman leads to what three things according to Proverbs 5 (there are six
12. What is the seventh commandment?
13. What chapter of the Bible lists the Ten Commandments?
14. What verse says, “... godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of”?
15. What passage warns that the unrighteous cannot inherit the kingdom of God unless he is washed
and justified in Jesus Christ?
16. What verse says “marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled”?
17. The best defense against immorality is a tender, satisfying, well-cared-for ------- relationship.
18. What verse says the church is the pillar and ground of the truth?
19. In what chapter of the Bible is the judgment of the unsaved described?
20. In what chapter of the Bible is the judgment of the saved described?
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1. What is surety?
2-3. Bible commentator David Thomas gave what two standards for wise suretyship?
4. What verse says that the Spirit of God gives spiritual gifts according to His own will?
5. How much sloth does it take to start an individual on the path to poverty?
6. What is the root of the wicked man’s ways?
7. What verse says that our righteousness is as filthy rags before God?
8. What verse says that there are none that doeth good?
9. What book of the Bible says “there is no peace unto the wicked”?
10. In what chapter of the Bible did Jesus describe the rich man in hell?
11. What verse says, “I hate every false way”?
12. Which church did Jesus commend in Revelation 2-3 for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans?
13. What is the first mention of seven in the Bible?
14-15. What are two Bible passages that teach that Satan fell because of pride?
16. What verse says the Devil is the father of lies?
17. Who trained Timothy in the Scripture?
18. The ------- man despises his mother.
19. What verse says the Word of God is quick and powerful?
20. According to Proverbs 6:23, what kind of instruction is the way of life?
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1. When Proverbs exhorts children to keep “my words,” what is it referring to?
2. What verse in Matthew says that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that
proceedeth from the mouth of God?
3. What verse says that he that serveth sin is the servant of sin?
4. What verse says that before we were saved we walked according to the prince of the power of the
5-7. What are three of the characteristics of the youth that is captured by the strange woman?
8. What verse says we should follow righteous “with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart”?
9. The strange woman is loud, but what kind of spirit does the modest woman have?
10. What verse describes those who profess that they know God but deny him by their works?
11. What verse says that he that says he knows God but does not keep his commandments is a liar?
12. According to 1 John 5:3, true love is keeping God’s ------------.
13. What verse says, “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”?
14. What verse says, “be sure your sin will find you out”?
15. When is the best time to be protected from the strange woman?
16-18. Who are three strong men in the Bible that were overcome by the strange woman?
19. Who is the person that resisted temptation perfectly?
20. What book of the Bible describes death as a journey to man’s “long home”?
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1. What verse says that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in Christ?
2. What verse says the gospel is to be preached to every creature?
3. What verse did we give in the notes that says Jesus Christ has no sin?
4. According to Proverbs 8:13, what is the fear of the Lord?
5. What is the first thing that the fear of the Lord hates?
6. What does the phrase “to seek early” mean?
7-8. According to 1 Peter 1:4, what kind of inheritance is reserved for the believer and where is it
9. What is a name for Christ in Isaiah 9:6 that tells us He had no beginning and that He is not a
created being?
10. Where in the Bible says it say that Christ’s goings forth have been “of old, from everlasting”?
11. What passage says the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts?
12. Where does the Bible say that the New Testament assembly is the house of God?
13. How do we know that the church of Jesus Christ cannot be destroyed?
14. What verse says the believer is an ambassador for Christ?
15. What verse says Paul preached repentance toward God and faith toward Christ?
16. What verse says that repentance and remission of sins are to be preached in Christ’s name among
all nations?
17. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said --- will enter the gate to eternal life.
18-19. What are two ways through which the strange woman entices?
20. The strange woman says that stolen waters are sweet but she does not talk about
the__________________of sin.
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1. Quick anger causes the person to abound in__________________.
2. Anger stirs up____________.
3-4. What are two things that will happen is a child is not properly disciplined?
5-7. What are three ways that Christian parents can fail in training their children?
8. What does the word “betimes” mean?
9-10. What are two things that can cause a parent to spare the rod?
11. What does Proverbs say about the parent that spares the rod?
12. The rod is called a rod of __________________.
13-14. The rod must be used rather than multiple________________and _______________.
15-16. What are the two places where the right counsel is found?
17. The fool trusts in his own _________________.
18. The fool makes a mock at __________.
19. What has the power to convict the fool and bring him to salvation?
20. A man that hath friends must shew himself_____________________.
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1-3. What are three causes of poverty according to Proverbs?
