
SWEET HARMONY – Ephesians 4:4-10
Paul reminds the Ephesian believers that the divine harmony we enjoy within the
church is not according to human reasoning, structure, or talent, but rather founded
upon the centrality of Christ. In our text, we find a three-part harmony essential to
building up the body of Christ, rather than tearing it down. This trio of harmony
consists of three elements: faith, family, and the functionality of the church.
First, Paul reminds them they are “one body and Spirit,” (v.4a), just as we naturally
have one physical body and spirit. The inference here is twofold. 1) Holy compatibility.
Compatibility between the church and the Spirit, the word of God. For instance, we
cannot say we love God and at the same time hate our brother. John writes that if we
have this mentality, we are liars, and do not know God (1 John 4:20, 21). 2)
Individualism has no place in the church. We are woven together as one body (v.16).
There is no such thing as one-part harmony! (brother sharing; “I’m sorry to make this about me.” It’s
not about you, it’s about us!). And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is
honored, all the members rejoice with it. 1 Corinthians 12:26
The first part in this three-part harmony of the church is “hope” or FAITH – (v.4b, 5).
Faith is the substance of hope (Hebrews 11:1). This hope, lived out by faith, not only
sustains, but also “purifies” the church, as we look forward to Christ’s return soon. And
everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. 1 John 3:3 This is hope based upon
one Lord, faith, and baptism. Baptism here refers to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at
conversion: We are all baptized into one body…” (1 Corinthians 12:13) Faith and hope in Christ as
the only way of salvation unites believers in a divine harmony worldwide.
The second part which provides sweet harmony within the church is a sense of
FAMILY (v.6). God is our “Father.” Here, Paul lists four attributes of His fatherhood. 1)
“Father of all” – When Jesus taught the disciples to pray, He revealed a profound truth
when He said, “Our Father in heaven…” This is a mind-blowing, life-changing reality,
which only exists in Christ! Because He’s “our Father,” He will never take sides, but will
always promote His own righteousness. 2) Father “above all” – whatever we are
under, God is always over (above). 3) Father “through all” – His providential, sovereign
authority is seen in all things.
Song: (Andrea Crouch) “Through It All.” All God asks is that we trust Him. 4) Father “in
you all” – He abides in every believer, by His Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19) temple of God;
(Ephesians 2:22).
The third part in this sweet harmony is FUNCTION (v.7-10). God has given gifts for the
functionality – the edification – of the church. Gifts here refer to gifts of the Spirit,
listed in Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; and Ephesians 4:11. Notice: To “each
one,” gifts have been given, according to Christ’s “grace” and predetermined
“measure.” Christ is maestro over His church, (MAESTRO: great composer, conductor, or teacher of
music). The word “measure” here is also a musical term:: a unit of measure is where the beats on
the lines of the staff are divided up into two, three, four, beats to a measure. I played bass by ear. I can’t
read music, thus, I’m of no use to an orchestra. Similarly, our lives cannot be in tune,
and are useless to the church if we never learn to read the music – the word of God!
Through His word we find our own beat, which then complements (edifies) the whole
“Profit” –
sumphero: advantage. Every believer should provide an advancement to the church
and not a drag on the church, through the gifts, along with our time, talent, and
treasure. Yet, many are more concerned with what they get out of the church, rather
than what they can put into it! JFK said; “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. 1 Corinthians 12:7
do for your country.” (replace “country” with “church” and we will be in line with Paul’s exhortation here.)
(v.8) Paul references Psalm 68:18, making the point that Christ has supreme authority
over the gifts; He alone has “descended” and “ascended.” He descended to the grave
and was resurrected! He “descended” does not mean He went to hell, as some teach.
In ancient Hebrew thought, the grave is divided into two regions: the abode of the
righteous dead and the wicked dead. Jesus confirms this in (ttt) Luke 16:19-31.
“Abraham’s bosom” was the place where the righteous dead went, having not
received the promise (Hebrews 11:39, 40) before the coming of Christ. Jesus referred
to this place as “Paradise”: While on the cross, He declared to the repentant thief,
"Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." Luke 23:43 Thus, Christ descended to
the abode of the “righteous dead” to declare atonement had been made.
Christ descended, but He also ascended, leading “captivity captive,” (the occupants of
Abraham’s bosom) to glory! He also ascended “…that He might fill all in all!” What
does this mean? Jesus declared: “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go
away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.” John 16:7
Christ ascended in order to dispense worldwide “good gifts” to every believer; that we
might have harmony in faith, family, and the functionality of the church. Every good gift
and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation
or shadow of turning. James 1:17
Final thought: Christ must be the tuning instrument of the church. The centrality of
Christ is key! This we must treasure. To treasure Christ is to obey Him: “If you love Me, keep
My commandments.” John 14:15. God’s word is the tuning (fork) instrument for our hearts and
minds. For harmonious relationships to exist, there must exist a passion for the word;
(ttt) Proverbs 2:1-5. There are six steps to harmony: “Receive” – our intake affects our
outcome; “Treasure” – change of value system; “Incline” – mark well; “Apply” – walk it
out; “Cry out” – sincere desperation; “seek” – ongoing, continually. Only then will we
understand and truly know God, and experience divine harmony, within the body of
A church out of tune (harmony) with Christ is detrimental to our nation. In light of
Independence Day, historian David Barton writes: On July 2, 1776, Congress voted to approve a
complete separation from Great Britain. Two days afterwards – July 4th – the early draft of the Declaration of
Independence was signed, albeit by only two individuals at that time: John Hancock, President of Congress, and
Charles Thompson, Secretary of Congress. Four days later, on July 8 th, members of Congress took that document
and read it aloud from the steps of Independence Hall, proclaiming it to the city of Philadelphia, after which the
Liberty Bell was rung. The inscription around the top of that bell, Leviticus 25:10, was most appropriate for the
occasion: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof.” (KJV)
Sadly, our nation has forgotten that true liberty – freedom – is found only in Christ! All
the more reason the church should walk in harmony; that we might “proclaim liberty
throughout the land” through the gospel of Christ! Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall
be free indeed. John 8:36 This is true liberation! The Greek word for “makes” is eleuthero: to
liberate; to exempt from moral, ceremonial, or mortal liability. In Christ, we are no
longer liable (legally responsible) under the Law; we are free from all condemnation,
according to grace! Communion reminds us the cross is our declaration of everlasting
freedom – harmony with God! Are you free today?