Comprehension Questions for AIMSWEB Reading

Comprehension Questions for
Progress Monitoring
AIMSWEB Reading Passages
Grade 7
Main Idea
Prepared by: CAIU
January, 2008
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 4
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(birds delivering too many books, a lady with a book
problem, etc.)
___ (F)
2. What was Mrs. Tuttle’s occupation?
(the person responsible for the books, librarian)
___ (I)
3. What season of the year is it?
___ (V)
4. How was Mrs. Tuttle feeling?
(frantic, frustrated, annoyed, etc.)
___ (F)
5. When did Mrs. Tutttle’s predicament begin?
(when she noticed her book supply was running low,
when she reordered books)
___ (I)
6. How did the type of book relate to the size of the bird?
(the bigger books were delivered by bigger birds, the
smaller books delivered by the smaller birds, any
reasonable answer)
___ (V)
7. What does multitude mean?
(a lot of, numerous, any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
8. Who do you think answered the phone?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
9. How would you describe Mrs. Tuttle?
(organized, patient, resourceful, any reasonable
answer-at least 2 descriptors)
___ (C/E) 10. What do think might happen next?
(any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 5
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(a girl who wants to change her colorless world, any
reasonable answer)
___ (V)
2. What is a synonym for mundane?
(ordinary, plain, boring, any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
3. Why do you think Bridget shared her thoughts with her
(her grandmother was older, wiser; she respected her
grandmother’s opinion; any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
4. Where does Bridget live?
(in the country, on a farm, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
5. Why did Bridget change her mind and decide to talk to the
mystery woman?
(she saw something around the woman’s neck, she saw
a new color, etc.)
___ (F)
6. How did the woman entice Bridget?
(she showed Bridget her necklace, she made the
necklace more visible, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
7. What does intricate mean?
(ornate, decorative, complex, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
8. What was in the box?
(colorful beads)
___ (C/E) 9. What do you think Bridget will do with the box of
(any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E) 10. Why do you think the woman told her to share her
(any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 6
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(a boy who only eats breakfast, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
2. What were David’s sisters doing while he ate
(fixing their hair, getting ready for school, any
reasonable answer)
___ (F)
3. What kinds of things did David like for breakfast?
(sausage, hash browns and eggs; French toast;
blueberry pancakes; oatmeal with brown sugar and
fresh cream; poached eggs; flapjacks; any 2)
___ (C/E) 4. When does “David could devour a half-foot pile of flapjacks
in seventy-eight seconds flat” imply?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
5. What is a synonym for broaden in this passage?
(make larger, expand, any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
6. How do you think David felt when he ate breakfast foods at
(any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
7. What caught David’s eye about the girl in the cafeteria?
(the way she ate the food, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
8. What does hesitantly mean?
(slowly, with pause, any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
9. Why did the girl guarantee David that he would like the
(any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
10. Do you think David will continue to try new foods?
Why/why not?
(any reasonable answer with support)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 7
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(brothers making kites, a kite competition, any
reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
2. Why is spring a preferred time to fly kites?
(it’s usually windy, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
3. What form would the brother’s kite be?
___ (I)
4. Why might Leo’s brothers suggest that his kite could drag
him to the lake?
(because his kite was a fish, fish would be drawn to
water, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
5. Describe Leo’s kite.
(fish shaped, spiked fin on top, two side fins, hollow
body, mouth opened to catch the wind, arched back,
___ (F)
6. Describe his brothers’ kite.
(shaped like and eagle; beautiful; sturdy wings; real
feathers, painted gold; gleaming, black eyes; sharp,
hooked beak- any 2)
___ (V)
7. What does clumsy mean?
(awkward, any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
8. What might have caused Mark and David’s kite to crash?
(any reasonable answer with support)
___ (V)
9. What did the author compare Leo’s kite flying to?
(a fish rising out of the water)
___ (I)
10. Why do you think originality was important in this
(any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 8
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(a boy who brings a squirrel home for his pet, any
reasonable answer)
