Annual Consultations with NGOs Geneva, CICG 15 June - 17 June 2016 Provisional list of participants by country For full details, please refer to the list of participants by organization Afghanistan Australia Organization for Research & Community Development Children Out of Immigration Detention Inc. Ms Claire HAMMERTON Mr Ikramuddin ALIKHEL Mr Qudratullah NASRAT Mr Sidiqullah SADDAQAT International Detention Coalition Ms Veronica ARAGON Mr Ben LEWIS Ms Vanessa MARTINEZ Mr Grant MITCHELL Ms Robyn SAMPSON Ms Leeanne TORPEY Women for Afghan Women Ms Najia NASIM Algeria Algerian Red Crescent MDA Ltd Ms Saida BENHABYLES Ms Mitra KHAKBAZ Argentina Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia Mr Arash BORDBAR Ms Nadine LIDDY Ms Sarah YAHYA Fundación Migrantes y Refugiados Sin Fronteras Mr Elda TOGNETTI Mr Leandro ZACCARI TOGNETTI Refugee Council of Australia Armenia Mr Arif HAZARA Ms Elizabeth-Ayom John Gum LANG Ms Louise OLLIFF Mr Paul POWER KASA Swiss Humanitarian Foundation Ms Anahit MINASSIAN Australia Refugee Legal ACCESS Community Services LTD Mr David MANNE Mr Cecil FERNANDES Mr Etienne ROUX Settlement Council of Australia Ms Dewani BAKKUM Adult Multicultural Education Services, AMES Settlement Services International Mr Ramesh Kumar MUDDAGOUNI Ms Catherine SCARTH Ms Melika SHEIKH-ELDIN Mr Joseph YOUHANA Mr John Dor AKECH ACHIEK Ms Ghestimani PASCHALIDIS Ms Violet ROUMELIOTIS University of New South Wales, Centre for Refugee Research Amnesty International Mr Graham THOM Ms Ming YU HAH Ms Caroline LENETTE Assyrian Australian Association Bangladesh Ms Carmen LAZAR Technical Assistance Inc. Australian National Committee on Refugee Women Mr Ghulam Mahmud KHAN Ms Najeeba WAZEFADOST Centre for Multicultural Youth Ms Carmina GUERRA Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 1 01-Jun-2016 Belgium Chad European Youth Forum Bureau d'appui santé et environnement Ms Carina AUTENGRUBER Mr George-Konstantinos CHARONIS Mr Raphael RUPPACHER Mr Ousmane Malick AHMAT Mr Dahab MANOUFI Fracarita International Centre de support en santé internationale au Tchad Mr Prakash GOOSSENS Mr Daugla DOUMAGOUM MOTO International Scout and Guide Fellowship China Ms Ana Maria MATOSO RODRIGUES Justice Centre Hong Kong Botswana Ms Victoria WISNIEWSKI OTERO Botswana Red Cross Society Colombia Ms Mabel Theresa RAMMEKWA Asociacion Cristiana Menonita para Justicia Paz y Accion No Violenta (JUSTAPAZ) Brazil Ms Karla Vanessa ENRIQUEZ WILCHES CARITAS Archidiocesis of Rio de Janeiro Mr Candido Feliciano DA PONTE NETO Congo Instituto Migraçoes e Direitos Humanos (IMDH) International Rescue Committee Ms Rosita MILESI Ms Jessica KAKESA Burundi Costa Rica Conseil pour l'Éducation et le Développement Comunidad Casabierta Mr Jean-Joseph NYANDWI Mr Carlos ARIÑEZ-CASTEL Canada Cote d'Ivoire Canadian Lutheran World Relief Afrique Secours et Assistance (ASA) Mr Fikre Mariam TSEHAI Ms Alice Huguette KOIHO KIPRE Ms Bika Sonia LOBRY CARE Canada Association de soutien à l'autopromotion sanitaire urbaine (ASAPSU) Ms Brooke GIBBONS Humanity First Mr Aslam DAUD Mr Ernest ATTE Mr Hiela OUATTARA Refugee Hub