4. What verse promises, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these
things shall be added unto you”?
5. What verse describes riches as uncertain?
6-7. Proverbs says, “Better is_________with fear of the Lord than great___________and trouble
8. How does the poor that has understanding search out the rich man who is wise in his own conceit?
9-10. The wise person prays for neither__________nor____________.
11. John’s first epistle defines the world as “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the ----- of
12-13. What are two things that result from pride?
14-16. What are three characteristics of the sluggard?
17. What creature does Proverbs use to challenge the sluggard?
18-19. What are two types of excuses that the sluggard uses?
20. Why does the desire of the slothful kill him?
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1-2. What are two other terms that are used in Proverbs to describe the talebearer?
3-4. Talebearing is telling___________things with the objective of causing_____________.
5. Proverbs 10:18 says the slanderer who speaks lies does so out of________________.
6-8. What are three things that talebearing has the power to do?
9. In the______________of words there wanteth not sin.
10. What verse says, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is
good to the use of edifying”?
11-12. Proverbs says the prudent
fools_______________ foolishness.
13. A fool uttereth all his____________.
14. The Bible warns that all liars will have their part in what?
15. He that openeth wide his lips shall have_______________.
16. What passage says every believer should become a teacher of God’s Word?
17. Today’s wine, with its high alcoholic content, is by biblical definition______________drink.
18. Proverbs warns that wine is a_______________.
19. Where does Proverbs say this?
20-25. List six of the 12 evils and dangers that are associated with alcoholic drink.
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1. 13 of the 22 verses in Proverbs 31:10-31 describe what aspect of the virtuous woman’s life?
2. What verse says that if a man will not work he should not eat?
3. What is the fountain of the virtuous woman’s wisdom?
4-7. What are four reasons why nations are either blessed or cursed, according to Proverbs 11:10-11?
8. What chapter of the Bible teaches us that men are made in God’s image but animals are not?
9. What does Proverbs 14:12 teach about sincerity?
10. What verse says to prove all things?
11. What verse says that all things work together for good to them that love God?
12. The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of _________________.
13. What does Proverbs say about the person who rewards evil for good?
14. What is an example of strife that is not wrong?
15. In what verse did Jesus say to Israel that He would have gathered her children together often but
“ye would not”?
16. Why is it that he that is first in his own cause seems just?
17. What does Proverbs 20:22 promise to the one who waits on the Lord rather than recompensing
18. What New Testament chapter says that the government bears the sword?
19. What type of person is described in Proverbs 24:21-22 that is “given to change”?
20-21. In what two chapters of the New Testament is the believer exhorted to submit to
governmental authorities?
22. What verse says obey them that have the rule over you?
23. According to Matthew 18, what is the first step I should take if someone trespasses against me?
24-25. In what two circumstances should we not answer the fool?
26. How do we answer a fool according to his folly so that he is not wise in his own conceit?
27. What verse says the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle to all men, apt to teach?
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28. What verse says we should not be a busybody in other men’s matters?
29. Why does the prudent man hide himself?
30. He that covereth his sins shall not __________________.
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1. What verse in the New Testament says that the exhortation of Proverbs 3:11 is for New Testament
2-3. What two passages in the Gospel of John teach us that we can know the truth?
4. What verse says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child?
5. What verse says evil communications corrupt good manners?
6. What verse talks about the “pleasures of sin for a season”?
7. What verse says “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”?
8. What verse says that it is the baby Christian that is unskillful in the word of righteousness?
9. What verse says that fleshly lusts war against the soul?
20. What verse says “marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled”?
11. What verse says that our righteousness is as filthy rags before God?
12. What verse says that there are none that doeth good?
13. What verse says the Word of God is quick and powerful?
14. What verse in Matthew says that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that
proceedeth from the mouth of God?
15. What verse says, “be sure your sin will find you out”?
16. What verse says that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in Christ?
17. Where in the Bible says it say that Christ’s goings forth have been “of old, from everlasting”?
18. What passage says the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts?
19. What verse says Paul preached repentance toward God and faith toward Christ?
20. What does Proverbs say about the parent that spares the rod?
21-23. What are three characteristics of the sluggard?
24-25. In what two chapters of the New Testament is the believer exhorted to submit to
governmental authorities?
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Following are answers to the tests for the course on Proverbs. This is one of the titles in the Way of Life
Literature Advanced Bible Studies Series. The course itself can be obtained from Way of Life Literature.
