Concept Check - Molly C. Gildea

Concept Check
This cladogram represents an
imaginary group of organisms—A,
B, C, D, and E. A common ancestor
for species C and E would be at
which position number?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
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Correct Answer: c
Concept Check
This cladogram represents an
imaginary group of organisms
—A, B, C, D, and E. Which
two living species are the most
closely related?
a. A and B
b. B and C
c. C and D
d. A and D
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Correct Answer: b
More than half of our antibiotics
come from one genus of soil
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You may be eating a protist
with your sushi.
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Bacterial fermentation is used
to produce cheese, yogurt,
buttermilk, and sausage.
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The number of bacteria in one
human’s mouth is greater than
the total number of people who
ever lived.
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Concept Check
Prokaryotes’ modes of nutrition are more diverse than
eukaryotes’—they have more ways to make a living. Nutrition
provides two main resources: energy and carbon for building
compounds. What source of energy do photoautotrophs and
photoheterotrophs exploit as their primary source of energy?
a. inorganic chemicals
b. sunlight
c. carbon compounds
d. carbon dioxide
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Correct Answer: b
Concept Check
Which of the following
describes one of the
differences between
heterotrophs and
a. Autotrophs use organic compounds as a carbon source.
b. Autotrophs use inorganic compounds as a carbon source.
c. Autotrophs use sunlight as a carbon source.
d. Autotrophs use carbon dioxide as a carbon source.
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Correct Answer: d
Flowering plants provide nearly
all our food.
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A mushroom is probably more
closely related to humans
than it is to any plant.
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Every minute, humans destroy
60 acres of forest.
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Some giant sequoia trees weigh
more than a dozen space
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Concept Check
Adaptations that have contributed to the success of
plants in terrestrial environments include seeds,
vascular tissue, cuticle, and flowers. There are other
significant adaptations as well. For the adaptations
listed, arrange them in the order in which they first
appear in the fossil record, earliest first.
a. cuticle, seeds, flowers, vascular tissue
b. seeds, vascular tissue, flowers, cuticle
c. cuticle, vascular tissue, seeds, flowers
d. vascular tissue, cuticle, seeds, flowers
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Correct Answer: c
Concept Check
These four adaptations (cuticle, vascular tissue, seeds, and flowers) are
key characteristics that define four major modern plant groups. Fill in the
blank in the following table using the key provided:
a. Ferns (and relatives)
b. Bryophytes (mosses)
c. Flowering plants
d. Gymnosperms
Vascular tissue
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Correct Answer: a
Concept Check
These four adaptations (cuticle, vascular tissue, seeds, and flowers) are
key characteristics that define four major modern plant groups. Fill in the
blank in the following table using the key provided:
a. Ferns (and relatives)
b. Bryophytes (mosses)
c. Flowering plants
d. Gymnosperms
Vascular tissue
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Correct Answer: d
Concept Check
These four adaptations (cuticle, vascular tissue, seeds, and flowers) are
key characteristics that define four major modern plant groups. Fill in the
blank in the following table using the key provided:
a. Ferns (and relatives)
b. Bryophytes (mosses)
c. Flowering plants
d. Gymnosperms
Vascular tissue
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Correct Answer: c
Many flowering plants depend on
mutually beneficial relationships
with animals.
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A single plant can be cloned into
thousands of copies.
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Flowering plants make up 90%
of the known plant kingdom.
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Seasonal allergies are reactions
to pollen produced for plant
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Concept Check
Complete the following table by identifying the plant
image as either
a. monocot
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Correct Answer: a
or b. eudicot
Concept Check
Complete the following table by identifying the plant
image as either
a. monocot
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Correct Answer: b
or b. eudicot
Concept Check
Complete the following table by identifying the plant
image as either
a. monocot
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Correct Answer: b
or b. eudicot
Concept Check
Complete the following table by identifying the plant
image as either
a. monocot
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Correct Answer: a
or b. eudicot
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Concept Check
Predict how the distance “X” (the
distance from the ground level to the
2nd node) changes as the bean plant
continues to grow.
a. As the stem grows thicker, “X” will
become shorter.
b. “X” will grow larger along with the
rest of the plant.
c. “X” will remain mostly the same
d. “X” will remain the same unless the
top of the plant is removed. In that
case, it will begin to elongate and
grow upward.
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Correct Answer: c
Concept Check
Double fertilization in angiosperms
refers to
a. each flower being pollinated by
more than one pollen grain.
b. each pollen grain having two cells.
c. the existence of two eggs in each
d. one pollen sperm forming a
zygote with an egg and the other
forming 3N endosperm tissue.
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Correct Answer: d
Organic farming is the fastestgrowing segment of U.S.
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The root hairs of a single
sunflower plant, if laid end to
end, would stretch for miles.
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Through evaporation, an
average-sized maple tree can
lose more than 200 liters of
water per hour during a summer
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It takes about 40 liters of maple
tree sap to produce 1 liter of
maple syrup.
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Concept Check
How does a tree transport water and
dissolved soil nutrients from the roots to
the leaf crown?
a. The roots use pressure to pump water
from the soil to the tree top.
b. The tree uses active transport between
xylem cells to move water up the tree.
c. Plants create a vacuum in their canopy
that “sucks” the water from the soil.
d. The process of transpiration pulls water
(through cohesion and adhesion) up the
tree by evaporation of water through
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Correct Answer: d
Concept Check
These redwoods are huge—tons
of living biomass. As autotrophs,
they rely on photosynthesis.
What nutrient source contributes
the most (by far) to the dry
weight biomass of these trees?
a. the atmosphere or air
b. dissolved soil nutrients
c. water from the soil
d. soil fungi
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Correct Answer: a
Concept Check
The pressure-flow mechanism is a hypothesis to explain
phloem sap transport. This mechanism relies on the active
transport of sugar into phloem vessels. Which of the
following allows plant scientists to investigate the contents
of phloem vessels without disrupting them?
a. small electronic probes
b. aphid stylets (feeding tubes)
c. colored dyes
d. genetically engineered plants
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Correct Answer: b
Concept Check
Oat seedlings, like most plants, bend toward light. Building
on work done by Darwin and his son, Fritz Went isolated a
chemical message that diffused from the tip of the oat
seedling. How does this chemical, auxin, cause the oat
seedling shoot to bend?
a. Auxin causes the cells on
the light side to contract.
b. Auxin causes the cells on
the shaded side to divide.
c. Auxin causes the cells on
the shaded side to elongate.
d. Auxin removes cells from the
light side of the shoot.
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Correct Answer: c
Concept Check
A sprouting corn seedling,
growing in the dark, was
rotated 90 degrees to the
right. Predict how the
seedling will respond in
24 hours.
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Correct Answer: d
Concept Check
A high school horticulture class wanted to earn money by
raising poinsettias for sale for the winter holidays. They
began growing their plants from seedlings in September.
Their greenhouse is next to the football field, so what
precautions would you advise, knowing that poinsettias are
long-night/short-day plants?
a. Turn on lights in the greenhouse
to recreate spring conditions.
b. Cover the plants with something
every night to ensure that
experience a long night.
c. Use gibberellic acid to induce
d. Use ethylene to induce fruit.
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Correct Answer: b
the plants
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