Rome, 20-21 October 2016 1 About the UNIMED celebrations of 25 years of activities: UNIMED, a network of 92 universities from 22 countries established in 1991, aims at promoting academic cooperation between the EU and Southern-Mediterranean countries. This year UNIMED is celebrating 25th anniversary with UNIMED Cup and the General Assembly. UNIMED Cup, organised by UNIMED in collaboration with University Foro Italico Roma 4, Pegaso Telematic University and Universitas Mercatorum, is an annual event that combines the values of both sport and culture in order to promote the dialogue among the Universities coming from the two shores of the Mediterranean. This initiative at its II edition is attended by six female football teams that play on 18th and 19th of October at the Palatorrino Building. On October 18th at Universitas Mercatorum University, sport professionals and personalities from the word of the Institutions attend a Round Table named “Sport and Citizenship: the role of the women in the Mediterranean”. On this occasion, the sport plays a pivotal role as a bridge between people and cultures from the both shores of the Mediterranean, a metaphor for peace and gender equality. The UNIMED General Assembly, organised by UNIMED in collaboration with Sapienza University and under the patronage of the European Parliament, the European Commission (DG Education, Culture, Youth and Sport) and of the Union for the Mediterranean, represents an important yearly event of our association’s life, where the University Presidents, their Delegates in International relations, the Officers from International Relations Departments, students and representatives of the cultural world, organizations and institutions are invited to attend. The Assembly is a two-days event. On the first day, both representatives of International Organisations and of politicial and cultural institutions are invited to deliver a speech. The second day is dedicated to the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation through the organisation of two workshops on different topics such as Open Education, Employability and Bologna Process. The initiative is sponsored by Fondazione di Sardegna, Silvian Heach, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella and Pegaso Telematic University. UNIMED CUP 18-19 October 2016 in collaboration with UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY TUESDAY, 18th OCTOBER 2016 9:30-1:00 PM Women Football Match Venue: Palatorrino, Via Fiume Giallo nr.47, Rome 5:30-7:30 PM Round Table “Women and Sport: a cultural heritage in the Mediterranean countries” Venue: Universitas Mercatorum, Building Costaguti, Piazza Mattei, Rome Welcome Greetings: Giovanni Cannata President Universitas Mercatorum University Franco Rizzi UNIMED Secretary General Speakers: Josefa Idem Member of the VII Permanent Committee (Education, Cultural Heritage, Research, Arts and Sport) - Senate of the Italian Republic Laura Capranica European Student as Athlete (EAS) President Laila Soufyane Corporal Major and Athlete of the Gruppo Sportivo Esercito (the sport section of the Italian Army) Emanuele Isidori Delegate for International Relations, Foro Italico University Raffaele Vanoli Delegate for Sport Affairs at Pegaso Telematic University 4 Rome, 18-19 October 2016 Roberto De Benedittis President of the Women Italian Club Chaired by Antonio Tessitore, UNIMED Delegate for Subnetwork Sport 7:30 PM Cocktail kindly offered by Universitas Mercatorum 5 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY WEDNESDAY, 19th OCTOBER 2016 9:30-1:00 PM Women Football Match - Sports final Venue: Palatorrino, Via Fiume Giallo nr.47, Rome 6 General Assembly 20-21 October 2016 Venue Rectorate of Sapienza University of Rome – Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 Rome in collaboration with Held under the patronage of Mr. Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport With the support of the 7 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY FIRST DAY THURSDAY , 20th OCTOBER 2016 3:00-4:00 PM Welcome Coffee and Registration of Participants 4:00-4:45 PM Welcome and Opening Remarks Musical interlude Message of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella Wail Benjelloun UNIMED President Eugenio Gaudio Rector of Sapienza University of Rome Bruno Botta Vice Rector for International Relations of Sapienza University of Rome Franco Rizzi UNIMED Secretary General 4:45-5:00 PM UNIMED Cup Awards Ceremony 5:00-6:45 PM Message of UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari Minister of the State of Qatar Paolo Matthiae Full Professor of Archaeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East, Sapienza University of Rome Isabella Camera D’Afflitto Full Professor of Arabic Modern Literature, Sapienza University of Rome 8 Rome, 20-21 October 2016 Antonello Cabras President of Fondazione di Sardegna Silvia Costa President of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament 6:45-7:45 PM Showcases of UNIMED projects Marcello Scalisi, UNIMED Director and UNIMED Staff 8:00 PM Gala dinner 9 