Association des femmes juristes de Côte d'Ivoire Ms Jennifer BOND Ms Fatimata DIABATE Ms Gbakrehonon Aimée ZEBEYOUX World University Service of Canada Ms Katharine IM-JENKINS Ms Michelle MANKS Czech Republic Chad Ms Romana GARGULAKOVA ADES, Agence de développement économique et social Organization for Aid to Refugees CARITAS Czech Republic Ms Hana FRANKOVA Ms Aderahim Ndiaye HAYATT Mr Mahamat Haggar MOUSSA Mr Rhovys Mardochée NAHOUTENGAR Mr Arim Abdelhakim TAHIR People in Need, PIN Mr Iakheiidin MIRZASHEV Democratic Rep. of Congo Association pour la promotion des libertés fondamentales au Tchad Association pour le développement social et la sauvegarde de l'environnement (ADSSE) Mr Appolinaire DOUANODJI Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Mr Augustin KAPIKA Mr Freddy MBAKATA Page 2 01-Jun-2016 Denmark El Salvador Danish Refugee Council Foundation Cristosal Ms Rukiia HASSAN Mr Adam MOELLER Mr. Noah BULLOCK Ethiopia International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims Africa Humanitarian Action Mr Taffesse BELETE Mr Addis Tesfa WOLDEMICHAEL Mr Dawit ZAWDE GEBREHEYWOT Mr Jorge Gustavo AROCHE Mr Shaun NEMORIN Djibouti Jesuit Refugee Service National Union of Djiboutian Women Mr Atakelt TESFAY Mr Moumin ADEN Ms Saharla HASSAN Finland Ecuador Central Union for Child Welfare Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo Fudela Finn Church Aid Ms Taina MARTISKAINEN Ms Johanna Maria LEPPÄNEN Ms Minna PELTOLA Ms Laura VALENCIA Humor y Vida Finnish Refugee Council Ms Patricia GALARZA Ms Annu LEHTINEN Youth Representative, Ecuador World Federation of the Deaf (Youth Section) Mr Diego NARVAEZ Ms Norma Yessenia SALAZAR ORDOÑEZ Ms Laura Elizabeth VALENCIA RESTREPO Mr Laith FATHULLA France Egypt ACTED, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance (AMERA) Mr Andre KRUMMACHER Ms Lorène TAMAIN Mr Themba LEWIS African Concern International Arab Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights (ACSFT) Mr Cecil KPENOU Mr Mohammed AHMED Mr Abdel Gawad AHMED Ms Reham KANDIL Ms Mennattallah MAHMOUD HUSSEIN Handicap International Federation Mr Jean-Pierre DELOMIER Ms Marie LE DUC Mr Ricardo PLA CORDERO Egyptian Foundation for Refugee Rights Première Urgence Internationale Mr Mohamed Sayed BAYOUMI Mr Martin JONES Ms Shereen KASSEM Ms Wessam MOHAMED Ms Elena RANCHAL Terre des Hommes Mr Md Abdus Shobur MAHMUD St Andrew's Refugee Services Urban Refugees Mr Christopher EADES Ms Kristine REMBACH Ms Sonia BEN ALI Ms Marilena HATOUPIS University of Cambridge Gambia Mr Adam MASOUD Mr Moez MASOUD Gambia Food and Nutrition Association Mr Yusufa GOMEZ El Salvador CARITAS El Salvador Mr Antonio Elías BAÑOS VALLE Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 3 01-Jun-2016 Georgia Iran Youth Representative, Georgia Chain of Hope Mr Zhirair CHICHIAN Ms Maryam MARASHI ALI ABADI Ghana Rebirth Charity Organisation Abibimman Foundation Mr Abbas DEILAMI ZADE Ms Sara ESMIZADE Mr Kenneth Nana AMOATENG Ms Vera BOACHIE AMOATENG Mr Michael Kwaku KESSE SOMUAH Society for Recovery Support Ms Soheila AGHAMOHAMADHASANTAJER Mr Mohammad Javad GHAFARI SIYAVASHANI