George Banks, joined 21 May 1821, made a Free Master of the

21 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
George Banks, joined 21 May 1821, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Robert Mavery, joined 18 March 1821, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
William Mill. Cumer, joined 19 March 1822, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
George Webster admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
John Hay Kirkaldy, James White and Thomas Ewing admitted as members of the Fraternity.
22 March:
A general meeting of shipowners of Dundee was held in Campbell’s Hall, Mr. Clark in the
Chair and discussed recent proceedings of a Society of Seamen lately formed in Dundee,
under the title ‘The Dundee Seamen’s Provident Union’ from which the trade had suffered
much inconvenience.
20 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Caithness, joined 20 March 1821, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
James Ireland, John Law and George Morison admitted as members of the Fraternity.
6 July:
ISABELLA sailed from Dundee with 713,049 yards No. 10 canvas. There was a rush for
vessels to sail before reduction of bounty.
19 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Thomas McIntosh, joined 17 December 1822, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
James Moncrieff admitted a member of the Fraternity.
19 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Gallacher, joined 21 December 1824, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
David Duff admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
John Mackie admitted a member of the Fraternity.
John Spaldon, Robert Scott and David Webster admitted members of the Fraternity.
During the year:
Bailie John Calman, Harbour Commissioner.
John Sturrock, Merchant Councillor, Harbour Commissioner.
20 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Thomas Barclay, joined 18 March 1823, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
David Ritchie, joined 18 March 1823, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
John White, joined 18 March 1821, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Robert Scott admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
Peter Lawson and David Webster admitted as members of the Fraternity.
19 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Robert Scott admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
Alexander Nicoll admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
Hendry Walker admitted a member of the Fraternity.
18 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Kidd admitted a member of the Fraternity.
18 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Alexander Brown, joined 17 December 1823, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
James Fife, joined 16, December 1823, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
John Young, joined 16 December 1823, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
William Buist, John Brown, John Kirkaldy, Thomas McGregor and George Webster admitted
as members of the Fraternity.
During the year:
1,016,979 yards of linen and 12,6612 ells of sailcloth shipped in a two week period to avoid a
further 10% reduction in bounty.
LARA of Dundee, Luckie Master, left Trieste and was later boarded by pirate crew from a
Brig ELLENGOWAN of Dundee, 119 tons, sunk by gunfire off Ceuta.
Patrick Anderson, Merchant Councillor, Shoremaster.
John Sturrock, Harbour Commissioner.
9 February:
Schooner FAIRY lost in adverse weather and poor visibility (snow) after being driven
aground in river Tay. Three crew members saved by Lifeboat from either Buddonness or
Broughty Ferry. A silver medal was awarded to David Kidd from Broughty Ferry for his part
in a rescue.
18 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Miller, joined 16 March 1823, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
George Bruce and Peter Clark admitted as Mate members of the Fraternity
David Banks and John Bridie admitted as member of the Fraternity.
17 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Berrie admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
Peter McKenzie, Alexander Nicoll, William Patton and James Berrie admitted as Mate
members of the Fraternity.
17 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Robert Roger admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
16 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
William Pitcairn, Alexander Webster, Robert Tosh and Peter Clark admitted as members of
the Fraternity.
17 December:
Fraternity General Meeting at their Hall, Fraternity of Masters and Seamen.
Captain James Brown, Boxmaster.
Captain Alexander Martin elected Boxmaster for the year 1829.
Simon Robertson of the Shore Dues Office to be Collector of Lights of Tay at Dundee (and
entitled to 4 ½% commission due).
27 December:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee
Simon Robertson resigned as Collector of Lights, resigned and James Hamilton Bain elected
to the post (4 ½% Commission due).
During the year:
John Sturrock, Harbour Commissioner.
Bailie George Thom, Harbourmaster.
David Milne, Shoremaster.
James Smart, who opened ship building yard in 1809, retired.
Meeting of the Fraternity at their Hall, elected 17 December 1828.
James Brown Boxmaster.
Captain Alexander Martin elected Boxmaster for the year 1829.
Committee to act along with the Boxmaster: James Brown; John Calman; James Ogilvie;
William Nicoll; David Keay; John Kennedy; Aaron Lithgow; William Ogilvie; George
Thoms; John Rattray; William Adamson; Alexander Rintoul.
Entered as Masters: Robert Tosh; Simon Duff Brown; Peter Clark.
Entered as Mates: Alexander Webster; James McDonald; William Mearns; William Pettrie;
John Rintoul.
16 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Fraternity authorised the Boxmaster to subscribe Fifty pounds towards defraying the
expenses of the present Harbour Bill.
17 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Peter Roger of the MERCURY and David Nicoll of the GEORGE admitted as Free Masters
of the Fraternity.
William Bell, James Norie David Mearns James Donaldson, James Stewart William Lamb,
David Robertson.and Robert Wedderburn Wilson admitted as Mates and to pay as Masters.
Peter Caithness, Joseph Hood, Stewart Boyter and Thomas Banks entered as Mates.
The Boxmaster laid before the meeting a letter dated 5 December 1828 addressed to Captain
Keiller by Captain James Neish, son of Mr Thomas Neish, late Brother now residing in
Dundee, dated 5 December 1828 which is in the following tenor:
“Inclosed is a Bill of Lading for a Box containing a modle (sic) of a Chinese vessel
which I have the liberty of forwarding to the Seamen Fraternity with my best
respects. I have often thought that something of the kind would be an excellent
contrast with the superb one presented by Mr. Smart some years ago. The
accompanying model is one of their largest size Merchant vessels of about one inch to
a foot and carried from 1,000 to 1,200 tons. Nothing can describe the unwieldy
clumsiness but a fact some of them such as this one truly is. I regret it is so large but
hope you will find room for it.
On receipt of this, I hope you will forward instructions for some person to receive it,
freight and charges is paid until its delivery in London. Masts sail Anchors (wood)
Cables &c. &c. complete and as they have no shrouds or other standing rigging it will
not require an able seamen to fit her out.
I shall be glad to hear from you after receipt and remain
Yours truly (signed)
James Neish.”
The Meeting expressed thanks to Captain Neish and directed the Boxmaster to take an early
opportunity of expressing the sentiments of the Fraternity.
16 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
The following persons were appointed as a special committee: The Boxmaster; Messrs.
Calman, Brown, Lithgow Nicoll. Three to be a quorum and the Boxmaster Convenor:
Joseph Hood and James Archibald admitted to pay as Masters.
Alexander Lawson was admitted as a Mate to pay as Master.
James Cabel, John Morrison, Alexander Scouller and John Rintoul entered as Mates.
Thomas Watson and James Watson enrolled as Pensioners.
Mr. Marshall’s Mortification:
Thomas Watson and Jack Watson appointed to be enrolled as petitioners.
Further to the meeting on 17 March 1829:
Captain Neish to be thanked for gift of a Chinese junk. Captain Neish was further admitted
and received as an honorary member of the Fraternity and a diploma was ordered to be made
out and transmitted to him.
18 September:
Fraternity committee Meeting:
The Boxmaster reported that he had of late visited the lights and found every thing correct :
that there were two reflectors which would require silvering to meet any accident which might
occur to the present ones and he was empowered to get these done accordingly.
31 October:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Alexander Martin Boxmaster
Masters: John Calman: John Rattray; James Brown; James Clark; Andrew Philip; James
Caithness; John Kennedy; William Neil; John Young; Aaron Lithgow; George Clark; James
Barron; William Ogilvie; W.O.Taylor.
Dundee brig CHILDE HARALD, Captain Swap, aground on Elbow End Bank and some crew
15 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Alexander Martin re-elected as Boxmaster
Committee: William Nicol; David Keay; John Kennedy; George Thoms; John Rattray; James
Barron; James Brown; Alexander Rintoul; Aaron Lithgow; John Nishack; Thos. Erskine;
William Ogilvie.
David McEwen Writer and Clerk,
David Foreman, Officer,
J. Macartney Lighthouse Buddonness Monifieth,
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Ferry-Port-on-Craig
John Blewes, or Blues, joined 21 December 1824, Made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Robert Roger and John Kennedy Junior admitted to pay as Masters.
Donald Mitchell of the Brig BELENA, Robert Mearns and John Bluck were admitted as Free
John Dickson and James Scott and Peter Brown entered as Mates.
George Fleming and James Patrick entered Mates and to pay as Masters.
William Adamson was enrolled as a Seaman and paid £3..
Thomas Banks admitted a member of the Fraternity.
The Boxmaster was authorised to get 20 to 30 copies of the Charter (of the Fraternity) printed.
The Meeting authorized the Boxmaster to subscribe Twenty Pounds for the purpose of
acquiring a Life Boat for the Tay.
16 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
James McDonald, William Mearns & Robert Roger admitted members of the Fraternity.
17 December:
Document: A hand written note by A. C. Lamb, under reference 249 [or 379] 34:
“A Chinese Junk. “The antediluvian looking model of this species of vessel
“presented by Captain James Neish to the Seamen Fraternity & now lying at their
“hall, is upon a scale of one inch to a foot, & shows its prototype to have been 122
“feet long and 40 broad. The model was to be placed in the Seamen’s Hall, as a
“contrast to the elegant model of a British “Man of War” presented to the Fraternity
“by Mr. James Smart, shipbuilder, but there is no room for the Junk in the hall.”
21 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Hendry Taylor admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
Alexander Meldrum, Merchant Councillor, Shoremaster.
John Calman, Harbour Commissioner.
Alexander Gay, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
10 February:
House of Commons Journal:
Return of Steam Vessels, ordered.
Ordered, That there be laid before the House, a Return from every sea-port or harbour in the
United Kingdom, of all and every vessel navigated by Steam, belonging to, or usually sailing
from. Such port or harbour, specifying the Name of each vessel so navigated by Steam, the
Tonnage and number of Men employed in navigating the same, whether usually employed in
foreign trade or as a coaster, how often she has cleared out or entered inwards in the course of
the year, from 1st January 1828 to 1stJanuary 1829.
House of Commons Journal:
General statement of Shipping ordered.
Ordered, That there be laid before this House, a General Statement of the Shipping employed
in the Trade of the United Kingdom, in the year 1829, exhibiting the number and tonnage of
vessels entered inwards and cleared outwards (including their repeated voyages), with the
number of their Crews, separating British from Foreign Ships,and distinguishing the Trade
with each country.
House of Commons Journal:
General Statement of Imports and Exports, ordered.
Ordered, That there be laid before this House, a General Statement of the Imports and Exports
of the principal articles of Merchandize between the United Kingdom and the several Foreign
Countries and British Possessions Abroad in the year 1828; spec-ifying the quantities, and the
declared value, of the Exports of British Merchadize, and the quantities of imported articles
retained for home consumption.
9 March:
House of Commons Journal:
A petition of the Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee, incorporated by Royal Charter
– and of the Guildry Incorporation of Dundee – were presented, and read; taking notice of the
Bill for more effectively maintaining, improving and extending the Harbour of Dundee, in the
county of Forfar, and praying, That the same will pass into a Law.
16 March:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (elected 15 December 1829).
Seamen Fraternity Hall Yeaman Shore
Captain Martin Alexander re-elected Boxmaster.
General Committee: William Nicoll; David Keay; John Kennedy; George Thoms; John
Rattray; Alex. Rintoul; James Barron;Thomas Erskine;Aaron Lithgow; James Brown;
John Nishak; William Ogilvie.
David M’Ewen Writer and Clerk.
David Foreman Officer.
J.Macartney, Lighthouse at Monifieth Buddoneess,
Nathaniel Young, Lighthouse at Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
Additional Business on 16 March 1830:
Special Committee: - Captains James Brown; James Calman; William Ogilvie; James
Ogilvie; William Adamson; Aaron Lithgow; William Nicoll; David Keay; John Kennedy;
George Thoms; John Rattray; Alexander Rintoul.
John Gellatly admitted as a Free Master.
Stewart Patrick, John Martin and John Skirving admitted as Mates.
George Bruce admitted and to pay as a Master.
The Meeting authorised the Boxmaster to subscribe Twenty Pounds for the purpose of
procuring a Life Boat for the Tay.
Noted that from 1815 to this year, the Harbour of Dundee was operated by Harbour
Commissioners. This year An Act of Parliament created the Harbour Trust with 31 members.
22 March:
House of Commons Journal:
Ordered, That there be laid before this House, a Return of the Number of Ships which have
passed the Sound during each of the years 1827, 1828 and 1829; distinguishing the respective
Nations to which the same belonged.
23 March:
George Clark, Shipowner in Dundee, Committee member of the Fraternity and Alexander
Martin, Shipowner in Dundee, Boxmaster of the Fraternity in 1829, were both appointed
Commissioners in an Act of Parliament for improving the Harbour of Dundee.
14 April:
During the period 14 to 17 April 22 vessels left Dundee for Riga and Memel To load flax for
15 May:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
The meeting passed the payment made by the Mates of poor money from twelve shillings to
fourteen shillings and sixpence annually.
Brig SCOTIA sunk in the Fairway of river Tay. [Also refer 22 October 1830.]
15 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Ireland, (joined 20 June 1825), admitted as a Free Master.
John Fleming admitted as a Mate and to pay as a Master.
James Birrie and Stewart Bagher admitted and to pay as Master.
James Berry and Thomas Patrick admitted as members of the Fraternity.
The meeting took into consideration a petition from Nathaniel Young, Keeper of the Ferry
Lights for an augmentation of Salary, agreed to allow him Three pounds additional per
annum, making his Salary Thirty five pounds.
Dockgateman William Milne killed in accident by capstan at Earl Grey’s Dock, Dundee.
Harbour Trustees paid his widow 5 shillings per week plus £5 from public donations to buy a
mangle to be employed for herself and family.
18 August:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
There was discussion regarding possible disposal of the Hall and getting a new one erected.
Present Hall was valued at £1500 and the Fraternity thought the Value was closer to £2000
and resolved to drop all thoughts of disposing of the property and the Clerk was directed to
intimate to the present tenants the Resolution to which the Fraternity had come to.
21 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Ferguson admitted as Master.
Thomas Glenday, admitted 20 September 1825, made a Free Master of Fraternity.
22 October:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Boxmaster read to the meeting a letter received from Mr David Smart requesting to be
informed to what extent he might calculate upon the Fraternity’s assistance to remove the
wreck of the Brig SCOTIA from the place where it presently lies in the Fairway of the River
Tay. The Meeting directed this letter to lie on the table.
20 November:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Mr Marshall’s Mortification:
Present pensioners namely: Robert Polls, James Buller, James Webster, John Watson and
James Gilchrist, pension being Five pounds eight shillings each.
James Ogilvie resigned as Harbourmaster.
Lieut. Thomas Gray, R. N. appointed as Harbourmaster.
15 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Stewart Boyter admitted a member of the Fraternity.
21 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Keiller of the JANET, James Young Junior, John Keillor of the RUBY and Robert
Abbot admitted as Masters.
Alexander Mudie admitted as a Mate. Later struck off.
James Leslie and Peter Young admitted as Mate and to pay as Master.
Henry Taylor admitted as a Mate.
Thomas Morris admitted a Free Master.
Robert Abbot and Peter Nucator admitted as members of the Fraternity.
A request from Samuel Kidd to be put upon the pension list as a Free Master member was
refused in respect that he was in arrear of the poor’s money for several years without having
been allowed to give up paying by the Fraterrnity.
The Clerk was instructed to recover payment from Mr Lithgow of the sum of Five Pounds
forfeited by him for not accepting of the office of Boxmaster when elected to that office this
time two years.
In consequence of the death of Mr. Thomas Caw, deputy collector for the Fraternity at Perth
who collected the Tay Lights in that quarter, the meeting approved the appointment of Mr.
Alexander Matthew, deputy collector of Customs at Perth, to collect the Tay Lights duties in
room of Mr. Caw.
During the year:
Lifeboat stations were established at Buddonness and at Broughty Ferry, these being
independent of the R.N.L.I. [Both stations were transferred to R.N.L.I. in 1861.]
The Smack PERTH took nine convicts to London en route Botany Bay including: Donald
Robertson (theft); Donald Garden (forgery); George Brown (theft); James Robertson (wife
assault); John Wailer (theft); Edward Poultor (housebreaking); Alexander Cuthbert (theft).
Alexander Rintoul, Shipowner, appointed Lloyd’s Agent in Dundee.
Tug SIR WILLIAM WALLACE first steamer built for D. P. & L.
Seamen Fraternity Hall, Yeaman Shore (elected 21 December 1830).
Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee
Captain Alexander Martin Boxmaster.
Alexander Rintoul appointed Boxmaster for 1831.
Captain Alexander Martin appointed Deputy Boxmaster
Special Committee appointed 16 June 1829 (with Boxmaster Convenor): Captain James
Calman; Captain James Brown; Captain William Nicoll; Captain Aaron Lithgow.
Committee: James Barron; Thomas Erskine; Aaron Lithgow; James Brown;John Wishart;
William Ogilvie; Alexander Martin; William Adamson; George Deuchar; John Calman;
William Nicoll; John Kennedy.
David M’Ewen Writer and Clerk.
David Foreman Officer,
J.Macartney Lighthouse Keeper Buddonness Monifieth,
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
29 January:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Present: Alexander Martin (Named as Boxmaster) James Brown; Alexander Martin; James
Young; John Jack; John Rattray; Wm. Adamson; Aaron Lithgow.
The Boxmaster stated that he had called the present meeting for the purpose of
communicating to them the decision of the second division of the Court of Session of the
action relative to the exaction of Coal Money from the Public and which had been given
against the Fraternity. Letters from the Edinburgh Agents and the full speeches of the judges
were read and appended and to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book. The Fraternity resolved to
acquiesce in the judgement and not to proceed further. [NOTE: The above letter from the
Edinburgh Agents includes a reference to the Fraternity being bound to keep and maintain the
Lights.] [NOTE: This is referred to in the Act of 1687.]
5 March:
FLEECE, Captain John Henderson of Dundee, arrived Dundee from London.
15 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
The late (Not dead, but now Depute) Boxmaster Alexander Martin.
Andrew Greig, James White (joined 21 March 1826), William Bennet jun, (joined 20
December 1826), and Thomas Ewing.admitted Free Master Members.
John Ritchie, John Edwards, and Robert Coupar admitted as Mates..
John Rintoul and James Cabel admitted to pay as free Masters..
