AllFusion Model Navigator

AllFusion Model Navigator
Getting Started
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Chapter 1: Working With Data Models and Process Models
The Purpose of This Guide..................................................................... 1–1
Model Viewing, Printing, and Reporting Made Easy ............................................. 1–1
Intended Audience ........................................................................ 1–2
How this Guide Is Organized .............................................................. 1–3
AllFusion Model Navigator – Part of the AllFusion Modeling Suite ................................ 1–3
CA Technology Services: Delivering on the Vision of Enterprise IT Management .................... 1–4
Education and Training: Maximizing the Business Value of CA Technology ........................ 1–4
More Information ............................................................................. 1–5
Getting Online Help ....................................................................... 1–5
Chapter 2: Overview and Installation
Overview .................................................................................... 2–1
Install AllFusion Model Navigator .......................................................... 2–2
Before You View Models in a Model Manager Database ...................................... 2–3
Chapter 3: Opening Data Models
How to Open Data Models .................................................................... 3–1
Opening an .erwin File .................................................................... 3–1
Opening a Model Stored in a AllFusion MM Database ........................................ 3–1
Connecting to the AllFusion MM Database .............................................. 3–2
Opening a Data Model Stored in an AllFusion MM Database .............................. 3–3
Chapter 4: Understanding Data Models
Basic Concepts of Entity-Relationship Models ....................................................4–1
What Is an Entity? .........................................................................4–2
What Is an Attribute? ......................................................................4–2
What Is a Relationship? ....................................................................4–3
What Is a Foreign Key? .....................................................................4–4
Other Relationship Types ...............................................................4–5
Chapter 5: The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around .....................................................................5–1
Workplace Components ....................................................................5–2
Action Log ................................................................................5–3
Action Log Panes ......................................................................5–3
Action Log Shortcut Menu ..............................................................5–5
Action Log Toolbar ....................................................................5–6
Find Dialog ...........................................................................5–6
Extended Find and Filter ...............................................................5–7
Undo a Transaction ....................................................................5–7
Redo a Transaction.....................................................................5–8
Reverse a Transaction ..................................................................5–8
Undo and Redo to Selected Transaction ..................................................5–8
Action Summary Reports ...............................................................5–9
Advisories Pane ...........................................................................5–9
The Model Explorer...................................................................... 5–10
Model Pane ......................................................................... 5–10
Subject Areas Pane ................................................................... 5–12
The Model Explorer Shortcut Menu ................................................... 5–12
Stored Displays ......................................................................... 5–13
Create Stored Displays ............................................................... 5–13
Toolbars ................................................................................ 5–13
Toolbox Toolbox ..................................................................... 5–14
Toolbox Toolbar ..................................................................... 5–14
Selecting, Moving, and Resizing Objects ............................................... 5–14
Alignment, Spacing, and Grouping Tools .............................................. 5–15
Drawing Tools....................................................................... 5–16
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Chapter 6: Viewing Data Models
Customizing What You See .................................................................... 6–1
Changing Display Levels .................................................................. 6–1
Changing Display Options ................................................................. 6–3
Using Fonts and Colors .................................................................... 6–4
Applying Fonts and Colors by Object Type .............................................. 6–5
Applying Fonts and Colors to a Single Object ............................................ 6–5
Using Zoom Tools ........................................................................ 6–6
Chapter 7: Printing Data Models
Format and Print What You See on the Screen ................................................... 7–1
Choosing What to Print .................................................................... 7–1
Using the Print Dialog ..................................................................... 7–2
Using Page Setup Options ................................................................. 7–3
Changing the Page Margins ............................................................ 7–3
Applying Customized Headers and Footers.............................................. 7–3
Summary of Header and Footer Buttons ................................................. 7–4
Chapter 8: Reporting on Data Models
The Report Template Builder .................................................................. 8–1
Opening the Report Template Builder ....................................................... 8–2
The Report Template dialog ................................................................ 8–2
Report Template Dialog Options ........................................................ 8–3
New Report Template ..................................................................... 8–3
Defining Properties for a New Report Template .............................................. 8–4
Apply Sections to a Report Template ........................................................ 8–6
Define Section Properties .................................................................. 8–6
Define Table Properties .................................................................... 8–7
Report Template Preferences ............................................................... 8–8
Applying a Report Template to Another Model .............................................. 8–8
Report Generation ........................................................................ 8–9
Running an HTML Report ............................................................. 8–9
Chapter 9: Opening Process Models
How to Open Process Models ..................................................................9–1
Opening a .BP1 File ........................................................................9–1
Opening Process Models Stored in a Model Manager Database ................................9–2
Connecting to an AllFusion MM Database ...............................................9–2
Opening a Process Model Stored in a Model Manager Database ............................9–3
Chapter 10: Understanding Process Models
Types of Process Models .....................................................................
IDEF0 Modeling .........................................................................
IDEF3 Modeling .........................................................................
Activities in IDEF3 Modeling .........................................................
Arrows in IDEF3 Modeling ...........................................................
Junctions in IDEF3 Modeling..........................................................
Junction types .......................................................................
Referents in IDEF3 Modeling .........................................................
Swim Lane Diagrams ................................................................
Data Flow Diagrams .....................................................................
Objects In Data Flow Diagrams .......................................................
Chapter 11: The Process Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around ...................................................................
Using the Toolbars.......................................................................
The Standard Toolbar ....................................................................
The Services Toolbar .....................................................................
The Process Model Viewer Toolbox .......................................................
Using the Model Explorer ................................................................
Displaying Diagrams or Activities .....................................................
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Chapter 12: Viewing Process Models
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models ................................................ 12–1
Customizing the Workplace ............................................................... 12–2
Displaying and Hiding Workplace Elements ............................................ 12–2
Setting the Magnification Level ............................................................ 12–3
Customizing the Diagram Display ......................................................... 12–4
Displaying or Hiding Elements of Diagrams and Models .................................... 12–4
Setting Diagram Fonts .................................................................... 12–6
Setting Diagram Object Colors ............................................................ 12–7
Chapter 13: Printing Process Model Diagrams
Printing Process Model Diagrams ............................................................. 13–1
The Process Model Viewer Print Dialog .................................................... 13–1
Changing Diagram Page Setup Options .................................................... 13–4
Printing the IDEF0 Kit and Title ....................................................... 13–5
Copying a Diagram to the Clipboard ....................................................... 13–5
Chapter 14: Reporting on Process Models
The Report Template Builder ................................................................. 14–1
Starting the Report Template Builder ...................................................... 14–2
The Report Template dialog ............................................................... 14–2
Report Template Dialog Options ....................................................... 14–3
New Report Template .................................................................... 14–3
Defining Properties for a New Report Template ............................................. 14–4
Adding Report Sections to a Report Template ............................................... 14–6
Define Section Properties ................................................................. 14–7
Define Table Properties ................................................................... 14–7
Report Template Preferences .............................................................. 14–9
Applying a Report Template to Another Model ............................................. 14–9
Report Generation ...................................................................... 14–10
Running an HTML Report ............................................................... 14–10
Appendix A : How AllFusion Model Navigator Differs from
AllFusion ERwin DM and AllFusion PM
AllFusion Model Navigator Allows Model Viewing ............................................ A–A
Viewing Data Models .................................................................... A–A
Removed Menu Items and Disabled Toolbar Icons ...................................... A–A
Viewing Process Models ..................................................................A–C
Removed Menu Items .................................................................A–C
Disabled Toolbar Buttons ............................................................. A–D
Miscellaneous Removed Menu Items and Disabled Toolbars ............................. A–D
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Working With Data Models and
Process Models
The Purpose of This Guide
This guide introduces you to AllFusion® Model Navigator (AllFusion MN). By
the time you have finished reading this guide, you will have an overview of the
wide scope of this product and its usability will be familiar to you. It is important
to us that you feel comfortable with AllFusion MN before you begin to use it.
Model Viewing, Printing, and Reporting Made Easy
Welcome to AllFusion® Model Navigator, which combines Data Model Viewer
(formerly ERwin® Navigator), and Process Model Viewer (formerly BPwin®
Data Model Viewer is a read-only version of the AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler
(AllFusion ERwin DM) database modeling tool. You can use it to create, open,
manipulate, print, and report on any model created in AllFusion ERwin DM.
Data Model Viewer maintains most of the functionality of the full-feature version
of AllFusion ERwin DM, but you cannot use it to save a model or to forward or
reverse engineer a database.
Process Model Viewer is designed as a read-only version of AllFusion Process
Modeler (AllFusion PM) process modeling tool. You can use it to create, open,
manipulate, print, and report on any model created in AllFusion PM. Process
Model Viewer maintains most of the functionality of the full-feature version of
AllFusion PM, but you cannot use it to save a model.
Working With Data Models and Process Models
Model Viewing, Printing, and Reporting Made Easy
You can use Data Model Viewer and Process Model Viewer to open models
saved in a shared Model Manager database that was created using AllFusion
Model Manager (AllFusion MM). If you want to be able to access an AllFusion
MM database, contact your AllFusion MM administrator. The administrator
must create an AllFusion MM database on a supported DBMS and a security
profile for each user. Your PC must have the appropriate DBMS client connection
software before you can access models in an AllFusion MM database, and you
must have the appropriate security permissions. See the AllFusion Model Manager
Administrator Guide for more information.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for use by individuals such as business or system analysts,
database designers, and programmers who require read-only access to models
created in AllFusion ERwin DM or AllFusion PM. You can use AllFusion Model
Navigator to view, print, report on, and manipulate models. The only limitation
is that you cannot save any type of model change, including any made to models
accessed in a Model Manager database.
You can use AllFusion Model Navigator on data models and process models that
are on a local drive, network drive or in a Model Manager database to:
View the work of others while it is in progress.
Provide input without inadvertently changing work.
Read the information in a model in order to create queries, reports, or
If you are already familiar with AllFusion ERwin DM and AllFusion PM, the
Data Model Viewer and Process Model Viewer offer most of the features
currently available in the full-feature version of these products. See Appendix A
for a list of the differences between the modeler and viewer products.
To use this guide with Data Model Viewer, you should have a working
knowledge of database management, entity-relationship diagrams, and IDEF1X
and IE data modeling terms. If you are using Data Model Viewer in a data
warehousing environment, you should also have a working knowledge of
dimensional modeling terms. You can refer to the AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler
Methods Guide and online help for more information.