Ms Zahra GHAHREMANI Ms Akram MOVAGHARI Guinea Organisation pour le développement integré communautaire Iraq Mr Mamadou Oury BAH Mr Abdoulaye Bademba BAH Al Khair Humanitarian Organization Mr Saad AL BATTAT Hong Kong Barzani Charity Foundation World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) Mr Awat MUSTAFA Ms Maria Pia BELLONI MIGNATTI Civil Development Organization Iceland Mr Bakhtyar SALIH Harikar NGO Red Cross of Iceland Mr Salah MAJID Ms Juliana INGHAM Ms Hrafnhildur KVARAN Iraqi Salvation Humanitarian Organization Mr Muntajab IBRAHEEEM MOHAMMED Ms Shaymaa KAREM SAADOON India OFERR, Organisation for Eelam Refugee Rehabilitation Kurdistan Reconstruction and Development Society Mr Ashok Gladston Xavier GNANAPRAGASAM Mr Shawkat Taha AHMED Save the Children Legal Clinic Network Mr Santanu CHAKRABORTY Ms Mohd SHARIF BHAT Ms Lubna AL-WAELI Muslim Aid Socio-Legal Information Centre Mr Khaled AL-ALUSI Mr Ali HATEM Mr Mohd SAOOD TAHIR Statelessness Network Asia Pacific (SNAP) Mr Sanoj RAJAN United Iraqi Medical Society for Relief and Development Indonesia Dr Ahmed Mushrif ABD-ALHAMED Mr Ali Mahmood ALI Church World Service Israel Mr Dino SATRIA Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republik Aid Organization for Refugees & Asylum Seekers Mr Ahmad JUWAINI Ms Michal SCHENDAR Iran Arteam Interdisciplinary Art Ms Dafna LICHTMAN Association for Protection of Refugee Women and Children (HAMI) Ms Ms Ms Ms Center for International Migration and Integration Fatemeh ASHRAFI Sakineh ASHRAFI Sara GHOLAMI Saideh SAIDI Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Ms Keren HENDIN Page 4 01-Jun-2016 Israel Kenya Hotline for Refugees and Migrants ADESO African Development Solutions Ms Reut MICHAELI Mr Asaf WEITZEN Ms Smruti PATEL Physicians for Human Rights Ms Foni Joyce VUNI DAFI Kenya Students Organization Ms Zoe GUTZEIT Danish Refugee Council, Kenya Italy Mr Adhoch DENIS OBONDO Mr David KANGETHE ACRA Ms Valeria DE PAOLI Ms Valentina RIZZI Haki Centre Organization Civil Volunteer Group Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Mr Alessandro MIRAGLIA Ms Nada ZIWAWI Ms Lucy KIAMA INTERSOS Mr Ahmed ABDI Mr Giacomino FRANCESCHINI Mr Marco ROTELLI Legal Advice Centre (Kituo Cha Sheria) Mr Phelix LORE INZONE Higher Education Space Kakuma Ms Gertrude Nyausi ANGOTE Ms Clara BARASA Jesuit Refugee Service Mr Michael GALLAGHER National Council of Churches of Kenya World Food Programme Mr Amani MARTIN Mr Marcus PRIOR Octopizzo Foundation Japan Mr Henry OHANGA Japan Association for Refugees Refugee Consortium of Kenya Mr Brian BARBOUR Ms Eunice NDONGA Jordan World Vision International Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development - Legal Aid Ms Laura BENNISON Ms Kathryn TAETZSCH Mr Thomas TARUS Ms Samar MUHAREB Youth Committee CARE International Jordan Mr Martin KAWAI JIEL Ms Dyana HELWANI Mr Maher QUBBAJ Youth Representative, Kenya Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation Ms Mercy Akuot MARENG Mr Ayman Riad AL MUFLEH Ms Mariam KHALAF Korea, Republic of. GONGGAM Human Rights Law Foundation Princess Basma Youth Resource Centre