Thomas Ewing, joined 21 March 1826, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
James Cabel admitted a member of the Fraternity.
David Webster, joined 19 December 1826, made a free Master of the Fraternity.
CHEERFUL GREETINGS, Naval recruiting vessel at Dundee to enrol seamen and took three
seamen and five boys. Thirty weavers were rejected.
21 May:
OSSIAN, Captain John Henderson of Dundee, arrived Dundee from Memel.
21 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Hay Kircaldy admitted a Free Master.
Thomas Patrick, David Souter and John Nisely (Wisely?) admitted as Mates to pay as
James Watson, John David Webster and Matthew Pryde admitted as Mates..
It having been reported to the Boxmaster that a considerable alteration had taken place upon
the Gaw Sands, he had therefore in company with several members of the Committee twice
surveyed the spot by taking down the steam boat, and found that it would be requisite to place
a buoy upon the hook of the Gaw, which the meeting instructed to be done without delay, and
to paint it a white colour with a beacon ball upon the top painted in black colour. The
Boxmaster was instructed to advertise the same in the Dundee newspapers and likewise in the
Edinburgh & Leith Advertiser, and London Public Ledger.
29 June:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
The Boxmaster stated that he had called the present meeting for the purpose of
communicating to them the decision of the second division of the Court of Session of the
action relative to the exaction of Coal Money from the Public and which had gone against the
Fraternity. Letters from the Edinburgh Agents and the full speeches of the Judges were read
and appended to be engrossed in the sederunt book. The Fraternity resolved to acquise in the
judgement and not to proceed further. [Refer 29 January.]
15 July:
H. M. S. SYBILLE: at Broughty Ferry on Quarantine Control and had anchored off Broughty
Ferry as Enforcement Ship and ships from Riga were sent to Cromarty.
Other vessels anchored at Carolina Roads and there were up to 50 ships at one time.
MARGARET of Dundee, Barron, Master, was one of the first ships to arrive after cholera
outbreak in Russia, and was quarantined in River Tay.
Gunboat H. M. S. ELK brought 40 Coast Guardsmen to Broughty Ferry after a training
cruise and also brought a relief crew for H. M. S. UNICORN.
13 September:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Committee agreed to recommend to the next quarterly meeting, to take into consideration
the present state of the Navigation School, and to adopt such resolution in regard thereto, as
may appear expedient.
20 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Moncrieff admitted a Free Master.
George Pryde admitted a member of the Fraternity.
Alexander Rintoul Esquire Boxmaster of the Seaman Fraternity of Dundee signed as a
Trustee of the Harbour of Dundee.
20 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
It was further resolved to recommend to the general meeting to make it imperative on the
pensioners on the Fraternity’s funds to assist in shifting the buoys on the river belonging to
the Fraternity gratis, on the Boxmaster ordering them to do so, under the penalty of being
struck off the pension list.
With reference to article eighteenth of the general regulation as to the admission of free
Master members of the Corporation; the Committee recommend to the General Meeting that
the candidate must have had the uninterrupted command of a vessel belonging to the port of
Dundee for six months previous to his application to be made a free master.
John Mackie and John Spaldon, both joined 19 December 1826, made Free Masters of the
George Crammond (Officer of Trinity House), John Houston, Alexander Laing, John Rintoul,
John Shepherd and David Limson admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity. Note from
records: ‘The said John Houston was entered on 20th December 1831 but his name did not
appear in the minutes of that day s meeting and it was this day paid to J. Calman’.
George Scott admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
Captain Gray and Captain Wrangham appointed Dockmasters at Dundee.
Cholera epidemic in Russia, notably Riga.
Aaron Lithgow, Trades Councillor, Shoremaster.
Adam Symon, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee(elected 20 December 1831).
Captain Alexander Rintoul re-elected Boxmaster;
Alexander Martin admitted Depute Boxmaster.
Committee: Captains: James Barron; Thomas Erskine; James Brown; Aaron Lithgow; John
Wishart; William Ogilvie; Alexander Martin; William Adamson; George Deuchar; John
Calman; William Nicoll; John Kennedy; Peter Roger; George Kidd.
Thomas Barron, John Mackie and John Spalding. Admitted as Free Masters.
George Scott admitted as Mate to pay as Master.
George Crammond, Alexander Laing, John Shepherd and David Simpson admitted as Mates.
5 January:
The linen bounty paid by Government expired this day and the following vessels sailed from
Dundee in the preceeding days to ensure manufacturers gained benefit of the bounty:
ADELAIDE to Bahia;
MORGANIA to Havana;
TINKER to San Domingo;
ANNE to Lisbon and Gibralter;
MINERVA to Port-Au-Prince;
BOLIVAR to Charleston;
MANGALORE to St Tomas and Haiti; HORTENSIA to New York;
ELIZA to New York;
EARL to Santo Domingo;
RANGER to Pernambuco;
ZILLAH to Haiti.
20 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
For the post of under keeper of the Tay Lights [Buddonness], twelve candidates applied. Of
the twelve, George Lindsay; Robert Mawer; J. Lorimer; and James Archibald were voted on
and George Lindsay selected.
Peter Lawson admitted a Free Master.
Alexander Todd (or Tod) admitted as Mate and to pay as Master.
29 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
With reference to the Trinity House/Sailor’s Hall, the Clerk was instructed to direct the
Congregation presently occupying the Hall to be removed therefrom at the term of
Whitsunday first and to get an officer to warn them to remove therefrom accordingly.
The Clerk was instructed to write Mr Crichton that the Committee had given Directions to
remove from the Schoolroom presently occupied by him at the term of Whitsunday next.
6 June:
The first steam vessel in the London trade, LIVERPOOL of Glasgow, commenced service.
19 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
The meeting considered there is not at present accommodation for the under Light Keeper at
the Tay Lights, Buddonness. It was resolved to erect a small house at or near to the lower
light of Tay, and they remitted to the Boxmaster, Depute Boxmaster and the Committee with
full power to cause the house to be erected upon a suitable scale. The clerk was instructed to
apply to Lord Panmure for his assent.
James Watson of the Brig ABCONA, Henry Walker, Robert Scott, David Duff and James
Scott were admitted as Masters.
5 July:
The second steam vessel in the Dundee to London trade, GLASGOW of Glasgow
commenced service. With steam vessel LIVERPOOL will provide a service three times per
7 and 8 August:
Fraternity Committee Meetings:
The following persons were appointed a Sub Committee to make up a Roll of those
individuals who are likely to walk in procession with the Fraternity on 9 August: Messrs.,
A. Martin, W.Mill, J.Kidd, P. Lowson, A.Brown.
9 August:
The Wet Dock named Earl Grey’s Dock, Dundee was opened. It is recorded that in the south
west corner of the dock, a silver plate reposes in its stone bed, bearing an inscription couched
in enthusiastic and comprehensive terms. [Re DOC 1832 9 AUG]
11 September:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Boxmaster was authorised to purchase from the Tay Whale Fishing Company four casks
of Whale oil. [For lights at Buddonness.]
18 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Watson a free Master Member of the Fraternity was admitted to the benefit of the
pension list.
Alexander Wighton master of the Brig TRAVELLER of Dundee was admitted as Mate to pay
as a Master, and William Duncan present Mate of the same vessel was admitted as Mate.
William Duncan and David Davidson admitted as Mate members of the Fraternity.
20 September:
D. P. and London Shipping Company resolved to employ steam vessels in the Dundee to
London trade.
27 September:
Steamers LIVERPOOL and GLASGOW being withdrawn from the Dundee to London trade.
10 October:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Committee resolved to supersede Robert Mawer the under light keeper forward after this
date. In the interim William Graham from Barrie was appointed to assist the Upper Light
Keeper John McArtney in the charge of the lights [at Buddonness], until a permanent under
Light Keeper be appointed. The Committee were of the opinion that the person to be
appointed as Under Light Keeper should be unmarried and of good character.
11 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The meeting agreed to recommend to the next general meeting to give the use of the
schoolroom to Mr. John Clark, teacher of Navigation and Mathematics in Dundee.
18 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
On an Application from Mr. Mitchell’s widow of George Mitchell Dock gate man, meeting
agreed to give her a donation of Five guineas.
James Deuchars, joined 21 December 1824; William Buist, joined 18 December 1827; James
Kidd, admitted 18 September 1827;Thomas McGregor, admitted 18 December 1827 and
David Webster, GANNET, joined 20 March 1827, made Free Masters of the Fraternity.
David Davidson admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
Shipping belonging to the port of Dundee comprised 259 vessels of 31,287 tons and crewed
by 2,200 masters and seamen.
Arrived at Dundee from abroad: 253 British ships of 38,287 tons.
Arrived at Dundee from abroad: 54 Foreign ship of 6,856 tons.
Cleared Dundee for foreign with cargoes: 35 British ships of 7,854 tons.
Cleared Dundee for foreign with cargoes: 4 Foreign ships of 519 tons.
Arrived at Dundee: 858 Coasters of 126,733 tons.
Cleared Dundee: 117 Coasters of 73,344 tons.
Aaron Lithgow, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (elected 11 December 1832).
Mr John Calman was unanimously elected Boxmaster;
Mr Alexander Rintoul was appointed Depute Boxmaster.
Committee: John Wishart; Aaron Lithgow; James Barron; Peter Roger; George Kidd;
Alexander Martin; Thomas Erskine; Thomas Glenday; John Spinks; John Rattray; William
Nicoll; William Ogilvie.
Thomas McGregor and David Webster admitted Free Master Members of the Fraternity.
William Buist was admitted a Free Member of the Fraternity.
David Davidson was admitted as a Mate and to pay as a Master.
James Kidd and Robert Coupar admitted as Masters and a members of the Fraternity.
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Committee, the meeting agreed to give the use of the
Schoolroom belonging to the Fraternity to Mr John Clark, Teacher of Navigation and
Mathematics in Dundee.
8 January:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Present: John Calman, Boxmaster, and the Depute Boxmaster. Messrs Alexander Martin;
William Nicoll; John Wishart; Thomas Erskine.
The meeting examined John Anderson, William Morris, Charles Donaldson, John Gall, and
David Knight, and found them qualified to act as Pilots, and agreed to recommend to the
Harbour Trustees to grant Licenses to them to act as Pilots.
28 January:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Present: John Calman, The Boxmaster and Alexander Rintoul, Depute Boxmaster; Messrs.
John Rattray; Wm. Ogilvie; Alex. Martin; Peter Roger; Thos. Erskine.
The meeting having taken into consideration the infirmity of the present officer of the Trinity
House, who is now eighty six years of age, called him before them and he acknowledged his
inability to discharge the duties of his situation. In consequence it was resolved that he shall
only be continued until the ensuing March Meeting and the Committee resolved to
recommend to the General Meeting to allow David Foreman Five pounds a year over and
above the Pension which he is entitled to as a Master in consideration of his long and faithful
19 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Present: John Calman Boxmaster and Alexander Rintoul, Deputy Boxmaster; Messrs.,
Alexander Martin; Aaron Lithgow; Thomas Erskine; John Rattray.
The meeting upon considering an application from Mr James Brown to be upon the Pension
List admitted him to the benefit of the funds.
David Banks Master of the vessel JEAN NUTRON of Dundee was admitted a Free Master
upon payment of the ordinary fee of entry, provided the Certificate of his age which he has
produced shall be found genuine by the Boxmaster.
Thomas Banks of the vessel TYNE of this port was admitted to pay as Master.
William Machan a Free Master member of the Fraternity was unanimously elected Officer to
the Incorporation in room of David Foreman, who from his age and infirmity is now unable to
discharge the duties, William Machan being enrolled to the same salary as David Foreman.
7 May:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The meeting appointed Mr David Brand at Newport to collect the Light Duty on vessels at
Newport, Woodhaven and Wormit payable to the Fraternity, in the room of George Gray late
collector at Newport now deceased.
18 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
David Lanceman was admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master.
Peter McKenzie was admitted a Free Master Member of the Fraternity.
David Keay was admitted a pensioner on the Fund.
Matthew Pryde was admitted to pay as a Master.
John Bridie, joined 17 June 1828, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
The Boxmaster was authorized to contract for the lining of the four Lights of Tay with copper
in terms of Mr. Stevenson’s Report, with Mr. Charles Watson, Plumber, Dundee on the most
reasonable terms he can get.
A letter from John Hamilton offering to make the repairs recommended to be made at the
South Lights by Mr. Stevenson’s Report was read to the meeting. The Boxmaster was
authorized to contract with John Hamilton for these repairs at the sum of Twelve Pounds
Sterling, this sum specified in his letter.
The Boxmaster was also authorized to contract for the building of a dyke to enclose the East
17 August:
Barque SELMA, 258 tons, built by John Calman for owner William Davidson of Dundee.
23 August:
Launch of steamer DUNDEE for D.P.&London Shipping Co. for the Dundee to London
trade. At that date reported to be the largest ship built in Scotland and, with the exception of
MONARCH, the largest built in Britain. To be propelled by two engines of 135 horse power
each, with boilers of proportionate dimensions (said to be the largest in Europe), made and
fitted by Mr. Robert Napier of Vulcan Foundry, Glasgow.
17 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Andrew Malcolm, George Young George Pryde and Thomas Law were admitted as Mates
and to pay as Masters.
Matthew Pryde was admitted to be transferred from the Mates to the Masters class.
6 December:
Launch of steamer PERTH for D.P.& London Shipping Co. for the Dundee to London trade.
10 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The meeting authorized the Officer and Mr Clark to take in gas, provided they do so at their
own expense.
The Clerk was instructed to write the individuals specified in the following List given in by
David Guillan the Collector of Light Dues at the South Ferry:
Vessel names (Wind Bound) who have not paid their Light dues:
Amount £
15 Mar
Geo Walker
5s 3d
17 Jun
Richard Walker 46
4s 6d
3 Aug
Alex. Miller
6s 1 ½
23 Sep
6s 6d
25 Oct
11s 11 ½
16 Nov CALEDONIA Montrose
8s 6d
(Signed) Robert Guillan, Collector, Ferry Port on Craig
11 December:
John Calman, Shipbuilder, named a Trustee of the Harbour of Dundee in an Act of
17 December:
James McDonald, William Mearns Alexander Webster and Robert Tosh, who all joined on 16
December 1828, made Free Masters of the Fraternity.
D. Lanceman and Adam Webster admitted as members of the Fraternity.
Thomas Webster, William Adamson and John Murray admitted as Mate Class members of the
The Boxmaster was authorised to pay Mary Irons, widow of John Law, two guineas until her
claim on the Society be disposed of at the next meeting.
The meeting approved of the Boxmaster having paid Isabella Christopher one pound. The
meeting authorised the Boxmaster to make an additional payment in charity to her of Two
pounds Sterling.
During the year:
Smack ANNE took four female convicts to London each sentenced to seven years
transportation, for transfer to the transport AMPHITRITE, namely: Mary Thornton or Dakers
and two children; Mary Clark or Donaldson; Mary Stirling,Janet Kennedy; all were later lost
in wreck of transport AMPHITRITE near Boulogne.
William Lindsay, Common Councilor, Harbour Trustee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen contributed £1,500 to charities. Members of the
Guildry, the Maltmen, the Nine Trades and the three United Trades contributed a total of
The Second Statistical Account of Scotland, in 1833 recorded, in part:
Navigation – Dundee seems, from an early period, to have had a considerable share of the
commerce of Scotland, as, indeed, might be expected from the great advantages of its
In 1569, perhaps the remotest period to which authentic records of the state of the shipping
here [in Dundee] reach, we find the principal part of the fleet sent in pursuit of the worthless
Boswell consisted of three ships supplied by Dundee.
In 1651, when the town was surprised and sacked by General Monck, one hundred ships, as
before stated, were found to belong to it, of which sixty were loaded with booty captured by
the besiegers.
From the year 1652, the progressive increase in the trade and commerce of Dundee showed
the elasticity of the national character, not easily nor permanently subdued.
The steam-boats to Perth invite passengers at an easy fare to a trip up the Tay, afford-ing a
prospect of uncommon beauty; and of late the experiment has been tried, though not
successfully, of plying a steam-boat betwixt Dundee and Leith.
Sail-Cloth and Cordage: Dundee was eminent for both sail-cloth and cordage. Several
companies were embarked in the trade of sail-making and rope-making, who are also shipchandlers.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee, elected 17 Dec., 1833.
John Calman (shipbuilder) elected Boxmaster;
William Rintoul elected Depute Boxmaster;
Committee: Thomas Erskine; Thomas Glenday; John Spinks; Thomas McGregor; Peter
Roger; John Kennedy; Alexander Martin.
William Machan Officer;
James Macartney Lighthouse Keeper, Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young, Lighthouse Keeper, Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
31 January:
At end of 1833 285 vessels, total 36,321 tons was registered in Dundee.
18 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Stewart, James Donaldson, David Robertson, James Norie, William Bell - who joined
17 March 1829, and William Lamb were admitted Free Masters of the Fraternity.
Henry Taylor - who was admitted in the Mates class in December 1829, John Martin, John
Rattray, William Nicoll, William Ogilvie, George Thom and William Adamson were
admitted to pay as Masters.
Thomas Stephen of the Schooner MARINER, William Blain Master of the Brig
MANGALORE and James Kilgour of the Sloop BETSEY& NELL (also admitted a member
of the Fraternity) were all admitted as Mates to pay as a Masters.
George Welch, Mate of the Barque FAIRY, was admitted as a Mate.
Andrew Smith Seaman was admitted a Pensioner on the fund by the late Mr Marshall in room
of James Gilchrist deceased.
21 March:
James Monach of Dundee wrote to William Arnold of Perth suggesting that steamboats
carrying passengers [on River Tay] should be exempt from shore dues by paying a yearly
sum, and also that steamboats with dry holds for ‘taking in goods’ should pay in proportion to
other vessel’s shore dues on their tonnages.
17 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Thomas Mill Master Brig BRANCH and Alexander Greig Master Brig CHACE admitted as
Mates and to pay as Masters.
David Watson admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
William Ireland, William Key, Thomas Miln and John Murray admitted as members of the
James Mills, son of William Mills (a Free Master of the Fraternity) was admitted on the
Seamen’s List.
27 June:
The fast sailing steamship ROTHESAY was plying the Dundee & Leith passage at fares only
3/- in five hours and a half.