To use this guide with Process Model Viewer, you should have a working
knowledge of business process management, business reengineering, and IDEF0,
IDEF3, or DFD methodologies. You can refer to the AllFusion Process Modeler
Methods Guide for more information.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
AllFusion Model Navigator – Part of the AllFusion Modeling Suite
How this Guide Is Organized
This Getting Started guide is designed to help users who are familiar with models
created in AllFusion ERwin DM or AllFusion PM. Because AllFusion Model
Navigator consists of Data Model Viewer and Process Model Viewer, this guide
is separated into two distinct parts: Part 1–Data Model Viewer, and Part 2–
Process Model Viewer. Refer to the appropriate section depending on the
product you are using.
AllFusion Model Navigator – Part of the AllFusion Modeling
AllFusion Model Navigator is part of the AllFusion family of products, a
foundation for building, deploying, and managing applications. AllFusion
consists of process and project management, change and configuration
management, modeling and design, and knowledge publication and
visualization. AllFusion strengthens your ability to automate critical application
life cycle processes and to thrive in the increasing complexity and rate of change
in today’s business climate. The AllFusion Modeling Suite helps you simplify the
complex aspects of analyzing, designing, and implementing applications and
business processes by providing a visualization of the relationships between
business and technology. The other key components that provide the integration
of design, data and process models are:
AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler–The essential tool for data modeling.
AllFusion Process Modeler–The essential tool for business process
AllFusion Model Manager–Used in conjunction with the AllFusion ERwin
Data Modeler and AllFusion Process Modeler, the AllFusion Model Manager
supports concurrent team modeling for large client/server development
AllFusion Data Model Validator–The database validation tool that raises
the level of data quality in transactional and data warehouse systems.
Working With Data Models and Process Models
CA Technology Services: Delivering on the Vision of Enterprise IT Management
CA Technology Services: Delivering on the Vision of
Enterprise IT Management
CA Technology Services™ delivers enterprise IT management solutions to help
our customers achieve more efficient operations and better manage the IT
infrastructure, which drives meaningful business value and financial results. CA
Technology Services leverages its global expertise and certified professionals in
enterprise systems management, business service optimization, security
management and storage management to maximize customers’ IT investments.
We draw from our more than 27 years of management software experience, over
1,000 technology services professionals, most of whom are CISSP-, ITIL-, and
SNIA-certified, and the complementary service delivery capabilities of
industry-leading service partners, to offer you best practices and time-tested,
proven methodologies.
Education and Training: Maximizing the Business Value of
CA Technology
CA Technology Services education and training is focused on helping you realize
streamlined implementations, reduced time-to-value, and improved productivity
to maximize the business value of CA technology. We deliver instructor-led,
self-paced, and extended learning solutions across CA’s complete, integrated,
and open solutions for enterprise IT management (EIM) and partner with
leading value-added education providers to extend our course offerings in
enterprise systems management, security management, storage management,
and business service optimization. Our dynamic team of certified and
experienced professionals transfers real-time expertise in optimizing CA
software products and leveraging proven IT process models that educates your
organization about how to make practical application of best practices in your IT
For a complete list of education and training courses, visit
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
More Information
More Information
After reading this Getting Started, you can refer to the numerous resources
available to you for additional information. Your product CD contains
instructional documents that showcase your software and provide detailed
explanations about the product’s comprehensive, feature-rich components.
For online technical assistance and a complete list of locations, primary service
hours, and telephone numbers, contact Customer Support at
Be sure to review the AllFusion Model Navigator readme file and the Release
Summary, which detail the key enhancements for the latest release. Both files are
automatically installed with the program and can be invoked from the Start
Getting Online Help
The online help system offers procedural information and answers to any
questions you may encounter. When you press F1 from any dialog, you will see a
“What would you like to do?” topic, which lists all relevant topics for that task.
You can also search for a topic in the Contents, Index, or Search Tab of the Help
Topics dialog. From the Help menu, choose Help Topics to get started. From the
Help menu, choose What’s New to read a summary of the newest features. For
tips on using the AllFusion ERwin DM Online Help system, from the Help
menu, choose How to Use Help.
Most Help topics have links to related topics. You can usually find more
information by clicking the links below the topic heading or on the buttons on
the help topic menu bar.
Working With Data Models and Process Models
Overview and Installation
Modeling is one of the most effective techniques for understanding and
communicating business rules and processes.
Just as an architect creates a blue print before building a structure, a database
designer creates a data model before building a database. A data model is a
graphical representation of a database that is used to capture an organization’s
business rules, which can then be used to define a system’s requirements.
In today’s complex and ever-changing world, businesses need to stay focused on
the process of how to satisfy customer needs. Business process improvement
includes mapping and modeling the myriad of interactions within an
organization to better understand and improve its operation. In a process model,
extraneous detail is eliminated and important information is highlighted, thereby
reducing the apparent complexity of the system under study.
Typically, throughout the design process, a model is presented to business users
and other members of the enterprise for review and input. As a reviewer of a
data model or process model, you may be required to provide input to the
design team. For this purpose, you can use AllFusion Model Navigator to open
and read data models that were created in AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler
(AllFusion ERwin DM) and read process models that were created in AllFusion
Process Modeler (AllFusion PM).
AllFusion Model Navigator (AllFusion MN) is composed of the Data Model
Viewer and Process Model Viewer. You can use AllFusion MN to view,
manipulate, print, and report on models on a local drive, network, or in an
AllFusion Model Manager (AllFusion MM) database.
Overview and Installation
Install AllFusion Model Navigator
To install AllFusion Model Navigator, follow these steps:
Insert the installation CD in the CD drive.
If Autorun is enabled, you will be prompted to install. If autorun is disabled,
click on the CD and double-click on Setup.exe.
A License Agreement appears for you to review. Scroll through the
agreement to accept the terms as described and click I Agree.
Click Next. Follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard. The
wizard asks a series of questions you must answer, including:
Customer Information
Destination folder for the AllFusion Model Navigator files
When prompted to choose a Setup Type, you can choose Complete or
Choose Complete to install all program features.
Choose Custom to install selected features. A new windows displays
with options to select specific features for installation. You can also
evaluate the space needed to install each feature, and change the
destination folder for the files.
Click Next to continue with the installation wizard. When prompted, click
Install to start the copying process.
When the copy completes, a final screen displays, with a check box selected
to review the readme file. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
If you have not already licensed AllFusion Model Navigator, you will be
prompted to do so the first time you run a Navigator application (ERwin Model
Viewer or Process Model Viewer).
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Before You View Models in a Model Manager Database
Before you can view models in an AllFusion MM database, you need to connect
to the AllFusion MM database on which the models reside. The connection is
made by clicking Connection on the Services menu. For more details, see the
chapters Opening Data Models and Opening Process Models. The following
must be performed before you can connect to an AllFusion MM database:
The client connectivity software for your host DBMS must be installed on the
client workstation so that you can connect to the DBMS on which the
AllFusion MM database resides.
The AllFusion MM administrator must give you permission to access the
AllFusion MM database.
Overview and Installation
Opening Data Models
How to Open Data Models
In the Data Model Viewer, you can open, view, print, and report on data models
that are saved in:
AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler (AllFusion ERwin DM). These models have
an .erwin extention.
AllFusion Model Manager (AllFusion MM), which stores various model
types in an AllFusion MM database. AllFusion MM is used in workgroup
modeling environments to manage security, concurrent access, and conflict
You can read all of the information available in a model, including definitions,
datatypes, physical storage assignments, logical and physical names, indexes,
and other logical and physical constructs for the selected target server (for
example, Microsoft SQL Server).
Opening an .erwin File
You can open an existing data model saved in an .erwin format locally or on a
network by using the Open File dialog. Choose File, Open to access the Open File
Opening a Model Stored in a AllFusion MM Database
Workgroup members using AllFusion ERwin DM with AllFusion MM save and
store individual data models in AllFusion MM libraries. To open a model saved
in an AllFusion MM library, you first connect to an AllFusion MM database, and
then open the model in the Open dialog.
Note: You must have a local client version of a supported database installed
with access to the AllFusion MM database. See your AllFusion MM
administrator for more information.
Opening Data Models
How to Open Data Models
Connecting to the AllFusion MM Database
To open an AllFusion MM model, you must first establish an AllFusion MM
connection using a valid user login. When you start Data Model Viewer for the
first time, it displays the AllFusion MM Connection Manager dialog so you can
type your user login, password, and database connection information. If the
dialog does not open automatically, you can click the Connect to AllFusion MM
on the AllFusion MM Toolbar to open the AllFusion MM
Connection Manager:
Note: To suppress the AllFusion MM Connection Manager so that it does not
display each time you open Data Model Viewer, select the Suppress this Dialog
on Startup check box.
After you type your login, password, and host connection information, click OK.
Now you are connected to the AllFusion MM database and have read-only
permission for all the libraries and models. For each successful connection, the
information that was entered in the Host DBMS, DBMS Connection, and Master
Database fields is recorded as a connection set. You can select a connection set in
the History list to automatically populate these controls.
Opening a Data Model Stored in an AllFusion MM Database
To open a model stored in an AllFusion MM database, choose Open on the
Services menu or click the Open AllFusion MM Model tool
MM toolbar. The Open dialog appears.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
on the AllFusion
How to Open Data Models
Because models in a AllFusion MM database are stored in libraries, you must
first select the library that contains your model from the AllFusion MM Library
list in the right pane. Then, you can select a process model from the AllFusion
MM Model list in the left pane.
Data Model Viewer supports the following AllFusion MM functions: connecting
to an AllFusion MM database, opening an AllFusion MM model with read-only
permission, the version manager, and session manager. You cannot save, lock,
update, refresh, or synchronize an AllFusion MM model using Data Model
Note: The read-only lock mode is automatically assigned when you open an
AllFusion MM model.
Opening Data Models
Understanding Data Models
Basic Concepts of Entity-Relationship Models
This chapter walks you through some very basic data modeling concepts such as
entities, attributes, and relationships.
As its name implies, an Entity-Relationship data model uses entities and
relationships to represent the logical structures that will eventually become the
physical tables in a database. A box with a horizontal line depicts an entity and
solid or dashed connecting lines depict a relationship between two entities.
Entity-Relationship Data Model
Understanding Data Models
Basic Concepts of Entity-Relationship Models
What Is an Entity?
An entity is a logical object that represents a person, place, or thing about which
an organization maintains information. In the logical model, an entity usually
corresponds to a table in the physical model. Two types of entities/tables can be
drawn in a data model: independent and dependent.
For example, an independent entity is an entity whose instances can be uniquely
identified without determining its relationship to another entity. It is represented
as a box with square corners. A dependent entity is an entity whose instances
cannot be uniquely identified without determining its relationship to another
entity or entities. It is represented as a box with rounded corners.
