Chesterbrook Elementary School Third Grade Updates from

Chesterbrook Elementary School
Third Grade
Updates from Superhero H.Q.
Ms. Carrie Jo Snyder
Week of October 26, 2015
Hello to my Spook-tacular Third Grade Families,
While I hope you all enjoy your Halloween weekend, let me tell you how much fun we had at OUR party! We had fun food
like candy corn fruit cups, crafts, a floor flooded with cryptic fog, dance party mania, green screen photo ops, & the start
of an eyeball relay against fourth & fifth grade to be finished on Monday (because we ran out of time from having SO
MUCH fun!). I cannot wait until our next party! And a special thank you to our parent volunteers, Kathy, Sampada, Neetu,
Heena, & Dawn. The success of our party was due to your help.
Moving onto next week, we have our Schoolhouse Rock field trip planned. Please make sure your child wears their regular
school uniform. Lunches need to be packed where all items when finished may be disposed. Are you not excited for
these kiddos to travel back to something we loved from our past? I sure am!
See you all next week during conferences!
Ms. Carrie Jo Snyder
Happenings in a 3rd Grade World
Language Arts: We read a fantasy story about a little girl named Prudy who loves to collect EVERYTHING! As it turns out
though, where do you put EVERYTHING? Well, why not make your own museum of course! During the story & in reading
groups, we focused upon drawing conclusions & questioning, a more difficult strategy to master as it requires students to
analyze the text on a deeper level. To assist your learner at home with this strategy, ask them what questions they may
have after reading text on a particular page. Questions can be about characters & their actions, upcoming events to occur
within the story, or even about why the author may have decided to include a specific detail. We also looked over compound words & irregular plural nouns. Next week—We will refine our comprehension skills by focusing on author’s purpose & predicting & setting a purpose, along with antonyms, context clues, & appropriate phrasing with our fluency while
reading Tops & Bottoms.
Writing: How do you convince Ms. Snyder to take you on a field trip? How about by writing a persuasive piece giving her
three reasons, that’s how! Inspired by Prudy’s problem, we brainstormed a list of our own places to visit & completed a
graphic organizer containing reasons why we think Ms. Snyder should take us there. Also in order to complete this task,
students needed to gather research so their facts were accurate & valid. Some of the selected places are Shedd Aquarium, Bear’s Game @ Soldier Field, & even to the movies! Next week—we will continue this writing piece by filling out an
outline containing the introduction, body, & conclusion.
Math: We’re moving through Math at a good pace & during this past week we learned about division, sharing into equal
groups, how division & subtraction are related, how division & multiplication are related, & the inverse operation of division.
Next week—we will continue the division learning momentum with problem-solving & a review session because we have a
test on Wednesday, November 4th on Chapter 5.
 Kahn Academy & Reading Logs started over on Friday! New First in Math (FIM) information will be shared during conferences.
 Check out the Book Fair! (Friday, October 23rd to Friday, November 6th)
 Thursday, November 5th—Field Trip to School House of Rock
 Friday, November 6th—Quarter 1 Conferences & 1/2 day of school
 Dinner at Pie 5 on 75th—20% of your ticket goes towards our school!
engaging, authentic educational experience built on collected data, current research and innovative in-
structional technique. Our mission is to develop the whole student - academic,
social, emotional and character growth — while meeting individual needs and learning styles.
Our mission is to create a safe and nurturing environment that provides an