12 September:
ELIZABETH, Captain Fiuns, South Sea whaler reported at Sydney that on 31 October 1833
he stopped for stores at islands in 49º 30´ South 168º 35´ East for stores when two boats and
ten crewmen taken by natives.
Harbour Trustees: Candidates for post of Assistant Berthing Master were:
Lieut. Smart R.N.,; James Moncreiff; Thomas Morris; Alexander Rintoul; William Mills;
Thomas R Duncan; John Mackemzie; John Jack; John Wilson; William Buist.
Allthe above were experienced Shipmasters (except Lieutenant Smart).
Lieutenant Smart, R.N. declared the successful candidate.
16 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
George D. Bruce admitted as Mate in 1828, admitted as Master.
David Carnegie Airth, Master of Brig HANNAH admitted as Mate to pay as Master.
Arthur Brown admitted a member of the Fraternity.
A petition from the Masters of ROTHESAY and MAID OF ISLAY, packets plying daily
betwixt this Port and Leith, craving a remission of part of the Port light dues, on the ground
that they made so many passages was pointed to the Committee for con-sideration, with
power to grant or refuse the application, as the circumstances may dictate and the Charter
17 October:
Merchant Seamen were required to pay 6d per month for Greenwich Hospital, this hospital
being for the use of patients from Royal Navy only. Today it was announced that payments
by Merchant Seamen shall cease after 31 December 1834.
Harbour Trustees: Tax upon shipping for lights – Tax levied re lights on River Tay at 10/- per
hundred tons Register. In the year to 31 May 1834, tonnage entered Dundee was 201,803 tons
and Light Dues £1009. ‘A sum surely far beyond what is necessary for this purpose’.
Lieutenant Gray appointed Berthing Master at Earl Grey’s Dock.
14 November:
Schooner JEAN of Dundee, Charles Bowman of Dundee, wrecked near Hull.
21 November:
Brig URANIA of Dundee, Captain Mearns, St Petersburg to Greenock wrecked.
Sloop HELEN & JEAN of Dundee, Captain Gourlay.
William Cooper, Seaman of Dundee.
5 December:
Earl Grey’s Dock opened.
16 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Kennedy Jnr, joined 15 December 1829 and James Patrick, joined 15 March 1813, made
Free Masters of the Fraternity.
George Cathro and George Cumming admitted Mate members of the Fraternity.
William Anderson, Edgar Foreman and James Kermath admitted members of the Fraternity.
19 December:
Brig TRAVELLER of Dundee, Captain Wighton, lost.
26 December:
NEW HARRIET of Dundee, Captain Dickson, damaged at Elsinore.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
Boxmaster: Captain James Stewart.
During the year:
Shipbuilding yard opened by Peter Borrie and Thomas Adamson at Trades Lane, Dundee.
Keay & Rattray, Chainmakers & Shipsmiths, in business at Dock Street, Dundee.
The Officers of the Fraternity elected for 1834 continued in office.
Newspaper advertisement: To be feued by public roup: Remainder of the lands of Hillbank
and Seamen’s Acres have been laid out in streets to conform with the plan by Mr. Brewster.
Mr. Wise, Hillbank House and Christie & Reid, writers, Dundee.
20 February:
Brig SCOTSMAN of Dundee, Captain Barney, lost on Inchkeith, River Forth.
17 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Stewart Patrick, Master of GLENBURNIE joined 16 March 1830, James Archibald Master
of SIR JAMES KEMP, James Archibald - joined 16 September 1829, Robert Roger - joined
16 December 1829, all made Free MasterS of the Fraternity.
James Ritchie, David Barnet and William Duncan admitted as members of the Fraternity.
20 March:
Schooner CROWN of Dundee, Captain Stewart at Rotterdam. Three crewmen drowned
namely seamen Robert Duncan and David Croll, and apprentice William Hackstone.
16 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Barrie Master of ARMITSTEAD, and George Fleming Master of FRANCIS JEFFREY
joined 15 December 1829, made Free Masters of the Fraternity.
John Nicoll, Master of Brig ATLAS, admitted as Mate and to pay as Master.
Henry Blyth, William Lee and John Nicoll admitted as members of the Fraternity.
James Berry, joined 15 June 1830, deceased.
The meeting resolved to cause be built a house on the Lower South Light in terms of Mr.
Stevenson’s report.
3 July:
Brig CERES of Dundee, Captain Miller, on passage from Shoreham to Newport, Wales, lost
following crew during heavy weather: Captain Miller; George Gray, Mate; and three seamen:
George Chalmers, John Keillor and David Scott.
13 October:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Committee in reference to the Life Boat and having considered the resolution of a general
meeting of the subscribers to that boat held on Thirteenth ulto., commun-icated to the
Boxmaster, resolved that the Boat should be continued at the station where she formerly was
as being the most preferable situation and more convenient than at Broughty Ferry, and the
Clerk was instructed to communicate to Mr. Robertson the secretary to the subscribers to the
Life Boat this opinion of the Committee. The minutes of the General meeting of the
subscribers to the Life Boat was appointed to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book at the end of
the present meeting.
An application to the Committee from a number of persons connected with the Life Boat to
recommend a small gratuity to a number of Fishermen who agreed to go out with Lieutenant
Smart at the Wreck of the Schooner FID which lately took place on the Banks of Tay was
considered. The Meeting agreed to recommend to the Secretary of the Funds of the Life Boat
to advance to each of the men One pound and to Lieutenant Smart Two guineas and to make
the same allowances to Lieutenant Cox, St Andrews, who likewise took the charge of a boat
from St Andrews and were instrumental in saving the crew.
15 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Just admitted a Seaman member of the Fraternity.
William Clark admitted a member of the Fraternity.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
Boxmaster Captain James Stewart.
During the year:
Newspaper advertisements:
Vessel, 130 tons, building at Livingstone Yard, Broughty Ferry, for sale by Public Roup, half
frame completed.
Livingstone Yard in Dundee for sale later in October.
William Lindsay, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
The Officers of the Fraternity elected for 1834 and 1835 continued in office.
8 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
A letter from Mr. Blain, collector of light dues, having been read to the meeting in which it is
inter alia stated that the Master of VULCAN of this port Captain Patrick had refused to pay to
Mr. Blain the Tay Light duty due by him on the ground that he had not accomplished his
voyage to the Baltic and had been obliged to return in ballast. The meeting directed Mr. Blain
again to apply for payment of these dues, and if the demand was not complied with Mr. Blain
was instructed to report to the Clerk who was thereafter directed to raise an immediate
prosecution against the Master and Owners of the VULCAN.
15 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Pettigrew, Master of BRIDPORT, admitted as a Free Master of the Fraternity and
paid £11.
William Pitcairn joined 16 December 1828, & James Cabel admitted 15 March 1831, made
Free Masters of the Fraternity.
George Young, Master of EMMA, admitted as Mate and to pay as Mate.
John Watson and John Rodger admitted members of the Fraternity. Later struck off.
John Watson was later struck off the membership list.
William Feathers admitted a Seaman member of the Fraternity.
April 14:
The Lockit Book Of The Burgh Of Dundee records:
Thoms, George, Shipmaster, right William Thoms, Shipmaster, his father.
16 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Thomas White admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During month of June, 41 vessels arrived at Dundee with flax from Riga.
1 July:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Following documents regarding Buddonness discussed:
1. Act of the Secret Council of Scotland in favor of the Masters and Seamen of
Dundee authorising them to erect Lighthouse on Budon-ness dated at Edinburgh
24 February 1687.
1. License by James Earl of Panmure, in favor of the said Masters and Seamen of
Dundee authorising them to erect a Light house on his lands of Budon, dated 12
April 1687.
2. Obligement by the Masters & Seamen of Dundee to the Earl of Panmure binding
themselves to pay £3 Scots yearly for the Lights of Buddon-ness dated 12 April
20 September:
John Greig, Lightkeeper, admitted a member of the Fraternity.
20 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Payments made in Charity:
John Keillor, formerly Master of SPRING, Five pounds.
William Skirling £2.
Robert Rollo, £1.
George Scott, Master of Barque JANE CHRISTIE, admitted a Free Master of the Fraternity
and paid £27 8/-.
David Souter, joined 21 June 1831, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
George Welch admitted a member of the Fraternity.
At the Harbour Police Court, Mrs. Mary Paterson was convicted of stealing coal at the
Harbour of Dundee. She had two previous convictions. Sentenced to seven days
During the year:
James Fife, made a Free Master of the Fraternity 18 December 1827, deceased.
Seamen Fraternity (elected December 1836).
Captain James Barron Boxmaster
David M’Ewen Clerk
John Macartney Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
8 January:
The following Ship Owners of Dundee met to consider the new shipping Bill:
Andrew Low; William Davidson; John Law; William Harris; John Kennedy; William Sime;
John Thais; Thomas Erskine; David Halley; Thomas Neish; John Brown; Walter Newall;
James Stewart; William Hynd; Johhn Gray, jn; John McIntyre; John Moncur, jn; John Keay;
Alex. Martin; David Brown; David Myles; Patrick Just; William Halley; John Mathewson;
David Crighton;James Chalmers; William Adam; Thomas Powrie; John Borrie; Alexander
Rough; James Barron;George Scott; Thomas Bell, jn., ; Andrew Brown jn; John Rattray;
Alex. Rintoul; William Bennet; Peter Watson;Alexander Lawson; William Calman; John
Calman; David Calman; John Guillan; George Hynd.
11 January:
John Calman, Shipbuilder, previously Boxmaster of the Fraternity was a Trustee of the
Harbour of Dundee.
Shipbuilding yards opened: by John Calman at East Shore, Dundee.
David Calman at Peep o’ Day Lane, Dundee.
Alexander Brown at East Shore, Dundee.
Thomas Adamson at Seagate, Dundee.
James Horsburgh at Foundry Lane, Dundee.
21 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Gray admitted a member of the Fraternity.
Thomas Banks, joined 19 March 1830, dceased.
13 May:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
Committee Meeting:
The meeting understanding that the street before the Hall [Yeaman Shore] is about to be
macadamized, instructed the Clerk to give in a remonstration either to the Town Council or
Police Commissioners against this, the Fraternity considering that in con-sequence of the
great traffic and the narrowness of the street, that the same should be paved with square
20 June:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
James Brown admitted a member of the Fraternity.
Robert Crichton, an apprentice to a free Master, was admitted as a Seaman and paid £3.
23 June:
Newspaper item: ADVICE, Whale-ship.
This vessel, for the safety of which the slightest hope had almost ceased to be entertained, has
at last reached a port in the U.K. The state in which she arrived, however, is one of extreme
distress, about six sevenths of her crew being dead, and the remainder for the most part,, in a
state of extreme weakness and debility.
The first intelligence received here regarding her was contained in a letter from the Captain of
the ship GRACE, since arrived at Port Glasgow. The letter stated that he had fallen in with the
ADVICE in the Atlantic on 3 current when ADVICE had only four men on board able to be
on deck, the whole of the rest being dead or dying. ADVICE was making for the Irish coast;
GRACE had supplied ADVICE with two stout men and some stores. It was expected
ADVICE would reach the Irish coast by the time the GRACE arrived at Port Glasgow.
Previous history of ADVICE: ADVICE of Dundee, whaler, built Dundee 1785, Ship rigged,
324 ton gross.
1826 Captain Deuchars,
1826 Captain Valentne,
1836 Captain Deuchars, and was beset in ice.
The last voyage of ADVICE as a Whaler, was in 1858.
9 September:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Report by Robert Stevenson & Son, Civil Engineers on River Tay and navigation marks
managed by the Fraternity was read, and included:
“Life Boat:
“As on a former survey when on the survey of the Buttonness Lighthouse the Life “Boat
station was examined which was now found to be much improved – The Life “Boat being
now kept afloat, and having another boat of a smaller size to “communicate with her. The
apparatus for launching the boats is now in a very “perfect state. In the former situation of the
Boat House the launching of the Boat was “found a work of great difficulty and was very
inapplicable to the purposes of the “immediate and urgent use of her.”
17 October:
Fraternity committee Meeting:
David Duthie admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
Dundee barque EARL DURHAM, Captain James Cabel, was an early trader to Australia and
New Zealand.
4 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Present: Boxmaster James Barron. Messrs., Stewart; George Kidd; William Adamson; Spink;
John Rattray; John Calman.
The meeting resolved there should be erected three additional buoys in the River Tay at the
places following viz., at the Abertay Sand; on the Gaa; and the third on the sand bank called
the Horseshoe.
The Boxmaster was authorised along with Messrs., Stewart and Kidd were appointed to
procure two additional buoys in order to carry out the above resolution into effect.
12 December:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee
Reference the meeting on 4 December, it was agreed to accept purchase of the two buoys at
Nine pounds 10/- each.
Andrew Anderson, paid £21 5/-, admitted a member of the Fraternity.
19 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Melville Pryde, Master of RUBY, admitted as a Master and paid £6 16/-.
William Buchanan, Master of GAZELLE, admitted as Mate and to pay as Master and paid £8.
Melville Pryde admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
William Buchanan admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
The Fraternity of Seamen advertised that nobody must shoot or hunt on their estates at Horn
[near Errol]. All permits recalled. Tenants instructed to inform on offenders.
Signed: James Barron, Boxmaster
Directors of Public Seminaries started navigation classes under Mr. M. Roy, these being
elementary classes for apprentices and young seamen.
Shipwrights, working on their own behalf at Shipwrights Ship Building Co., launched two
ships only. Shipwrights started working on their own behalf in June 1826.
William Hackney, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
Mr. Low opened Steamboat & Oyster Tavern at East Craig Pier, Dundee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (elected December 1837).
Captain James Barron Boxmaster;
David M’Ewen Clerk;
John Macartney Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
Captain Gray retired as Berthing Master at Earl Grey’s Dock, Dundee. Lieut. Smart appointed
to the post with John Jack as Assistant.
13 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Committee agreed to recommend to the General Meeting to authorise the Boxmaster to
Subscribe Ten guineas in name of the Fraternity towards the subscription which had been set
going to give to Lieutenant Smart some public statement of approbation of his services in
rendering assistance to vessels in distress in the river Tay
20 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James White joined 21 March 1826, James Scott joined 19 June 1832 and David Davidson
joined 18 December 1832, made Free Masters of the Fraternity.
John Henderson and William Henderson admitted Mate members of the Fraternity.
William Adamson and George Thoms admitted members of the Fraternity.
18 May:
Steamers BONNIE DUNDEE and MODERN ATHENS provided a daily service between
Dundee and Newhaven, the trip taking about six hours.
25 May:
Barque INDUS launched from John Calman’s yard, William Clark Master. Hindoo
figurehead by a Liverpool artist.
26 May:
LORD PANMURE, Thomas Adamson builder and the first launch from Adamson’s new
yard. Figurehead by Wynd of Dundee.
19 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Alex Todd (or Tod), joined 20 March 1832, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
First arrival of 1838 with flax from Baltic to Dundee.
7 September:
At 0300, loss of FORFARSHIRE on one of the Sapple or Farne Islands while on passage
from Hull to Dundee.
18 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Mitchell admitted a member of the Fraternity.
Matthew Pryde, joined 21 June 1831, admitted a Free Master of the Fraternity. Later struck
off in consequence of non payment.
12 October:
Sale of wreck and machinery of FORFARSHIRE.
5 December:
James Barron and John Calman named in a document under an Act of Parliament dated “in
the seventh year of the reign of King George IV” for improving the Harbour of Dundee.
James Barron was Boxmaster of the Fraternity at that time and John Calman had previously
been Boxmaster of the Fraternity.
18 December:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
Alexander Wighton joined 18 September 1832 and Adam Webster, joined 17 December 1833,
made Free Masters of the Fraternity.
David Black, David Cameron, Alexander Clark and William Gray admitted as Mate members
of the Fraternity.
David Clark, David Cameron and William Gray admitted members of the Fraternity.
22 December:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
James Brown, a member of the Fraternity, named in a Document under an Act of Parliament
for improving the Harbour of Dundee.
25 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Committee of the Fraternity agreed to subscribe Ten pounds to the fund for the purpose
of getting a portrait of Lord Panmure.
During the year:
J. & C. Carmichael, Seabraes, Dundee commenced building at their yard in Dundee, the first
iron ship to be built there, and to be named TINKER.
The Dundee - Leith trade increases: BONNIE DUNDEE and MODERN ATHENS arrived the
same day with 200 and 150 passengers respectively.
The Officers of the Fraternity elected for 1838 continued in office.
30 January:
First Pilotage Committee formed.
The First Pilots to be licensed were: William Jack; David Henderson; George Kidd;
Alexander Sturrock and Andrew Kiddie, or Keddie.
11 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
A letter from the Shipowner Fraternity of Perth to the Boxmaster was read suggesting the
necessity of constructing a floating light in Abertay Sands. The Boxmaster was instructed to
write in reply that this would be impracticable and unnecessary and that the subject had often
before been under the consideration of the Fraternity and the measure invariably dissapproved
19 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Kilgour, joined 18 March 1834, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Melville Pryde admitted a member of the Fraternity.
19 April:
William Davidson, ship owner, delivered to the Harbour Board, copy of his letter to Lords of
Treasury regarding Dundee being a Free Port and Harbour Board instructed Clerk to prepare a
similar petition for their Lordships.
24 April:
William Davidson of Dundee, ship owner, petitioned Lords of Treasury that Dundee should
be declared a free port for landing India produce.
14 May:
Re William Davidson’s petition to Lords of Treasury approved Dundee as a port for
warehousing India Goods.
The Pilotage Committee examined and passed 48 Pilots for river Tay and Harbour of Dundee:
No. 1 William Tosh, Mariner, Dundee; No. 2 Patrick Caithness, fisherman, West haven; No.
3 David Kidd, fisherman, Broughty Ferry.
18 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Alexander Greig, Master of SUNDA, admitted a Free Master of the Fraternity & paid £21 4/-.
Alexander Gray, joined 17 June 1834, now made a free Master of the Fraternity.
William Ireland of EUPHEMIA, joined 17 June 1834 now made a Free Master of the
Fraternity and paid £45.
Peter Clark of LUCILLE, joined 16 December 1828, admitted a Free Master of the Fraternity
and paid £7 10/-.
William of HELEN admitted a Free Master of the Fraternity and paid £24 10/-.
James Just & George Pikeathley, both of ISABELLA admitted & to pay as Masters.