Mr Pill Kyu HWANG Mr Mohammad AL-AMOUSH Mr Sanad Al-Islam SAUDI Good Neighbours International Save the Children, Jordan Mr Sung Jin KIM Mr Keuntae KIM Ms Natalia TAPIES Lebanon Youth Representative, Jordan AMEL, Lebanese Association for Popular Action Ms Bushra SABRA Kenya Ms Virginie LEFEVRE Mr Kamel MOHANNA Action Africa Help International CARITAS Lebanon Ms Christine KALUME Mr Peter MAHFOUZ Ms Rana RAHAL Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 5 01-Jun-2016 Lebanon Malaysia Frontiers Ruwad Association Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Malaysia Ms Samira TRAD Mr Shao BIN Ms Shwu CHING NG Mr Yet FATT NGEU Ms Mei Mei LIM Makhzoumi Foundation Ms Randa KHAYAT Mr Mohamad MANSOUR Mali Libya LibAid, The Libyan Humanitarian Relief Agency Malian Association for Environment Protection Stop Sahel Mr Hussein ELFALLAH Mr Dramane ARBY Shaik Tahir Azzawi Charity Organization, STACO Malta Mr Moad ABOUZAMAZEM Mr Sufyan ALASHAB Organisation for Friendship in Diversity Reech eng Hand (Eglise Catholique au Luxembourg) Ms Farah ABDI Ms Alba CAUCHI Mr Mohamed HASSAN Ms Hourie TAFECH Ms Dominique VON LEIPZIG University of Malta Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republi Ms Maria Colette PISANI Luxembourg Mauritania Macedonian Young Lawyers Association Ensemble pour la Solidarité et le Développement (E.S.D) Ms Martina SMILEVSKA-KCHEVA Madagascar Mr Aliou Nango BA Focus Development Association Mexico Ms Mina Harivola RAKOTOARINDRASATA Center of Human Rights Fray Matias de Cordova Malawi Mr Diego LORENTE Jesuit Refugee Service La 72, Hogar - Refugio para Personas Migrantes Mr Patrick Mukendi BITUTA Mr Ramón MÁRQUEZ Malaysia Sin Fronteras I.A.P. Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas, Malaysia Mr Jorge RIOS Moldova Ms Maalini RAMALO Law Center of Advocates Dignity for Children Foundation Mr Mihail GORINCIOI Mr Satvinder Singh AL KARTAR SINGH Ms Christina Siew Lian CHUNG Ms Shiang Fei SHEE Ms Jia Yee WONG Morocco Fondation Orient Occident Mr Rachid BADOULI Malaysian Social Research Institute Youth Representative, Morocco Ms Yasmine Emily EL HAMAMSY Mr Amer Abdulkareem Ali Mohammed AMER Mr Ibrahim Sallet MAHAMAT MERCY Malaysia - Malaysian Medical Relief Society Nepal Ms Katrien DENYS Mr Mohammad Iqbal OMAR Association of Medical Doctors for Asia Nepal Mr Dinesh POKHREL Forum for Women, Law and Development Mr Subin Lal MULMI Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 6 01-Jun-2016 Nepal Nigeria International Institute for Human Rights, Environment and Development, INHURED Africa Centre for Citizens Orientation Mr Gopal Krishna SIWAKOTI Mr Peter Olugbenga ADELEYE Ms Akunna Joy UKAIRO Lutheran World Federation Norway Mr Manandhar PRABIN Norwegian Refugee Council, Norway Nepal Bar Association Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms Dina ALA'EDDIN Ms Emma BONAR Mr Eric DEMERS Ms Sophia KOUSIAKIS Ms Mary LWIN Mr Andrea NALETTO Gajendra ACHARYA Prem Prasad BIMALI Kul Prasad DAHAL Kali Prasad SANJEL Transcultural Psychosocial Organization Nepal Mr Suraj KOIRALA Pakistan Netherlands American Refugee Committee, Pakistan