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY SECOND DAY FRIDAY, 21st OCTOBER 2016 09:00-10:30 AM UNIMED General Assembly (participation is limited to UNIMED members) 10:30-11:00 AM Coffee break 11:00-12:30 AM UNIMED General Assembly (participation is limited to UNIMED members) 12:30-1:30 PM Plenary Session : Cooperation with International Organizations Emmanuelle Gardan Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Alessandro Damiani President of the Agenzia per la promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE) Davide Strangis Executive Secretary of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) Intermediterranean Commission 1.30-2.30 PM Light lunch 2:30- 3:30 PM Enterprises and Employability : A challenge for the University Cooperation Anna Maria Gaetana Marano Nunziata Silvian Heach company CEO Diodora Costantini IES Lab Foundation President Enrico Pulieri YOUTHMED Vice President The working languages will be English, French and Italian and the interpreting service is kindly provided by University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT 10 Rome, 20-21 October 2016 3:30-5:30 PM Parallel Workshops (WS) WS1: Bologna Process: State of the Art in the Mediterranean region Chaired by Wail Benjelloun Patricia Pol Vice chair of the Bologna Follow Up Group, and Co-chair of the advisory Group “EHEA international cooperation” Azzedine El Midaoui President of Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra, and President of the Conference of University Presidents - CPUM, Morocco Faysal Mansouri Rector of University of Sousse, Tunisia WS2*: Open Educational Resources in the Arab Mediterranean countries: towards a regional strategy Chaired by Cristina Stefanelli Cristina Stefanelli UNIMED António Teixeira Universidade Aberta, Portugal Elsayed Tag Eldyn Open Education Center, Cairo University, Egypt Fabio Nascimbeni Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain 5:30-6:00 PM Closing remarks *The working language will be English only for the Workshop about Open Education. English, French and Italian will be the languages for the workshop “Bologna Process”. The interpreting service is kindly provided by University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT. 11 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY RATIONALE WORKSHOP 1 RATIONALE WORKSHOP 1 12 Bologna Process: State of the Art in the Mediterranean region Thanks to the Bologna Process, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has come to a reality. Since 1998, it has been built upon the willingness to share the same democratic and academic values and to implement a common architecture of higher education systems, in particular around the three-cycle structure, quality assurance systems, recognition of degrees, mobility schemes. Since 2009, facing the necessity for Higher Education to become more global, a Bologna Policy Forum is organized during the Ministerial Conferences to share mutual policy learning and understanding with non-EHEA countries. In order to prepare the next EHEA Ministerial Conference that will be hold in Paris in 2018, the EHEA work program 2015-2018 gives a priority to the development of an active EHEA international cooperation with other regions of the world. The general goal is to organize a permanent policy dialogue with all the stakeholders and propose to the ministers concrete actions for beyond 2020 to address global challenges higher education is faced with. Due to the mutual interests between the Mediterranean area and Europe and the long tradition of cooperation between higher education institutions, to learn more about the state of the art of the Bologna process in the Mediterranean region is a very important issue. What has been the impact of the Bologna Process in the different countries? What are the opportunities and the risks of such regional areas of higher education? What could be a cooperative roadmap to improve the cooperation between both regions? The workshop will aim at sharing diverse experiences to begin to answer those questions. Rome, 20-21 October 2016 Open Educational Resources in the Arab Mediterranean countries: towards a regional strategy The idea of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Practices have gained ground over the last decade, attracting the interest and support of many universities along with philanthropic organisations, governmental agencies and public bodies – including UNESCO, the European Commission and the US Department of Education. UNESCO defines Open Educational Resources (OER) as teaching, learning and research materials in any medium, digital or otherwise, that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions (UNESCO 2012). This 2-hours workshop aims to: • share and discuss strategies of OER adoption in higher education, drawing on examples from different institutional contexts; • present and discuss the OpenMed OER Regional Agenda for the South-Mediterranean region. The workshop is articulated around presentations of the latest development of the OpenMed project, and of other OE-related initiatives, such as the MOOQ and the MOOC-maker projects. It will also leave room for discussion and exchange of ideas among participants about Open Education strategies in higher education in Europe and South-Mediterranean countries. The workshop constitutes an opportunity to support the development of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, while providing productive feedback in the expansion and consolidation of the Open Education movement. RATIONALE WORKSHOP 2 RATIONALE WORKSHOP 2 13 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY RATIONALE WORKSHOP 2 The participation in the workshop can be particularly useful for those interested in: • understanding the scope and impact of Open Education and OER in Higher Education • learning about the current stage and achievements of the OpenMed international network • engage in the forthcoming OpenMed activities, for the definition of a OER Regional Strategy for the South-Mediterranean and local/ institutional action plans. 14 The OpenMed OER Regional Agenda for the South-Mediterranean region In the workshop, we will introduce the OpenMed OER Regional Agenda for the South-Mediterranean region, and explore its potential as a methodology and a tool for productive dialogue at a macro level, between countries and regions, and at a micro level, as guidance for the elaboration of institutional roadmaps. The OER Regional Agenda gathers the long-term challenges and priorities which are necessary for opening-up Higher Education in the South Mediterranean countries, and outlines strategic actions aimed at maximising the benefits of Open Education for the development of university courses, to increase the access, the quality, and the equity of Higher Education in the MENA region. The OER Agenda highlights the importance of fostering the role of universities as knowledge providers not only for their campus-based students but also beyond the walls of the institutions, especially towards reaching disadvantaged groups including migrants and refugees, with the purpose of supporting a more balanced and equitable socio-economic development. With the OER Agenda we will: • Suggest mechanisms for enhancing students access to learning • Suggest mechanisms to promote improvement of quality of teaching and learning practices • Support participant universities to widen participation in Open Education • Create awareness on the benefits of OER use, reuse and remix for university course development • Support the transformation of siloed-institutions into connected learning communities The OER Agenda is aimed at managers, decision-makers, educators and other members of staff (e.g. university librarians, technical IT staff) from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the South-Medi- Rome, 20-21 October 2016 terranean countries and for all organisations engaged in teaching and learning. This workshop is organised as part of OpenMed (, an Erasmus+ project aimed at raising awareness and facilitating the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in the South-Mediterranean countries, with a particular focus on Higher Education in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Palestine. RATIONALE WORKSHOP 2 The presentations will be supported with visuals, and state of the art information. The discussion will be supported with documentation, and stimulated through a series of focused questions. 15 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY The 25 years of UNIMED UNIMED is an association that has built bridges and dialogues among the countries of the two shores of the Mediterranean, over the last 25 years. UNIMED had to overcome many difficulties, as everyone can imagine, but always with the fighting spirit of those who know they are working for a good cause. In the Mediterranean there were and still there are violent fractures, but also significant convergences. We have witnessed the slow and inexorable degradation of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, the wars that have sown death, we have looked at this sea without being able to rejoice at its view due to a lump in the throat that took us at the thought of the deaths of thousands of men, women and children looking for a new life in Europe, yes Europe, generous with good intentions, but sparing with hospitality. But we also have witnessed the mobilization of generations of ordinary people, of the civil society that stubbornly continued to work to bridge the two sides of Mediterranean, against those who want to divide them at any costs. Men and women of good will, who work for peace and mutual understanding. Mediterranean is not only the hostage of terrorism and of a pseudo-Caliphate. UNIMED has always been inspired by this logic, pushing the universities, through an intensive project work to tackle these issues in direct contact with the people’s needs. A large network, tomorrow perhaps wider, that I love to define “a university without walls” where knowledge and research are shared to the benefit of men and women. In this great university, thanks to the medias, we should imagine the Education of young people. They