Charles Wemyss of MARGARET, and Thomas Small of FALCON, were admitted as Mates
to pay as Masters, and Thomas Small paid £6 4/-..
James Cappon of Sloop MARGARET admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master and paid £5.
12 August:
Sloop TINKER, was launched from J. and C. Carmichael’s yard. This was the first iron
sailing vessel built on River Tay. Owners C. Carmichael and John Monro.
17 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Ireland and William Feathers - joined as a Seaman 15 March 1836 - admitted as Mate
members of the Fraternity.
George Duncan and Thomas Keay admitted as members of the Fraternity.
18 September:
Dundee ship GEORGE FYFE, 485 tons, on maiden voyage carried 178 emigrants from
Tobermory to Sydney.
29 November:
Thirteen vessels total 2,751 tons, currently building in Dundee.
17 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
George D. Bruce, admitted 16 December 1834, Arthur Brown, admitted 16 December 1834,
William Key & Thomas Miln both joined 17 June 1834 and David Lanceman joined 17
December 1833, of BETSEY & MARGARET all admitted as Free Masters, and David
Lanceman paid £36 10/-.
Thomas Barclay admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
Harbour Trustees agreed to exempt from payment of dues vessels to be employed in the
inspection and laying down of buoys in River Tay [The Fraternity].
Peter Borrie, shipbuilder, Dundee built paddle steamer BONNIE DUNDEE for his own
account. In 1845 the vessel was sold to William Westphalen, Cronstadt.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee elected December 1839.
General Meeting:
Captain James Stewart Boxmaster;
Captain James Barron Depute;
Walter Rait Collector of Light Dues;
David M’Ewen Clerk;
William Machan Officer;
Jas Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Wm Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
5 February :
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The committee agreed to recommend to the Board to allow William Machan the Fraternity’s
officer [at Trinity House] Two pounds Sterling per annum in name of coal and gas.
The committee were unanimously of opinion that it would be extremely expedient and
desirable that the members of the house or any of their families should be allowed the use of
the Mortcloth belonging to the Fraternity free of any charge and it was resolved accordingly.
6 February
The Local Mercantile Marine Board discussed causes of shipwrecks and agreed one cause
was Masters being appointed after a short period of sea service. Some had no knowledge of
the uses of a chronometer or longitude, and one Master was 14 years old.
13 February:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee published a ‘Notice to Mariners’:
‘Wreck in River Tay, Trinity House, Dundee, 4th February 1840 now marked by a ‘Wreck
Buoy.’ By order of the Corporation, James Stewart, Master.’
19 February:
Life Boat Society.
Meeting of River Tay Lifeboat and Humane Society held in the Seamen’s Hall.
James Stewart, Boxmaster of the Seamen’s Fraternity was called to the chair.
Office Bearers:
Patron Rt. Hon. Lord Kinnaird;
James B. Walker, Lieutenant R.N.;
Vice Presidents David Wedderburn, Esq. Of Pearsie;
William Hackney, Esq. Provost of Dundee;
Alexander Martin, Esq. Bailie;
William Johnstone, Bailie;
James Leslie, Civil Engineer;
James Neish, Esq. Broughty Ferry;
James Stewart, Boxmaster of the Seamen’s Fraternity.
W.O. Taylor; John Kennedy; J.N. Smart; John Jack;
Andrew Law; William Young; William Adamson;
George Calman; George Kidd; James Chalmers;
William Gray and John Welch.
20 February:
Marine Charity Ball:
Under the patronage and direction of Mr. James Stewart, Master of the Trinity House, was
held in the Trinity House and proceeds of £22 to the Royal Infirmary.
5 March:
Mariner’s Church held a meeting at Trinity House, Dundee.
7 March:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee
John Henderson admitted a member of the Fraternity.
12 March:
Launch of the barque JOHNS, measuring nearly 300 tons, owner Mr. Thomas Neish, from the
Patent Slip, Dundee. [Vessel had been on Patent Slip for inspection and repairs following
purchase of vessel by Mr Neish.] It was noted that the arrangements on the Patent Slip were
excellent and proved that under the superintendence of Mr. Brisbane, vessels of any tonnage
may be put on the slip, with as much ease and security as into the graving dock.
Loss of DOROTHY, Captain Fleming of Dundee.
17 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Present: The Boxmaster and Deputy Boxmaster. W. O. Taylor; James Lyell; Robert Mearns;
George Bruce; David Duff George Banks; George Fleming; Wm. Adamson; John Spink;
John Fyffe; John Rattray: John Kennedy Senior and Junior; David Ritchie; Adam Webster
and David Jack.
David Barnet Master of WASHINGTON of Dundee was admitted a free master he having
paid his dues being twenty nine pounds and sixteen shillings.
George Ambrose Master of the Brig SCIPIO of Dundee was admitted as a Mate to pay as
such he having paid his dues being Fifteen pounds and fifteen shillings Sterling.
James Rattray Mate of the Schooner LONDON was admitted as a Mate to pay as such he
having paid his dues being £14.
John Henderson Master of URANIA of Dundee who was admitted as a Mate on the
Thirteenth March 1838, was on his petition to pay as Master.
James Ireland Master of the Sloop DAVID KEY who was admitted as a Mate on 17th
September 1839 was on his petition admitted to pay as a Master.
James Hunter Master of the FLORA of Dundee was admitted as a Mate to pay as a Master, he
having paid his dues (Eight pounds) his age being from the Certificate by the Session Clerk of
Coupar Angus on the 26th day of October last.
James Ritchie, Master, joined 17 March 1835, was admitted a free master on payment of his
dues being Thirty six pounds ten shillings. But before being entitled to the usual privileges he
must satisfy the Boxmaster as to his age which is considered thirty six years as at this date.
The pensioners were paid in face of the meeting, the amount being Four hundred and ten
pounds Sterling.
On considering a petition from Elizabeth Kerans the daughter of a deceased member it was
remitted to the Committee to dispose of the petition in such manner as they shall see proper
after seeing and conversing with Mrs. Kerans the mother of the petitioner.
There was read a petition from John H. Kirkaldy a free Master of the House stating that in
consequence of being shipwrecked in Dundrum Bay in the EAGLE of Dundee he had
sustained serious injury and praying for temporary relief. The Fraternity unanimously
authorised the Boxmaster to pay to Kirkaldy the sum of Five pounds as a temporary relief.
It was agreed to authorise the Boxmaster to pay to Thomas Finlay in charity the sum of one
pound and to Widow Turnbull the sum of five shillings but the Boxmaster was instructed to
intimate to them that no further sums could be paid them from the funds of the Fraternity.
The accounts of the Boxmaster and Factor for the Bye-past year were this day read over to the
meeting and the same were approved of and doquetted in presence of the meeting.
20 March:
Loss of SUNDA of Dundee in Indian Ocean, 12 lives lost. Value of cargo, including £25,000
in specie, amounted to £230,000.
2 April:
Dundee Barque EARL DURHAM [or EARL OF DURHAM], Captain Cabel of Dundee,
circumnavigated the globe in 100 days. In New Zealand Captain Cabel was presented with
two Maoris as slaves. He released them and signed them on as crew.
9 April:
Meeting of Harbour Trustees:
Certificates by Mr Stewart, Boxmaster, were produced, stating that James Morgan, William
Knight and James Sievwright had been found qualified to act as pilots. The Clerk was
accordingly instructed to give them the necessary licenses.
30 April:
Opening of trade between India and Dundee.
Noted the vessel SELMA brought the first cargo of jute direct from Calcutta to Dundee.
Cargo comprised about 1,000 bales for various consignees.
Launch of LIVONIA, property of Mr. W. O. Taylor. [Member of the Fraternity]
John Ferrier, licensed pilot.
15 May
Ship CRAIGIEVAR sailed from Dundee with emigrants for New York. The fare was £4 and
passengers to provide their own food. Sailing was delayed and this caused some hardship.
First land sighted was Newfoundland and then 35 days to New York when passengers were
rationed to half a biscuit per day, total passage time was 103 days
21 May:
Document signed by James Stewart, Boxmaster of the Seamen Fraternity of Dundee as a
Trustee of the Harbour of Dundee.
15 June:
Fraternity General Meeting within their Hall, Yeaman Shore, Dundee:
Thomas White Master of Barque THETIS, William Less joined 16 June 1835, William
Simpson Master Barque ARCHDUKE of Dundee, Patrick Clark Master of JOHN & JEAN of
Dundee and David Greig Master of Schooner DUNDEE made Free Masters of the Fraternity.
John Nicol Master of CYRUS, made a Free Master of the Fraternity and paid £43 5/-.
Strachan Christopher, Master of Brig MARGARET made a Free Master of the Fraternity and
paid £11 10/-.
William Scott Thomson admitted a member of the Fraternity.
15 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
David Brown Glenday, Mate WILLIAM CAREY of Dundee admitted Mate and paid £5 12/.Andrew Ritchie, Master ROSE of Perth admitted a Mate member and paid £6 16/-.
South Ferry Lights:
The Fraternity considering it necessary to appoint an additional Light Keeper at the South
Ferry Lights, nominate John Ireland as Assistant Light Keeper at the salary of £15, with the
house and Garden adjoining the West Light, and the Fraternityreduce Nathaniel Young’s
salary to £40 per annum together with the free house and Garden surrounding the East Light.
18 September:
British flag hoisted when Captain David Rough of Dundee selected the site of Auckland
Harbour and buoyed and developed the port.
3 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
To consider a letter received 25 November 1840:
‘Agreeably to your request, I beg to inform you that in coming into the Tay with my
‘vessel the SCOTSMAN of Montrose on 18th Inst, I accidentally came in contact with
‘the Staff and Ball Buoy on account of the darkness of the night – at the same time I
‘became alarmed, and observed to the Pilot (George Ross) that the staff was broke
‘and his reply to me was “Not to speak aloud about it and it will never be found out”,
‘I then cautioned him to report what had happened on arrival at Dundee – which I
‘understand he has never done.’
The meeting having taken the subject into consideration were of opinion that the Pilot,
George Ross, is liable for the damage done to the Buoy, and instructed the Clerk write him
holding him liable accordingly. An should he refuse to pay for the damage done to the Buoy,
the Clerk was instructed to summon him for the amount before the Sheriff when the same is
The Pilot, George Ross was dismissed.
15 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
John S Robb, Master, Barque LADY KINNAIRD admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master
and paid £11 10/-.
William Anderson, Master, ALEXANDER LIDDLE of Dundee admitted as a Mate and to
pay as Master.
Alec S. Boyack, William Clark and James W. Mudie admitted Mate members of the
William Henderson, David Japp & John S. Robb admitted members of the Fraternity.
21 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Alexander Martin, Bailie; Thomas Adamson, Shipbuilder; William Ogilvie Taylor,
Shipowner; all named in an Act of Parliament for improving the Harbour of Dundee.
Meeting of Harbour Trustees: David Jack, Pilotmaster to resign.
Note: When Mr Jack had been appointed and Mr John Welsh had also applied, it was the toss
of a halfpenny who should be appointed.
During the year:
Captain Moffat of ERIN [Berthed at Dundee] was refused permission to cook on board.
Despite having a ‘fireproof galley’, there was no relaxation of the regulations and the vessel
could not get victuals cooked ashore without risk of these being stolen.
Alexander Easson, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
Andrew Reddie, Councillor and Shoremaster.
Brig AMELIA, Captain Law of Dundee.
Barque BLACKNESS, Andrew Murray, Commander, to New York.
James Duncan, Master on Tay Ferries.
John Dandie, ship’s carpenter.
Captain Tarvit, JAMES MARY AND ROSE of Dundee.
Captain Gorrie, MARY ANNE MELVILLE of Dundee.
John Kilroy, Mate, EAGLE of Dundee.
Thomson, Master, Sloop RUBY of Dundee.
Kincaid, Master, GYPSY of Dundee.
Captain Small, FALCON of Dundee.
Peter Borrie built iron Paddle Steamers Lass o’ Gowrie and Princess Royal.
Broughty Ferry Shipyards and foundries:
1. East corner of Douglas Terrace;
2. Near Broughty Castle, sail and steamers built there. This was Peter Borrie’s yard
and situated on the east-west shore between Broughty Castle Pier and the pier to the
3. Foundry at north corner of Queen Street and Claypotts Road.
George Brodie, engineer, opened Temperance Hotel and reading room in Union Street, near
Ferry Pier, Dundee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (elected December 1840).
Captain James Stewart Boxmaster;
Captain James Barron Depute;
Walter Rait Collector [of Light Dues];
David M’Ewen Clerk;
William Machan Officer;
James Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
William Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
3 January:
During the fire at City Churches, Lieutenant Smart, Harbourmaster, and Supt., Pilmer,
Harbour Police, and all crews of vessels in Dundee hosed down masts, rigging and hulls to
extinguish sparks.
11 January:
Fraternity Special Meeting attended by:
W.O. Taylor, The Boxmaster and the Depute Boxmaster.
Messrs., George Scott; David Jack; Robert Tosh; James Barron and John Spink.
9 February:
Mr. James Donaldson, captain of the Brig THETIS of Dundee had been presented the sum of
£20 as a mark of respect for his courage in bringing home his vessel, which was stranded in
the Baltic in December 1840 without incurring the necessary expense of giving her a
temporary repair.
10 February:
Annual Ball for Dundee Royal Infirmary held in Trinity Hall. “Hall crowded with assemblage
of youth and beauty of the town.” John Kennedy, Deputy Boxmaster presided. Receipts £17.
3/10½. Allan’s excellent band discoursed heart stirring music, assisted by Mr. Fyall, innkeeper, and Mr. Craig, who is an admirable violinist.
23 February:
Voyages by Dundee vessels:
AUSTRALIA of Dundee,Yule, Leith to Port Adelaide in 52 days.
JANE CHRISTIE, Wemyss, Liverpool to Rio in 42 days.
LUCILLE, Clark, London to Rio in 38 days.
London newspaper report: ‘The behaviour of ship commanders in the Merchant Navy. They
claim to themselves, ‘of inflicting corporal punishment on their crew, whether by hand, the
handspike, ‘starting with a rope, or flogging with a cat (there was a) need to ensure
‘commanders are qualified by character and temper, as well as talent.’
2 March:
At Mr. Borrie’s yard at Broughty Ferry an iron steamer of draught and power to allow two
hours from Dundee to Perth and return in one day was completed. Named LASS O’
GOWRIE, draught as launched was 13” and, as loaded would be 30.”
Died at Leith, Mr John Limon, Warder of H. M. Naval Stores at Leith, who had been in the
Naval Service for 38 years and was one of Nelson’s forecastle captains at Trafalgar.
9 March:
Dundee Harbour – Yards, Cellars and Lofts to be let:
1. Yard at south side of entrance lock to Earl Grey’s Dock,
presently let to John Gray, jnr., merchant.
2. Yard at south side of entrance lock to Earl Grey’s Dock,
presently let to Dundee & Leith Steam Packet Co.
3. Yard at south side of entrance lock to earl Grey’s Dock,
presently let to James Davidson, fish curer.
4. Loft in building at top of Patent Slip, 32’ 3” long and 32’3”
broad, presently let to Thomas Adamson, ship-builder.
5. Loft 97’ long by 18’ 6” wide, situated at North side of Patent
Slip, presently let to Andrew Hutton, carver.
6. Two cellars under centre of the Patent Slip,
presently let to Thomas Adamson, ship-builder
7. Cellar 52’ by 9’ under centre of the Patent Slip,
presently let to Mr Patrick Just, shipowner.
Advertisements for vessels sailing from Dundee:
Barque APOLLO, Henry Walker commander, owner Patrick Just, 1 Commercial Street.
Brig BELIZE, John Rodger master, owner Wm Leighton, 49 Castle Street.
Brig ARAB, David R. Thoms commander, owner Miller Berrie, 5 Wellgate.
Brigantine ISABELLA, James Just Commander, owner John Thain.
Brig MOUNTAIN MAID, Captain Alex., Wighton, owners Wm., Leighton, Castle Street and
R.D.Pryde, Commercial Street.
16 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Edgar Foreman, joined 16 December 1834, presently Master of P&R, made a Free Master of
the Fraternity, paid £45 Sterling.
George Young, Master EMMA of Dundee, joined17 September 1833, made a Free Master of
the Fraternity, paid £38 16/-.
Hugh Inglis, Master, UVA admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master, paid £7 8/-.
James Rattray admitted a member of the Fraternity.
The Meeting unanimously agreed to appoint Mr. James Blain to Collect the light dues at
Broughty Ferry and Monifieth and to be paid according to a rate to be fixed by the
16 March:
New Ferry Steamer PRINCESS ROYAL was launched at Mr Borrie’s yard, Broughty Ferry.
Length 107 feet, Breadth 34 feet, area on deck an extraordinary 3604 square feet or 1/12
imperial acre. Twin Hulls. [NOTE: Mr Borrie’s yard was located on the shore between
Broughty Ferry Castle and the Railway Pier to the westward.]
Recent launches in Dundee:
Brig VICTORIA, about 158 tons old measurement, was launched from Mr David Calman’s
yard. The ballast shifted, while on her descent, and the vessel turned on her beam ends; no
one was injured.
Brig MOUNTAIN MAID, 198 tons burden, the property of Dundee owners, was launched
from Messrs Brown’s yard. Connoisseurs say that the figurehead of the
MOUNTAIN MAID which is the work of a young man, named Hutton, recently commenced
business in Dundee, is a beautiful specimen of carving.
Barque INDENTES, 361 tons old measurement, was launched from Bailie Calman’s yard for
Greenock owners.
Schooner ARCHER, 96 tons old measurement, property of Tay and Tyne Shipping Company,
went off from the Ship Building Company’s yard.