Mr Arslan MALIK Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Children and Women Trust Mr Amal DE CHICKERA Ms Lucinda HOVIL Ms Sangita JAGHAI Ms Laura VAN WAAS Ms Hina TABASSUM Courage Development Foundation Ms Abida HABIB Ms Neelum MAJEED International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) Foundation for Rural Development Mr Karim ABDELTAWAB Mr Fahim KHAN ZOA Mr Ane DE VOS Holistic Understanding for Justified Research and Action (HUJRA) New Zealand Mr Saleem AHMED Auckland Refugee Community Coalition, ARCC Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development (REPID) Mr Abann Kamyay Ajak YOR Mr Shah JEHAN New Zealand National Refugee Network Society for Human Rights and Prisoners' Aid (SHARP) Mr Ahmed TANI Ms Christalin Zalattphyu THANGPAWL Mr Liaqat BANORI New Zealand National Refugee Youth Council Ms Lucia DORE Step Towards Empowerment of Pupil New Zealand Red Cross Mr Muhammad SAEED Mr Muhammad SHOAIB Mr Daniel Camilo GAMBOA SALAZAR Ms Rez GARDI Ms Rachel O'CONNOR Ms Caroline PRESTON Youth Representative, Pakistan Ms Zakia ANWER Mr Waheed ULLAH Refugees as Survivors New Zealand Philippines Ms Ann HOOD Mr Arif SAEID Community and Family Services International Mr Clifford Steven MUNCY Niger Portugal Action pour le bien être Portuguese Refugee Council Mr Souleymane DIEYE SIDI AMAR Ms Maria Teresa MENDES ONG DIKO Mr Soumana ISSOUFOU Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 7 01-Jun-2016 Russian Federation Sudan Memorial Human Rights Center Human Appeal International Ms Olga TSEITLINA Mr Abdelwahab Adam Mohamed ALI Dr Ezeldin Abdalla Ali IBRAHIM Mr Algunaid MOSA St Petersburg Regional Branch of the Russian Red Cross Ms Natalia ZAIBERT Sweden Rwanda CARITAS Sweden Mr George JOSEPH Legal Aid Forum Mr Kananga ANDREWS Church of Sweden Rwanda Youth Parliament Ms Else BERGLUND Mr Tamas MARKI Mr Patrick KARANGWA Switzerland Saudi Arabia ACT Alliance International Islamic Relief Organisation King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center Ms Reshma ADATIA Ms Tamara DOMICELJ Mr Anoop SUKUMARAN Mr Saad ALMAGIAT CARE International Switzerland Senegal Ms Barbara JACKSON Mr Gareth PRICE-JONES Ms Heather VAN SICE Ms Fawzia AL ASHMAWI OFADEC, Office Africain pour le Développement et la Coopération CARITAS Internationalis Mr Mamadou NDIAYE Ms Floriana POLITO Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO) CHS Alliance Mr Aboubacry MBODJI Mr David LOQUERCIO Serbia, Republic of Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO) Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance Mr Sang Koo CHUN Danish Refugee Council Ms Ivana VUKASEVIC Mr Stephan MAURER Indigo Friends World Committee for Consultation (QUAKERS) Ms Tamara SIMONOVIC South Africa Mr Daniel CULLEN Ms Laurel TOWNHEAD Lawyers for Human Rights Good Neighbors International Mr David COTE Ms Liesl MULLER Mr Lusungu Kanyama PHIRI Ms Kyungwon KIM Mr Ha Eun Marcellino SEONG Ms Sangmi SUNG Legal Resources Centre Handicap International Federation Ms Mandivavarira MUDARIKWA Ms Nathalie HERLEMONT Studietrust Mr Murray HOFMEYR International Catholic Migration