See the 2016 report

and Lobbying
Activity Report
Cigna’s mission is to help improve the health, well-being and sense of security of the
more than 90 million people we serve around the world. Our strategic focus is centered
on delivering high quality, affordable, and personalized products and solutions to our
customers and clients by leveraging our insights, brand, talent and localized approach.
David M. Cordani
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Around the world, individuals are seeking access to these quality healthcare and sense
of security programs. At the same time, employers of all sizes and across all industries
and geographies increasingly recognize that healthier, more engaged and productive
work forces are essential to driving their businesses forward, while they continue to
seek solutions that are affordable and sustainable.
Amid this backdrop, many individuals and employers are concerned that they must
accept either constrained access or diminished quality or both, in order to achieve
affordability of care. At Cigna, we see it differently. We have demonstrated that quality
and affordability can be achieved by designing personally-tailored access and highquality care delivery, with engagement, alignment and support for individuals, and
healthcare professionals. We deliver this through personalized and localized benefits and
services, which empower our customers and support their actions and decision making.
We take a convening role in building communities of health, alongside our employer
and provider partners. We support healthcare professionals with actionable insights
and further expanded care resources, all while ensuring alignment with them to deliver
superior quality and improve affordability. To further innovate for our customers and
clients, we are accelerating investments in value-based care programs and incentive
payment models with our provider partners that continue to drive enhancements in
both care quality and affordability.
With that understanding, I am pleased to share our annual political contributions
report to provide transparency and insight into how our mission and strategy guide our
constructive engagement in external dialogues. As part of Cigna’s federal and state
lobbying and advocacy efforts, we make political contributions, as allowed by law.
Attached you will find the 2016 annual report of the Cigna Political Action Committee.
Cigna is committed to transparency about these activities and is providing this report to
communicate openly with our shareholders.
Our proven strategy of go deep, go global, go individual differentiates Cigna in the
marketplace. We are focused on anticipating and meeting the needs of our customers
and clients through ongoing innovation, and committed to being a collaborative,
trusted partner. Cigna understands the importance of investing in the health of our
communities, and we work to positively impact the health of people, communities and
the environment. We will continue to invest in future growth and capabilities, to deliver
affordable, personalized solutions, and further expand our geographic reach.
David M. Cordani
President and Chief Executive Officer
2016 Political Contributions and Lobbying Activity Report
Overview and
Cigna takes its engagement in the legislative, regulatory and public policy areas very
seriously, approaching all of our efforts with care and integrity. There are two major
components that comprise Cigna’s major political activity: (1) political contributions
and (2) lobbying efforts. This report is organized to provide information on both of
these activities.
As Cigna engages in political activity, it adheres to strict governance standards
designed to ensure alignment with Cigna’s mission, vision, strategic goals and
direction. With respect to political giving activities, all contributions that are made
directly by the Company must be made in accordance with Cigna’s Political
Contributions Policy that requires, among other things, oversight of decisions at
the highest corporate level. Political contributions that are made through Cigna’s
Political Action Committee (PAC) are reviewed and approved by the CignaPAC
board, comprised of executive-level Cigna leadership, and in accordance with the
CignaPAC Contribution Guidelines.
With respect to the Company’s lobbying activities, the Vice President of Global Public
Policy and Federal Government Affairs and the Vice President of State Government
Affairs report directly to the General Counsel and review lobbying efforts with Cigna’s
enterprise leadership, including the Chief Executive Officer, on a regular basis.
Additionally, all memberships in trade associations are reviewed by the General
Counsel and the Chief Executive Officer.
The Company also maintains an Enterprise Risk Management function. This
company-wide initiative involves the Board (and its Committees), Cigna’s
management, Cigna’s Chief Risk Officer and General Auditor and Cigna’s internal
audit function. Together they work in an integrated effort to (1) identify, assess,
prioritize and monitor (as each of their roles dictates) a broad range of risks
(e.g., financial, operational, business, compliance, reputational, governance and
managerial), and (2) formulate and execute plans to monitor and, to the extent
possible, mitigate the effect of those risks.