16 March:
Subscriptions for Mariner’s Church and School:
Thomas Adamson, shipbuilder;
William Anderson, shipbroker;
David Adamson, Mariner;
Captain Adamson, ADVICE;
Captain Anderson, PEGGY;
Captain Anderson & crew, PEGGY;
Captain Archer, UNION;
Archibald Sir James Kempt;
Captain Archer, GRATITUDE;
Captain Aitken, MARS;
Captain Brown, ISABELLA;
Captain Brown, BRITISH KING;
Captain Bell, SWIFT;
Captain Board, CATHERINES;
Captain Bowman, THOMAS;
Captain Baxter, TOUN OF DUNDEE;
Captain Barron, SPINKS;
Captain Bower, NEW HARVEST;
Captain Beattie, ROBERT;
Captain Bachelor, AGENARIA;
John Borrie, Shipowner;
Andrew Brown, jnr, Shipowner;
A&R Brown, Shipowner;
James Bell, Ship-chandler;
James Bruce, Shipowner;
George R Baxter, Shipowner;
David Crighton, Shipowner;
Thomas Coupar, Shipowner;
Captain Crammond, WAVE;
Captain Clark, JEAN&JESSIE;
Captain Coupar, STIRLING;
Captain Crammond, DAME;
Captain Cameron, PERTH;
Captain Cappon, MARGARET;
Captain Crawford, ESKER;
Captain Campbell, JUNE;
Captain Cameron, BELFAST;
Captain Cook, AURORA;
Captain Cumming, JOHNS;
Captain Caithness, DAISY;
Captain Dickson, TRIUMPH;
Captain Duncan, LIVONIA;
Captain Duncan, RUBY;
Captain Duthie, LARK;
Thomas Davidson, Shipowner;
Thomas Erskine, Shipowner;
John Fife, Shipowner;
Captain Fyall, HERALD;
Captain Foreman, VICTORIA;
Captain Greig, CRAIGIE;
Captain Greig, TAY;
Captain Gray, HERMES;
Captain Greig, JESSIE GREIG;
Captain Gray, ROBERT;
Captain Henderson, URANIA;
Captain Hunter, FLORA;
Captain Hill, ORION;
Captain Inglis, UVA;
Captain James, JACKSON;
Captain Welland, EUPHEMIA;
John Jack, Shipowner;
David Jack, Shipowner;
George Kidd, Shipowner;
Captain Kincaid, GYPSY;
Captain Lausen, CRAIGIE;
Captain Lee & Crew, HAWK;
Captain Lindsay, LEVANA;
Andrew Low, Shipowner;
James Laing, Shipowner;
William Lamb, Shipbroker;
William McLaren, Shipsmith;
Captain McDonald, NOAH;
Captain Miller, RAPID;
Captain Myles, AGNES;
Captain Mitchell, PURSUIT;
Captain Mill, AGNES;
Captain Mathew, GAZELLE;
Captain Marr, COURIER;
John Bon, nautical instrument maker;
James Brisbane, Superintendent, Patent Slip;
John Calman, Shipowner;
John Chatterton, Tide Surveyor;
Alexander Cameron, Shipowner;
Captain Clark & Crew, VIXEN;
Captain Christopher, MARGARET;
Captain Crighton, WILLIAM & JAMES;
Captain Cabel, EARL OF DURHAM;
Captain Crockatt, SUSAN & ISABELLA;
Captain Cumming, BETSY ANN DEAS;
Captain Caithness, JACKSON;
Captain Clayton, HAMBURGH;
Captain Clark, JOHN & JEAN;
Captain Collins, BRITTANIA PACKET;
Captain Davidson, FRIENDSHIP;
Captain Deuchars, CHARLOTTE;
Captain Duncan, MORGANIA;
Captain Duncan, ROVER;
Captain Duff, LAUREL;
William Donaldson, Sailor;
Captain Edwards;
George Fyfe, Shipowner;
Captain Forsyth, MARGARET;
Captain Gowans & Crew, DART;
Captain Gray & Crew, ELBE;
Captain Gregory, EUPHEMIA;
Captain Gilchrist, HELEN & JEAN;
Captain Guthrie, MARION ANN;
Andrew Greig, jnr, Shipowner;
Captain Harris, CHANCE;
Captain Hill, late of THETIS;
Captain Hutchison, INDUSTRY;
Captain Wellard, MARY;
Captain Just, ISABELLA;
Captain Johnston & Crew, MARY;
Patrick Just, Shipowner;
John Kennedy, Shipowner;
Captain Kydd, ALBION;
Captain Lumsden, CHANCE;
Captain Lindsay, TAY;
Captain Lindsay, AGNES & MARY;
Captain Lindsay, WILLIAM & JAMES;
John L. Low, Shipowner;
Alexander Martin, Shipowner;
James Miller, Shipowner;
Captain Mearns, CALEDONIA;
Captain Mitchell, TAY;
Captain Mitchell, JOHN BLACK;
Captain Mitchell, HIGHLANDER;
Captain Mundie, BARBARA;
Captain Melville & Crew, PROVIDENCE;
Captain Moncur, REFORM;
Captain Moir, ANN;
Captain Moir, ALEXANDER;
Captain Norrie, ISLA;
Captain Nicol, CYRUS;
Captain Nicol, GUTHRIES;
Captain Neish, Shipowner;
Captain Orr & Crew, FORTH;
Alexander Ogilvie, Ropemaker;
Captain Ogilvie, WILLIAM;
Robert Penman, Blockmaker
Robert Prain, Shipowner;
David Pilmer, Harbour Police;
Captain Paris, FORTUNE;
Captain Paton, MAXWELL;
Captain Patrick, HERO;
Captain Paris, Late of RAVEN;
Captain Philip, EUPHEMIA;
Captain Peter, FAIRY;
Captain Paton, SHAMROCK;
Captain Patrick, VENTURE;
Captain Pryde, PRYDE;
Captain Rattray & Crew, LONDON;
Captain Reoch, ECLIPSE;
Captain Ritchie, ARIEL;
Captain Ritchie, CATO;
Captain Rollo, MARGARET & MARY;
Captain Ritchie ISABELLA;
Captain Robertson, WESTMORLAND;
Captain Robertson, HORN;
Simon Robertson, Shore-Dues Office;
William Ruthven, Shipbroker;
Walker Rait, Merchant Seamen’s Office;
George Robertson, Shipowner;
James Stewart, Shipowner;
George Scott, Shipowner;
Colin Symers, Collector of Customs;
B. Small, Shipowner;
Lieutenant Smart, R.N.;
James Soot, Shipowner;
Captain Stevens & Mate, DIANA;
Captain Scott, STEPHENS;
Captain Small, MARY;
Captain Sim, JOANNA;
Captain Simmers, JANE;
Captain Scott, ANN LOUISE;
Captain Simpson & Mate, CERES;
Captain Simpson, ARGO;
Captain Sturrock, ALEXANDER;
Captain Stark, MARY;
Captain Scott, LAVEROCK SCOTT;
Captain Smith & Crew, MAY;
Captain Spink & Crew, PERTH STEAMER;
Captain Soutar, SEATON;
Crew of SWIFT;
Captain Smith & Sons, SUCCESS;
Captain Thomas, ARAB;
Captain Spence, CITY OF ROTTERDAM;
Captain Thin, VERDANT;
Captain Tosh, ROBERT;
Captain Taylor, SOVEREIGN;
Captain Turnbull & Crew, STAR;
Captain Thomson, THOMSON;
Captain Thomson, MOBILE;
John Thain, Shipowner;
William O. Taylor, Shipowner;
David Webster, Shipowner;
Captain Urquhart, ANDROMEDA;
Alexander Webster, Shipowner;
Captain Urquhart & Crew, Canolla;
William Watson, Mate of TAY;
Captain Wishart, CLYDE;
Captain White, AID;
Captain Welsh, late of HEROINE;
Captain Wilson, BOLIVAR;
Captain Webster, TID;
Captain Wilson, ELIZA;
Captain White, THETIS;
Captain Walker, MARIA;
Captain Walker, ANNA MARIA;
Captain Webster, THOMAS;
Captain Walker, OLIVE;
James Young, ROE;
James Young, SOVEREIGN;
Captain Young, CHOICE;
Captain Young, PERTHSHIRE;
Captain Young, RAVEN;
23 March:
Notice to Shipowners;
Law & Company beg to intimate, that they have been appointed Agents in this district for
Mr. WALL’S PREPARED COPPER, ZINC AND IRON for sheeting vessels.
24 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting: With reference to Insurance against fire in the Light Houses,
values were agreed as:
Buddonness Light House:
Small Light House
Principal Light Keeper’s House
Small Light House Keeper’s House £ 50
South Ferry Light House
“ Keeper’s House
“ Small Light House
“ Keeper’s House 50
30 March:
David Crighton, surveyor for Lloyds in Dundee, was inspector of a vessel building in Dundee.
Church accommodation Re: removal of Cross Church to another location.
Several of the representatives of the Incorporations, particularly the Masons, Wright,
Hammermen, Taylor and cabinet-maker trades, and the Seaman Fraternity, declared that they
were satisfied their constituents would make a reasonable contribution towards the sum that
may be required for removal of the Cross Church.
Harbour Trustees: A memorial from a sub-committee of the Seamen’s Society, in regard to
procuring ground for new church, was remitted to the Committee on Trades Lane.
Loss of AUSTRALIA of Dundee
Initial and subsequent reports:
Fire was discovered on 29 December 1840 in 35º.30´S Long 8º 00´W. Cape being 34°
30´ S, Long 18° 00´W, upwards of 500 miles from land.
30 March: Re AUSTRALIA
Twenty six men had been shipwrecked and landed in two boats, sixteen miles on the
north side of the river Oliphans [later confirmed to be river Oliphant]. They had been
nine days in boats, and said they belonged to the AUSTRALIA of Dundee, which had
taken fire about six hundred miles to the westward of the Cape [Cape of Good Hope]
and was consumed in an hour
Crew numbered 13. In the cabin were three ladies and surgeon passengers; in the
steerage seven male passengers and three children; therefore total passengers 15.
Total person on board 28, of whom 26 have been saved.
The AUSTRALIA contained a good quantity of exceedingly combustible goods,
whisky, wine, tar, coals, &c, &c, and this accounts for the speedy destruction.
The catastrophe appears to have taken place on the 1sr of January, a day of rejoicing
with seamen in general on board ships, but we hope it will be proved to have been the
result of no indiscretion. The vessel and cargo were well insured.
3 April:
MILTON of Aberdeen paid off at Liverpool. James Christie of Dundee, Carpenter.
6 April:
Sales by Auction:
Brig AGENORIA of Dundee. Built at Newcastle in 1826; sails fast, carries 9 ½ keels of coals,
and shifts without ballast. Alex Martin, shipowner.
ISABELLA, James Just commander, John Thain owner. Built at Dundee under contract. A
larger vessel may be taken in exchange.
Presentation of the Freedom of the Guildry
At a meeting of the Dean of Guild and Assessors, held on 1 April, Mr James Stewart, late
Box-master of the Seamen Fraternity, was presented with the freedom of the Guildry, for the
straightforward and honest way in which he had conducted himself during the time he sat at
the Harbour Board as the representative of the Seamen Fraternity.
13 April:
Newspaper report: East India Trade with Dundee
Shipping list contains a notice of the SELMA, Captain Luckie having again sailed from
Calcutta , loaded with a general cargo for Dundee.
To Mr William Davidson, the owner of that vessel, belongs the honour of having opened the
East India trade here. With great labour and at considerable expense he got Dundee made a
free port; and it does not say much for the liberality and gratitude of our enlightened public
functionaries, that they have hitherto allowed Mr Davidson to wear his purchased honours.
Newspaper report:
Meeting of the Harbour Trustees: Trades Lane: In reference to recent communication of the
Sub-Committee of theSeaman’s Friend Society, as to procuring ground for the erection of a
Seaman’s Chapel, The Committee of Trades Lane have recommended that, should the Society
determine on taking a part of the Trustee ground, the upset price of each lot should be reduced
to the extent of £5, - being £85 for the first two stances, and £65 for the other two. –
16 April:
RAPID of Peterhead, paid off at Hull. William Johnstone and William Dixon both seamen of
27 April:
On 24 April H. M. Brig NIGHTINGALE, Lieutenant Southey, arrived here [Dundee], for the
purpose of enlisting able seamen for the fleet.
28 April
JANET & CATHERINE of Peterhead paid off at Dublin. Alexander Taylor of Dundee,
4 May:
Schooner LORD DOUGLAS of Dundee, Captain Small, Rotterdam to Dundee in 50 hours.
Thought to be the fastest passage from Rotterdam to this port.
11 May:
Newspaper advertisement:
Two fine new vessels for sale, about 296 and 216 tons old measurement, both of which will
be sold cheap, in consequence of the dissolution of the Copartnery. A & R Brown,
Donation by Lord Panmure.
Lord Panmure has, through Provost Johstone, presented £10 to the Auxiliary Branch of the
Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners’ Benevolent Society here. His Lordship is President of
the branch.
On Saturday 8th May barque ROBIN GRAY, about 300 tons burthen launched from Mr.
Thomas Adamson’s yard. We understand she is the property of George Clark, Esq.,The prow
of the vessel is adorned by a very well executed figure of “Auld Robin”, the workmanship,
we understand, of Mr Hutton, of this town.
18 May:
Newspaper advertisement:
Bishop Main
A cargo of this useful HOUSE COAL is now
Selling from the ZEALOUS in Earl Grey’s Dock,
At the low price of 3s 8d per boll, put into the cart.
Apply to James Jack, Coal Deacon
[NOTE: One Boll equalled 800 pounds weight.]
28 May:
William Ogilvy Taylor Boxmaster of the Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee.
Thomas Adamson, Shipbuilder.
15 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Thomas White joined 16 June 1836, and Charles Wemyss joined 18 June 1839, made Free
Masters of the Fraternity.
Patrick Clark, David Greig and William Simpson admitted Mates of the Fraternity.
Patrick Clark admitted a member of the Fraternity.
Census – seamen in the port estimated to be 2,000.
22 June:
Brig ORTHORIA, 161 tons (o.m.) the property of Dundee owners was launched from
Messrs., Brown’s yard.
24 June:
WILLIAM a substantial vessel of 240 tons, property of Mr Andrew Low, was launched from
Mr Low’s yard.
29 June: Launch of ANN MILN, property of Messrs Robert Leslie and David Miln, was
launched from Thomas Adamson’s yard.
6 July:
Newspaper advertisement:
Ship for sale: A barque of the following dimensions:
Length of keel including fore-cake 101’ 5” Extreme breadth 26’ 6”
Depth of hold 17 feet 2 ½ inches.
Tonnage: 319 35-94 o.m. 342 1908-3500 n.m.
Nine years class, ready for launching.
13 July:
Newspaper advertisement:
Notice to fishermen and boat builders:
The subscribers have just received to hand a large quantity of SPARS of fine Quality, from
Liebau, adaptable for Boat’s masts, Oars, &c., also a great many suited for yards and other
purposes. Apply to Mayer, Milne & Co., 24 St Andrew’s Street, Dundee
20 July:
Trade with East India – arrival of the SELMA:
The SELMA, Captain Luckie from Calcutta arrived here Tuesday (15 July) having on board
and assorted cargo of jute, sugar, linseed, rice, hides and, we have no doubt, an assortment of
preserves and curiosities for the lieges. This is the second time the SELMA has accomplished
a voyage between Dundee and the East Indies direct, and is the only vessel to have ever done
Vessel RAVEN, Captain Gray, from Riga, was making the river Tay. Andrew Keddie, pilot,
Broughty Ferry and his son went alongside in his boat. RAVEN lurched to leeward and both
Keddie’s were flung into the water. Both rescued but boat was lost.
27 July:
Newspaper advertisement: Eligible opening for an Inn in Broughty Ferry: Double tenement in
Fort Street of Broughty Ferry. As the Eagle Inn in the immediate neighbourhood is now
closed, it is admirably adapted for an Inn.
Voyage of barque FAIRY of Dundee, Captain Nichol, 1st Officer Valentine, 2nd Officer
Morgan, Dundee to Quebec.
10 August:
Mr. Taylor of the Seaman Fraternity reported that sixty guineas had been voted for the
purpose of New Churches, Dundee (East and South Churches) and that the plans had been
approved of. [Note: This refers to rebuilding of the East Church, and includes a note
‘provided the Cross Church moves to another site’.]
Steam Boat MODERN ATHENS aground at Elbow End sands.
Loss of new Brig AGRA of Dundee, Captain William Mearns, Owner. Captain John Oswald
(also in command), off Point Palmyras on 24 May.
17 August:
W. O. Taylor, (Master of the Seaman Fraternity) was appointed a member of the Committee
regarding New Churches.
18 August:
Launch of MADURA, 603 tons, property of Dundee owners, and then believed to be the
largest ship built in Dundee.
24 August:
Harbour Trustees: John Smart, Harbourmaster;
John Jack, Assistant Harbourmaster;
Simon Robertson, Collector of Shore Dues.
7 September:
Brig ARAB of Dundee Captain David K. Thoms.
14 September:
JANET of Dundee in 40º 50´ North, 57º 00´ West, bound for New York. James Blanchard,
master barque CALISTA reported master of JANET dead and JANET had lost all topmasts ,
but had been refitted by crew in eight days.
16 September:
At Dundee, a divine service was held on board the vessel ANN MILN – there were 300
persons on board, as emigrants for Sydney.
21 September:
Death of Mr Alexander Bane, shipmaster, Dundee. Sometime commander of the barque
PHOENIX of Calcutta.
28 September:
Regarding the report that LASS O’ GOWRIE had been in collision with another vessel
opposite Balmerino, a newspaper commented this occurrence shows the necessity for some
rule being adopted to control all vessels, whether at anchor or not, to exhibit lights at night
when on the river.
The RHADAMANTHUS and DEE, steam-frigates, were being fitted with Captain G. Smith’s
paddle-wheel lifeboats.
5 October:
Harbour Trustees: Leave was given for Lieut. Smart to enlist seamen for the Royal Navy.
6 October:
Leith – A sloop, name unknown, went down at Bo’ness, crew drowned.
Bo’ness – A boat has been got from the sloop which sunk off this port yesterday, and is
marked ‘M and MAY of Dundee’, James Rollo.
7 October:
Moravian Missions, South Tay Street, Dundee:
Records that in 1791, a Scottish gentleman named Hamilton who was a large proprietor and
slave owner of Tobago (then a dominion of France) ran Moravian Missions in ships to
Labrador, West Indies, South Africa and Greenland. The ship making voyages in 1841 had
been built in 1771 and therefore in service for 70 years.
9 October:
Newspaper advertisement:
Having room only for a few more tons of light or bale goods, and bound by Charter to sail on
or before 5th November, next. The remarkably fast-sailing coppered clipper barque MOBILE,
253 tons, A 1; has a half-poop, with excellent accommodation for passengers. Apply to
Thomas Neish, Dundee October 7 1841. WANTED for the above vessel, a freight from St
Thomas’ or any of the West Indian Islands, Havannah or Laguna.