What Is an Attribute?
Once you have discovered the people, places, and events that define the entities
in your model, you can begin to define the attributes for each entity. Attributes
collect information about entity and columns collect information about a table.
Logical attributes usually correspond to physical columns in a table.
For example, after you create the CUSTOMER entity, you can begin to define the
individual pieces of information you want to track for each customer, including
Name, Address, and Phone Number. In the logical model, each of these pieces of
information is saved as an attribute of the CUSTOMER entity. In the physical
model, attributes equate to columns in a table.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Basic Concepts of Entity-Relationship Models
Entities and tables are drawn as a box with a horizontal line near the top of the
box. The area above the horizontal line is known as the key area because that is
where the entity’s primary key resides. The primary key may be comprised of
one or more attributes that uniquely identify the entity. The area below the
horizontal line is known as the non-key area because that is where all other
attributes reside.
When you add an entity, the entity type is determined by the relationship in
which it is involved. For example, when you initially place an entity in a model,
it is represented as an independent entity.
What Is a Relationship?
In a data model, a relationship shows an association between two entities or
tables. A relationship is represented as a solid or dashed line connecting two
entities or two tables. Usually, a symbol appears at the child-end of the
relationship line. Depending on the notation you choose, the symbols at either
end of the line may change.
An identifying relationship is represented by a solid line and through it the
primary key of the parent migrates to the primary key area of the child entity or
table. A non-identifying relationship is represented by a dashed line and through
it the primary key of the parent migrates to the non-key area of the child entity or
Understanding Data Models
Basic Concepts of Entity-Relationship Models
The following diagram shows the relationship between the CUSTOMER entity
and the MOVIE RENTAL RECORD entity using Integration Definition (IDEF1X)
What Is a Foreign Key?
When you create a relationship between entities, the primary key attributes of
the parent entity automatically migrates to the child entity. The designator (FK)
indicates the name of the migrated key attribute, also known as a foreign key.
This migration occurs automatically in the physical model.
In an identifying relationship, the foreign key migrates above the line and
becomes part of the primary key of the child entity. In a non-identifying
relationship, the foreign key migrates below the line and becomes a non-key
attribute in the child entity. A dashed line represents a non-identifying
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Basic Concepts of Entity-Relationship Models
Other Relationship Types
You can create other relationships, as shown below:
Identifying relationship
Non-identifying relationship
Recursive relationship
Many-to-many relationship
Subtype relationship
Understanding Data Models
The Data Model Viewer
Finding Your Way Around
You can view, change, print, and create reports about a data model, as shown in
the following sample data model:
This chapter shows you around the workplace and explains how to view,
examine, and modify the model. Keep in mind that although you can print and
report on changes you make to a model, none of your changes can be saved.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Workplace Components
After you open a model, you will see that the workplace is split into three panes
and a Diagram Window that displays a graphical view of the open data model.
Each of the panes within the workplace is dockable and floatable, and contains a
toolbar and shortcut menu:
Advisories Pane
Model Explorer
Action Log
When you right-click on the double lines at the top of the pane or on the toolbar,
a shortcut menu displays the following options:
Allow Docking – Select to keep the pane docked in its current position or
clear to reposition the pane on your workspace.
Hide - Conceal the pane.
You can also hide any of these panes when you:
uncheck the appropriate option on the View menu
click the Close button in the upper left corner of the pane
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Action Log
The Action Log provides transaction log information in real time so you can
make modeling decisions during your current session. The Action Log lets you
determine the best way to work.
Note: To work with the Action Log, select the Action Log Pane option from the
View menu.
As you work on the graphical view of a model in the Diagram Window, you can
view the transaction information in the Action Log. As you make changes to
your model, the Action log is updated in real time.
Changes are only viewable in the Action Log during your current modeling
session. Each new session begins with an empty Action Log. When you close the
model, the Action Log is cleared.
The type of objects that appear in the Action Log is based on the display mode
you are using. In other words, if you are working with a logical model, then only
logical objects appear. If you are working with a physical model, then only
physical objects appear.
The Action Log lets you search for every transaction and filter by type of change
so that you can easily find a specific transaction or a set of transactions. This
feature is particularly helpful when working with large models.
Action Log Panes
The Action Log has two panes, Display and Summary. You can switch to a
different pane by clicking the tab at the bottom of the Action Log. Select the
Details tab to see every change (transaction) made to a model, or select the
Summary tab to see the net result of changes made to a model.
Note: A transaction is a single unit of work that is not divisible into smaller
components. The Action Log lets you navigate through the transaction tree using
the Details pane or the Summary pane.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Details Pane
The Details pane shows all the changes you make to a model during the current
session. The Details pane is the default view when you launch AllFusion Model
Navigator. Changes appear in the Details pane with the most recent transaction
at the top of the tree, and the first transaction at the bottom of the tree. You can
either expand or collapse each transaction.
The toolbar on the Details pane lets you reverse a transaction, find a transaction,
view property details, and undo and redo to a selected transaction while
working in the current session.
Summary Pane
The Summary pane displays the net result of changes made to the model during
the current session. It provides a filtered view of all the actions you perform on
the model during the current session so that unnecessary tree information is
minimized, which is especially helpful when you are working with large models.
The Session Summary node is the top-level node in the tree. All changes you
make to the model at the object level and property level appear below the
Session Summary node in the tree.
The Summary pane is similar to the Details pane except for the following
While the top-level nodes in the Details pane are transactions, the Summary
pane has only one top-level node with changes appearing below it.
The Extended Find and Filter feature is only available in the Summary pane.
The Reverse, Undo to Selected Transaction, and Redo to Selected Transaction
options are not available in the Summary pane.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Action Log Shortcut Menu
When you right-click an object in the Details pane the Action Log shortcut menu
appears. This shortcut menu lists the options available based on the actions you
performed prior to opening the shortcut menu. These options include Undo to
this point (or Redo to this point), Reverse, Collapse (or Expand), Expand
Transactions, and Collapse Transactions.
Note: A shortcut menu is not available on the Summary pane.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Action Log Toolbar
The Action Log Toolbar contains the following buttons with tool tips:
Redo to
Undo to
For detailed information about these functions, see the online help.
Find Dialog
The Action Log Find dialog lets you search for specific text at the transaction
level, object level, or property level. This option is available on both the Details
and Summary panes.
By default, the search includes the entire tree, starting from the current selection
point. If there is no current selection point, then the top of the tree is used as the
starting point. If the search did not start at the top node, the search wraps to the
beginning of the tree after reaching the end.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Extended Find and Filter
The Extended Find and Filter feature lets you set find and filter criteria, view
property changes, and use the reporting function of the Data Browser. This
feature is available only on the Summary pane of the Action Log. To open the
Extended Find and Filter dialog, click the Find/Filter button on Action Log
When the Extended Find and Filter dialog opens, it provides a snapshot of the
Summary pane and lets you filter the information that displays so you can easily
find the information you want to report on. Use the Report button on the toolbar
to open the Data Browser dialog, where you can generate several different
reports for the information that displays.
Find Next
Undo a Transaction
To undo the last change that you made to your model, use the Undo button on
the main toolbar or select Undo from the Edit menu. This feature undoes one
change at a time, and is reflected in the Action Log by a dimmed transaction.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Redo a Transaction
To redo a transaction that you made to your model, use the Redo button on the
main toolbar or select Redo from the Edit menu. This feature restores one change
at a time.
Reverse a Transaction
The Reverse feature in the Action Log lets you perform an opposite action on
most entries that appear during the current modeling session. When you reverse
a transaction, the model reflects the changes made to the Action Log. This feature
is only available on the Details pane, and does not sequentially reverse actions.
For example, draw two entities (Entity One and Entity Two), and include
transactions in Entity One, and then in Entity Two. To reverse the transactions in
Entity One only, select it and click the Reverse button. Use the Action Log to
verify that only the transactions you want to Reverse are reversed, and that there
were no side effects.
Note: If you had used the Undo to Selected Transaction feature (described in the
following sections) instead of Reverse, all of the transactions in Entity One and in
Entity Two would have been removed because Undo to Selected Transaction
feature reverses all the transactions above the selected transaction.
Your model is restored to its best state when using the Reverse feature. Use the
Activity Log to determine whether your transaction has been properly reversed.
Note: For more information, see the Undo/Reverse Comparison topic in this
Important! Reverse applies to the entire transaction even if you select only the object or
property level node.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Undo and Redo to Selected Transaction
The Undo to Selected Transaction feature in the Action Log lets you undo an
entire range, or a sequential group, of transactions at the same time. Conversely,
the Redo to Selected Transaction feature lets you restore a sequential group of
Note: To undo to a selected transaction or redo to a selected transaction, you
must be in the Details pane in the Action Log.
As you create transactions on your model, each one moves the previous
transaction down the tree in the Action Log, with the first transaction always
appearing at the bottom of the tree. When you want to undo a range of
consecutive transactions, only those transactions above the one you select are
undone. To redo a range of transactions, only those transactions below the one
you select are redone.
Important! After performing an undo to selected transaction, you will not be able to
redo these transactions once you perform a new action, since the new action clears the
redo stack.
Action Summary Reports
You can filter information on the Summary pane and save the information as a
report using the Data Browser. Three types of Action Summary Reports are
Session Summary Report - Displays the summary of changes that take place
in the model.
Session Summary-Details Report - Displays a detail list of changes in a
Comparison Report - Displays the differences between the original version
of the model and the current version of the model.
For more information about the Data Browser, see the online help.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Advisories Pane
The Advisories pane is a dockable and floatable window in the main workplace
that displays messages associated with actions you perform. This pane
automatically displays when you start AllFusion Model Navigator.
Online Help
The Advisories pane displays messages associated with actions you perform
when working with your model. Each message on this pane shows you when a
change or edit you make to a property is valid and alerts you when the action
you have taken violates a modeling rule. When alerted, you can immediately
correct your action instead of searching for the transaction at some later time.
In addition to viewing the valid and violation messages, you can obtain details
about a specific action that generated the message. For example, if you set a
property, the Advisories pane shows a “Set Property” message. Click the Details
button on the Advisories toolbar to display the Advisories Details dialog and get
more information about the property. This feature is particularly useful when are
working with a large model and you need clarification about that particular
The Model Explorer
Just as you can work on a graphical view of a model in the Model Window, you
can perform many of the same tasks in the Model Explorer. The Model Explorer
provides a hierarchical text-based view of the data model that is displayed in the
Model Window. When you click on a Model Explorer tab, you can switch
between the Model or Subject Area panes to see the different views of the model.