Within this enterprise risk framework, the Corporate Governance Committee of
Cigna’s Board of Directors has oversight of and evaluates any material financial,
legal, reputational or other risks associated with Cigna’s corporate political spending
and lobbying activities. In addition, the Corporate Governance Committee biannually reviews compliance with Cigna’s Political Contributions Policy, including the
contributions made under that policy by the Company during the previous year, and
annually reviews lobbying expenses and trade association memberships.
2016 Political Contributions and Lobbying Activity Report
Cigna regularly supports federal, state, and local officials, candidates, parties and other
politically oriented groups and organizations where the Company believes it can advance
its mission, business objectives and goals, including principles or issues that support
Cigna’s vision for a sustainable health care system. As Cigna considers making political
contributions, it is always guided by the Company’s strategy and mission, demonstrating
an eagerness to work with officials of various political and philosophical beliefs.
Contributions attributable to Cigna are made in two ways: (1) direct corporate
contributions and (2) through CignaPAC. Cigna has strict standards in place
governing its political giving activity, and all of its contributions are made in
accordance with applicable state and federal laws. In addition, the Company keeps
the work of the CignaPAC separate from other Company giving. Accordingly, this
section of the report provides information specifically regarding Cigna’s direct
corporate contributions and we have attached a copy of the 2016 CignaPAC report
for information regarding contributions made through CignaPAC.
Direct Corporate Contributions
In certain states, corporations are permitted to contribute to state election campaigns.
The Cigna Political Contributions Policy authorizes the use of corporate funds for
state contributions on an exception-only basis, requiring the express approval of the
General Counsel of the Company after consultation with the Chief Executive Officer.
In 2016, Cigna made contributions – as detailed in the table below – to political
organizations in New York. In addition, in limited instances, corporations can support
voter referendums and national party committees. In 2016, Cigna made certain
non-PAC corporate contributions – as detailed below – to each of the Republican and
Democratic Governors Associations, and the Republican and Democratic Attorneys
General Associations to support advocacy of the Company’s priority issues.
Corporate Political Contributions
2016 Corporate Contributions to the Following National Party Associations
Republican Governors’ Association
Republican Attorneys General Association
Democratic Attorneys General Association
Democratic Governors’ Association
2016 Political Contributions and Lobbying Activity Report
Sustained Lobbying Activity and Priorities
Cigna engages in lobbying activity to support its position on public policy issues
within federal and state political, legislative and regulatory environments. The
Company uses both internal and external resources at the federal and state
levels, including memberships in trade associations.
In 2016, Cigna focused its lobbying efforts on advancing public policies in support
of our global business and our clients’ and customers’ needs and interests. Such
policies include increasing access to affordable health care; incentives and
information to drive better health care and value-based buying decisions; and
marketplace competition to afford consumers a wide range of choices to meet
their unique health care needs.
A crucial part of our lobbying efforts is sharing the work we do to create a more
sustainable health care system by partnering with customer, physician and
broker partners. We continue to work toward our goal to deliver 90 percent
of payments through value-based arrangements and 50 percent of payments
through alternative payment models by the end of 2018. Cigna is on track to
meet our goals, with 43 percent of payments in alternative models at the end of
2016.Cigna is a leader in the volume to value transition and is well-positioned to
provide meaningful insight to policymakers as they seek to improve and expand
value-based care.
Cigna has also participated in efforts to maintain the stability of the Medicare
Advantage program, on behalf of the 17 million seniors who value the high
quality coverage they receive. Federal Government Affairs also engaged on
fiscal matters, tax policies related to health care, trade policy, and health care
information technology.
Cigna also engages in the states and at the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC). The NAIC is a state-based standard-setting organization,
whose membership consists of regulators from the 50 states, the District
of Columbia and 5 U.S. territories. The NAIC, which has been coordinating
regulatory activity among the states and territories for more than 100 years, is a
valuable forum for us to advocate on a number of priority issues that influence
the sustainability of competitive insurance markets.
2016 Political Contributions and Lobbying Activity Report
Trade Association Memberships
Cigna views its memberships in trade associations as an extension of its internal
and sustained lobbying efforts. While Cigna recognizes that many of the groups it
participates in have broad memberships with sometimes differing views, the Company
believes that such organizations can encourage dialogue on important policy issues,
ultimately helping to move issues forward. Cigna also believes that in order to be
effective and informed, it is important to be exposed to many differing perspectives
whether ultimately we agree on all points, the ultimate solutions, or the appropriate
pathway to pursue on a wide variety of issues. Active participation in industry-related
trade associations is critical in shaping Cigna’s response to legislative changes.
Because of this breadth and depth of views on key health care issues, Cigna believes
memberships in these organizations are generally consistent with the Company’s
interests, including those of its shareholders and customers.
In addition to trade associations, Cigna also may participate in coalitions or other
affinity groups with common interests. The Company relies on these industry trade
associations and other business organizations to address issues relevant to Cigna
and/or its clients and to provide educational and other benefits. Cigna evaluates the
benefits of membership in any particular trade or business organization by considering
a number of factors, including:
• Breadth and relevance of issues they cover;
• Composition of membership; and
• Effectiveness in communicating and advocating issues.
Certain dues paid to these organizations may be used to support federal lobbying activity.
In 2016, Cigna belonged to the following industry trade associations to which the
Company paid $50,000 or more in annual dues:
Trade Association
America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
Business Roundtable
Connecticut Association of Health Plans
Florida Association of Health Plans
National Association of Dental Plans
New Jersey Association of Health Plans
Pharmaceutical Care Management Association
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Virginia Association of Health Plans
Texas Association of Health Plans
Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans
Dues Paid
in 2016*
Portion Allocated
to Non-Deductible
Lobbying Expense
* This includes any special assessments paid to the trade association for this year.
2016 Political Contributions and Lobbying Activity Report
2016 Cigna PAC Report
As President, U.S. Commercial Markets and Global Health
Care Operations for Cigna and Chair of the Cigna Political
Action Committee (“CignaPAC”), I am pleased to share our
annual report, which provides information about political
contributions made by CignaPAC in 2016.
What is a PAC?
CignaPAC is Cigna’s Political Action Committee. A PAC is an organization
regulated by federal and/or state governments that is formed to raise money for
political campaign contributions.
A PAC can be formed by an individual, a non-profit organization, or a corporation.
About CignaPAC
CignaPAC solicits and accepts voluntary contributions to support the nomination
and the election of candidates for federal, state and local elective public office
that it believes are in general agreement with Cigna’s mission to improve the
health, well-being, and sense of security of the individuals and employers we
serve. Most of Cigna’s political contributions are made via CignaPAC. CignaPAC
contributes to candidates from both political parties, and we are committed to
transparency regarding its activities. Through the PAC, Cigna employees are
able to stand together as a strong, unified voice, contributing to public debates on
issues critical to our business, customers, and our country.
CignaPAC rises above politics to support candidates of all political points of
view who share our urgency and passion for improving the health care system.
Cigna obeys all laws in promoting its positions to government authorities, and all
contributions made by CignaPAC comply with legal limits.
2016 Cigna PAC Report
Board Oversight
CignaPAC is governed by the CignaPAC Board of Directors, which oversees
contributions made with PAC funds. CignaPAC has also established a separate but
related state PAC in New York, and it is referenced collectively in this report as the
CignaPAC. CignaPAC makes political contributions on behalf of Cigna’s business
interests pursuant to the approval process for PAC contributions approved by the
CignaPAC Board of Directors and in accordance with the Contributions Guidelines
described below. Members of the CignaPAC Board are as follows:
CignaPAC Board of Directors
Matthew G. Manders, Chair
Mark L. Boxer
Lisa R. Bacus Nicole S. Jones
John M. Murabito
Thomas A. McCarthy
CignaPAC Contributions Guidelines and Process
CignaPAC directs contributions largely to candidates based on a variety of
criteria, including:
• Voting records on key issues of business concern;
• Committee assignments and leadership positions;
• Geographic concentration of Cigna employees in a district or state;
• Candidates’ views on specific or emerging business issue(s); and
• Candidates’ viability.
Contributions to state candidates are concentrated in key business states as
determined by market share, health plan customer base, and business revenues.
Contributions are made to campaigns or initiatives consistent with Cigna’s mission.
Party affiliation does not determine support. CignaPAC will support challengers
over incumbents if incumbents regularly support legislation inconsistent with
Cigna positions. CignaPAC does not participate in presidential primary or general
election contests.
Proposed CignaPAC contributions are reviewed in advance and approved by
the PAC Board.
Set forth on the following pages are the political contributions made by
CignaPAC in 2016.
