5th Grade Snow Days.docx

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Good luck…..have fun…….and HAPPY SNOW DAY!!
Please make sure assignments for specials areas are completed. The day for specials is listed
below. You only need to do the specials assignment for the day we are off, i.e. if a snow day
falls on a Monday, 5G does “Art” assignment and 5H does “Music” assignment. The rest of the
assignments and accompanying worksheets are attached.
Specials Day for 5G
Spanish and PE
Specials Day for 5H
PE: ([email protected])
Warm up (stretch legs, trunk twist, arm circles)
Exercises: 20 pushups, bicep curls with soup cans, hop on one foot for 30 seconds, hop on
the other foot for 30 seconds, 10 squats, 90 second plank, 20 mountain climbers)
Cool down (repeat warm up)
Art: ([email protected])
Draw a self portrait. Add as many details as possible. Color using only secondary colors.
Computer: ([email protected])
Go to the website DanceMatTyping
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3c6tfr ). If you remember the level you were on begin there. If
not, start on Level 2. You may need to glance at the keys for a while, but the goal is to be able to
keyboard without looking. DO NOT try to go fast, speed will come with patience and practice.
Music: ([email protected])
1. Listen to a country song. Tell me the title of the song and who sings it.
2. List the instruments you hear in the song.
3. Tell me in 5 sentences or more why like this song.
4. Listen to a pop song. Tell me the title and who sings it.
5. List the instruments you hear in the song.
6. Tell me in 5 sentences or more why you like the song.
Library: ([email protected])
Directions: Use the copyright and title pages of any book to find the following information:
1. When was the book published?
2. Who wrote the book?
3. Is there an illustrator for the book? If so, who? _______________________
4. What is the title of the book?
5. Who published the book?
6. Where was the book published?
Directions: Read an AR book for 30 minutes.
Spanish: ([email protected])
Write 6 sentences using vocabulary we have used this year. You must include a verb (with
proper conjugation), noun and adjective.
Topics we have discussed: Las ropas, los colores, el cuerpo, la familia, los numeros, los deportes
Verbos (yo, tu, el/ella/ud., nosotros, ellos/ellas/uds.)
Tener - to have (tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tienen)
Gustar - to like (me gusta)
Llevar - to wear (llevo, llevas, lleva, llevamos, llevan)
Cantar - to sing (canto, cantas, canta, cantamos, cantan)
Jugar - to play (juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, juegan)
Day #1
Social Studies - Imagine you work for the President. He has asked you to list five goals he
should try to achieve during the next year. Create a list and tell why you chose them.
Lit - Read for 20 minutes from your choice reading book for AR. Select 5 words that you do not
know the meaning to. Find the definitions, a synonym and an antonym for each word.
Science- Make a graphic organizer explaining the rock cycle using arrows and these terms: Rock
Cycle, metamorphic rock, sediment, sedimentary rock, igneous rock, cooling, melting, heat,
pressure. Complete on paper or Google Docs.
Math – Complete next Simple Solutions lesson and solve the following: Rowinna has decided
to make party baskets for the class picnic. Balloons are sold in bags of 20, party horns are sold in
bags of 10, and there are 8 candy bars in a package. How many of each should she buy so there
are an equal number of balloons, horns and candy bars in each basket?
A radio station is having a promotion in which every 12th caller receives a free concert ticket
and every 15th caller receives a limo ride. Which caller will be the first one to win both?
Religion - Write a thank you letter to someone who has helped you lead a faith-filled life. Tell
the person how they have helped you form a closer relationship with God. Let them know why
you are grateful for them.
WAG - Write a one page story, your headline is: Spoiled Princess Writes Best-Seller About
Local Zoo
Day #2
Lit - Read for 20 minutes from your choice reading book. Select 5 words that you do not know
the meaning to and find the definitions and parts of speech.
Science- Watch BrainPOP on Thomas Edison (4:57) and take the quiz until you get an 80% or
better. Print the paper when you finish.
Social Studies - What items in your home could tell future historians about life today? What
information might the historians gain from each item?
Math – Complete the next Simple Solutions lesson and Solve the following: Cups are sold 5 to
a package and plates are sold 10 to a package. If you want to have the same number of each item
for a party, what is the least number of packages of each you need to buy?
Tony needs to ship 12 comedy DVDs, 24 animated DVDs, and 30 musicals. He can pack only
one type of DVD in each box and he must pack the same number of DVDs in each box. What is
the greatest number of DVDs Tony can pack in each box?
Religion - Write a prayer to God asking him to watch over three people who you know needs
extra care and love. Let God know why you want to include them in your prayers.
WAG - Write a descriptive paragraph about what you see outside your window.
Day #3
Lit - Read for 20 minutes. Select 5 words that you do not know the meaning to and write your
own friendly sentence. Underline the word in the sentence.
Science- In your own words, define invertebrate and vertebrate. Make a list of 5 examples of
each. Be able to support your choices. Complete on paper or Google Docs.
Social Studies - Describe some family traditions you hope to pass to your children someday.
Math – Complete the next Simple Solutions lesson and Solve the following: Sara has 16 red
flowers and 24 yellow flowers. She wants to make bouquets with the same number of each color
flower in each bouquet. What is the greatest number of bouquets she can make?
Two neon signs are turned on at the same time. Both signs blink as they are turned on. One sign
blinks every 9 seconds. The other sign blinks every 15 seconds. In how many seconds will they
blink together again?
Religion - Make a list of at least five things you are grateful for and why you are grateful.
WAG - Write a one page story, your headline is: Irritated Principal Takes Unusual Trip to
Elegant Restaurant.
Day #4
Lit - A tall tale is an exaggerated story. One example is the story of Paul Bunyan and his blue
ox, Babe. Create a tall tale about yourself in which everything is exaggerated.
Science- Complete the parts of a microscope sheet. (Students have in binder)
Social Studies - Describe at least two important values you have learned from your family.
Math – Complete the next Simple Solutions lesson and Solve the following: The school
cafeteria serves tacos every sixth day and cheeseburgers every eight day. If tacos and
cheeseburgers are both on today’s menu, how many days will it be before they are both on the
menu again?
Peter has 18 oranges, 27 pears and 12 bananas. He wants to make fruit baskets with the same
number of each fruit in each basket. What is the greatest number of fruit baskets he can make?
How many of each type of fruit will be in the baskets?
Religion - Think of three ways you can become a more patient person. Write these down and be
specific about how you think becoming more patient will improve your life.
WAG - Write directions on how to build a snowman. The person that you are giving directions
to has never seen a snowman in their life.
Day #5
Lit - You have just opened a bottle of orange juice. When you look inside the lid, you see the
message “You are the grand prize winner!” What do you hope the prize is? Can you think of
any disadvantages of winning a grand prize? Make a web of advantages and a web of
Science - Find a current science article in a newspaper, magazine, or online. Read the article and
write a 5Ws summary. (Answer-Who, What, When, Where, Why). Complete on paper or Google
Social Studies - Choose any famous person from history and describe a holiday that would
celebrate that person. What would people eat, do, and wear on that day?
Math - Complete the next Simple Solutions lesson and Solve the following: Two clocks are
turned on at the same time. One clock chimes every 15 minutes. The other clock chimes every 25
minutes. In how many minutes will they chime together?
Jenny goes to dance class every 6 days, karate class every 12 days, and to the library every 18
days. On December 1st she went to both classes and the library. On what date will she do both
classes and go to the library?
Religion - Write a five to seven sentence paragraph about your favorite Saint we have learned
about this year.
WAG - Write a one page story, your headline is: Window Washer Causes Panic at Teachers’