Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men
Directions: Answer in complete sentences.
Chapter 1: Pages 1-16
1. How does the novel’s setting create an atmosphere of loneliness?
2. How did Lennie’s mouse die? Which event in the novel might the mouse’s death foreshadow?
3. In what ways does Lennie meet George’s need for a companion? In what ways does Lennie fail to meet George’s need?
4. Describe the ways in which Lennie and George are opposites of each other.
5. How would you describe the atmosphere at the end of the first chapter?
Chapter 2: Pages 17–37
1. Why do you think George camped in the clearing the night before and arrived at the ranch when most of the men were away
2. Why does George lie to the boss about the reason for Lennie’s mental limitations? Why does George claim that he and Lennie are
3. Why do you think George tells Slim the truth about himself and Lennie when he has been cautious and defensive with the others?
4. What is suggested by the fact that Curley’s wife’s name is not mentioned in this chapter, even though the men speak to her and
about her?
Writing Activity Of Mice and Men can be read as an allegory, a story in which the characters stand for certain qualities or forces.
Write a paragraph in which you analyze the description of Slim to show what quality or force he represents.
Chapter 3: Pages 38–65
1. What do you think Lennie’s incident with the girl in the red dress in Weed might foreshadow?
2. Is Candy a good addition to George and Lennie’s plan to get a place of their own? Why or why not?
3. Why do you think George wants to keep his and Lennie’s plans a secret?
4. In what way are the rabbits in George’s and Lennie’s plans a symbol? What do they represent?
Writing Activity Write a paragraph in which you compare and contrast Lennie and Curley, showing how they are both similar and
different. Consider such qualities as gentleness, meanness, and intelligence.
Chapter 4: Pages 66–83
1. Why does Crooks speak to Lennie about things that he knows Lennie does not understand?
2. Why is Crooks so doubtful about the possibility of Lennie and George achieving their dream?
3. What causes the conflict between Crooks and Curley’s wife?
4. Do you think Candy would have agreed to let Crooks live on the farm with them? Why or why not?
5. What is the difference between the way Candy sees himself and the way Curley’s wife sees him?
6. How would you describe the atmosphere at the end of this chapter?
Writing Activity Write a paragraph describing the change in Crooks in this part of the novel. Use quotations from the novel to
illustrate your points.
Chapter 5: Pages 84–98
1. In what way does the death of the puppy foreshadow the death of Curley’s wife?
2. In the conversation between Lennie and Curley’s wife, how does an innocent longing for human contact ultimately lead to tragedy?
3. Reread what Candy says to Curley’s wife as she lies dead (page 95). Do you think he is fair in what he says about her? Explain your
4. What do you think happened to Carlson’s gun? Explain your reasons for reaching this conclusion.
Writing Activity Write one or two paragraphs about the different ways in which Candy and George react to the ruin of their dream of
getting a farm. Compare their reactions, and explain what they reveal about each man’s
Chapter 6: Pages 99–107
1. How would you describe the atmosphere at the opening of this chapter? Why do you think Steinbeck begins the chapter with this
2. What details make it obvious that Lennie does not suspect George is about to shoot him?
3. Why does George shoot Lennie, his only friend?
4. What does George’s action represent in the story? What else does he kill when he kills Lennie?
5. By the end of the novel, do you think that George can be considered a hero? Why or why not?
Writing Activity In one or two paragraphs, explain the meaning of the visions that Lennie has in this chapter. How do these visions
make him feel?
Culminating Activity
Eulogy Speaking as George, write a eulogy for Lennie. In your speech, highlight the important events in Lennie’s life, point out some
of his positive qualities, and describe your feelings for him.