should be able to navigate and move like fish from Tunis to Beirut, from Bari to Barcelona, young students who move from Paris to Amman from Tampere to Marrakech. So, the European Union should provide greater financial support to the Erasmus program, and in general to mobility programs. Nowadays, Politics has attested the strategic role of culture in fighting against racism, terrorism, xenophobia, but at the same time governments cut funds to universities. I think today we should answer to this important question: where is the Mediterranean going? We should develop a big project linking all professionals gathered to talk about that: from professionals to businessmen, from artists to politicians, from students to women. As I told before, it is a need in order to give visibility to those who work for this Sea, aware that Mediterranean is our destiny. Excerpt from the UNIMED book’s contribution of prof. Franco Rizzi, UNIMED Secretary General, “UNIMED, Venticinque anni di impegno per il Mediterraneo”. 16 Rome, 20-21 October 2016 UNIMED ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES Algeria 1. University “Badji Mokhtar” - Annaba 2. University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla 3. University of Algiers 1 4. University of Béjaia 5. University “des Frères Mentouri” Constantine 1 6. University of Mostaganem 7. University of Sciences and Technology “Mohamed Boudiaf” – USTO-Oran 8. University of Sétif 2 Cyprus 9. Cyprus University of Technology 10. University of Cyprus Egypt 11. Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport of Alexandria 12. Damanhour University 13. Misr University for Science and Technology - MUST 14. University of Alexandria 15. University of Cairo Finland 16. University of Tampere France 17. Université Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne 18. Université de Rouen Georgia 19. Georgian Technical University Greece 20. University of Athens 21. University of Piraeus Jordan 22. Amman Arab University 23. Hashemite University – Zarqa 24. Princess Sumaya University of Technology – PSUT 25. University “Al- Bayt” – Amman 26. University of Jordan – Amman 27. University of Petra Italy 28. “Foro Italico” University of Rome 29. International University of Language and Media – IULM - Milan 30. International University of Rome UNINT 31. Link Campus University 32. Pegaso Telematic University 33. Politecnico di Torino 34. University for Foreigners of Perugia 35. University “La Sapienza” – Rome 36. University “Mercatorum” – Rome 37. University of Bari 38. University of Bologna 39. University of Cagliari 40. University of Calabria 41. University of Catania 42. Florence University of Arts 17 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY 43. University of Messina 44. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 45. University of Palermo 46. University of Pavia 47. University of Perugia 48. University of Salento – Lecce 49. University of Sassari 50. University of Siena 51. University of Teramo 52. University of Urbino 53. University Cà Foscari of Venice 67. Islamic University of Gaza 68. Palestine Ahliya University College 69. University “Al-Aqsa” – Gaza 70. University “Al-Azhar” – Gaza 71. University of Bethlehem 72. University of Birzeit 73. University College of Applied Sciences – Gaza 74. Al Quds Open University Lebanon 54. Holy Spirit University of Kaslik –USEK 55. Lebanese University Qatar 76. Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Libya 56. University of Sirte Montenegro 57. Mediterranean University Podgorica Morocco 58. Agronomy and Veterinary Science Institute “Hassan II” – Rabat 59. Euro-Mediterranean University of Fès 60. International University of Rabat 61. University “Cady Ayyad” – Marrakech 62. University “Ibnou Zohr” – Agadir 63. University Ibn Tofail of Kenitra 64. University “Mohammed V” – Rabat Oman 65. Middle East College Palestine 66. An-Najah National University Nablus 18 Portugal 75. University of Evora Spain 77. University of Barcelona 78. University of Girona 79. University of Granada Syria 80. Private University al Hawash 81. University “Al- Baath” – Homs 82. University of Aleppo 83. University of Damascus 84. University “Tishreen” - Lattakia Tunisia 85. University of Carthage – Tunis 86. University Tunis “El Manar” 87. University of Sfax 88. University of Sousse 89. University of Tunis Turkey 90. Istanbul Aydin University 91. University “Boğaziçi” – Istanbul United Arab Emirates 92. Gulf Medical University, Ajman Rome, 20-21 October 2016 SPONSORED BY 19 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOTE 20 Rome, 20-21 October 2016 NOTE 21 UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOTE 22 UNIMED Office Director Marcello Scalisi Project Managers Raniero Chelli Cristina Stefanelli Projects and Networking Federica De Giorgi Silvia Marchionne Paola Romano Emilia Stoduto Carmen Torres Studies & Research Claudia De Martino Marco Di Donato Administration Cinzia Generali Webmaster Marco Angelini Graphic Design UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY 24
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