2016 Cigna PAC Report
2016 Cigna PAC Federal Contributions
U.S. House of Representatives Candidates
The Congressman Joe Barton Committee (R-TX)
Becerra for Congress (D-CA)
Ami Bera for Congress (D-CA)
Diane Black for Congress (R-TN)
Citizens for Boyle (D-PA)
Making America Prosperous PAC (R)
Brady for Congress (R-TX)
Bucshon for Congress (R-IN)
Michael Burgess for Congress (R-TX)
Butterfield for Congress (D-NC)
Tony Cardenas for Congress (D-CA)
Coffman for Congress 2016 (R-CO)
Connolly for Congress (D-VA)
Cooper for Congress (D-TN)
Ryan Costello for Congress (R-PA)
Courtney for Congress (D-CT)
Crowley for Congress (D-NY)
Carlos Curbelo Congress (R-FL)
Diana DeGette for Congress (D-CO)
Charlie Dent for Congress (R-PA)
Dold for Congress (R-IL)
Doyle for Congress Committee (D-PA)
Friends of Elizabeth Esty (D-CT)
Gene Green Congressional Campaign (D-TX)
Guthrie for Congress (R-KY)
Friends of Jeb Hensarling ( R-TX)
Himes for Congress (D-CT)
Jobs and Innovation Matter PAC (JIM PAC) (D)
AMERIPAC: The Fund for a Greater America (D)
Friends of Sam Johnson (R-TX)
Johnson for Congress (R-OH)
Mike Kelly for Congress (R-PA)
Robin Kelly for Congress (D-IL)
Kuster for Congress, Inc. (D-NH)
Larson for Congress (D-CT)
Synergy PAC (D)
John Lewis for Congress (D-GA)
Billy Long for Congress (R-MO)
Blaine for Congress (R-MO)
People for Ben (D-NM)
Tom MacArthur for Congress Inc. (R-NJ)
Marino for Congress (R-PA)
Kevin McCarthy for Congress (R-CA)
Majority Committee PAC--Mc PAC (R)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Congress (R-WA)
Pat Meehan for Congress (R-PA)
Tim Murphy for Congress (R-PA)
Olson for Congress Committee (R-TX)
Shore PAC (D)
Friends of Erik Paulsen (R-MN)
PAC To the Future (D)
Perlmutter for Congress (D-CO)
Mark Pocan for Congress (D-WI)
Fearless PAC (D)
Price for Congress (R-GA)
Voice for Freedom (R)
Jim Renacci for Congress (R-OH)
Royce Campaign Committee (R-CA)
Citizens for Rush (D-IL)
Prosperity Action Inc. (R)
Ryan for Congress, Inc. (R-WI)
Committee To Re-Elect Linda Sanchez (D-CA)
The Eye of the Tiger Political Action Committee (R)
Kurt Schrader for Congress (D-OR)
Terri Sewell for Congress (D-AL)
RVolunteers for Shimkus (R-IL)
Kyrsten Sinema for Congress (D-AZ)
Mike Thompson for Congress (D-CA)
Tiberi for Congress (R-OH)
Upton for All of Us (R-MI)
Vargas for Congress (D-CA)
Walberg for Congress (R-MI)
Welch for Congress (D-VT)
Joe Wilson for Congress (R-SC)
2016 Cigna PAC Report
2016 Cigna PAC Federal Contributions (continued)
U.S. Senate Candidates
Friends of Kelly Ayotte Inc. (R-NH)
Common Values PAC(R)
Bennet for Colorado (D-CO)
Blumenthal for Connecticut(D-CT)
Friends of Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Bob Casey for Senate Inc. (D-PA)
Martin Heinrich for Senate (D-NM)
Heller for Senate (R-NV)
Georgians for Isakson (R-GA)
Kirk for Senate (R-IL)
Friends of John McCain Inc. (R-AZ)
McConnell Senate Committee (R-KY)
Bluegrass Committee (R)
Friends of Chris Murphy (D-CT)
Friends of Schumer (D-NY)
Tim Scott for Senate (R-SC)
Stabenow for US Senate (D-MI)
Friends of John Thune (R-SD)
Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC (R)
Van Hollen for Senate (D-MD)
Wyden for Senate (D-OR)
Holding Onto Oregon’s Priorities (D)
Friends of Todd Young, Inc. (R-IN)
Contributions to Party Committees
Blue Dog Political Action Committee