When you make changes to an object in the Model Explorer, the graphical view
of the model is immediately updated with the same change. For example, if you
rename a table in the Model Explorer, the new table name replaces the existing
table name in the model window. Similarly, if you make a change to the model in
an editor, you will immediately see the change in the Model Explorer.
Note: You can toggle the Model Explorer by checking the Model Explorer option
on the View menu.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Model Pane
The Model pane of the Model Explorer lists all of the object types that appear in
the current data model based on the model type and the target server. For
example, if the model type is Logical, the Model Explorer does not include
physical objects such as triggers, stored procedures, and database views.
Similarly, if the model type is Physical, the Model Explorer does not include
logical objects, and may not include physical storage objects, such as
Tablespaces, unless the target server supports that type of storage object.
Note: In a logical/physical model, you can easily toggle between the logical
model and the physical model by selecting the model type from the option list on
the standard toolbar.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Subject Areas Pane
By default, every data model has a Main Subject Area, which includes all of the
objects in the model. A model can be divided into smaller manageable parts
called subject areas. In the Model Explorer, the Subject Areas pane displays model
objects sorted by subject area. You can expand each subject area to see a list of
the members of that subject area.
Note: Keep in mind, that subject area members just reference the objects in the
Main Subject Area.
The Model Explorer Shortcut Menu
When you right-click on an object in the Model Explorer, a shortcut menu
displays that lists the options available for that object, similar to the following
To control the topological display of Domains, right-click on a Domain and select
how you want to sort the Domains.
You can also delete an object or invoke the property editor for the object. If
semantics do not allow the deletion of an object (such as a Primary Key object),
however, then the Delete menu item on the shortcut menu does not appear.
If you want to create a new object, and additional information is required to
complete the creation of that object (such as a Relationship), a dialog box
displays in which you must enter the information required to create that object.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Stored Displays
A data model can have more than one Stored Display or customized view. If you
want to quickly change the graphic presentation of your data model without
resetting the display options each time, you can create a stored display for each
set of display options.
For each stored display you create, a tab is added to the bottom of the Diagram
Create Stored Displays
To create a stored display, follow these steps:
Select Stored Display Settings from the Format menu.
The Stored Displays dialog opens.
Click New.
The New Stored Display dialog opens.
Type a name for the stored display, and click OK.
The New Stored Display dialog closes.
Select the display option settings by clicking the property tabs (that is,
General, Logical, Physical, Definition, or UDP) in the Stored Displays dialog.
Click OK to save the new stored display.
The Stored Displays dialog closes.
Toolbars contain task buttons, which you can use as shortcuts to quickly perform
common tasks. Simply place the cursor over each toolbar button to see a
description of the task it performs.
All of the toolbars can be visible or hidden, depending on your preferences.
Choose View, Toolbars and select the toolbars you want to view by checking
them. Deselect any toolbars by unchecking them.
All of the toolbars are dockable. This means that you can drag them to any
location in the workplace and they will dock along the edge of the window. If
you prefer, you can let them float freely in the window.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Toolbox Toolbar
The Toolbox toolbar is the primary set of tools for drawing and editing a data
model. The Toolbox changes based on the model type (logical or physical) and
the notation (IDEF1X, IE, or DM) as shown below.
Logical Toolbox
Physical Toolbox
To choose the notation for a data model, from the Model menu, choose Model
Properties and click the Notation tab. For more information about the IDEF1X,
IE, and DM notation, search online help for Notation.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Selecting, Moving, and Resizing Objects
In the Toolbox, the Select tool is used for moving objects and resizing entity and
table boxes. The cursor changes shape for each task so that you know what action
will be performed.
Alignment, Spacing, and Grouping Tools
There are several features that help you enhance the appearance of your model.
The tools on the Alignment Toolbar speed the process of graphically arranging
and grouping model objects.
You can select multiple objects, and space them to your preference. Similarly, the
Group tool lets you group multiple diagram objects for easy manipulation.
The Data Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
To align several objects, click on the object to select it. While depressing the
control key, click on each of the other objects you want to align. Release the
control key and click the alignment tool.
Drawing Tools
The Drawing Objects toolbar includes a set of drawing tools that you can use to
add text and objects to enhance the meaning of your data model. The tools work
like many other popular point-and-click drawing applications. Just click on a
tool, click in the model window and drag the mouse until the object is the right
After you add a drawing object, you can use the font and color toolbar to add
color to the objects.
You can assign default font and color settings for drawing objects in the Drawing
Objects tab on the Default Fonts and Colors editor. For details, see Applying
Fonts and Colors by Object Type in the chapter Viewing Data Models.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Viewing Data Models
Customizing What You See
Data Model Viewer provides numerous features you can use to change the way a
model displays on screen and how it appears when you print it. For example,
three different notations are supported: ICAM Definition Method 1 Extended
(IDEF1X), Information Engineering (IE), and Dimensional notation (DM). To
change the notation, on the toolbar, choose Model, Model Properties, Notation
and make your selection.
You can also change the level of information that displays. For example, in the
logical model, you can choose to display entity names only or the entity names,
attribute names, and the key group designators. Similarly, in the physical model,
you can display or hide properties such as column or datatype.
The following features are discussed in this chapter:
Changing Display Levels
Changing Display Options
Using Fonts and Colors
Using Zoom Tools
Changing Display Levels
You can change the display level to filter the information that displays. There are
two sets of display levels, one for the logical model and one for the physical
model. These display levels and options are useful for viewing different types of
information at different phases of the modeling process and for communicating
model information to various audiences.
Viewing Data Models
Customizing What You See
To change the display level of a model:
Use the Display Level buttons on the toolbar to switch between different
levels of detail:
Table button (physical model
button name)
Column button (physical
model button name)
Comment button (physical
model button name)
Choose a display level option on the model window shortcut menu.
To open the model window shortcut menu, right-click on the background area of
the model. Choose Display Level and select the display options by checking or
unchecking the options. Click on the options to check or uncheck them. The
following shortcut menu is for a Physical Model:
The following shortcut menu is for a Logical Model:
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Customizing What You See
Choose any of the following display levels:
Data Model Viewer displays:
Entity or table names and the
relationships between the tables
Entities and attributes or tables and
columns, and relationships
Primary Key Entities or tables, and their primary
keys, and relationships
Definition Comment
Entities or tables, and their
definitions or comments, and
Entities with their icons, and
Tables and columns in their physical
order, and relationships
Changing Display Options
You can also use the model window shortcut menu to change the information
displayed for entities, tables, attributes, columns, and relationships.
For example, you can display the:
Key group to which an attribute belongs
Rolename for an attribute
Referential integrity for a relationship
Verb phrase that describes a parent or child relationship
Additionally, icons can be used to identify:
Meaning or purpose of an attribute
Primary key attributes
Domain attached to an attribute or column
Viewing Data Models
Customizing What You See
The following displays examples of types of information that you can choose:
Entity Icon
Attribute Icons
Key Group Indicator
Referential Integrity
Verb Phrase
To set the display options, right-click on a blank area of the model to open the
model window shortcut menu. Choose Entity Display and check the options that
you want to display, and clear those that you do not want to display. Click on the
options to check or clear them.
The following shortcut menu shows the options for the Entity Display:
Using Fonts and Colors
You can use different fonts and colors to enhance the appearance of a model to
make it easier to view and understand. For example, if you want to prepare a
model for analysis and presentation, you can enlarge the font size for all entity
names so that they are easier to read or change the color of all foreign keys to red
to distinguish them from other attributes or columns.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Customizing What You See
Applying Fonts and Colors by Object Type
Use the Default Font & Colors dialog to change the font and color for all objects
of a single type. Right-click on a blank area of the model to open the model
window shortcut menu and choose the Default Fonts & Colors option.
The following is an example of the Default Fonts & Colors dialog:
Applying Fonts and Colors to a Single Object
You can use the tools on the Font and Color toolbar to change the font color, text
or line color, and fill color for a specific model object. To change the font or color
of a model object, select the Selection tool
or Attribute Selection tool
the Toolbar, then click the object and use the font and color tools to adjust the
properties. You can also change fonts and colors for a specific table or entity
using the object shortcut menu.
Right-click on the model object to open the shortcut menu:
Viewing Data Models
Customizing What You See
Click the Object Font & Color option to open the Table Fonts & Color dialog as
shown in the following example:
Make your font and color changes and click OK.
Using Zoom Tools
You can change the magnification level of the model with the zoom tools on the
The following table describes the purpose of each tool:
Decrease the model magnification level in increments of 25%. Increase the model magnification level in increments of 25%. Reset the model magnification level to 100%. Set the magnification level so that the entire model fits in the model window. Select an area of the model that you want to fill the model window. 6–6
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Printing Data Models
Format and Print What You See on the Screen
You can easily print a data model using the current defaults for display-level and
formatting, or quickly customize the printout by varying the scale, color, page
header and footer, or other print option.
Choosing What to Print
You can print the model as it appears on your computer screen. What prints is
the model, any changes you have made to it, and the current display option
settings, including display levels, physical display options, and font or color
changes. To include a specific display option in a printed copy (for example, a
column datatype), choose the corresponding display option before you open the
Print dialog. For more information, see Changing Display Options in the chapter
“Viewing Data Models.”
Note: Print magnification is independent from display magnification. See
“Adjusting Print Scaling,” later in this chapter for more information.
Printing Data Models
Format and Print What You See on the Screen
Using the Print Dialog
To prepare to print, choose File, Print Setup, and select the printer you want to
use. Then choose File, Print to open the Print dialog:
The dialog allows you to view the data model, adjust the print scaling, and select
the pages that you want to print. To change the print margins or header and
footers you must click the Page Setup button. Additional Print options include:
Page Range – To print the whole model, click the Print All Pages button at
the top of the dialog. To print a single page, click in the grid area to select the
page you want to print. You can use the SHIFT or CTRL key in combination
with the left mouse button to select multiple pages. Then select Print Selected
Page grid boundary lines automatically define the individual pages on which
the model objects appear. The size and dimension of the print boundary is
determined by the paper size selected in the Print Setup dialog. You can
easily adjust the page boundaries by dragging the page grid lines in the Print
dialog to include more or fewer objects. When you move the grid to adjust
the page boundary, the model’s print scale is automatically reduced or
Print Scaling – The default print scale is 100 percent. To change how much
information prints on each page, change the number in the Print Scaling box
to increase or decrease the magnification of the model. Alternatively, adjust
the page boundaries to include a larger or smaller portion of the model on
each page. At any time, you can click the Reset Scale button to return the
model to 100% or click the Fit Model button to fit the entire model on one
printed page.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Format and Print What You See on the Screen
Print Color – If the model is enhanced with colors, the colors will print if you
check Print Color, provided you are using a color printer.
