Unit 5 – Chapter 18 – Important Terms - Industrialization

Unit 5 – Chapter 18 – Important Terms - Industrialization
Identify and describe each term IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!
Contextualize each term by including time and place in your description.
You will be using these as specific evidence in your essays and SAQs
Key Concept 5.1, I. A, B and C.
pp 826 – 832
Defining the Industrial Revolution. You should be able to discuss the following in your Harkness:
Why Europe first? Why Britain first?
1. fossil fuels
2. steam engines
3. capitalist economies
4. British agricultural innovations
5. British Royal Society
Key Concept 5.1, VI. A, B and C
pp 832 – 837
Social effects of Industrialization. In your Harkness discussion, you should be able to identify and explain the new social classes that
developed and whether they benefited or not from industrialization.
6. The aristocracy
7. The middle class
8. Reform Bill of 1832
9. Samuel Smiles’s Self-Help 1859
10. Cult of domesticity
11. The working class (the laboring poor)
12. Liverpool
13. Benjamin Disraeli’s Sybil, 1845
Key Concept 5.1.V, A.
pp. 837 – 839
Responses to poor living and working conditions of the laboring poor
14. “friendly societies”
15. Unions
16. Socialist ideas
17. Robert Owen, a Utopian socialist
18. Karl Marx
19. “scientific socialism’
20. Trade unionists
21. The Labour Party
22. Paris Commune 1871
Key Concept 5.1.I, D
pp. 840 – 843
Industrialization in the U.S.
Harkness Discussion – be able to explain how the U.S. industrialize and challenges it met.
23. Civil War
24. Textile industry
25. Role of U.S. government
26. U.S. Steel Corporation
27. Assembly line
28. Mass production
Self-made American industrialists
Examples of labor protests
Why did socialism and Marxism not become popular in the U.S.?
Key Concept 5.1.V, C
pp. 843 – 846
Industrialization in Russia
Harkness Discussion – (1) Be able to explain the steps Russia took to industrialize and challenges it faced. (2) Be able to
compare the industrialization of Russia and the U.S.
34. 1861 abolition of serfdom
35. “transformation from above” also known as top-down approach to change
36. Peter the Great
37. Catherine the Great
38. 1890s, 1897, 1898, 1900
39. Railroads and major industries
40. 1905 Revolution – include causes and effects
41. Czar (Tsar) Nicholas II
42. Russian Revolution 1917
Key Concept 5.2.I, E
pp 846 – 853
Harkness Discussion – (1) Explain political and social problems that may have kept Latin American countries from
industrializing in the 19th century. (2) Explain Latin American countries’ new role in the global economy and the level of
industry that is forming in the region and how it is forming. (3) Explain why Latin America became dependent on the
economy of European countries and the U.S.
43. Mexico’s old and new exports
44. Describe the ‘export boom’ of the 19th century include exports from Chile, Bolivia, Peru and the Amazon rain
forest of Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Guatemala, Cuba
45. Imports to Latin America
46. What countries are investing and building industries in Latin America?
47. Mexican Revolution 1911 (know causes and effects and major individuals involved)
48. “dependent development” also known as neocolonialism
49. United Fruit Company
50. Examples of U.S. imperialism