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Montana Democratic Party
New Democrat Coalition PAC
Pharmaceutical Care Management Association PAC
2016 Cigna PAC Report
2016 Cigna PAC State Contributions
NP Arizonans for Strong Leadership
REP Arizona Leadership Fund
REP 2016
REP VOTE Heather Carter
REP Regina E. Cobb 2016
DEM Dr. Friese for House 2016
REP Jay Lawrence 16
REP Vote Montenegro
REP Nancy Barto for Senate 2016
REP Biggs 2016
DEM Bradley for Arizona 2016
REP Griffin for Senate 2016
DEM Elect Hobbs 2016
REP Re-Elect Debbie Lesko 2016
DEM Elect Eric Meyer 2016
REP Yarbrough/Senate 2016
REP Kimberly Yee for Arizona 2016
DEM Colorado Citizens’ Alliance (527)
REP Colorado Leadership Fund, LLC (527)
DEM Common Sense Values (527)
REP Senate Majority Fund (527)
REP Justice for All
REP Friends of Jason Brodeur, PC
REP William Travis Cummings Campaign
REP Manny Diaz Jr. Campaign
REP Jason Michael Fischer Campaign
REP Tom Leek Campaign
DEM Amy Mercado Campaign
REP Floridians for Economic Freedom
REP Carlos Trujillo Campaign
REP Friends of Dana Young
REP Baxley for Senate
REP Lizbeth Benacquisto Campaign
DEM Randolph Bracy for Florida Senate
REP Miguel Diaz de la Portilla Campaign
REP Bill Galvano Campaign
REP Rene Garcia State Senate Campaign
DEM Bill Montford Campaign
DEM Edwin Narain Campaign
DEM Rouson for Senate
REP David Simmons Campaign
REP Wilton Simpson Campaign
REP Jobs for Florida
REP Steube for Senate
DEM Linda Stewart for Senate 13
DEM Victor M. Torres, Jr for FL SD 15
REP Friends of Jon Burns
REP Michael A. Cheokas Campaign Committee
REP Sharon Cooper for State House
REP The Committee to Elect Terry England
DEM Friends of Stacey Evans
DEM Committee to Elect Carolyn F. Hugley
REP Committee to Elect Howard Maxwell
REP Ralston for Representative Committee
REP Friends of Bert Reeves
REP Bethel for Georgia Senate
Georgia (continued)
REP Cowsert For Senate
REP Friends to Elect Burt Jones
REP Committee to Elect Jeff Mullis
(continued on next page)
REP Republican State Senate Campaign Committee (RSSCC)
DEM Friends for Susana Mendoza
REP Citizens for Leslie Munger
DEM Citizens for Lisa Madigan
REP Friends of Peter Breen
DEM Friends for State Rep Anthony DeLuca
REP Citizens for Durkin
DEM Citizens for Sara Feigenholtz
DEM Friends for Laura Fine for State Rep
REP Citizens for Hammond
REP Committee to Elect Sheri Jesiel
DEM Friends of Michael J. Madigan
DEM Friends of Robert ‘Bob’ Rita
REP Friends of Chapin Rose
DEM Daniel Biss for State Senate
REP Citizens for Bivins
DEM Citizens for John Cullerton for State Senate
DEM Friends of Bill Haine
DEM Citizens for Lightford
REP Citizens for Chris Nybo
REP Citizens for Christine Radogno
REP Friends of Sue Rezin
DEM Friends of Heather Steans
REP Dave Syverson Campaign Committee
REP Jil Tracy for State Senate
REP Curtis Hill for Indiana
DEM Missourians For Koster
REP Hawley for Missouri
DEM Hensley for Missouri
DEM Friends of Steve Bullock
DEM Friends of Monica Lindeen
REP Tim Fox for Attorney General
New Hampshire
REP Committee to Elect House Republicans
DEM NH Senate Democratic Caucus
REP Senate Republican Majority PAC
REP Friends of Joe Kenney
REP Elect Dave Wheeler
REP Friends of Laurie Sanborn
REP Avard for NH
DEM Committee to Elect Lou D’Allesandro
REP Friends of Gary Daniels
DEM Hosmer for Senate
REP Morse for State Senate
REP Friends of Russell Prescott