12 October:
Loss of sloop MARGARET AND MAY of Dundee, Captain Rollo, at Bo’ness on 6 October,
Death of Captain Fleming of the ENERGY, belonging to this port. Of cholera at Calcutta in
the beginning of August last.
Launch of brigantine JESSAMINE from Mr Brown’s building yard. Property of Mr.
Jessamine, wood merchant.
MARY AND ANN of Dundee, stranded on Gaw Bank.
19 October:
Captain Fleming, ENERGY of Dundee, died at Calcutta of cholera, Captain Mearns, AGRA
of Dundee and lost earlier, took over command of ENERGY.
Loss of MARY AND ANN of Dundee, Fenton, Master, after stranding on Gaw Bank.
21 October:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
William Clark, joined 15 December 1835, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
26 October:
Greenland Whale Fishery: ALEXANDER of Dundee, Captain Sturrock
News from Sydney Herald on 19 June last:
EARL OF DURHAM of Dundee. New route to England via Valparaiso, a number of ladies
and gentlemen have taken passage on EARL OF DURHAM commanded by that old favourite
Captain Cabel [Of Dundee].
29 October:
Barque JOHNS, 290 tons register, Captain Hill, owner Mr. Thomas Neish, from Archangel to
Dundee totally lost in Archangel Bay. Vessel fully insured with the The Marine Companies,
2 November:
Brig ARIEL, Captain Ritchie, of Dundee, nearing Elsinore when Melville Ritchie, nephew of
the captain, and Robert Mearns, jnr., son of Captain Mearns of the CLIO of this port (both
young lads) fell from the bowsprit and were drowned.
Brig OCEAN, 244 tons, Captain Webster, London to Cronstadt, lost. Vessel fully insured
with The Marine Companies, Dundee.
A newspaper reported on the observatory built at the top level of the Custom House, from
which it was possible to see from Reid (or Red) Head north of Arbroath, (the most easterly
point of Forfarshire) to St Abbs Head.
8 November:
PACIFIC of Aberdeen paid off, crew included Daniel Late of Dundee, age 39.
OITHONA of Dundee, Malta to Southampton, crew included:
David Brown age 28, of Dundee, Master;
Martin McKenzie age 32, of Dundee, Mate, before in LOUANA;
William Washan age 22, of Dundee, before in CRAIGIE:
Thomas Hill age 36, of Dundee, Fireman, before in AURORA;
James Scott age 31, of Dundee, Fireman, before in HANNAH;
James Gall age 32, of Dundee, Fireman, before in ST GEORGE;
John Simpson age 19, of Dundee, Apprentice;
Alexander Brown age 18, of Arbroath, Apprentice.
9 November:
Death of John Scott, Collector and Superintendent of Tay Ferries.
16 November:
Lloyd’s Agency: Declarations by David Crighton, Agent for Lloyds, and Surveyor of
Shipping for Lloyds.
23 November:
Loss of brig UNITY, Captain James Betts of and for Dundee from Stettin. Crew saved by ship
CLIO, Captain Oberg.
30 November:
Launch of PRINCE OF WALES from Mr. Thomas Adamson’s yard. Property of G. R. Baxter
of this town.
ELECTRA of Dundee aground at Reiss Bay, and refloated.
Reference to “ … just as the four o’clock bell was ringing for putting out Fires (on board
vessels in port) at the Harbour.”
4 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Agreed that Mark Christopher to receive a license as pilot for the river Tay below the Harbour
of Dundee
7 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Included a report on pilotage in river Tay in November 1841, when 292 vessels entered river
Tay and 106 departed river Tay, a total of 398.
14 December:
Examinations of Masters and Mates at Dundee:
The Seamen’s Fraternity, and the Harbour Trustees, each made applications to be appointed
the examining authority.
14 December:
Loss of CATO of Dundee, Captain Ritchie, wrecked off Sutor’s Point, Durham.
20 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Jeanus White Duff admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £30 8/-.
John Ogilvie admitted a member of the Fraternity.
21 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Henry Taylor, joined 18 March 1834, now Master of SOVERIGN, made a Free Master of the
Fraternity, paid £50 8/-.
George Welch, joined 20 December 1836, now Master of ROYAL BRIDE, made a Free
Master of the Fraternity, paid £ 18 8/-.
William Patrick, Master of the Brig HERO admitted a member of the Fraternity & paid £9 4/-.
William Small, Master of Schooner MARY admitted a Master to pay as Master and paid £14.
John Ogilvie of WILLIAM admitted a Master to pay as Master and paid £9 4/-.
Leanus White Duff, Master of EUPHEMIA admitted a member of the Fraternity & paid £14.
Re. Dispute between Town Council and Harbour Trustees and title of Harbour It was the
decision by Court of Session that town [of Dundee] had to deliver up a deed of Harbour
Conveyancing the Harbour to Harbour Trustees.
During the year:
HM Survey Ship METEOR at Dundee for coals and machinery repairs.
Death of George Shepherd of Dundee, a seaman in vessel MONTROSE.
4 January:
Launch at Dysart of DUKE OF RICHMOND, 600 tons for Dundee owners, William and
Robert Leighton, Castle Street, Dundee.
25 January:
Loss of EDENBANK of Dundee, Captain James.
18 January:
On Thursday last (13 January) Lord Panmure, via Mr. George Duncan M.P., presented The
Fraternity of Seamen with three ‘Grace Darling’ paintings, entitled
Painting: Wreck of FORFARSHIRE,
Portrait: Grace Darling,
Portrait: William Darling.
Newspaper report: Launch of Brig, about 166 tons, named FERGUS from Mr. Thomas
Adamson’s yard, property of Messrs., Ferguson, sail-makers at the Patent Slip. A beautiful
figurehead by Mr. Hutton of Dundee, (who we believe stands unrivalled in Scotland in his
trade of ship carving) adorns her prow.
Brig VERA of 190 tons, property of Mr. Edwards, was launched from Mr. Calman’s yard.
25 January:
Loss of new brig EDENBANK of Dundee, Captain James. Lost in the Black Sea, at a place
called Caraburnow, about 18 miles from the entrance to the Bosphorus. In ballast, Constanza
to Odessa.
Death of Captain Mearns of Dundee, 47, of brig CALEDONIA.
3 February:
From Dundee Warder:
“We understand that the Seamen Fraternity have thrown open their Hall for a short “time, to
give the public an opportunity of inspecting the splendid paintings, lately “presented to that
Body by Lord Panmure, of the Wreck of the FORFARSHIRE, “steamer, and of the heroic
Grace Darling and her father.”
Loss of brig VESTAL of Bo’ness in October 1841 when wrecked on Abertay Sands.
Presentation to Lieut. Cox, R.N., Commander of the Coast Guard at St Andrews.
Underwriters and owners obtained the approval of the head of the Coast Guard department
and resolved to present him with a regulation sword.
1 March:
Sloop MARGARET of Dundee, Captain Anderson, sunk after collision with Leith steamer
MONARCH off Honfleur, crew rescued.
Brig FLORA of Dundee, Captain Hunter, driven ashore at Whiting Bay, Isle of Arran. Crew
Brig DIANA of Dundee, Captain Martin, wrecked at a little below Lights of Tay. Crew saved.
3 March:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (elected December 1841):
Captain W. O. Taylor Boxmaster;
Captain John Kennedy jun., Depute (Trustee of Dundee Harbour Trustees);
Walter Rait Collector [of Light Dues];
David M’Ewen Clerk;
John Welsh Pilot Master Pilot Office;
John Kincaid Officer;
James Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
William Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
James Ireland Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
8 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Fraternity Yacht: Alexander Japp ceased to be in charge of the Fraternity’s Yacht due
infirmity and John Boyack was appointed to the post at a salary of £34. It was agreed he
should devote his whole time and attention to the duty and shall not be entitled during his
employment to draw his pension.
13 March:
Sloop THOMAS of Perth, John Lawson Master, from Wemyss with coals, sunk 3 miles west
of Dundee. Crew of Master, one man and one boy all saved.
15 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Anderson, joined 16 December 1834, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Jre. Wilson Moncur and George Taylor admitted members of the Fraternity.
George Pryde, joined 17 September 1833, reduced to Mate.
22 March:
Harbour Trustees:
Re: Applications for appointment as Boards of Examination for Masters and Mates, Mr.
Neish noted Captain Fitzroy was to meet deputations of Shipowners.
29 March:
Whale Fishery:
PRINCESS CHARLOTTE left roads in river Tay for Davis Strait; ALEXANDER sailed the
previous week; these being two of only four from all of Britain this year.
19 April:
BENLEDI (a regular passenger ship trading between Dundee and Newhaven) arrived from
Newhaven with two cargoes, 42 men and 26 women for the new Penitentiary at Perth, they
were confined below and chained two and two.
10 May:
Dundee manufacturers had taken 28,500 bolts of the Navy Canvass Contract, this being
almost the total of the contract.
24 May:
Those present at the laying of the foundation stones for New Churches included
representatives from the Seaman Fraternity.
21 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Thomas Gray, joined 21 March 1837, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
George Pryde to Mate Class from Master Class.
John Peat, Master ROSEANNA of Dundee admitted as Mate to pay as Master, paid £42 10/-.
26 July:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
A certificate from the Seamen Fraternity bore that David Grubb was duly qualified to act as a
pilot upon River Tay.
2 August:
Arrival of whaler FAIRY, Greenlander, fishery a complete failure. FAIRY only had 1600
seals. Waiting for whalers PRINCESS CHARLOTTE and ALEXANDER.
31 August:
William Mason, appointed Sailor’s Officer in Dundee.
David Tosh, Master of TAY STEAM PACKET.
7 September:
Captain David K. Thoms, of ARAB of Dundee.
14 September:
Captain Kydd, of JANET of Dundee.
20 September:
William Feathers, joined 20 September 1842, deceased.
4 October:
Ship WILLIAM of Dundee, Captain Cappon.
18 October:
Brig ECLIPSE of Dundee, Captain John Smith.
Brig RETURN of Dundee, Captain Young.
Brig GRATITUDE of Dundee, Captain Archer.
19 October:
Loss of Sloop MARGARET & MAY of Dundee, Captain Rollo.
25 October:
Loss of Schooner BETSY ANN of Dundee, David Steven, Master, off Berwick.
MORGIANA of Dundee, Captain Duncan and Charles Peters Chief Mate.
3 November:
Brig SCIPIO of Dundee, Captain Cromarty.
Ship FAME of Dundee, Captain Banks.
22 November:
William Jeffers, W. O. Taylor and Launceman Jack submitted applications to the Harbour
Trustees for post of Pilot Master.
28 November:
Book of Reference recording properties in Dundee and dated 28 November 1842, includes,
Property No. 170, at south side of Yeaman Shore, Dundee:
Dundee Seamen’s Fraternity,
Mr. Clark
John Kinsale, Housekeeper and Mr. Clark.
28 November:
DOVE of Dundee, Wiliam Melville, Mate, drowned at sea. He was the last of eleven sons of a
Balmerino family, the others all dead or in places unknown.
6 December:
HIRONDELLE of Dundee, Captain Deuchars, seaman Templeman injured.
Schooner LORD DOUGLAS of Dundee, Captain Small, arrived from Rotterdam in 49 hours.
13 December:
Captain Davidson of HENRY HOLLAND of Montrose, moored in Dundee Harbour, fined
because he, in defiance of a Police-officer, kept a candle burning in his cabin for upwards of
an hour.
20 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Clark, Master, Brig CHASE admitted as Master & to pay as Master and paid £10 18/-.
David Rollo, Master, Schooner MARJORY admitted as Master and to pay as Master and paid
£12 10/-.
William Watson, Master, Schooner TAY admitted as Master & to pay as Master and paid £8.
William Young, Master, DAISY admitted as Master and to pay as Master and paid £9 16/-.
James Cook admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
Dundee Barque MORGIANA, George Duncan Master, sailed more than 19,000 miles in one
year and three days.
John Calman, shipbuilder, built the tug RATCHEL KLIENST for Danzig owners.
1842- 1843 Trustees of the Merchant Seamen’s Fund: Thos. Adamson (Chairman);Messrs.
Thos. Erskine; John Jack; Thos. Powrie; James Stewart; John Brown; Patrick Just; John
Spink; Alexander Martin; George Scott; William Anderson; David Jack; George Fyfe; John
Welch; Alexander Cameron.
Walter Rait, Collector.
AMELIE HILL loaded at Dundee for Singapore and Hong Kong, via river Tyne.
Seamen Fraternity (elected December 1842).
Captain W.O.Taylor Boxmaster;
Captain John Kennedy jun., Depute (Trustee of Dundee Harbour);
Walter Rait Collector [of Light Dues];
David M’Ewen Clerk;
John Welsh Pilot Master Pilot Office;
John Kincaid Officer;
James Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
William Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
James Ireland Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
9 January:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
John Kennedy was elected Boxmaster.
11 January:
Marine Ball held in Dundee.
15 January:
Mariner’s Communion Celebrated.
24 January:
New Schooner SHELAH, Captain Mitchell, purchased by Dundee Hull Shipping Company.
Launceman Jack accepted post of Pilot Master.
Dundee Harbour Trustees: Trinity House Leith requested details of the case for the dismissal
of Andrew Keddie, a river Tay pilot.
31 January:
Harbour Trustees: A petition from James Watson for a license to act as a pilot was referred to
the Seaman Fraternity.
Pilot Master reported that for half year ended 30 November 1842, vessels piloted inbound
255, outbound 77 - in all 326. Pilotage fees £406 13s 6d, the Pilot Master’s proportion being
£25 9s 6d.
7 February:
Meeting of Dundee Harbour Trustees: Mr. Kennedy [Boxmaster, Seaman Fraternity] referred
establishment of a new system of pilotage. The Fraternity Committee proposed that all vessels
under 100 tons should be exempted from compulsory pilotage; that all other
vessels,(excluding steamers) should pay uniform rate of half a crown per foot in draft of
water; that steamers not requiring pilots should be subjected to one third of the rates.
Loss of river Tay Pilot: Mark Christopher, pilot, was lost after sailing single handed on look
out for Vessels requiring services of a Pilot. His son died on board ADVICE, whaler, some
years ago when wintering in Arctic regions.
Harbour Trustees discussed The New Harbour Bill and Ferries Bill
9 February:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Present: John Kennedy, Master; Deputy Boxmaster; John Jack; Thomas Ewing; George
Banks; David Mitchell; Robert Tosh; Thomas Glenday.
14 February:
Meeting of the Seaman Fraternity
John Kennedy Master; Depute Boxmaster; William Adamson; Thomas Glenday; James
Barron; Robert Tosh; James Kidd; George Banks.
Proposed Pilotage rates:
A. For foreign vessels from foreign, from outside the Bar of Tay into the Harbour: 3s
6d per foot;
B. British vessels not belonging to Dundee or River Tay 2s 6d per foot;
C. Vessels belonging to Dundee and River Tay 2s per foot;
D.Coasting vessels which take pilots, 1s 6d per foot; Coasting vessels which do not
take pilots 6d per foot.
21 February:
Brig CERES of Dundee aground in Widewall Bay.
Re: Pilotage: The Seaman Fraternity was required to purchase two cutters, each capable of
carrying a Master Pilot, six pilots and two apprentices.
28 February:
Peter Lovell, seaman on DUNDEE of Dundee, killed in an accident in London.
7 March:
Schooner THOMAS of Dundee, James Dorward Master, Anderson of Dundee the owner,
sunk in Berwick Bay.
Harbour Trustees appointed Peter Hanton as filler and weigher of coals at this port.
9 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Alexander Rintoul elected Deputy Boxmaster.
14 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting in Dundee and held in their Hall:
Present: John Kennedy Master, the Boxmaster; Alexander Rintoul, Depute; John Clark;
George Banks; Robert Tosh; James Barron.
21 March:
Fraternity General Meeting, held in their Hall:
Present: John Kennedy, Boxmaster and Alexander Rintoul, Depute Boxmaster;
William Adamson; George Banks; John Kennedy Jnr.; Robert Tosh; John Spink; William
Bell; Peter McKenzie; William Mearns; William Clark; John Jack; James Lyall; George
Lindsay; George Young; Thomas Glenday; John Calman.
James Kermath, whaler, joined 16 December 1834, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Second entry records from Master to Mate Class.
John Rodger, joined 20 March 1836, Master BELIZE made a Free Master of the Fraternity
and paid £24 8/-.
William Adamson, joined 20 March 1838, Master Brig OPHELIA made a Free Master of the
Fraternity and paid £12 8/-..
Peter Anderson, Master Schooner BESS admitted as a Mate and to pay as a Master and paid
£5 12/-. [Died before being admitted a Free member of the Fraternity.]
David Kyd admitted a member of the Fraternity.
James Kyd, Master Brig ISABELLA admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master and paid £8
John Ross Baxter, Master Brig ADINO of Dundee admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master
and paid £8 12/-.
David Young, Master RAVEN admitted as a Mate and pay as Master, paid £6 16/-.
Thomas Cook, Master Schooner JACK admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master and paid £5.
Alexander Kirkaldy, Mate MERCURY of Dundee admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master
and paid 36 16/-.
William Nicoll as Mate and from Master Class.
John Ritchie from Master Class.
Harbour Trustees:
George Cathro, seaman, produced the necessary certificate [From the Seaman Fraternity] and
received a license to act as a pilot.
23 March:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
John Calman elected Boxmaster.
4 April:
Launched last Friday 31 March, ELLENGOWAN, owners Baxter Brothers, Dundee.
5 April:
David Sidey, seaman of Dundee, on board fell from the top-gallant-yard of the ship DUKE
OF RICHMOND on her passage from Sydney to Port Philip, and was unfortunately drowned.
13 June:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
An estimate of the expense of Painting the North Lights by Perrie & Son with one coat for
£10.10/- was accepted of and the Boxmaster authorised to agree accordingly. But it was left to
the Boxmaster to give a second coat for £3.10/- additional if he thought proper.