Copies – In the Copies group, select 1 or 2 for the number of copies you want
to print or type the number in the More text box. You can also select the
Collate check box to collate copies.
Using Page Setup Options
You can set page margins, headers, and footers for the printed copy in the Page
Setup dialog. On the Print dialog, click the Page Setup button to open the Page
Setup dialog.
Changing the Page Margins
You can use the Margins tab to change the page margins for the current print
copy. To change the margins, type a new value (in inches) in the Left, Right, Top,
or Bottom text boxes.
If you make any changes to the margins, you need to return to the Print dialog to
look at the page grid boundaries. It may be necessary to adjust the print scaling,
because changing the margins may change the placement of the model on the
Applying Customized Headers and Footers
The following header and footer information is included by default: the Model
Name, Stored Display, and Subject Area in the header and the Grid Page
Number, Time, and Date in the footer.
You can customize the headers and footers in the Header/Footer tab:
Printing Data Models
Format and Print What You See on the Screen
To change the defaults, use the buttons at the top of the dialog to insert
predefined text in the header or footer. Also, you can type text that you want to
include in the Header or Footer text boxes (for example, type the version number
of the model).
Note: If you manually enter incremental information in the Header/Footer text
box (for example, page number or date), the text cannot be automatically
updated. Use the Header/Footer buttons to insert information that needs to be
updated automatically.
Summary of Header and Footer Buttons
The following tables show the purpose of each button in the Header/Footer tab
of the Page Setup dialog:
File Name
Current file name as it appears in the title bar.
Stored Display
Current stored display as it appears in the
title bar.
Subject Area
Current subject area name as it appears in the
title bar.
Current Page
Current grid page number (for example, 1,2 =
first row, second column)
Total Page
Total pages in the entire page grid (for
example, 2,3 = two rows and 3 columns)
Current time (for example, 12:07:24 AM =
hour, minutes, seconds, AM or PM)
Current date (for example,
6/14/02 = June 14, 2002)
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Reporting on Data Models
The Report Template Builder
The Report Template Builder (RTB) is a versatile and highly-customizable tool
for creating and running reports on AllFusion ERwin DM models. You can create
text-based reports and graphical reports; then output the results in HTML, RTF,
PDF, and TXT formats for easy publication and distribution. You can save, edit,
and reuse any report template you create.
The Report Template Builder also contains predefined report templates that you
can run against any data model. You can view and save your reports to share
with others using a web browser. You can also import components from reports
created in the Data Browser to the Report Template Builder.
The reporting user interface uses two main components:
Report Templates Dialog - where you can quickly run a report on your open
model using an existing template.
Report Template Builder - where you can design a new report template and
set customization options.
You can run a report from both the Report Templates Dialog, and the Report
Template Builder.
Reporting on Data Models
The Report Template Builder
Opening the Report Template Builder
With a model open in the Data Model Viewer, you can start the Report Template
Builder in two ways:
Click the
button on the Data Model Viewer Toolbar.
Choose Report Builder from the Tools menu, and then choose Report
Note: The Report Template Builder also opens when you choose an RTB report
on the Report Builder menu.
The Report Template dialog
When you start the Report Template Builder, the Report Templates dialog
The Report Templates dialog lists the report templates (with .rtb extensions) that
have already been created. The Data Model Viewer comes with a sample report
template called Sample1.rtb.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
Report Template Dialog Options
The Report Templates dialog has the following options:
Available Templates–Lists the report templates (RTB files) in the current
directory. When you select a report template and click Run, the application
runs the report for the current model and opens the report results in the
application associated with the output format.
New–Opens the Report Template Builder to create a report template.
Edit–Opens the Report Template Builder to edit the selected .rtb file.
Run–Runs the selected report template for the current model or file and
opens the results in the application associated with the output format.
Browse–Opens the Browse for Folder dialog to select a folder of report
Directory (read-only)–Displays the current directory.
Output Type–Displays the output format (RTF, HTML, TEXT, or PDF) of the
report template highlighted in the Available Templates section.
Report Template Definition (read-only)–Displays the definition of the
report highlighted in the Available Templates section. The definition can be a
description of the report contents or any other explanation of the report.
New Report Template
When you click the New button in the Report Templates dialog, the Report
Template Builder dialog opens. This is where you specify the content, format,
and properties of the report.
Reporting on Data Models
The Report Template Builder
In the Report Templates dialog you can:
Define section properties such as columns, section name, font, color, layout,
and section name alignment.
Define tables within each section to report on specific model object
information such as entity name, definition, and history information.
Define table properties such as table name, font, color, and name alignment.
Defining Properties for a New Report Template
Each report template you create has properties that include a table of contents,
title, header, footer, definition, and export format. When you create a new report,
you should begin by assigning the report title and confirming the choices for
generating a table of contents, and specifying the output format. You can change
report template properties at any time.
To define report template properties:
In the Report Template Builder dialog, select Document Untitled at the top
of the Report Layout pane, and click the Properties button
on the
Toolbar, or right-click Document Untitled and choose Properties on the
shortcut menu.
The Properties dialog opens:
Select the Has Table of Contents check box if you want the report to contain
a table of contents. This applies to HTML and RTF reports only.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
Select the export format. When you generate the report later, the associated
application will open to generate the report:
HTML opens your local internet browser.
RTF opens your local associated word processing application (for
example, Microsoft Word).
TEXT opens the associated application for .CSV (Comma Separated
Variable) files (for example, Microsoft Excel).
PDF opens the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display the report. You can also
save the report in PDF format.
Note: You can also specify export format details in the Export tab in the
Properties dialog.
Click the Title tab in the Properties dialog, and enter a title for the report
template. You can also specify font and color options, and add macros to the
text to add information such as the current model name and current date.
Click the Header, Footer tabs in the Properties dialog to set header and footer
text, fonts, and colors.
Click the Definition tab to document the report template definition or any
other information. The definition text you enter displays in the Definition
box in the Report Templates dialog.
Close the Properties dialog.
For further information on the Report Template Builder, press the F1 key in any
RTB dialog in the online help.
Reporting on Data Models
The Report Template Builder
Apply Sections to a Report Template
You can apply report sections and report columns in the Report Template
Builder based on model object type. For example, in a data model, physical
tables and columns would be represented as different report sections.
To add report sections to a Report Template:
In the Available Sections pane in the Report Template Builder dialog, select a
model object type to include in the report. Then, click the right arrow button
to add the section to the Report Layout pane.
Repeat step one above for each model object type to be in the report.
In the Report Layout pane, double-click each section (object type) to open the
Properties dialog. Then, click the plus sign to expand each section and check
the columns to appear in the report (for example, Name and Note).
Save the report template.
Define Section Properties
You can define additional properties to sections you have added to your report
layout. Double-click anywhere in a section to open the Properties dialog with
options for that section.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
For example, when you double-click the Entity section in the Report Layout
pane, you can click the Section tab to display options to change the section name,
and define fonts and colors. You can also set the section layout as hierarchical or
tabular, and align the section name left, centered, or right.
Define Table Properties
When you create a report section, the Report Template Builder automatically
creates a corresponding Table that lists the section columns. You can use the
Properties dialog to change columns and to apply table properties such as the
table name, fonts, and colors.
For example, when you double-click the Entity Table item in the Report Layout
pane, the Properties dialog displays.
Click the Table tab to display options to change the table name, and define fonts
and colors. You can also align the table name left, centered, or right.
Reporting on Data Models
The Report Template Builder
Report Template Preferences
You set global preferences for your reports using the Preferences dialog. You can
set the following report template preferences:
General defaults that include specifying the text for the %Author and
%Institution macros.
Color and font defaults for the Title, Sections, Tables, Columns, Column
cells, Headers, and Footers.
Export format defaults (HTML, RTF, PDF, and Text) and related properties.
Specify a graphics file and URL to display on the first page of HTML reports.
You can also use the Preferences dialog to apply formatting changes to existing
report templates. To open the Preferences dialog, click Preferences on the Edit
Applying a Report Template to Another Model
After you have created and saved a report template, you can use it to report on
another model.
To apply a template to another model:
Open a different data model that you did not have open when you first
created the report.
Click the Report Template Builder button
On the Report Templates dialog, select a report from the Available
Templates list.
From the Output Type list, select an output type (HTML, RTF, TEXT, or
Click Run to launch the report.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
on the toolbar.
The Report Template Builder
Report Generation
After you have made the selections for you report layout, and have set report
properties and preferences, click the Run icon in the Report Template Builder
toolbar to run the report.
The report generates the selected output format and automatically starts the
related application.
For HTML output, the Report Template Builder generates HTML complete
with links to diagram object properties. This is true for hierarchical, tabular,
and picture reports.
For RTF output, the Report Template Builder generates RTF output to MS
Word complete with TOC field codes (if selected), title page, headings, and
page breaks.
For PDF output, the Report Template Builder uses the formatting preferences
for RTF reports, but launches the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display the
report. You can also save the report in PDF format.
For TEXT output, the Report Template Builder generates text output to MS
Running an HTML Report
To run an HTML report:
In the Report Templates dialog, click the Run button on the toolbar
. The
Report Template Builder launches your web browser to display the report.
In the left frame of the browser, locate the links to the Report Components.
Click the links in the sections to review each section.
Try changing the view from Tabular to Hierarchical.
Close the web browser.
Reporting on Data Models
The Report Template Builder
The following is a sample data model report produced in HTML:
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Part 2 — Process Model Viewer
Opening Process Models
How to Open Process Models
In the Process Model Viewer, you can open, view, print, and report on process
models that are saved in AllFusion Process Modeler (.BP1) or AllFusion Model
Manager. AllFusion Model Manager stores various model types and manages
security, concurrent access, and conflict resolution for workgroup modeling
When you open a process model, you can read all model diagrams and all of the
information available in the model such as definitions, notes, user-defined
properties (UDP), and activity costs. You can use many of the features in the
Process Model Viewer, but you cannot save any changes to .BP1 or to a model
stored on a Model Manager database.
Opening a .BP1 File
You can open a process model (.BP1) in any of the following ways:
. In the Open dialog,
In Process Model Viewer, click the Open File button
choose the folder and file name of the file (.BP1) to open.
In Process Model Viewer, click the File menu, and then choose Open. In the
Open dialog, choose the folder and file name of the file (.BP1) to open.