1. What is the theme of the book of Proverbs? Finding wisdom through the fear of the Lord
2. What verse in the New Testament says that the exhortation of Proverbs 3:11 is for New Testament
believers? Hebrews 12:5
3. What man wrote 29 of the chapters in Proverbs? Solomon
4. What other two books of the Bible did this man write? Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon
5-6. Justice refers to being fair and right in dealing with my fellow man.
7. Judgment refers to making wise and righteous decisions about things in this life.
8-9. Equity refers to things that are right and fair and equitable and honest.
10. The book of Proverbs is a divinely-inspired system of moral discipline under which the believer may
place himself.
11-12. What two passages in the Gospel of John teach us that we can know the truth? John 7:17 and 8:31-32
13. To perceive refers to spiritual discernment.
14. What verse in Proverbs defines the simple person? Proverbs 14:12
15. This verse says the simple believeth every word.
16. What verse says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child? Proverbs 22:15
17. The dark sayings mentioned in Proverbs 1:6 refers to human philosophy.
18. What verse says the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God? 1 Corinthians 2:14
19. When the Proverbs exhorts the reader to “hear” or to “hearken,” what does this mean? obedience
20. In what verse did Jesus say that He is the theme of the Psalms, of which Proverbs is a part? Luke 24:44
1. What Bible chapter describes Solomon’s apostasy? 1 Kings 11
2. In what chapter of the Bible is the Scripture called the fear of the Lord? Psalm 19
3. What was the first commandment with promise? The 5th - Honor thy father and mother
4. In what verse did Jesus say, “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me”? Matthew
5. What verse says evil communications corrupt good manners? 1 Corinthians 15:33
6. What verse says to turn away from those who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof? 2
Timothy 3:5
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7-9. What are three ways that sinners entice? Three of the following: By mocking righteousness and wisdom,
by promising friendship, by excitement, by promising gain.
10. What verse talks about the “pleasures of sin for a season”? Hebrews 11:25
11. What verse says Jesus Christ enlightens every man that comes into the world? John 1:9
12-13. Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of life.
14. What verse says the preacher is to reprove and rebuke? 2 Timothy 4:2
15. What verse promises that when a man searches for God he will find Him? Jeremiah 29:13
16. What verse says that Jesus draws all men? John 12:32
17. What verse says that few men find eternal life? Matthew 7:14
18. What passage says that God has ordained that men should seek the Lord? Acts 17:26-27
19. What verse says that if an individual does not make an effort to understand the Word of God the Devil will
snatch it away from him? Matthew 13:19
20. What verse says it is good for me that I have been afflicted? Psalm 119:71
1. Where is wisdom found? In the Bible
2. What verse says “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”? Psalm 119:11
3. What verse says that it is the baby Christian that is unskillful in the word of righteousness? Hebrews 5:13
4. What verse says that fleshly lusts war against the soul? 1 Peter 2:11
5-6. What are the two great spiritual enemies that are described in Proverbs 2? The evil man and the strange
7. What does the “strange woman” represent in Proverbs? Immorality
8. Why is she mentioned so many times in Proverbs? This is one of the greatest sources of evil on earth
9. In what verse did Peter say, “We ought to obey God rather than man”? Acts 5:29
10. What verse says, “Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour”? Ephesians
11. What passage exhorts us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding?
Proverbs 3:5-6
12-14. What three things are required in this passage to know God’s will? (1) Not lean unto own
understanding. (2) Trust in the Lord with all the heart. (3) Acknowledge the Lord in all his ways.
15. Who was the first person in the Bible that is said to have practiced tithing? Abraham
16. Was this before or after the giving of the law of Moses. Before
17. What verse says give and it shall be given unto you? Luke 6:38
18. In what Psalm does the Psalmist complain that he was “plagued, and chastened every morning” and
become envious of the wicked? Psalm 73
19. What are durable riches? Riches that are spiritual and eternal
20. When Proverbs 3:18 says wisdom is a tree of life, what does this mean? It refers to Christ and to eternal
life in Him
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1. What verse says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth”? 2 Timothy 2:2
2. In what chapter of the Bible does Jesus warn a church that he would spew them out of His mouth because
they were lukewarm? Revelation 3
3. In what verse did Jesus promise, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of
God, or whether I speak of myself”? John 7:17
4. Why must wisdom be guarded and held on to? There are many enemies
5. What does Proverbs mean when it says that wisdom will give you an ornament of grace? It beautifies one’s
6-8. What are three of the six things that Proverbs 5 says we must do to avoid the snare of immorality? (1)
Give attendance to wisdom. (2) Do not listen to her words. (3) Remove thy way far from her. (4)
Consider her end. (5) Drink water out of thine own cistern. (6) Consider the Lord’s omniscience and
9-11. The strange woman leads to what three things according to Proverbs 5 (there are six altogether)? Three
of the following Hell. Loss of honor. Loss of wealth. Loss of health. Remorse. Slavery.