An offer to paint the South Lights by John McGregor, painter, for £2.10/- which was accepted
14 June:
Committee Meeting [of the Fraternity] at Dundee 14th June 1843:
The Boxmaster reported that thro’ the exertions of Captain James Neish the Corporation had
been presented with the model of a 120 Gun Ship named the CALEDONIA. The Meeting
accepted of the Present and directed the Secretary to write to Captain Neish thanking him for
the Trouble he had taken in getting the Model presented to the Corporation. It was resolved to
have the vessel all repaired and rigged out and it was remitted to the Boxmaster to get this
done with full powers.
20 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
The following Charities ordered to be paid by the Boxmaster:
James Caithness
Alexander Japp
Jean Coats
Widow Turnbull
£ 10/-;
Thomas Findlay
George Thoms, joined 20 March 1838, now Commander Barque ANN MILN, made a Free
Master of the Fraternity.
Thomas Mather, Master Schooner FOAM joined as Mate to pay as Master and paid £5.
James Forsyth, Master Brig NOAH, Joined as Mate to pay as Master and paid £9.16/-.
W. O. Taylor admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £7 10/-.
27 June:
George Duncan, M.P., in a letter to a newspaper, commented on plight of Dundee ship
EUROPE, Captain Bridie, and the unsatisfactory treatment received in Brazil.
11 July:
Harbour Trustees: A petition was read from the Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee,
proving that the Trinity Yacht may be exempt from the Graving Dock dues when undergoing
repairs, on the ground she is kept for the safe purpose of preserving the navigation of the
The Trustees granted the prayer of the petition, on the understanding that the yacht is not
allowed to go into the Graving Dock to the exclusion of other vessels, and the privilege only
granted during the pleasure of the Trustees, and on the condition that the vessel will not be
employed for any other purpose than that stated in the letter from Mr. McEwen of 16 April
14 July:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee
Committee Meeting:
A letter was received from Messrs., James Carmichael & Coy., making an offer to supply
some sinkers [for use with buoys] at 7/- per … was laid before the meeting. The Boxmaster
was authorised to order three suitars, two of ten but.each and one of 12 but.
15 July:
Wreck of PEGASUS of Dundee.
15 August:
Schooner P.T.R. of Dundee, Captain Foreman, wrecked Jutland, crew safe.
29 August:
The Act intitled “An Act for altering and amending the Dundee Harbour Acts, as for more
effectually maintaining, improving, and extending the Harbour of Dundee, and for other
purposes connected therewith” came into operation on Monday twenty eighth current.”
19 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James W. McLostle admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £36 8/-.
Total loss of Brig VICTORIA, of Dundee, Captain Simpson, Dundee to Memel, all crew safe.
3 October:
Harbour Trustees:
Mr Launceman Webster, who has for some time acted as Pilot Master, was confirmed in the
situation during the pleasure of the Board.
24 October:
Harbour Trustees: The petition of David Grubb, pilot, for a claim of pilotage, was refused, on
hearing a statement of the case by the pilot master.
14 November:
Brig HUNTER of Dundee, Dow master, and Brig AMELIA of Dundee, Black master, both
driven ashore at Narva, Crews safe.
Brig MARS of Dundee, Captain William Clark died 11th [October] of fever, also Mate and
four men, leaving only two boys in crew alive. This information from Mr. George Kidd,
owner, from Laguna
21 November:
First meeting of new Board of Harbour Trustees included Mr. John Kennedy,jnr, Boxmaster,
Seaman Fraternity.
28 November:
Plan of Harbour of Dundee shewing works in progress and planned.
Records details of properties, including:
Dundee Seamen’s Fraternity.
Mr. Clark.
Dundee Seamen’s Fraternity.
Hall and Schoolroom.
Mr. Taylor, Boxmaster.
5 December:
John Martin, master of sloop JESSIE of Dundee, died.
Harbour Trustees: Petition from Andrew Keddie, suspended in 1841 for allowing a vessel to
go aground on Craig Bank. Petitioner continued to exercise his office of pilot in the Tay, in
virtue of a license he held from the Trinity House, Leith.
19 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Gray, joined 18 December 1838, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
David B. Glenday admitted a member of the Fraternity paying as a Mate.
George Deuchars admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity. Later struck off.
Loss of Brig AYLESFORD of Dundee, Captain Webster, from St Petersburg to Arbroath,
driven ashore at Faro, Gotland.
26 December:
Report of visit by a Whaler to Davis Straits, Prince Regents Inlet, Fury Point, where there was
a house constructed by Captain Ross and crew of VICTORY also stores and provisions placed
there. House was built 18 years previously [1824].
During the year:
Model of Man-of-War LORD DUNCAN presented by Mr. Charles W. Boase to The
Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee.
Dundee Harbour Board There were many meetings in the year and, for example, Thomas
Neish attended 78 Board Meetings and 112 committee Meetings.
James Webster, Common Councillor, appointed a Harbour Trustee.
Fraternity of Seamen offered £5 reward for information leading to conviction of Master
whose ship swamped and sank FELLUCY DUCY.
Dundee Arbroath & Montrose Insurance Association suffered bad business in the years 1842
and 1843, due many shipping disasters.
Reported to be about 335 vessels visited Dundee during the year.
James Webster, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (elected December 1843).
Captain W. O. Taylor, Boxmaster; Captain John Kennedy, jun., Deputy Boxmaster.
9 January:
David Milne, Master and Peter Findlay, Mate, both of vessel MAY of Dundee found guilty
of smuggling.
River Tay Lifeboat: Twenty Carte’s patent life belts and two life buoys supplied. The
principal boat is to be kept afloat to prevent delay.
17 January:
Dundee Harbour Trustees: It was reported that in the half year to 1st December 1843, 280
vessels entered river Tay and 51 vessels departed from river Tay. Pilotage fees £338 7s 9d,
fee to Pilot Master £23 18s 8d
A Treaty of Commerce between Russia and Great Britain signed and Thomas Neish was
appointed Russian Vice-Consul at Dundee.
Materials and tools from John Calman’s yard sold off.
20 February:
Dundee Harbour Trustees: Committee on Pilotage reported that licenses had been granted to
the following indviduals to act as pilots for River Tay and Harbour of Dundee: William Gall;
James Gall; David Lorimer; Alexander Gall; George Ross; James Ross; David Knight; John
Chambers; Alexander Mearns.
Licenses had also been issued to Alexander Beattie, David Shepherd and James Cargill for the
River Tay only; and two applications for licenses had been remitted to the Seaman Fraternity.
A license had been prepared for Thomas Hall, but was witheld in the meantime, until inquiry
should be made into a charge of alleged misconduct – the matter being remitted to the
Dundee Harbour Trustees complained about Dundee bound ships landing cargoes to lighters
at Tayport. An Interdict was served by Admiral Maitland Dougall, Tayport to prevent
Dundee Harbour Trustees levying dues at Tayport.
27 February:
The steam ship LONDON, Captain Ewing of Dundee.
The steam ship PERTH, Captain Speed of Dundee.
5 March:
Dundee Harbour Trustees:
Licenses were granted to the following individuals to act as Pilots in the River Tay:
Alexander Shepherd, Broughty Ferry; Jon Cargill, Auchmithie; Thomas Gall, Broughty Ferry.
12 March:
There was a Merchant Seamen’s Fund Meeting at the Seamen’s Chapel, Reform Street when
it was agreed the committee be elected comprising three trustees, three members and three
Steam ship DUNDEE, Captain Kidd of Dundee.
19 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Mitchell, joined 18 September 1838, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
David Clark, joined 18 December 1838, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
David Bower, Andrew Davidson and Jas D. Sturrock admitted Mate members of the
2 April:
Wreck of DAISY of Dundee, Captain Young, Dundee to Memel, wrecked at Roume Canal on
24 March. All crew safe, some with amputations due frostbite.
A meeting of Shipwrights, Blacksmiths, Blockworkers etc., connected with Port of Dundee,
met to discuss a Parliamentary memorial regarding “ an equal share of naval work to be done
in Scotland”.
30 April:
Brig BRITISH KING of Dundee, Sinclair Master, Dundee to Riga stranded on 17 April at
Noen, near Arildsloga, behind the Khol. Leaking but refloated.
21 May:
Dundee Harbour Trustees:
Pilotage Committee discussed the matter of Thomas Lorimer, suspended pilot.
A complaint was received from the Pilot Master against an incorrigble named William
Moodie, who persevered in exercising the office of pilot without a license.
7 June:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
John Calman admitted a member of the Fraternity.
11 June:
Tay Coffee House at 4 West Dock Street was described as being of great use by sailors and
others of the shore.
18 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Charles Wemyss, joined 18 June 1839, made a Free master of the Fraternity.
Thomas B. Lewis admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £22 15/-.
James Cappon, joined 18 June 1839, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Loss of Brig CHANCE, Harris master, of Dundee.
Launch of DUKE OF WELLINGTON, largest ever built at this port, to date, 601 tons. Built
by D. Calman for the Messr. Edwards & Captain George Duncan.
Pilot Master reported in six months period to 1st June 1844, vessels Inwards 258, Outwards
67. Pilot dues £287 16s 10d, fees to Pilot Master £19 6s 6d.
23 July:
Meeting to discuss Mariner’s Church, Chair taken by David Crighton, Esq., Agent for Lloyds.
13 August:
James Watson, pilot on River Tay.
27 August:
Brig HANNAH, of Dundee, Captain Soutar, wrecked at St Lawrence River.
7 September:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Peter Anderson of Blackness House admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £7 10/6d.
Guy Duncan, ship DUKE OF WELLINGTON admitted a member of the Fraternity and
transferred to Mates Class.
Robert Cockerill admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
21 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Greig, Lightkeeper, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
1 October:
Departure from Dundee of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert … procession to be:
First, The Guildry;
Second, The Nine Incorporated Trades;
Third, The Three United Trades;
Fourth, The Maltmen Incorporation;
Fifth, The Members of the Trinity House;
Then other bodies in the order they arrive.
Grand Ball in honour of the Officers of the Royal Yacht Squadron …
Commander Hall and officers of Royal Yacht VICTORIA AND ALBERT;
Capt. Washington and officers of H.M. Steam-vessel BLAZER
Commander Estracourt and officers of H.M. Frigate ECLAIR
Commander Smithett of H.M. Steam-vessel PRINCESS ALICE
Commander Miller and officers of H.M. Steam-vessel VULCANO
Officers of H.M. Steam Frigate STROMBOLI
Attendees included:
Captain Neish and the Misses Neish;
Mr. Neish and Miss A. Neish.
5 November:
Dundee Harbour Trustees: James Lorimer, fisherman, Broughty Ferry, wished to be reinstated
in the office of pilot.
19 November:
Vessel EUROPE of this port, Bridie master, wrecked at Downpatrick Bay, Ireland.
26 November:
The Directors of the Shipwrecked Fisherman and Mariners Benevolent Society awarded £2 to
the aged parents of the late William Lindsay, seaman, a member of the society, who was
drowned by the carrying away of the topmast of the schooner JULIA when he was in the act
of furling the top-gallant-sail.
Launch of clipper schooner from yard of Mr. Brown. Named ALBERT and owned by Dundee
Hull Shipping Company.
7 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
James Nicoll, Brig HELEN, admitted a member of the Fraternity. Found dead prior to date of
Melville Pryde, admitted 19 March 1839, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
William Gregory admitted a Seaman member of the Fraternity.
17 December:
Launch of full-rigged barque BRECHIN CASTLE launched from Mr. Stephens’ yard, owners
are Baxter Brothers and Company, Captain Barclay, late of GLAMMIS CASTLE.
30 December:
Loss of Brig CRAIGIE of Dundee, Bell master, on River Humber, crew saved.
Sloop HOPE, McRitchie, master, Dundee to the Eden, struck on the Elbow Bend, crew saved.
During the year:
Trinity House offered two Guineas reward for information on the cause of damage to Staff
Bull Buoy. Staff was carried away and buoy damaged.
The Adamson ship building yard was situated at the south side of Seagate and in 1844 the
Harbour Trustees agreed to lease to Adamson the Patent Slip and the adjacent buildings
MARY of Dundee, David Milne, Master, and Peter Findlay, Mate, found guilty of smuggling
5 hundredweight [560 pounds] of tobacco.
Trustees of Dundee Harbour included: “From the Seamen Fraternity – The Master of Trinity
Alexander Buist, Rope and Sail Maker, was in business at 1 Dock Street, Dundee.
James Webster, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
Alexander Stephen, Shipbuilder moved business from Arbroath to Dundee.
The Incorporation of Trinity House (elected December 1844).
Captain John Kennedy jun., Boxmaster;
Captain William Ogilvie Taylor Depute;
David M’Ewen Clerk;
John Kincaid Officer;
Lanceman Webster Pilot Master Pilot Office 11 Dock Street;
James Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
William Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
James Ireland Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig.
The Incorporation of Trinity House, Dundee was appointed one of the Boards of Examiners
of Masters and Mates in the Merchant Service established by the Lords of the Committee of
Privy Council for Trade.
7 January:
Dundee Harbour Trustees: Mr. Kennedy (Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee) was
appointed convenor of Committee on Docks and Pilotage.
14 January:
Launch of TAY AND TEES PACKET, clipper schooner, 77 tons register, property of Captain
Peter Anderson, from the yard of Mr. Brown at the back of the Custom House.
Brig SHAKESPEARE of Dundee was damaged in collision when entering the Tidal Harbour,
4 February:
Loss of DUNDEE of Dundee, 86 tons burthen, Craig Master, Dundee to Liverpool. [Note:
Not a DP&L vessel.]
18 February:
Brig MARTIN, of Dundee, John Calman, Master, wrecked on Gaa Sands, Estuary of river
Tay. All crew, nine in total, drowned.
John Jack, John Kennedy, jnr., W. O. Taylor and Captain Patrick of HERO, named as a
committee to look after subscription paper for the widows.
18 March:
Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee
George Ambrose, joined 18 March 1840 and John Henderson, joined 7 March 1840, made
Free Masters of the Fraternity.
Alexander Barclay admitted a member of the Fraternity.
William Duncan GLAMMIS CASTLE admitted a member of the Fraternity and transferred to
Mates Class.
James Cook admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity, from Masters Class.
William Duncan admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
Loss of MARY JANE STEWART of Dundee, Betts, master, on Gunfleet Sands, River
Thames., when on passage Perth to London.
17 June:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
David Greig, joined 16 June 1841, fallen back to Mate.
William Scott Thomson, joined 16 June 1840, made a free Master of the Fraternity.
James McGregor admitted a Seaman member of the Fraternity.
James Forsyth admitted a member of the Fraternity.
16 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James McGregor admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity, to pay as Master & paid £27 5/-.
George Keay, Mate of GEORGE CUMMING admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
Alexander Boyack admitted a member of the Fraternity.
9 October:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee:
Thomas Vine, Boxmaster.
16 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John S. Robb, joined 15 December 1840, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
James Ireland admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity, to pay as Master.
Peter L. Low, Mate of S.S.LONDON, Thomas Miller, James D. Sturrock and John Welch
admitted Mate members of the Fraternity.
James Crockatt admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
Merchant Seamen’s Fund, Office 11 Dock Street. Trustees: George Lyle, Chairman; Andrew
Greig junior; John Jack; John Brown; Patrick Just; John Spink; Thomas Coupar; John
Sturrock, junior; John Guillan; James Kidd; William Buist; Thomas Ewing; William Young;
Alexander Martin; Robert Leslie.
Joseph Graham, Collector
Broughty Ferry to Tayport ferry service provided by 2 vessels.
James Webster, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
John Cowperthwaite Junior, Master PERTHSHIRE’
Frazer Fotheringham, Steward on merchant ships.
Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee elected December 1845.
Captain John Kennedy jun., Boxmaster;
Captain Robert Tosh Deputy Master;
David M’Ewen Clerk;
John Kincaid Officer;
Lanceman Webster Pilot Master;
James Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
William Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
James Ireland Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
Thomas Barron Yacht Keeper.
17 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Hugh Inglis and James Rattray, both joined 16 March 1841, made Free Masters of the
James D. Sturrock, admitted a member of the Fraternity.
14 June:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Patrick Clark, joined 15 June 1841, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
James Anderson admitted a member of the Fraternity.
Norman Cappon admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
15 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James McLeish and James Milne admitted members of the Fraternity.
The Coasting Insurance Association declined to accept risks for vessels kept on the beach
below North Carolina Port, Dundee from 15 September to 15 March 1847.
1 & 2 October:
Beacon Rock
Tidal Commissioners (Captain Washington and Captain Vetch) visited Dundee to discuss
blowing up Beacon Rock and Fowler Rock.
28 November:
John Ferrier, fisherman, Broughty Ferry was charged with piloting a Foreign vessel bound
Newburgh, and refusing to give her up to David Grubb, Licensed Pilot. Lawyer for Ferrier
argued exclusive power of Licensed Pilots did not extend upriver from Dundee. Dean of
Guild, after adjourning the case, found Ferrier not guilty but fined him 5/- for assaulting
15 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
George Keay, joined 14 September 1845, from Mate and to pay as Master.
During the year:
Before 1846 the ferry rights between Broughty Ferry and Tayport were held by Mr. Stark
Dougal of Scotscraig, Tayport. In 1846 the Edinburgh and Northern Railway purchased these
rights under parliamentary powers.
Lieutenant Smart, Berthing Master at Dundee and appointed 1838, died.
Harbour Board received application for the post from: Captain J. Edwards; Captain Andrew
Greig; Captain James Young; Captain Robert Mearns; Captain John Jack; Captain W. Ogilvie
There was discussion whether there should be two Harbourmasters and that when Grey and
Wrangham were appointed in 1831, tonnage using the port was 189,000. Now, when tonnage
was 302,000, only one Harbourmaster was proposed.
Captain John Jack was appointed Harbourmaster at Dundee.
In the period 1828 to 1846, 27 vessels were lost around river mouth.
Middlebank Buoy laid.
David Hunter of Blackness criticised the levying of light dues for other purposes. [Note:
Other purposes being payment of pensions.]
Alexander Easson, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
Trinity House (elected December 1846). One of the Boards of examiners of Masters and
Mates in the Merchant Service established by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council
for Trade.
Captain John Kennedy jun., Boxmaster;
Captain Robert Tosh Deputy Master;
David M’Ewen Clerk;
John Kincaid Officer;
Lanceman Webster Pilot Master;
James Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
William Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Nathaniel Young Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
James Ireland Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
Thomas Barron Yacht Keeper;
John Kincaid, Officer.
Re: Floating Light proposed for entrance to river Tay.