Commission Spain Ms Raphaelle Nicole GOYET Ms Anna PASCALE Action Against Hunger International Commission of Jurists Mr Vincent STEHLI Mr Livio ZILLI Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 8 01-Jun-2016 Switzerland Switzerland International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) Save the Children Advocacy Office Ms Anita BAY BUNDEGAARD Ms Juliane GOURDIN Ms Aurelie LAMAZIERE Ms Yafa AJIWEH Ms Nan BUZARD Ms Manuela CORBOLINO Mr Raphael GORGEU Ms Sophie HELLE Mr Reza KASRAI Ms Melissa PITOTTI Ms Mylene SOTO Soka Gakkai International Ms Elisa GAZZOTTI Ms Alexandra MASAKO GOOSSENS Ms Hayley RAMSAY-JONES Solutions Alliance International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Ms Claire DE FORCRAND Ms Laura NAVARRO-LACROIX Ms Sue LE MESURIER Speaker International Federation of Social Workers Ms Catherine Anyango OFWONO Mr Tobias ROOSEN Sphere Project International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Ms Christine KNUDSEN Swiss Church Aid Ms Ursula BARTER Mr Khalid GREIN Ms Karen GROSSMANN Ms Antoinette KILLIAS International Social Service Ms Annick STOOSS Swiss Foundation of the International Social Service INTERSOS Mr Abraham ABRAHAM Ms Simone RENNER Lutheran World Federation Swiss National Youth Council Mr Michael HYDEN Ms Susan Dorothea MUIS Mr Roland SCHLOTT Ms Anne Caroline TVEOEY Ms Sophie NEUHAUS Swiss Red Cross Mr Wim NELLESTEIN Médecins Sans Frontières International Terre des Hommes Foundation Ms Andrea KARSTETTER Ms Barbara REHBINDER Mr Steven FRICAUD Terre des Hommes International Federation Norwegian Refugee Council, Switzerland Mr Ansar ANAS Ms Anne Westbrook LAUTEN Ms Cecilia ROSELLI Ms Elizabeth Jo RUSHING United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Mr Peter John DONNELLY Ms Kathryn RICHARDS Ms Amal SAEED OXFAM International Advocacy Ms Charlotte STEMMER Plan International Université de Genève Mr Craig DEAN Ms Anne-Sophie LOIS Ms Anita QUEIRAZZA Ms Emanuela SEBASTIANI Women s Federation for World Peace International RET International Ms Carolyn HANDSCHIN Ms Marina LOPEZ-ANSELME Ms Olivia MATHYS Ms Jennifer ROE Women's Refugee Commission Ms Olivia FALKOWITZ Ms Leila LOHMAN Ms Rachael REILLY Right to Play Ms Virginie EMERY Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 9 01-Jun-2016 Switzerland Turkey World Council of Churches Refugee Rights Turkey Ms Semegnish Asfaw GROSJEAN Mr Oktay DURUKAN Ms Nur Banu ÖZKUT World Young Women's Christian Association, YWCA Ms Ms Ms Ms Jill Ande Wilunda ANAMI Elin Linnea HAKANSSON Rita MUYAMBO Telge Chamodi Rumesha PEIRIS Women's Solidarity Foundation Ms Özge BURAK World Vision International Ms Christine LATIF Syrian Arab Republic Uganda Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch & all the East African Initiatives for Relief and Development Ms Angelike ASMAR Mr Mathias DANIEL Ms Musarait KASHMIRI Syrian Society for Social Development African Youth Initiative Network, AYINET Mr Roy Ramez MOUSALLI Mr Victor OCHEN Thailand Bethsaida Community Church (BCC) Arakan Project Ms Paluku KAPITENI Mr John KASEREKA Ms Chris LEWA Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network