12. What is the seventh commandment? Thou shalt not commit adultery
13. What chapter of the Bible lists the Ten Commandments? Exodus 20
14. What verse says, “... godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of”? 2 Corinthians
15. What passage warns that the unrighteous cannot inherit the kingdom of God unless he is washed and
justified in Jesus Christ? 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
16. What verse says “marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled”? Hebrews 13:4
17. The best defense against immorality is a tender, satisfying, well-cared-for marital relationship.
18. What verse says the church is the pillar and ground of the truth? 1 Timothy 3:15
19. In what chapter of the Bible is the judgment of the unsaved described? Revelation 20
20. In what chapter of the Bible is the judgment of the saved described? 1 Corinthians 3
1. What is surety? Pledging oneself to stand behind a loan
2-3. Bible commentator David Thomas gave what two standards for wise suretyship? (1) The case should be
deserving. (2) You should be fully competent to discharge the obligation.
4. What verse says that the Spirit of God gives spiritual gifts according to His own will? 1 Corinthians 12:11
5. How much sloth does it take to start an individual on the path to poverty? a little
6. What is the root of the wicked man’s ways? a wicked heart
7. What verse says that our righteousness is as filthy rags before God? Isaiah 64:6
8. What verse says that there are none that doeth good? Romans 3:12
9. What book of the Bible says “there is no peace unto the wicked”? Isaiah
10. In what chapter of the Bible did Jesus describe the rich man in hell? Luke 16
11. What verse says, “I hate every false way”? Psalm 119:128
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12. Which church did Jesus commend in Revelation 2-3 for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans? Ephesus
13. What is the first mention of seven in the Bible? Genesis 1
14-15. What are two Bible passages that teach that Satan fell because of pride? Isaiah 14; 1 Timothy 3
16. What verse says the Devil is the father of lies? John 8:44
17. Who trained Timothy in the Scripture? His mother and grandmother
18. The foolish man despises his mother.
19. What verse says the Word of God is quick and powerful? Hebrews 4:12
20. According to Proverbs 6:23, what kind of instruction is the way of life? reproofs of instruction
1. When Proverbs exhorts children to keep “my words,” what is it referring to? The Bible
2. What verse in Matthew says that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from
the mouth of God? Matthew 4:4
3. What verse says that he that serveth sin is the servant of sin? John 8:34
4. What verse says that before we were saved we walked according to the prince of the power of the air?
Ephesians 2:2
5-7. What are three of the characteristics of the youth that is captured by the strange woman? Three of the
following: (1) He is simple and void of understanding. (2) He is in the wrong company. (3) He is idle.
(4) He is walking in darkness. (5) He doesn’t know that he is on the path of destruction.
8. What verse says we should follow righteous “with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart”? 2
Timothy 2:22
9. The strange woman is loud, but what kind of spirit does the modest woman have? meek and quiet
10. What verse describes those who profess that they know God but deny him by their works? Titus 1:16
11. What verse says that he that says he knows God but does not keep his commandments is a liar? 1 John 2:4
12. According to 1 John 5:3, true love is keeping God’s commandments.
13. What verse says, “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”? Galatians 6:7
14. What verse says, “be sure your sin will find you out”? Numbers 32:23
15. When is the best time to be protected from the strange woman? In childhood
16-18. Who are three strong men in the Bible that were overcome by the strange woman? Samson, David,
19. Who is the person that resisted temptation perfectly? Jesus Christ
20. What book of the Bible describes death as a journey to man’s “long home”? Ecclesiastes
1. What verse says that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in Christ? Colossians 2:3
2. What verse says the gospel is to be preached to every creature? Mark 16:15
3. What verse did we give in the notes that says Jesus Christ has no sin? 1 John 3:5
4. According to Proverbs 8:13, what is the fear of the Lord? To hate evil
5. What is the first thing that the fear of the Lord hates? Pride
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6. What does the phrase “to seek early” mean? To seek diligently
7-8. According to 1 Peter 1:4, what kind of inheritance is reserved for the believer and where is it reserved?