In the Windows Explorer, double-click the process model (.BP1) you want to
For more information, search the online help index for AllFusion Model
Manager Model, opening.
Opening Process Models
How to Open Process Models
Opening Process Models Stored in a Model Manager Database
Workgroup members using AllFusion PM with AllFusion MM save and store
individual process models in libraries. You can open process models saved in
libraries by connecting to an AllFusion MM database and then opening a process
model in the Open dialog.
Note: You must have a local client version of a supported database client
installed with access to the AllFusion MM database. See your database
administrator for more information.
Connecting to an AllFusion MM Database
Before you can open a process model from AllFusion MM, you must first connect
to the database server that hosts the AllFusion MM database. When you start
Process Model Viewer for the first time, it displays the AllFusion MM
Connection Manager dialog so you can type your user login, password, and
database connection information. You can also click the Connect to AllFusion
MM button
on the Services toolbar to open the Connection Manager.
Note: To suppress this dialog so that it does not display each time you open
Process Model Viewer, select the Suppress this Dialog on Startup check box.
In the Connection Manager dialog, enter the host server DBMS, the server name,
and the name of the database that contains the AllFusion MM database control
AllFusion Model Manager Getting Started
How to Open Process Models
For each successful connection, the information that was entered in the Host
DBMS, DBMS Connection, and Master Database fields is recorded as a
connection set. You can select a connection set from the History list to
automatically populate these dialog boxes.
After you fill in the necessary information and click OK, Process Model Viewer
connects to the server and provides read-only permission for all AllFusion MM
libraries and models.
For more information, search the online help index for AllFusion Model
Manager, connecting to.
Opening a Process Model Stored in a Model Manager Database
To open a process model stored in an AllFusion MM database, you must choose
Open on the Services menu or click the Open AllFusion MM model tool
the Services toolbar to display the Open dialog. A process model stored in
AllFusion MM cannot be opened directly from the File menu.
Because models in an AllFusion MM database are stored in libraries, you must
first select the library that contains your model from the AllFusion MM Library
list in the right pane. Then, you can select a process model from the AllFusion
MM Model list in the left pane.
Opening Process Models
Understanding Process Models
Types of Process Models
Using AllFusion Process Model Viewer, you can open process models that use
Business Process (IDEF0), Process Flow (IDEF3), and Data flow (DFD)
IDEF0 Modeling
IDEF0, also referred to as Business Process modeling, uses activities and arrows
to graphically describe and document business processes. It does this by
capturing information about the business or process and displaying the
information and resources that are included in each step.
The four types of arrows used in IDEF0 Business Process models are described in
the following table:
Type of Arrow
Something consumed or modified in the process
A constraint on the operation of the process
Something resulting from the process
Something used to perform the process, but is not itself
The first letter of each arrow type forms the acronym, ICOM. Hence arrows are
sometimes referred to as ICOMs. For more information on IDEF0 Business
Process modeling, see the AllFusion Process Modeler Methods Guide.
Understanding Process Models
Types of Process Models
The following example shows the top level diagram of an IDEF0 model
representing the process “OBTAIN DRIVERS’ LICENSE.” Also called the context
level diagram, it is the highest-level diagram in a Business Process model and
contains the context activity, which represents the business process being
Note the four different types of arrows. There are input arrows connected to the
activity from the left of the activity, control arrows from above, output arrows to
the right, and mechanism arrows from below. IDEF0 models illustrate a business
process or system as a set of activities (functions) using only two graphic
symbols: activity boxes and arrows.
Activities are represented by boxes usually containing a single, active verb plus a
common noun that clarifies the objective of the activity from the viewpoint of the
model, for example, “Obtain Drivers’ License.”
Arrows represent four types of information that are connected to an activity. An
Input Arrow shows what is consumed or transformed by an activity. An Output
Arrow shows what an activity produces or creates. A Control Arrow represents
the objects that govern the manner in which inputs are transformed yet are not
themselves transformed by the activity. A Mechanism Arrow represents those
objects that actually perform the transformation of inputs to outputs yet are not
themselves transformed by the activity. Arrows are typically labeled with nouns
such as Birth Certificate and Drivers’ License.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Types of Process Models
IDEF3 Modeling
IDEF3 also referred to as Process Flow modeling, is a modeling methodology
that graphically describes and documents processes by capturing information on
process flow, the relationships between processes, and important objects that are
part of the process.
IDEF3 models are used to assist business process reengineering efforts, develop a
measure for determining the completeness of deliverables, and collect
information on policies and procedures in business. IDEF3 models can depict
real world scenarios; for example, you can map out real life emergency
procedures or contingency plans based on business needs and events. Each
scenario provides a description of a process, and can be used to better
communicate and document how the business functions.
An example of an IDEF3 diagram appears below:
Activities in IDEF3 Modeling
In IDEF3 diagrams, an activity is also referred to as UOW, or "Unit of Work."
UOW's can represent a process, action, decision, or other procedure performed in
a system or business within an IDEF3 model.
Understanding Process Models
Types of Process Models
Arrows in IDEF3 Modeling
In IDEF3 diagrams, arrows have much simpler meaning than in IDEF0 diagrams.
Arrows in IDEF3 diagrams illustrate precedence between activities. For example,
an arrow drawn from activity A to activity B shows that activity A occurs before
activity B in the process flow.
Junctions in IDEF3 Modeling
Junctions are used in IDEF3 diagrams to show branching or joining in the
process logic, to show alternative paths in the process flow, and to show multiple
events that can or must be completed before the next UOW process can begin.
Junctions can be either fan-out or fan-in:
Fan-out Junction. Branches one arrow into multiple arrows to show
activities occurring in parallel. The following shows an example of a Fan-out
Fan-in Junction. Consolidates multiple arrows into a single arrow to show
the completion of the activities. The following shows an example of a Fan-in
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Types of Process Models
Junction types
The junction types and the meanings available in process flow modeling when
used in a fan-out or fan-in setting are explained in the following table:
Junction Name
Fan-in Meaning
Fan-out Meaning
All preceding processes All following processes
must be complete.
must start.
All preceding processes All following processes
start simultaneously.
One or more preceding
processes must be
One or more following
processes must start.
One or more preceding
processes complete
One or more following
processes start
XOR (Exclusive
Exactly one preceding
process completes.
Exactly one following
process starts.
Referents in IDEF3 Modeling
A referent is a term used to describe an object in an IDEF3 diagram where
additional information is stored outside the process flow. For example, if a credit
check was processed and a determination was made to set the credit rating as
low, the information from that credit check would reside in a Bad Credit List. In
this case, the Bad Credit List is considered a referent.
Referents are used in IDEF3 modeling to support junctions and other process
flow objects or to represent repeating UOWs.
Swim Lane Diagrams
Swim Lane diagrams are a type of IDEF3 diagram and can provide your
organization with an efficient mechanism for visualizing and optimizing
processes. Swim Lane diagrams organize complex processes across functional
boundaries, and help you to conveniently view processes, roles, and
responsibilities and their flow.
For more information on IDEF3 modeling, see the AllFusion Process Modeler
Methods Guide.
Understanding Process Models
Types of Process Models
Data Flow Diagrams
Data Flow Diagramming, also referred to as DFD modeling, helps system
modelers create a blueprint of systems development tasks. This eliminates the
costly time previously dedicated to repetitive planning and design. Modelers
also use Data Flow Diagrams to complement existing Business Process models
The following is an example of a Data Flow Diagram:
The Data Flow Diagram describes data processing functions (for example, Input
Customer Data); data used or created by the data processing system (for
example, Invoice); objects, persons, or departments that interact with sales (for
example, Vendor), and data processing tables (for example, the Inventory table).
Data processing functions are represented by Data Flow Diagram objects, which
include activities, arrows, data stores, and external references.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Types of Process Models
Objects In Data Flow Diagrams
The following table describes the four objects present in Data Flow Diagrams:
Data Flow
Diagram Objects
An Activity describes an action that processes or
transforms data or resources. In DFD modeling, an
Activity depicts an action that processes or
transforms data.
Arrows in Data Flow Diagrams represent the flow
of data between activities, data stores, and external
Data Store
Data Stores are used in Data Flow diagramming to
show the flow of data to and from a database table,
ERwin Data Modeler entity, or both.
External Reference
In Data Flow Diagrams, External References
represent a location, entity, person, or department
that is a source or destination of data but is outside
the scope of the diagram.
For more information on DFD modeling, see the AllFusion Process Modeler
Methods Guide.
Understanding Process Models
The Process Model Viewer
Finding Your Way Around
The Process Model Viewer window contains the tools you need to open, view,
manipulate, print, and report on AllFusion Process Modeler (AllFusion PM)
Although the Process Model Viewer Toolbox and other features are enabled, you
cannot save the changes you make to a diagram. AllFusion Model Navigator
only maintains the changes that you make to a diagram until you close the
diagram. If you need to save your changes, you can upgrade to the full-feature
version of AllFusion PM.
For more information, search the online help index for AllFusion PM workplace.
Using the Toolbars
The Process Model Viewer workplace includes three toolbars that you can use to
quickly access a variety of frequently used features:
Standard Toolbar-Provides file access, printing, and view options.
Services Toolbar-Provides access to models saved in a AllFusion MM
Process Model Viewer Toolbox-Contains the tools for drawing objects and
navigating in a process diagram.
By default, all toolbars display when Process Model Viewer is installed. If you
prefer to work with menus, you can hide any or all of the toolbars. You can also
change the position of the Process Model Viewer Toolbox by dragging it to
another location in the window.
The Process Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
The Standard Toolbar
The Standard toolbar contains buttons you can use to quickly access often-used
features, such as new, open, print, and display options. If a feature is
unavailable, the corresponding toolbar button is dimmed. For example, Process
Model Viewer does not support the Save button on the Standard toolbar.
Zoom to Display or Hide
Fit Border Model Explorer
Zoom Control
Zoom to
Open Report
Display or Hide
AllFusion MM
For more information, search the online help index for Standard toolbar.
The Services Toolbar
You can use the tools on the Services toolbar to connect to an AllFusion MM
database, open models stored in an AllFusion MM database, and open the
AllFusion MM Version Manager.
Open an
AllFusion MM
AllFusion MM
Version Manager
Connect to
AllFusion MM
Note: AllFusion PM also supports the AllFusion MM Session Manager, which is
only available on the Services menu. Process Model Viewer does not support the
unavailable features on the Services toolbar.