This was opposed tooth and nail by the Seamen Fraternity who said it [the Floating Light]
would induce ships to try and enter the river in times of poor visibility. William Clark
considered it a good piece of special pleading but it still showed that something was needed.
Within six months, seven vessels had stranded and four of the Masters stated they thought
they were south of Elbow [buoy]. With reference to the report by Stevenson, Engineers, who
carried out regular inspections of all lights on river Tay at the request of the Seamen
Fraternity, Stevenson was described as a “paid servant of the Fraternity” and the report had
received a mixed reception.
David Hunter thought the Fraternity should join Mr. David Miln in the course recommended
– to request Admiralty to send some competent person to inspect the lighting in the river in
view of the seven wrecks since Captain Washington reported it the best lighted and buoyed
river in the country.
At a meeting of the Guildry, Captain Kennedy of the Seamen Fraternity described the seven
wrecks and said none were on the Elbow and one was on Black Rocks at Monifieth.
Captain McEwen of the Seamen Fraternity described the seven wrecks:
16 November 1846:
JAMES (Reid) floated on the next tide;
ISABELLA (Greig) floated at the next tide;
16 December 1846:
BOLIVAR touched bottom;
ANN AND MAY of Banff struck Lady Buoy and beached at Monifieth;
25 February 1847:
UNITY of Leith wrecked near lights;
FANCY near No. 4 Buoy and 2000 yards above proposed floating light.
ALTNASTECH near No. 5 Buoy.
William Clark pointed out that all were entering river Tay and were lost on Abertay Sands.
Forty to fifty Pilots were available but less than ten were full time pilots.
14 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Cameron admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £27 5/-.
David Japp, joined 15 September 1840, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
William Patrick, joined 21 December1841, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
George Taylor, joined 15 March 1842, made a free Master of the Fraternity.
6 April:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Present: The Boxmaster. Messrs. John Kennedy; Peter McKenzie; John Jack; David Souter;
James Ireland: William Bell.
There was laid before the Meeting a letter from James Paterson, 56 Buccleugh Street,
Edinburgh, to Mr Kennedy of 22nd ulto., soliciting the Corporation to subscribe for a private
Portrait of Robert Stevenson Esquire, who had for such a length of time been their Engineer,
and the price of which was £3 3/-. The Boxmaster stated that he had instructed the Clerk to
order a copy, which had been received, and was now laid on the table.
The meeting approved of what the Boxmaster had done, and resolved that the Engraving be
framed and hung in the Trinity House.
15 June:
John Kerr, SIR HENRY PARNELL, admitted a member of the Fraternity.
23 June:
There was a boom in Riga/Dundee trade after declaration of Free Trade and the following
vessels were loading, or en route, to Dundee:
CYRUS, Captain Foreman;
BLOSSOM, Captain Wallace;
VINE, Captain Lee;
VERACITY, Captain Dykes;
ISABELLA, Captain Brown;
MARGARET, Captain Bruce;
BELLONA; Captain McLagan;
CALEDONIA, Captain Boyack;
JESSIE, Captain Simpson;
MARY, Captain Smith;
EFFORT, Captain Duncan;
VERA, Captain Gray;
HERO, Captain Reid;
MERCURY, Captain Peters;
MARGARET, Captain Brown;
DIANA, Captain Turpie;
RATHO, Captain Reid;
WILLIAM, Captain Johnstone.
Captain Denholm, R. N. visited Dundee to inspect lights on River Tay.
21 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Peatt, joined 21 June 1842, now Master BOLIVAR, praying to be admitted as a Free
Master was considered and he was admitted as such, he having paid his dues of £37 12/- but
on the express condition that the said John Peat is alive at the present time.
Jeanus White Duff, born 22 October 1823 and joined 20 December 1841, admitted as a Free
Master of the Fraternity and paid £30 8/-.
James Ireland, Master Brig MAY of Dundee admitted as a Mate.
William Clark, Mate Schooner MARGARET admitted a Mate to pay as such & paid £7 15/-.
26 November:
Captain Denholm’s proposals for buoying and lighting of River and Estuary of River Tay
made to the Corporation of the Trinity House of Dundee.
18 December:
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee
Trinity House informed the Harbour Trustees that a screw pile lighthouse was to be built 1300
yards seaward from the Lower Light at Tayport. Reasons given were: Lights [Upper and
Lower Lights at Tayport] are too close together and steam from train ferries liable to obscure
Captain H. Mengles Denham, who surveyed Tay had recommended a floating light further
Merchant Seamen’s Fund in 1847. Trustees: George Fyfe (Chairman); Patrick Just; William
Young; Alexander.Martin; Andrew Greig; John Guillam; W. O. Taylor; James Young; R. D.
Pryde; Robert Tosh; David Duff: Thomas Glenday; Lanceman Webster; Wm. Nicoll; Robert
The Shipwrecked Fisherman and Mariners’ Benevolent Society 1847:
H. M. The Queen Patroness;
Admiral The Right Hon. Sir G. Cockburn, G.C.B., President.
Dundee Auxiliary Branch:
The right The Lord Panmure President,
John Fyfe, Dock Street, Secretary and Treasurer.
Regarding a proposed railway ferry between Broughty Ferry and Tayport by the Edinburgh &
Northern Railway Company, one proposal was to cut away Broughty Castle and nearby rock
to ease navigation.
Andrew Greig, Shipmaster said he had seen 200 sail in the Mersey, and in the Tyne, with
steam ferries crossing without interference. He had also seen 60 sail in Ferry Roads but
usually 20 to 30.
Thomas Neish, merchant and ship owner, Dundee, an objector, had seen 70 to 75 windbound
sail in the roads.
Robert Tosh, Master of the Seamen Fraternity said smoke and steam from the passage boats
would interfere with visibility of the South Ferry lights. Lords of Admiralty gave conditional
approval for the railway ferry.
21 December:
William Watson, admitted 18 June 1839, now Master Schooner HUMBER made a Free
Master of the Fraternity and paid £15.
John Stewart Finlay, Mate Barque RICHARD COBDEN of Dundee admitted a Mate member
of the Fraternity and paid £8 15/-.
During the year:
Five shipbuilding yards were in business:
Alexander Stephen, river frontage 223’, 3 slipways;
David Calman,
river frontage 223’, 3 slipways;
Thomas Adamson, river frontage 385’ x 115’ adjoining Patent Slip;
John Calman & Son, later Calman & Martin, 2 slipways;
John Brown & Co., 3 slipways.
Shipwrights at Tay Shipbuilders started work on their own behalf.
Ship named Z.D, Captain Z. D. Bassett, at Dundee loading for New Orleans.
Alexander Easson, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee (elected December 1847).
Captain George Kidd, Boxmaster;
Captain Robert Tosh, Deputy Boxmaster.
21 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Young joined 20 December 1842 and Thomas Cook joined 21 March 1843,
made Free Masters of the Fraternity.
John Ritchie admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £8 15/-. Later struck off
the roll.
James Ogilvie transferred from Mate Class to Master Class.
James Brown Scott admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
31 March
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Thomas Cook, Master Brig ELIZA of Dundee made a Free Master and paid £15.
William Young, Master Brig SIR JAMES KEMP made a Free Master paid £32 4/-.
James Burne Smith, Master JULES of Dundee admitted Mate, pay as Master & paid £8 15/-.
2 April:
Schooner REGINA & DOROTHEA of Blankenese [on river Elbe close to Hamburg], lying in
King William Dock, Dundee hauled down the Danish colours and hoisted German Empire
colours. A reason given was that this was ‘In view of what was going on at home’.
5 May:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
The Committee met to consider the specifications for a Timber Pile Light House as provided
by David Stevenson, Edinburgh and included room for construction of some different timbers,
some to be sheathed in copper.
Tenders were received from: Joseph Fenton and Adamson, Leith; Thomas Barker, Perth;
Andrew Scott Wright, Dundee; Alexander Wilson, Granton, Edinburgh; James Sim & Sons,
Timbers for the construction of Pile Light carried from Marseilles in barque LEIPZIG of
Dundee, under the command of Captain Thomas Cappon, Past Boxmaster and member of the
Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee.
Six vessels launched from Dundee yards in same week: LORD NELSON; LORD
10 June:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Mr Robert Tosh elected Boxmaster.
20 June:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Ogilvie Taylor junior, joined 20 June 1843, now Master LIVONIA of Dundee made
a Free Master of the Fraternity.
David Young, joined 21 March 1843, now Master WILLIAMS of Dundee, made a Free
Master of the Fraternity and paid £21 4/-..
David Gillespie, Master LORD NELSON of Dundee admitted as a Mate and to pay as Master
and paid £7 15/-.
John Fitchett Walker Mate S.S. PERTH of Dundee admitted as a Mate and pay as Mate and
paid £10 15/-.
William Small, entered 21 December 1840 as Mate to pay as Master allowed to fall back as
19 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Pensions to be paid:
William Key
£2 10/-.
Jean Coutts
£1 5/-.
Thomas and Janet Findlay
£2 -/-.
Vacancy of post of Officer to the Fraternity due death of John Kincaid: Alexander Japp, John
Boyack, and David Webster all Free Master Members and George Crammond entered in the
Mates Class of the Incorporation were considered and George Crammond was appointed as
the Fraternity’s Officer.
Alexander Japp joined as a Mate member of the Fraternity.
5 December:
Fraternity Committee Meeting:
Pile Light: The committee considering that Mr. Barker the Contractor for the timber Light
House has failed to complete the Structure in terms of the Contract The Meeting resolved to
effect Insurance on the Lighthouse against fire and also against the risk of Collision to the
extent of One thousand pounds, and the Boxmaster and Clerk were directed to ascertain at
what rates this could be done.
19 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
George Duncan, joined 17 September 1839, fallen back as Mate.
John Stewart admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £39 15/-.
Peter L. Low, joined as Mate 16 December 1845, and Norman Cappon, joined 14 June 1846,
to Master Class.
George Duncan admitted a Mate member of the Fraternity.
John Stewart Findlay, joined 21 December 1847, now Master HERO of Dundee admitted as
Mate and to pay as Master.
Thomas Cappon, entered as Mate 16 June 1846, now Master Barque LEIPZIG, admitted to
pay as Master.
Peter Long, Master Screw Steam Vessel MARS of Dundee, admitted as Mate and to pay as
Pensions paid amounted to £218 14/-.
Payments in Charity:
Ann Horne
£1 . 6. 3d.
William Key
£2 . 10/-.
Thomas & Janet Findlay
Jean Coutts
£1 . 5/-.
During the year:
About 351 vessels belonged to the port of Dundee.
Captain John Jack, harbour master at Dundee.
First Pilot Cutter on River Tay, HAPPY RETURN on duty, owned by the Seamen Fraternity.
James Deuchars, 126 Seagate, Agent for London trader vessels HIRONDELLE; ANGLER;
DART AND UNION, withdrew from services when D. P. & L. commenced bi-weekly
Peter Hean, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
The Fraternity of Masters and Seamen in Dundee elected December 1848.
Captain George Kidd elected Boxmaster & Captain Robert Tosh, Deputy Boxmaster.
6 February:
DOLPHIN, a Railway Ferry for the Broughty Ferry to Tayport service was launched from
Napier’s Yard, Glasgow. Length 170’; Breadth 34’; Depth 10’ and Draught 5’ and was
described as having “Chimneys on either side.”
Peter Borrie’s ship and boat building yard between Broughty Castle Pier and the pier to the
westward, having opened in 1840, closed down.
Board of Trade Voluntary Examinations, (Master). The following candidates passed
examinations in Dundee::
James McLeish, (First Class). MORGIANA;
Charles Duncan, IRENE;
Thomas Miller, DAISY;
John Keill, WILLIAM.
17 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
William Henderson, joined 15 December 1840, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
28 April:
Train Ferry service between Broughty Ferry and Tayport. Train Ferry DOLPHIN [Refer entry
for 6 February this year] commenced service, one of the first train ferries in the world.
DOLPHIN 170’L x 34’ B x 5’ draught. Double ended with funnels port and starboard, and
three lines of track on unobstructed rail deck.
18 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Ogilvie, joined 21 December 1841 and John Crockatt, joined 14 December 1845, fallen
back to Mates Class
Samuel Smith admitted a member of the Fraternity.
John Crockatt and James Kydd, Mate members and from Master Class.
During the year:
In discussion regarding Floating Light [at entrance to river Tay], Robert Tosh Depute
Boxmaster of the Fraternity, said he, and the Seamens Fraternity, opposed a Floating Light on
the grounds it was likely to cause confusion.
Ship SEA QUEEN built by John Brown of Dundee for J. & R. Guild of Dundee for the China
It was recorded that lights at Buddonness had been built about 1849 by the Seamen’s
Fraternity of Dundee. Early complaints had been received about charges being the highest in
Scotland, with a 60 ton schooner paying 6s 9d.
George H. Newall, Treasurer (of Town Council), Harbour Trustee.
Three vessels from Dundee returned from an Arctic fishing voyage:
SHAVER caught 20,000 cod;
CRAIGIE caught 17,000 cod;
ELECTRA caught 22,000 cod.
Trinity House (elected December 1849). One of the Boards of examiners of Masters and
Mates in the Merchant Service established by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council
for Trade.
Captain George Kidd Boxmaster;
Captain Robert Tosh Deputy Master;
David M’Ewen Clerk;
George Jack Collector of Light Money;
Lanceman Jack Pilot Master;
James Martin Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
William Graham Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Lights of Tay Buddonness;
Thomas Barron Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
James Ireland Assistant Lighthouse Keeper Ferry-Port-on-Craig;
Thomas Barron Yacht Keeper;
George Crammond Yacht Keeper and Officer.
The Sub Committee of Examiners of Masters and Mates who are to conduct the examinations
alternately in the Nautical Department comprised:- George Kidd; William Clark; David Jack;
John Jack; Robert Tosh; Peter. McKenzie; David Souter; John Spink; George Banks; G.
A.Bruce; Andrew Greig; William Buist; James Kidd and James Young, with John Clark,
Mathematical Examiner and James McEwen Secretary to the Board.
19 March:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James Ogilvie and James Stratton admitted Mate members of the Fraternity.
David Crighton, Lloyd’s Agent at Dundee, stated the loss of WILLIAM AND GEORGE on
Abertay Sands on 26 November 1849 was alleged to have been due to confusion of lights
with those of the railway Company at Tayport. The Railway Company agreed to screen lights.
7 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
Alexander Boyack, joined 18 September 1845 made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
Thomas Kidd admitted a member of the Fraternity and paid £12 15/-.
17 September:
Fraternity General Meeting:
James McGregor, joined 16 September 1845, made a Free Master of the Fraternity.
7 December:
Fraternity General Meeting:
John Welch admitted a member of the Fraternity.
During the year:
The whaling fleet this year took 270 whales, 1,690 seals, 2,710 tons oil and 3,723
hundredweights [112 pounds] bone.
A Pilotage Committee was Formed and the Original Subscribers were:
David Martin & Co.,;
Messrs. Edward;
W. Kirkland & Sons;
Captain George Kidd;
William Clark;
John Thorn;
James Soot;
William Collier;
James McGavin;
George Armitstead;
George Burnett;
Robert Tosh;
Gray & Co.,;
Peter Kerr;
Thomas Adamson;
David Crighton;
Thomas Coupar;
John Brown;
James Bell;
Alexander Stephen;
James L. Lithgow;
John Barrie;
Alexander Martin, jnr; J. K. Martin;
R. D. Pryde;
James Young;
Donald Jack;
John Jack;
Andrew Craig;
George Banks;
Robert Guild;
George Fleming;
David Stewart;
James Murray;
William Strong;
John Fyffe;
James Sims;
D. P. & L. & Co., Ltd; Hull & Co;
Dundee Sea Insurance Company; Scottish Sea Insurance Co., Ltd.
Pilot Cutter TAY, originally a Liverpool Pilot Cutter, built 1822 in Liverpool, on station in
river Tay. The Seamen Fraternity had bought the new pilot cutter for £360 and £340 was then
required to fit out the new cutter.
Shipowners of Dundee subscribed £10 shares to buy cutter.
Pilot Cutter HAPPY RETURN sold by Seamen Fraternity to the new Pilotage Committee for
Captain James Cabel, Master on Pilot Cutter; William Gilchrist, Mate.
Improved pilotage being used by the Dundee Harbour Board who proposed a limit of 12
Pilots and 10 Pilots to be licensed.
Pilotage system to be instituted and a Joint Pilot Committee appointed:
Harbour Board - Three members, (Bailie Clark, T Coupar, T Adamson)
- Three members, (G. Kidd, R. Tosh, D. Jack)
James McEwan, Secretary
First Licensed Pilots were: David Henderson; William Jack; John Lorimer; John Chambers;
William Adamson; Alexander Norrie; Charles Sturrock; James Watson; James Gall; Thomas
Sturrock; David Tosh.
Apprentices: John Chambers; Charles Sturrock; William Adamson.
Merchant Seamen’s Fund: Trustees for 1850 included:
Andrew Greig, Junior Chairman; Joseph Graham, Receiver; James M’Ewen, Clerk
Five shipbuilding yards were in business in Dundee:
Calman & Martin;
Smith & Co;
James Calman;
Tay Ship Building Co. (Douglas Elder);
A Stephen;
J Brown, in a yard between Patent Slip and Graving Dock.
John Anderson, Common Councillor, Harbour Trustee.
James Brisbane of Dundee, who had been Superintendent of the Graving Dock, was
appointed to Pacific Steam Navigation Company in Panama.
Building of Lucky Scaup Tower, believed to have been built as a folly by Admiral Maitland
Dougall. [NOTE: Tower demolished 12 February 1979.]
House of Lords precluded Dundee Harbour Trustees from levying dues at Tayport. The case
for the Trustees fell because, in 40 years to 1844 no dues had been levied by Dundee Harbour
Trustees at Tayport.
Copyright © 2005 Hamish Robertson
© 13 April 2005 title changed to 1826-1850(D)
Word count
19 February 2005 – 72 pages – 25,300 words.
4 March 2005 – 62 pages – 24,344 words.
7 March 2005 – 62 pages - 24,440 words.
13 March 2005 – 57 pages – 24,520 words.
27 March 2005 – 57 pages – 24,650 words.
10 April 2005 – 57 pages - 24,662 words.
06 May 2005 54 pages – 24,740 words.