Incorruptible, undefiled and unfading - reserved in heaven
9. What is a name for Christ in Isaiah 9:6 that tells us He had no beginning and that He is not a created being?
Everlasting Father
10. Where in the Bible says it say that Christ’s goings forth have been “of old, from everlasting”? Micah 5:2
11. What passage says the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts? Titus 2:11-12
12. Where does the Bible say that the New Testament assembly is the house of God? 1 Timothy 3:15
13. How do we know that the church of Jesus Christ cannot be destroyed? Jesus’ promise in Matthew 16:18
that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
14. What verse says the believer is an ambassador for Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:20
15. What verse says Paul preached repentance toward God and faith toward Christ? Acts 20:21
16. What verse says that repentance and remission of sins are to be preached in Christ’s name among all
nations? Luke 24:47
17. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said few will enter the gate to eternal life.
18-19. What are two ways through which the strange woman entices? Two of the following: The lusts of the
flesh, the lusts of the eyes, the pride of life
20. The strange woman says that stolen waters are sweet but she does not talk about the consequences of sin.
1. Quick anger causes the person to abound in transgression.
2. Anger stirs up strife.
3-4. What are two things that will happen is a child is not properly disciplined? (1) They will continue in the
path of foolishness. (2) They will bring sorrow and shame to the parents.
5-7. What are three ways that Christian parents can fail in training their children? Any three of the following:
Lack of love, carnality, hypocrisy, sparing the rod, and loving the world
8. What does the word “betimes” mean? Early
9-10. What are two things that can cause a parent to spare the rod? Any two of the following: a child’s cries,
physical weariness, impatience with the slow process of discipline, interference by well-meaning but
misguided friends and relatives, and mental frustration
11. What does Proverbs say about the parent that spares the rod? he hates his son
12. The rod is called a rod of correction.
13-14. The rod must be used rather than multiple commands and threats.
15-16. What are the two places where the right counsel is found? (1) The Bible (2) Wise people
17. The fool trusts in his own heart.
18. The fool makes a mock at sin.
19. What has the power to convict the fool and bring him to salvation? The Gospel of Jesus Christ
20. A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly.
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1-3. What are three causes of poverty according to Proverbs? (1) Dealing with a slack hand. (2) Loving
sensual pleasure. (3) Following vain persons.
4. What verse promises, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things
shall be added unto you”? Matthew 6:33
5. What verse describes riches as uncertain? 1 Timothy 6:17
6-7. Proverbs says, “Better is little with fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith.”
8. How does the poor that has understanding search out the rich man who is wise in his own conceit? He uses
God’s Word
9-10. The wise person prays for neither riches nor poverty.
11. John’s first epistle defines the world as “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.”
12-13. What are two things that result from pride? Any two of the following: shame, strife, a fall,
14-16. What are three characteristics of the sluggard? Any three of the following: (1) He is slothful and not
diligent. (2) He wastes time and opportunities. (3) He uses excuses. (4) He loves sleep. (5) He has many
desires but will not work to attain them. (6) He is conceited.
17. What creature does Proverbs use to challenge the sluggard? The ant
18-19. What are two types of excuses that the sluggard uses? Any two of the following: (1) Difficulty. (2)
Fear. (3) Lies
20. Why does the desire of the slothful kill him? His hands refuse to labor
1-2. What are two other terms that are used in Proverbs to describe the talebearer? Any two of the following:
Backbiter, slanderer, whisperer, false witness
3-4. Talebearing is telling false things with the objective of causing harm.
5. Proverbs 10:18 says the slanderer who speaks lies does so out of hatred.
6-8. What are three things that talebearing has the power to do? (1) To sow strife and separate friends. (2)
To wound the inner man. (3) To destroy.
9. In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin.
10. What verse says, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the
use of edifying”? Ephesians 4:29
11-12. Proverbs says the prudent man concealeth knowledge; but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness.