For more information, search the online help index for AllFusion Model
Manager Toolbar.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
The Process Model Viewer Toolbox
The Process Model Viewer toolbox contains the tools for drawing objects in a
Process Model diagram. The tools in the Process Modeler toolbox change to
reflect the methodology (IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD) of the current diagram. You can
float the toolbox in the drawing area, or fix the toolbox on the top or to the left of
the drawing area. The following table lists the meaning of each toolbox button:
Tool Name
Applicable Methodology
IDEF0 Activity Box
Go to Sibling Diagram
Diagram Dictionary
Go To Parent Diagram
Go To Child Diagram
IDEF3 Activity Box
DFD Activity Box
External References
Data store
Off-Page Reference
Note: Although you can use toolbox tools to add diagram objects, you cannot
save your work in Process Model Viewer.
The Process Model Viewer Workplace
Finding Your Way Around
Using the Model Explorer
The Model Explorer is a powerful tool that you can use to globally view and
access activity, diagram, and dictionary objects in any open process model. With
one or more models open, you can view all diagrams, activities, and dictionary
objects as graphical objects in a collapsible and expandable hierarchical tree-like
structure. For any methodology you use, the Model Explorer gives you a total
perspective of the entire model.
Model Explorer
Diagram Drawing Area
The Model Explorer is composed of three tabs that you can use to view activity
objects, diagram objects, and unused model objects. To display or hide the Model
Explorer, click the Model Explorer button
on the Standard toolbar. You can
drag the right border of the Model Explorer to adjust its width.
You can use the Model Explorer to navigate quickly through model diagrams or
activities. When you select an object in the Model Explorer, the corresponding
object displays in the drawing area.
For more information, search the online help index for Model Explorer,
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Finding Your Way Around
Displaying Diagrams or Activities
The Model Explorer can display a hierarchical list of either diagrams or activities
in all open models. The Activities tab and the Diagrams tab at the bottom of the
Model Explorer pane indicates whether the tree shows activities or diagrams.
When you click the Activities tab, the Model Explorer shows all the model
activities as objects in a collapsible and expandable hierarchical tree. When you
click the Diagrams tab, the Model Explorer shows all diagrams as objects in a
collapsible and expandable hierarchical tree.
The following is an example of the Diagrams tree in the Model Explorer:
For more information, search the online help index for Model Explorer,
summary of activity tree objects and Model Explorer, summary of diagram tree
The Process Model Viewer Workplace
Viewing Process Models
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models
Process Model Viewer offers many features you can use to customize the
workplace and change the way a model appears on the screen. For example, you
can hide or display any or all of the toolbars and change the font and color for
any model object.
This chapter discusses:
Customizing the Process Model Viewer Workplace
Setting the Magnification Level
Customizing the Diagram Display
Setting Diagram Fonts
Setting Diagram Colors
Viewing Process Models
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models
Customizing the Workplace
You can customize the Process Model Viewer workplace to suit your work habits
or to suit your current task. For example, you can hide the Services toolbar when
you are not working with AllFusion MM models.
Displaying and Hiding Workplace Elements
To customize the Process Model Viewer workplace, you can use the view menu
to hide or display one or more of the following workplace elements:
Standard Toolbar
Model Toolbox
Services Toolbar
Model Explorer
Status Bar
To display or hide one of these items, click on the option in the View menu.
Process Model Viewer displays a check mark next to items on the View menu
that are selected (displayed).
Note: You can also hide or display the Services toolbar by clicking
or display the Model Explorer by clicking
and hide
on the Standard Toolbar.
For more information, search the online help index for AllFusion PM workplace,
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models
Setting the Magnification Level
You can set diagram magnification options using the Zoom list box in the
Standard Toolbar or the Zoom dialog. To use the Zoom list box in the Standard
Toolbar, simply choose a zoom magnification level in the list. You can also type a
custom value.
To open the Zoom dialog, choose Zoom from the View menu or right-click a
diagram and choose Zoom on the shortcut menu:
The Zoom dialog opens where you can select and apply diagram magnification
levels to the current diagram and to all diagrams in the current model. To apply
the selected magnification level to all diagrams in the model, select the Apply to
all diagrams option.
Note: You can also use the Zoom-to-Border tool
to change to a
magnification level that displays the full border area of the diagram and use the
Zoom-to-Rectangle tool
to select a diagram region to fill the drawing area.
Viewing Process Models
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models
Customizing the Diagram Display
You can customize the way a process model diagram is displayed by:
Displaying or hiding elements of the diagram
Changing fonts for objects in a diagram
Changing colors for objects in a diagram
Displaying or Hiding Elements of Diagrams and Models
You can choose to display or hide specific diagram objects in the drawing area
such as activity numbers, arrow names, and activity cost information. To do so,
right-click the diagram area, and choose Model Properties from the shortcut
When the Model Properties dialog opens, click the Display tab:
To display or hide a diagram object, click the item check box in the Display tab.
A check mark displays next to the options you choose to display and removes
the check mark from the options you choose to hide. Your settings apply to all
diagrams in the active model.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models
You can also select different the draw styles for model diagrams. For example,
you can choose to display activity bitmaps or ABC costs in the current diagram.
To choose a default model draw style, or a draw style for the current diagram,
right-click the diagram and choose Model Properties or Diagram Properties.
When the Properties dialog opens, select the Draw Style tab and choose the
specific draw style option.
The Diagram Properties dialog options affect only the current model diagram.
You use the Model Properties dialog to set draw style defaults for all model
diagrams, similar to the following sample Diagram Properties dialog:
For more information, search the online help index for Draw style, defining for
Viewing Process Models
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models
Setting Diagram Fonts
In Process Model Viewer, you can set the font, style, size, and effects for diagram
object names and for reports. You can apply font settings to objects such as
Activities, Arrows, and Text Blocks.
You can change the font for any diagram object from the object shortcut menu by
right-clicking on an arrow and choosing Font to open the Arrow Properties
dialog. Then select the Font tab where you can set the font, font style, size, and
effects that you want to apply to the arrow.
You can also use the Font tab in the Properties dialog to change font properties
globally. For example, to apply your font selections to all arrows in the current
model, select the All Arrows in this model check box.
For more information, search the online help index for Font, setting defaults for
diagram objects and Font, changing for activities.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Customizing the Appearance of Process Models
Setting Diagram Object Colors
You can set object, text, and background color properties for diagram objects
such as activities, arrows, and text blocks. To set the color for a diagram object,
right-click on the diagram object you want to change and choose Color on the
shortcut menu.
The Color tab in the Properties dialog opens:
Select the property you want to change, such as Background Color, and then
select the color for the property from the palette.
Viewing Process Models
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Process Model Viewer provides complete support for printing process model
diagrams locally (BP1) and from an AllFusion MM database. You can easily
select specific diagrams to print and page setup options. You can also copy a
diagram to the clipboard for inclusion in other third party products.
The Process Model Viewer Print Dialog
You can customize print options in the Process Model Viewer Print dialog.
To open the Process Model Viewer dialog, follow these steps:
With a model open, click the print icon
from the File menu.
Select any of the following options in the Printer group box:
on the Toolbar, or choose Print
Name–Select the printer to print the diagram.
Properties–Set specific printer properties depending on the printer
Help–Opens a context sensitive help topic.
Number of copies–Enter the number of diagram copies to print.
Print to file–Prints the selected diagrams to a file. You can specify the
file name in the Print to File dialog.
Collate–Collates printed diagrams with multiple pages to stay together
when printed. Your printer must support this option.
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Select any of the following options in the Print group box:
Colors–Prints diagrams in color.
Leaf–Prints the "/" symbol in the upper-left corner of the diagram.
Sheet–Prints text blocks drawn outside of the diagram border.
Header–Prints the diagram header (diagram kit area).
Footer–Prints the diagram footer (diagram title area).
UDP Marker–Prints the UDP paperclip marker if displayed in the
To print the parent diagrams of a decomposition diagram, select the Include
Parent Diagram(s) check box.
To print a diagram report, select the Include Diagram Report(s) check box.
You can click the Field button to open the Diagram Report dialog where you
can select specific field information such as Name, Definition, and Status to
include in the diagram report.
You can expand the diagram tree to view its decomposition diagrams and
you can collapse the diagram tree to hide its decomposition diagrams. For
each diagram to print, select one of the following:
Print at scale–Select one or more diagrams to print using the page setup
you define in the Page Setup tab in the Diagram Properties dialog. To
print all diagrams in the base model, you can click the top diagram
(context diagram) check box in the Diagrams list. By default, the
currently open model is always checked.
% scale–Click and type the scale size as a percentage of the current
diagram scale. The default value is always 100%, which is the size of the
diagram with respect to the diagram page setup.
Print to fit–Select one or more diagrams to print that you want to
maximize on the printed page. To print all diagrams in the base model,
you can click the top diagram (context diagram) check box in the
Diagrams list.
Horiz. Pages–Automatically calculates and shows the number of
horizontal pages required to print the diagrams you select at the scale
you specify (see Print at scale). You can also override the calculated
number of pages by typing the number of horizontal pages to print the
Vert. Pages–Automatically calculates and shows the number of vertical
pages required to print the diagrams you select at the scale you specify
(see Print at scale). You can also override the calculated number of pages
by typing the number of vertical pages to print the diagram.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Printing Process Model Diagrams
In the Print Job group box, choose one of the following settings:
Single–Prints all diagrams as a single print job.
Per Diagram–Prints each diagram as a separate print job.
Per Printer Page–Prints each page as a separate print job.
Click OK.
Note: If you want all diagrams to print in the base model, you can select the
Print at scale or Print to fit check box in the top level (context level) diagram.
An example of the Print dialog is shown:
The current
diagram is
checked by
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Changing Diagram Page Setup Options
In Process Model Viewer, you can change the diagram page setup to change the
way a diagram is displayed and printed. To change page setup options, rightclick the drawing area and choose Diagram Properties on the shortcut menu.
When the Diagram Properties dialog opens, click the Page Setup tab:
The Page Setup tab contains a mock sheet with a diagram. You can use the
controls in this mock sheet to specify the dimensions of the diagram area and the
area around the diagram.
Using the Page Setup tab, you can set options to:
Display or hide the IDEF0 kit and title
Include a custom header and footer
Change the sheet size
Set diagram dimension and sheet margins
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Printing the IDEF0 Kit and Title
In Process Model Viewer, you can use the options in the Page Setup tab to
display the IDEF0 kit and the IDEF0 title in the diagram and also include the
IDEF0 kit and IDEF0 title in the printout.
Title Area
For more information, search the online help index for Page setup, defining.
