Chap 1 - Napa Valley College

Chapter 1
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Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
• Emotions are a major part of your personal experience.
• Discuss the ones that you identify from Exhibit 1.1.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
The Emotional System
What is an emotion?
• It is a feeling state.
• Since feelings are important sources of
information, then accurately identifying a
feeling is calming.
• Identification frees you from emotional
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
What is an Emotion?
1. There’s a physiological and physical
•Ex: flight - fight reaction
2. Emotions give you the impulse to act.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Primary Emotions
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Temporal Theory
of Primary Emotions
• Anger is red hot in the
present and signals
danger and an attempt to
stop or start something.
• While anger tied to the
past, becomes
• Anger tied to the future
becomes envy or
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Temporal Theory
of Primary Emotions
• Fear is yellow and signals potential danger
and the need for caution in the present.
• Traumatic memories from the past make
you afraid in the present.
• Fear in the future becomes worry, stress,
or panic.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Temporal Theory
of Primary Emotions
• Sadness is a blue, empty feeling and
signals a physical or psychological loss in
the present.
• Sadness tied to the past becomes regret,
remorse, or guilt.
• Sadness tied to the future becomes
pessimism and hopelessness.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Emotional Intelligence
• Intentionality is the process of changing
your body’s natural emotional reactivity
into self-valued behavior.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Two Brains
• Intentionality happens by using your two
 the limbic system
 the cerebrum.
• They work together to aid decision-making.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Two Brains
• The limbic system contains the amygdala
which is reacts to strong emotions.
• The cerebrum has the frontal lobes which
analyze emotions and helps you to make
rational decisions.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Emotional Intelligence
• Exhibit 1.4 provides the steps for dealing
with strong emotions.
• Practicing these skills allows you to direct
your naturally impulsive behaviors in a
self-valued direction.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Healthy Learning
• Drive and motivation are internal
processes which you must access to
achieve meaningful goals.
• You can’t wait for it to happen, you are the
one who makes it happen.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
College Success Factors
• Colleges and universities have two
important curricula:
1.There’s the academic curriculum which
focuses on content and GPA.
2.And the covert, more emotional
curriculum, which focuses on relationships
developed through social organizations.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
EI Hallmarks
• Hallmark 4- EI’s positive assessment
models are key to personal change.
• Hallmark 5- EI employs a transformative
approach which engenders personal
meaning and instills intelligent selfdirection.
• Hallmark 6- Education models must
provide a step by step model for learning
and teaching EI.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
Hallmarks of the
Transformative Model of EI
• Hallmark 1- Reflective and constructive
thinking processes can be taught and
• Hallmark 2- EI employs an integrated set
of learned abilities based on specific
emotional skills.
• Hallmark 3- Using the EI system enhances
academic and life success.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
EI Hallmarks
• Hallmark 7- Healthy, effective relationships
are essential for superior performance and
outstanding personal and organizational
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
EI Hallmarks
• Hallmark 8- The EI Learning System
provides accountability.
• Hallmark 9- The EI Learning System
provides a systematic way to
constructively process important life
events and feelings.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
EI Hallmarks
• Hallmark 10- The EI assessments include
the four competencies of EI: Interpersonal,
Personal Leadership, Self-Management,
and Intrapersonal.
• Hallmark 11- Intelligent self-direction is a
by-product of studying and learning about
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low
EI Hallmarks
• Hallmark 12- Developing a healthy
emotional mind must be intentional, skillbased and it requires protection,
permission, and personal empowerment.
Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence, Second Edition
Darwin B. Nelson & Gary Low