13. A fool uttereth all his mind.
14. The Bible warns that all liars will have their part in what? The lake of fire
15. He that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.
16. What passage says every believer should become a teacher of God’s Word? Hebrews 5:12
17. Today’s wine, with its high alcoholic content, is by biblical definition strong drink.
18. Proverbs warns that wine is a mocker.
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19. Where does Proverbs say this? Proverbs 20:1
20-25. List six of the 12 evils and dangers that are associated with alcoholic drink. Any six of the following:
Poverty, woe, sorrow, contentions, babbling, wounds without cause, redness of eyes, eyes behold
strange women, heart utters perverse things, careless, doesn’t feel pain, enslavement
1. 13 of the 22 verses in Proverbs 31:10-31 describe what aspect of the virtuous woman’s life? Her labor
2. What verse says that if a man will not work he should not eat? 2 Thessalonians 3:10
3. What is the fountain of the virtuous woman’s wisdom? Her fear of the Lord
4-7. What are four reasons why nations are either blessed or cursed, according to Proverbs 11:10-11? (1)
Treatment of the righteous. (2) legal justice system. (3) character of the Christians. (4) whether or not
wicked philosophy is accepted.
8. What chapter of the Bible teaches us that men are made in God’s image but animals are not? Genesis 1
9. What does Proverbs 14:12 teach about sincerity? A person can be sincere and be dead wrong
10. What verse says to prove all things? 1 Thessalonians 5:21
11. What verse says that all things work together for good to them that love God? Romans 8:28
12. The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.
13. What does Proverbs say about the person who rewards evil for good? Evil shall not depart from his
14. What is an example of strife that is not wrong? Striving for the truth
15. In what verse did Jesus say to Israel that He would have gathered her children together often but “ye would
not”? Matthew 23:37
16. Why is it that he that is first in his own cause seems just? He makes the best possible case for his
17. What does Proverbs 20:22 promise to the one who waits on the Lord rather than recompensing evil? He
will save you
18. What New Testament chapter says that the government bears the sword? Romans 13
19. What type of person is described in Proverbs 24:21-22 that is “given to change”? The rebellious
20-21. In what two chapters of the New Testament is the believer exhorted to submit to governmental
authorities? Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2
22. What verse says obey them that have the rule over you? Hebrews 13:17
23. According to Matthew 18, what is the first step I should take if someone trespasses against me? Go to the
person who has committed the trespass
24-25. In what two circumstances should we not answer the fool? (1) When he is engaged in personal
attacks. (2) When there is nothing of substance to answer.
26. How do we answer a fool according to his folly so that he is not wise in his own conceit? Answer him
with the truth
27. What verse says the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle to all men, apt to teach? 2 Timothy
28. What verse says we should not be a busybody in other men’s matters? 1 Peter 4:15
29. Why does the prudent man hide himself? He sees the evil that is coming
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30. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper.
1. What verse in the New Testament says that the exhortation of Proverbs 3:11 is for New Testament
believers? Hebrews 12:5
2-3. What two passages in the Gospel of John teach us that we can know the truth? John 7:17 and 8:31-32
4. What verse says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child? Proverbs 22:15
5. What verse says evil communications corrupt good manners? 1 Corinthians 15:33
6. What verse talks about the “pleasures of sin for a season”? Hebrews 11:25
7. What verse says “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”? Psalm 119:11
8. What verse says that it is the baby Christian that is unskillful in the word of righteousness? Hebrews 5:13
9. What verse says that fleshly lusts war against the soul? 1 Peter 2:11
20. What verse says “marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled”? Hebrews 13:4
11. What verse says that our righteousness is as filthy rags before God? Isaiah 64:6
12. What verse says that there are none that doeth good? Romans 3:12
13. What verse says the Word of God is quick and powerful? Hebrews 4:12
14. What verse in Matthew says that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from
the mouth of God? Matthew 4:4
15. What verse says, “be sure your sin will find you out”? Numbers 32:23
16. What verse says that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in Christ? Colossians 2:3
17. Where in the Bible says it say that Christ’s goings forth have been “of old, from everlasting”? Micah 5:2
18. What passage says the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts? Titus 2:11-12
19. What verse says Paul preached repentance toward God and faith toward Christ? Acts 20:21
20. What does Proverbs say about the parent that spares the rod? he hates his son
21-23. What are three characteristics of the sluggard? Any three of the following: (1) He is slothful and not
diligent. (2) He wastes time and opportunities. (3) He uses excuses. (4) He loves sleep. (5) He has many
desires but will not work to attain them. (6) He is conceited.
24-25. In what two chapters of the New Testament is the believer exhorted to submit to governmental
authorities? Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2
This material is copyrighted by Way of Life Literature and is for use by the person
who purchased it. To obtain a copy, see our bookstore at
This material is copyrighted by Way of Life Literature and is for use by the person
who purchased it. To obtain a copy, see our bookstore at