Secretariat COBURWAS International Youth Organisation to Transform Africa Ms Lilianne Yee-Ying FAN Mr Hermanto HASAN Mr Evan JONES Ms Julia MAYERHOFER Mr Parsuram SHARMA-LUITAL Mr Yiombi THONA Mr Bahati KANYAMANZA Mr Joseph MUNYAMBANZA Fortify Rights Ms Rebecka JONSSON Mr Shoshon TAMA-SWEET Ms Amy SMITH Mr Matthew SMITH InterAid Uganda Ms Scholastica LYAKA NASINYAMA Medical Teams International Refugee Law Project Tunisia Ms Susan ALUPO Institut Arabe des Droits de l'homme Windle Trust Mr Abdelbasset BEN HASSEN Mr Kasukaali METHUSELAH Tunisian Red Crescent Youth Representative, Uganda Mr Mongi SLIM Ms Maria ALESI Mr Elvis ELWABANGA Mr Simon MAROT TOULOUNG Turkey Association for Solidarity with Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Ms Ezgi ARSLAN Mr Ibrahim Vurgun KAVLAK Ms Gökçen YILMAZ TOKGOZ Foundation for Human Rights, Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief Mr Fikret OZGUL Ms Izzet SAHIN KADER Chaldean Assyrian Non Governmental Organization Mr François YAKAN Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Ukraine Charitable Foundation Slavic Heart Mr Oleksandr DYETKIN Mr Pavlo FILIPENKO Ms Anastasiia GORBACHOVA Ms Nataliia KYRKACH Civic Organisation The Tenth of April Ms Kateryna GAIDEI Ms Marina Vladimirovna KUROCHKINA Donetsk Oblast Charitable Foundation Ms Olga KOSINOVA Page 10 01-Jun-2016 Ukraine United Kingdom Kharkiv Charitable Foundation "World" Islamic Relief Worldwide Mr Oleksii YUZKO Mr Mohamed AFSAR Mr Raja Waseem AHMAD Mr Atallah FITZGIBBON Ms Mayumi FUCHI Mr Tarek MGADLA Mr Abdelmajid NACIRI NGO VI Kharkiv Station Ms Olga VASYLENKO Ms Alisa VIENIEVTSEVA Public Movement Faith, Hope and Love Mr Mr Mr Mr Yevgen FOMIN Oleksandr GLADUSHNIAK Viktor KURSONIS Yuliia TYMCHYK ROKADA Charitable Foundation Ms Ms Ms Ms Olena BURKATSKA Olena DEMIRSKA Anna ISHCHENKO Natalia KOSTIV United Arab Emirates Federation of American Women's Associations Overseas (FAWCO) Ms Jane MCCALL POLITI MBC Al Amal Ms Mariam FARAG Tabah Foundation for Research and Consultation Mr Noureddin HARTHI United Kingdom Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance (AMERA) Ms Jill ALPES Ms Fatima HASHMI Ms Abeera KHAN Anglican Consultative Council Mercy Corps Ms Miranda HURST Muslim Aid Mr Mohammed Fattah ABDELRAZZAK OXFAM GB Ms Vafa TAGHAVI Plan International Mr Roger YATES Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford Ms Marion COULDREY Mr Maurice HERSON Refugee Support Network Ms Emily BOWERMAN Ms Catherine GLADWELL Ms Katherine PEDDER Scottish Refugee Council Ms Catriona MACSWEEN Ms Esther MUCHENA Mr Mohamed OMAR Mr Aras SHEIKHIPOUR War Resisters International Ms Rachel BRETT United States of America Ms Isobel OWEN Ms Jane Flora WINFIELD Adventist Development and Relief Agency Christian Aid American Psychological Association Mr Frankelly MARTINEZ Ms Rashmi JAIPAL European Network on Statelessness Asylum Access Ms Jyothi KANICS Mr Christopher NASH Ms Parinya BOONRIDRERTHAIKUL Mr Alen MIRZA Ms Karina SARMIENTO TORRES Ms Jessica THERKELSEN Human Rights Watch Ms Elin MARTINEZ Internews Ms Rose FORAN Mr Frank