Chapter 12 Review Worksheet

Chapter 12 Review Worksheet
1) Write the balanced equation for the reaction given below:
CuCl2 + NaNO3 Cu(NO3)2 +
a) If 15 grams of copper (II) chloride react with 20. grams of sodium nitrate,
how much sodium chloride can be formed?
b) What is the name of the limiting reagent?
c) How much of the excess reagent is left over in this reaction?
d) If 11.3 grams of sodium chloride are formed in the reaction, what is the
percent yield of this reaction?
2) Consider the following reaction:
NH4NO3 + Na3PO4 (NH4)3PO4 + NaNO3
a) Which reactant is limiting, assuming we started with 30.0 grams of ammonium nitrate and
50.0 grams of sodium phosphate.
b) What is the mass of each product that can be formed?
c) What mass of the excess reactant(s) is left over?
d) If 30 grams of sodium nitrate are formed in the reaction, what is the
percent yield of this reaction?
3) Consider the following reaction:
CaCO3 + FePO4 Ca3(PO4)2 + Fe2(CO3)3
a)Which reactant is limiting, assuming we start with 100. grams of calcium carbonate and 45.0
grams of iron (III) phosphate.
b) What is the mass of each product that can be formed?
c) What mass of the excess reactant(s) is left over?
d) If 42 grams of iron (III) carbonate are formed in the reaction, what is the
percent yield of this reaction?
4) For the chemical reaction shown below, calculate the theoretical yield of zinc sulfide, in
grams, that can be made from 0.503 g of S8. If the experimental yield is 0.606 g of zincsulfide,
what is the percent yield?
Zn + S8  ZnS
a) What was the theoretical yield in this problem? (What is the maximum amount of ZnS
that can be made?)
b) What was the actual yield in this problem? (How much ZnS did we actually make?)
c) What is the percent yield in this problem?
5) If 150. g of S reacts and 627.8 g of SF6 are recovered in the laboratory, what is the percent
yield of SF6?
S + F2  SF6
6) You burn 12.6 g of CH4 in excess oxygen and form 22.9 g of H2O. What was the percent yield
of H2O?
CH4 + O2  CO2 + H2O
7) What is the percentage yield in the following reaction if 5.50 g of hydrogen react with
nitrogen to form 20.4 g of ammonia?
N2 + H2 NH3
8) Considering the reaction below, which is the limiting reactant when 2.6 g of acetylene (C2H2)
and 32.0 g of oxygen are reacted. Show your work.
C2H2(g) + O2(g)  CO2(g) + H2O(g)
For problems 10-15 Balance the equation and then answer the question:
9) How many grams of O2 would be produced from 641 grams of Al2O3?
Al2O3  Al + O2
10) How many moles of CO2 are produced when 8.652 moles of C3H6O2 react?
C3H6O2 + O2 ---> CO2 + H2O
11) If a furnace burns an amount of coal containing 125 g of FeS2, how much SO2 (an air
pollutant) is produced?
FeS2 + O2 → Fe2O3 + SO2
12) How many grams of water are produced from 25.0 grams of oxygen?
C2H6 + O2→ CO2 + H2O
13) How many grams of hydrogen are produced from 45.0 grams of oxygen?
Na + H2O → NaOH + H2
14) If 5.0 g of KClO3 is decomposed, what mass of O2 is produced?
KClO3  KCl + O2
15) If 2.5 g of Zinc react was is the mass of H2 produced?
Zn + HCl  ZnCl2 + H2