Copying a Diagram to the Clipboard
In Process Model Viewer, you can copy a diagram or part of a diagram to the
Clipboard so that it is available to other Windows applications such as Microsoft
To copy all or part of a diagram to the Clipboard, select the diagram you want to
copy, set the diagram view to display the part of the model you want to copy,
then choose Copy Picture from the Edit menu. The image gets copied to the
Clipboard as a Windows metafile. You can then paste the image into a new
document or into an open document in another Windows application.
Printing Process Model Diagrams
Reporting on Process Models
The Report Template Builder
The Report Template Builder (RTB) is a versatile and highly-customizable tool
for creating and running reports on Process Modeler models. You can create textbased reports and graphical reports; then output the results in HTML, RTF, PDF,
and TXT formats for easy publication and distribution. You can save, edit, and
reuse any report template you create.
The Report Template Builder also contains predefined report templates that you
can run against any process model. You can view and save your reports to share
with others using a web browser. You can also import components from reports
created in the Data Browser to the Report Template Builder.
The reporting user interface uses two main components:
Report Templates Dialog - where you can quickly run a report on your open
model using an existing template.
Report Template Builder - where you can design a new report template and
set customization options.
You can run a report from both the Report Templates Dialog, and the Report
Template Builder.
Reporting on Process Models
The Report Template Builder
Starting the Report Template Builder
With a model open in the Process Model Viewer, you can start the Report
Template Builder in two ways:
Click the
button on the Process Model Viewer toolbar.
Choose Report Builder from the Tools menu, and then choose Report
Note: The Report Template Builder also opens when you choose an RTB report
on the Report Builder menu.
The Report Template dialog
When you start the Report Template Builder, the Report Templates dialog
The Report Templates dialog lists the report templates (.rtb) that have already
been created. The Process Model Viewer comes with a sample report template
called Sample1.rtb.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
Report Template Dialog Options
The Report Templates dialog has the following options:
Available Templates–Lists the report templates (.rtb files) in the current
directory. When you select a report template and click Run, the application
runs the report for the current model and opens the report results in the
application associated with the output format.
New–Opens the Report Template Builder to create a report template.
Edit–Opens the Report Template Builder to edit the selected .rtb file.
Run–Runs the selected report template for the current model or file and
opens the results in the application associated with the output format.
Browse–Opens the Browse for Folder dialog to select a folder of report
Directory (read-only)–Displays the current directory.
Output Type– Displays the output format (HTML, RTF, TEXT, or PDF) of
the report template highlighted in the Available Templates section.
Report Template Definition (read-only)–Displays the definition of the
report highlighted in the Available Templates section. The definition can be a
description of the report contents or any other explanation of the report.
New Report Template
When you click the New button in the Report Templates dialog, the Report
Template Builder dialog opens. This is where you specify the content, format,
and properties of the report.
Reporting on Process Models
The Report Template Builder
In the Report Templates dialog you can:
Define section properties such as columns, section name, font, color, layout,
and section name alignment.
Define tables within each section to report on specific diagram object
information such as data usage information and UDP values.
Define table properties such as table name, font, color, and name alignment.
Define report template properties such as title, headers and footers,
definition, and export format (HTML, RTF, TEXT, or PDF).
Apply sections for diagram objects such as Model, Activity, Arrow, and
Defining Properties for a New Report Template
Each report template you create has properties that include a table of contents,
title, header, footer, and export format. When you create a new report, you
should begin by assigning the report title and confirming the choices for
generating a table of contents, and specifying the output format. You can change
report template properties at any time.
To define report template properties:
In the Report Template Builder dialog, select Document Untitled at the top
of the Report Layout pane, and click the Properties button
on the
Toolbar, or right-click Document Untitled and choose Properties on the
shortcut menu.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
The Properties dialog opens:
Select the Has Table of Contents check box if you want the report to contain
a table of contents. This applies to HTML and RTF reports only.
Select the export format. When you generate the report later, the associated
application will open to generate the report:
HTML opens your local internet browser.
RTF opens your local associated word processing application (for
example, Microsoft Word).
TEXT opens the associated application for .CSV (Comma Separated
Variable) files (for example, Microsoft Excel).
PDF opens the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display the report. You can also
save the report in PDF format.
Note: You can specify export format details in the Export tab in the
Properties dialog.
Reporting on Process Models
The Report Template Builder
Click the Title tab in the Properties dialog, and enter a title for the report
template. You can also specify font and color options, and add macros to the
text to add information such as the current model name and current date.
Click the Header, Footer tabs in the Properties dialog to set header and footer
text, fonts, and colors.
Click the Definition tab to document the report template definition or any
other information. The definition text you enter displays in the Definition
box in the Report Templates dialog.
Close the Properties dialog.
For further information on the Report Template Builder, press F1 in any RTB
dialog in the online help.
Adding Report Sections to a Report Template
You can apply report sections and report columns in the Report Template
Builder based on model object type. For example, in a process model, arrows and
activities would be represented in different report sections.
To add report sections to a report template:
In the Available Sections pane in the Report Template Builder dialog, select
an object type to include in the report. Then, click the right arrow button
to add the section to the Report Layout pane.
Repeat step one above for each object type to be in the report.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
In the Report Layout pane, double-click each section (object type) to open the
Properties dialog. Then, click the plus sign to expand each section and check
the columns to appear in the report (for example, Name and Definition).
Save the report template.
Define Section Properties
You can define additional properties to sections you have added to your report
layout. Double-click anywhere in a section to open the Properties dialog with
options for that section.
For example, when you double-click the Entity section in the Report Layout
pane, you can click the Section tab to display options to change the section name,
and define fonts and colors. You can also set the section layout as hierarchical or
tabular, and align the section name left, centered, or right.
Reporting on Process Models
The Report Template Builder
Define Table Properties
When you create a report section, the Report Template Builder automatically
creates a corresponding Table that lists the section columns. You can use the
Properties dialog to change columns and to apply table properties such as the
table name, fonts, and colors.
For example, when you double-click the Entity Table item in the Report Layout
pane, the Properties dialog displays.
Click the Table tab to display options to change the table name, and define fonts
and colors. You can also align the table name left, centered, or right.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
Report Template Preferences
You set global preferences for your reports using the Preferences dialog. You can
set the following report template preferences:
General defaults that include specifying the text for the %Author and
%Institution macros.
Color and font defaults for the Title, Sections, Tables, Columns, Column
cells, Headers, and Footers.
Export format defaults (HTML, RTF, PDF, and Text) and related properties.
Specify a graphics file and URL to display on the first page of HTML reports.
You can also use the Preferences dialog to apply formatting changes to existing
report templates. To open the Preferences dialog, click Preferences on the Edit
Applying a Report Template to Another Model
After you have created and saved a report template, you can use it to report on
another model.
To apply a template to another model:
Open a different process model that you did not have open when you first
created the report.
Click the Report Template Builder button
On the Report Templates dialog, select a report from the Available
Templates list.
From the Output Type list, select an output type (HTML, RTF, PDF or TEXT)
Click Run to launch the report.
on the toolbar.
Reporting on Process Models
The Report Template Builder
Report Generation
After you have made the selections for you report layout, and have set report
properties and preferences, click the Run icon in the Report Template Builder
toolbar to run the report.
The report generates the selected output format and automatically starts the
related application.
For HTML output, the Report Template Builder generates HTML complete
with links to diagram object properties. This is true for hierarchical, tabular,
and picture reports.
For RTF output, the Report Template Builder generates RTF output to MS
Word complete with TOC field codes (if selected), title page, headings, and
page breaks.
For PDF output, the Report Template Builder uses the formatting preferences
for RTF reports, but launches the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display the
report. You can also save the report in PDF format.
For TEXT output, the Report Template Builder generates text output to MS
Running an HTML Report
To run an HTML report from the Report Template Builder dialog:
. The
In the Report Templates dialog, click the Run button on the toolbar
Report Template Builder launches your web browser to display the report.
In the left frame of the browser, locate the links to the Report Components.
Click the links in the sections to review each section.
Try changing the view from Tabular to Hierarchical.
Close the web browser.
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
The Report Template Builder
The following is a sample tabular process model report produced in HTML:
Reporting on Process Models
How AllFusion Model Navigator
Differs from AllFusion ERwin DM
and AllFusion PM
AllFusion Model Navigator Allows Model Viewing
AllFusion MN is composed of the Data Model Viewer and Process Model
Viewer. You can use AllFusion MN to view, manipulate, print, and report on
models on a local drive, network, or on an AllFusion MM database.
The toolbar, menu and dialog options that are unusable in the viewer
components are either absent or grayed out to show that they are disabled. For
experienced users who are already familiar with AllFusion ERwin DM or
AllFusion PM, the options that are not available in AllFusion MN are specified in
the following sections.
Viewing Data Models
The Data Model Viewer component of AllFusion MN allows you to read data
models that were created in AllFusion ERwin DM.
Disabled Menu Items and Disabled Toolbar Icons
The following menu items and their corresponding toolbar icons are unavailable
in Data Model Viewer:
Menu Item
Save As
Export AllFusion PM
How AllFusion Model Navigator Differs from AllFusion ERwin DM and AllFusion PM
AllFusion Model Navigator Allows Model Viewing
Menu Item
Forward Engineer (all rollover menu items)
Alter Script/Schema Generation
Reverse Engineer
Complete Compare/Alter Script Generation
Derive New Model
Split L/P Model
Names/Edit Naming Standards
Datatypes/Edit Datatype Standards
Add-Ins (all rollover menu items)
Save As
Versions/Update features
Generate Metamodel Document
Generate Diagnostic Export
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started
AllFusion Model Navigator Allows Model Viewing
Viewing Process Models
The Process Model Viewer component of AllFusion MN allows you to read
process models that were created in AllFusion PM.
Disabled Menu Items and Disabled Toolbar Icons
The following menu items and their corresponding toolbar icons are unavailable
in Process Model Viewer.
Save As
Save All
Import (all rollover menu items)
Export (all rollover menu items)
New Model Properties
Default Fonts (all rollover menu items)
Save As
Lock Model
Review Changes
Library Manager
Security Manager
DM Syncher
Add-Ins (all rollover menu items)
Auto Save
XML Export Filter Options
Remove ERwin Links
Preferences/IDL Export Options
How AllFusion Model Navigator Differs from AllFusion ERwin DM and AllFusion PM
AllFusion Model Navigator Allows Model Viewing
Miscellaneous Disabled Menu Items and Disabled Toolbars
The following table lists miscellaneous menus and toolbars that are disabled in
Process Model Viewer. These menus and toolbar buttons are enabled in
AllFusion PM.
Dictionary menus
Dictionary/UDP Keywords
Dictionary toolbar buttons
AllFusion Model Navigator Getting Started