Eating Healthy on Campus

Ashley Backus, RN
Why Eat Healthy?
Have more energy
Maintain a healthy weight
Prevent Disease
Think more clearly
Age gracefully
First things First
Eat more Vegetables
Eat more Fruit
Eat Whole Grains
Eat healthy Oils
Eat Protein from good sources
Drink Plenty of Water
Fruits and Vegetables –
The More the Better
Shoot for a MINIMUM of 5 cups a day
Variety is the spice of life… Different fruits and
vegetables have different nutrients, and it’s usually
grouped by color (carrots and sweet potatoes have
similar nutrients) – all of them are important for
your health!
Taste the Rainbow:
More color = More Variety = Better Health!
Fruits and Vegetables –
The More the Better
• Resolve to eat 1 fruit and 1 vegetable
at each meal – do it for your body! This
is the only one you get!!
• Check your plate – do you have a few
fruits and veggies on there? If not:
• Add some baby carrots
• Try a salad
• Grab an apple
• Get some veggies with dip on the
• Ask for extra veggies - no added
cost at most places on Campus
Grains: Whole vs. Refined
Whole Grains are full of healthy
nutrients – Fiber, B-Vitamins,
Potassium, Selenium, Magnesium…
Refined flour has had most of the
nutrients taken out to increase
shelf-life…Fresh is a good thing!
Next time you’re in the Dining Hall, ask for Whole Grain Bread, Buns,
Tortillas, and Pasta – They have them! You just have to ask
Healthy Oils and Fats
Fats are important for your body – they are a
main building block of your cells!
~ Make your cells out of good quality oils!
Good oils are found in:
Nuts, seeds, avocados, fish,
olives/olive oil, coconut oil…
Most Americans get plenty of protein in their diet, but
getting protein from a variety of sources (not just meat)
is best for your body. Try to get protein from:
Nuts and seeds
 Fish
 Lean Meats
 Eggs
 Beans
 Low-fat Dairy
 Certain Grains (Quinoa, Amaranth,…)
Dairy and Other Calcium
As you can see, there are many
ways to get calcium into your
~ daily diet ~
The Possibilities are Endless ~
Oatmeal (whole grain) with Fruit, Nuts and Seeds
(Protein, good oils)
Sliced Vegetables with Humus (Protein)
Salmon (protein, oils) with roasted veggies and
Quinoa (whole grain, protein)
Whole-grain bread loaded with humus or tuna
(protein) and a variety of vegetables
Whole wheat pasta with red sauce, a variety of
veggies and lean meat
Timing & Snacks
Snack Ideas:
-Fresh Veggies dipped
in humus or ranch
-Nuts and seeds
-Fresh Fruit
Banana with peanut
-Cheese Stick
-Beef Jerky
Your metabolism is like a fire – feed it
regularly so the fire never goes out (and you
don’t get grumpy)
Eat every 2-3 hours or before you get too
hungry. Carry snacks with you so you never
run out of fuel! (See side bar for some good
healthy options)
Remember – high sugar/white flour foods
will give you a spike of energy – and then
Healthy Hydration
In our beautiful ARID High Desert…It’s really
easy to get DEHYDRATED
Headaches, Fatigue, Irritability
If you are Hydrated, you will have:
Very little Thirst
 Clear/light yellow urine
 A better functioning internal system!
Carry a
Bottle –
Try to fill your plate to look like this…
Half of your plate
Should be Veggies
And Fruits!
 Most of your
Grains should be
 Protein should be
From a variety of