TEEUWEN Boat People SOS Ms Caroline STOVER Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Ms Tzehuei TSENG Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 11 01-Jun-2016 United States of America United States of America Catholic Relief Services/US Conference of Catholic Bishops International Rescue Committee Ms Tammie EMURON Center for Forced Migration Studies, Northwestern University Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Salina GREENE Virginia JREISAT Galya RUFFER Asli SALIHOGLU Christina SEMINARA Center for Gender & Refugee Studies Mr Patrick DUPLAT Ms Yolanda Barbera LAINEZ Ms Sara ROWBOTTOM Jesuit Refugee Service Ms Mitzi SCHROEDER Knod Foundation Mr Graham DOXEY Latter Day Saint Charities Ms Eunice LEE Ms Joy ORTON Mr Robert ORTON Center for Victims of Torture Mercy Corps Ms Annie SOVCIK Mr Michael BOWERS Mr Matt STRENG Church World Service Mr Jason KNAPP Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration (ORAM) Fortify Rights Mr Neil GRUNGRAS Mr Abdul RASHEED Georgetown University Ms Elizabeth FERRIS Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Mr Mark HETFIELD Mr Jasmeet KRAUSE-VILMAR Ms Rachel LEVITAN Ms Sandra SPINNER Heshima Kenya Ms Alisa ROADCUP IEDA Relief, International Emergency and Development Aid Ms Bavukahe GHISLAINE GATHO Mr Phil MAANULWA Mr Thony NGUMBU Ms Valerie PUIG Peacebuilding Solutions Mr Greg HODGIN Ms Marie-Christine LAIBLE Ms Rachel LEWIS Queer Detainee Empowerment Project Mr Jesus BARRIOS Ms Jamila HAMMAMI Refugee Council USA Ms Shaina WARD Refugee Solidarity Network Mr Zaid HYDARI RefugePoint Mr Martin ANDERSON Ms Janet OUMA Ms Amy SLAUGHTER InterAction Save the Children Federation, Inc Ms Caroline NICHOLS Mr Julien SCHOPP Mr Gregory HILL Mr Michael KLOSSON Ms Seema MANOHAR International Catholic Migration Commission Ms Jane BLOOM International Council of Psychologists Ms Eva SANDIS International Refugee Assistance Project Ms Betsy FISHER Ms Elissa MITTMAN Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Sierra Club Ms Jessica OLSON Translators without Borders Ms Rebecca PETRAS US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Mr Eskinder NEGASH Page 12 01-Jun-2016 United States of America US Conference of Catholic Bishops/ Migration & Refugee Services Ms Aya ALKHDAIR Mr William CANNY Mr Descartes Ronaldo JEAN BAPTISTE Mr Aime KALANGWA Ms Kristyn PECK Mr Matthew WILCH Women's Refugee Commission Ms Ms Ms Ms Catherine HARRINGTON Sarah HAWKER COSTA Kate MAHONEY Joan TIMONEY World Evangelical Alliance Mr Thomas ALBINSON Mr Paul SYDNOR World Learning Ms Carol JENKINS Ms Meredith MCCORMAC Mr Carlos SOSA World Vision International Mr Paul NEWNHAM Mr Adam RIDDELL Vatican City State CARITAS Internationalis General Secretariat Ms Martina Dora Frieda LIEBSCH Zambia Youth Representative, Zambia Mr Samuel MUFUNGULWA Ms Jacqueline PHIRI Zimbabwe Youth Committee Tongogara Refugee Camp Ms Kaja TSHITENDE Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children Mr Maxim MURUNGWENI Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit Page 13 01-Jun-2016
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