REP Friends of Andy Sanborn
DEM Woodburn for Senate
2016 Cigna PAC Report
2016 Cigna PAC State and Local Contributions (continued)
North Carolina
DEM The Goodwin Committee
REP Citizens for Buck Newton
DEM Josh Stein for Attorney General
REP Bumgardner for NC House
REP Committee to Elect Jeff Collins
REP Dollar for House
DEM Hall for House District 29
REP David Lewis for House
REP Friends of Tim Moore
REP Pendleton for NC House
DEM The Committee to Elect Garland Pierce
REP Committee to Elect Mitchell S. Setzer
REP Harry J. Warren for NC 77
REP Phil E. Berger Committee
DEM Citizens for Dan Blue
REP Harry Brown for NC Senate
DEM The Joel Ford Committee
REP Ralph Hise for NC Senate
REP Wesley Meredith for Senate
REP Louis Pate Election Committee
DEM Van Duyn for NC 49
North Dakota
REP Stenehjem for Governor
REP Senator Nicole Poolman for Lt. Governor
DEM Elect Ellen Rosenblum for Attorney General
DEM Shapiro for Pennsylvania
REP Friends of Tina Pickett
REP Friends of Senator Don White
Rep. Beth Halteman Harwell Committee
DEM Friends of Raumesh Akbari
REP David Alexander for State Representative
REP Friends of Kevin Brooks
DEM Friends of Karen Camper
REP Jeremy Faison Campaign
REP Friends of Andrew Farmer
DEM Representative JoAnne Favors
DEM Committee to Re-Elect Craig Fitzhugh
DEM Representative Brenda Gilmore
REP Harwell PAC
REP The Fund to Elect David Hawk
REP Friends for Timothy Hill
REP Johnson Victory PAC
REP Citizens for Kane
REP Friends of Kelly Keisling
DEM Representative Harold Love
REP Friends of Jon Lundberg
REP Judd Matheny for State Representative
REP Representative Jimmy Matlock
REP McCormick PAC
REP Committee to Re-elect Steve McDaniel
REP Friends of Steve McManus
DEM Friends of Antonio Parkinson
DEM Representative Joe Pitts (D-67)
REP Representative Mark Pody
Tennessee (continued)
REP Powers for the People
REP Committee to Elect Charles Sargent
REP Representative Eddie Smith
DEM Representative Mike Stewart
REP Ron Travis for State Representative
REP Committee to Elect Mark White
REP Gardenhire for Senate
REP Friends of Dolores Gresham
REP Jack - PAC
REP Bill Ketron for State Senate
REP The Overbey PAC
REP Friends to Elect Steve Southerland
REP John Stevens for State Senate
DEM Committee to Elect Reginald Tate
REP Jim Tracy for State Senate
REP Friends of Ken Yager
REP Texans for Greg Abbott
REP Texans for Dan Patrick
REP B. Glen Whitley for Tarrant County Judge
REP The Greg Bonnen Campaign
REP Drew Darby Campaign
REP Sarah Davis Campaign
REP John Frullo Campaign
DEM Bobby Guerra for State Representative
DEM Ryan Guillen Campaign
REP Todd Hunter Campaign
DEM Representative Eddie Lucio III Campaign
REP Morgan Meyer for Texas
REP Rick Miller Campaign
DEM Sergio Munoz for South Texas
REP Dennis Paul Campaign
REP The Campaign to Elect Walter ‘Four’ Price
DEM Richard Pena Raymond Campaign
REP Kenneth F. Sheets for State Representative
REP Ron Simmons Campaign
DEM Hubert Vo Campaign
REP Workman For Texas
REP Friends of John Zerwas
REP Texans for Kelly Hancock
DEM Senator Hinojosa Campaign
REP Bryan Hughes Campaign
REP Lois W. Kolkhorst Campaign
REP Senator Jane Nelson
REP Texans for Charles Schwertner
REP Larry Taylor for Texas Senate
REP Van Taylor Campaign
REP Virginia Senate Republican Caucus
DEM Friends of Bob Ferguson
West Virgina
REP Morrisey for WV
2016 Cigna PAC Report