Selective Reading Guide for Bernice Bobs Her Hair by F. Scott

Selective Reading Guide for Bernice Bobs Her Hair by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Before Reading:
1. In your story journal write down what comes to mind when you hear read the words “Peer pressure”.
2. This is a cover of the weekly news paper that first published the short story Bernice Bobs Her Hair, in
2-3 sentences how would you describe the people in the picture? What does the title suggest the
story is about?
During Reading:
Read Page 2-3 for a description of the main character Bernice and her cousin Marjorie from the
perspective of Warren. How the two characters similar, and how are they different? Which one would
you wish to be friends with and why?
Read Page 4 – The author makes a comment about what is acceptable behavior for the “youth in this
jazz-nourished generation is temperamentally restless” specifically about dancing with different
partners. Do you agree with what he says? Do you think the same type of behavior still exists today?
Give an example for your answer.
Read the conversation between Marjorie and Mrs. Harvey on pages 6 and 7. Pretend that you are
Bernice overhearing what her cousin has to say. Do you think what she is saying is true? Do you think
what she is saying is fair? What would have done if you were in Bernice’s position?
Read the conversation between Bernice and Marjorie on page 9. What do you think Bernice wanted
Marjorie to say? Do you think Marjorie was right in how she responded to Bernice saying she wanted to
go home? Why or why not?
After reading Chapter III of the story, do you think that Marjorie has the right idea on what it takes to be
popular? If you were Bernice would you follow Marjorie’s advice, without question, to obtain
popularity? Why or why not?
Read page 15. What do you think of the idea that Marjorie has come up with to make people talk about
Bernice? What is the first example of the scheme actually working?
Read the page 18 and comment on what may have been the first sign of trouble between Bernice and
Marjorie at this point in the story. Describe in your own words the feeling that the author is trying to
create between the two characters.
Read pages 19 and 20. It is obvious that Marjorie has changed her mind about helping her cousin.
Pretend that you are Bernice in that moment. Would you have done the same thing that she did? If not,
what would you have done differently?
Read page 23 and 24. In the scene in the barber you see how the momentum of peer pressure leads
Bernice to make a bad decision. What do you think she is thinking and feeling in the moment the barber
turns her around to face the mirror? How do the other characters with her react to the big moment?
Describe the scene in two or three sentences.
The story could end here with the main character beaten, but the author decides to go one step further
in the story. Without reading the ending, predict what Bernice will do next.
Read page 26. What was your immediate feeling/ response to what Bernice decided to do? Was it
justified? Was Marjorie the only character to blame for what happened?
After reading the assignment:
Summarize what you have read in a 100 words or less.
What did you think of the story?
Can you relate to any of the characters?