___ (V)
2. What is a synonym for extraordinary?
(special, unusual, any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
3. How could the squirrel’s nest have fallen to the ground?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
4. What was in the nest?
(a squirrel)
___ (I)
5. Why didn’t Harry reach into his pocket to touch the
(any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
6. What does spiral mean?
(corkscrewed, any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
7. Why did Harry expect the squirrel to hide from him?
(it was scared, it had run from him the first time he tried to
touch it, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
8. What did the squirrel do instead?
(sat in his hand and stared at him, scrunched up its
nose and sneezed - any1)
___ (F)
9. How do you know it was a flying squirrel?
(when Harry sneezed, it said the squirrel ‘literally soared
up to the curtain valance)
___ (C/E)
10. How does Harry manage to keep the pet squirrel a
(any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 9
___ (MI)
1. What would be a good title for the story?
(a person confined to their bedroom; an ill, old person)
___ (C/E)
2. Whom do you think the passage might be about?
(child – teenager, middle school aged, little kid)
___ (I)
3. How is the person feeling?
(angry, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
4. What is meant by the phrase incur my wrath?
(become the object/focus of my anger, any reasonable
___ (C/E)
5. Why isn’t the main character able to choose which CDs
he/she listens to?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
6. What does the narrator compare being alone in his
bedroom to?
(a caged rat)
___ (F)
7. What does the main character do to pass the time?
(read magazines)
___ (I)
8. What could be considered ‘basic needs’?
(food, water, climate control, any reasonable answer any 2)
___ (V)
9. What is meant by the phrase walk in my shoes?
(experience what another has, any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
10. Do you think this person will resolve their situation?
Why/why not?
(any reasonable answer with support)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 10
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(a bad day, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
2. What time did the main character get up?
(5:45 am)
___ (C/E)
3. What made the child late for breakfast?
(teasing/killing the spider)
___ (F)
4. During which period did the child’s day really start to go
___ (SEQ)
5. Which happened first: the math teacher called the child’s
Mother or the child e-mailed his/her mother?
(the e-mail)
___ (I)
6. Why might an e-mail lessen the mother’s anger?
(she couldn’t argue back, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
7. What does wrath mean?
(anger, any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
8. Why do you think the child felt he/she was torturing his/her
parent by playing “Purple Haze” and “Layla” all week?
(the parent didn’t like those songs, the child didn’t play
them well, too loud, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
9. What does the phrase ‘without a hitch’ mean?
(without any problems, any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
10. Why do you think the child went to bed early?
(nothing good on TV, he/she wanted to forget about
their day - any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 11
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(an imaginary friend, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
2. What does imaginary mean?
(pretend, not real, invisible, etc.)
___ (F)
3. What grade was Jason in when he moved?
___ (I)
4. Why did having an imaginary friend help Jason?
(he was able to amuse himself, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
5. Describe what Sigmund looked like.
(fuzzy, purple ears; shaggy head; lots of sparkling, white
teeth; paws the size of trash can lids; thoughtful, gentle
eyes; large - any 3)
___ (C/E)
6. Can others actually hear Sigmund? Why not?
(no; he is imaginary, Jason makes up Sigmund’s antics
to accompany accidents, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
7. What is a synonym for commotion?
(uproar, outburst, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
8. How did the teacher explain the loud crash?
(a minor earthquake)
___ (I)
9. How does Jason amuse himself during boring classes?
(he imagines Sigmund is there)
___ (C/E) 10. Why do you think Jason still is friends with Sigmund?
(any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 12
___ (MI)
1. What is this passage about?
(a generous spider, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
2. What was the spider’s hobby?
(knitting coverings for all the animals)
___ (I)
3. How does weaving webs in the moose’s horns help the
(the web is how the spider catches its food – more
webs, more food, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
4. What does entwined mean?
(woven into, combined with, any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
5. On what part of your body would you wear a muffler?
(around your neck)
___ (I)
6. What time of year does the spider meet the blackbird?
___ (I)
7. Why might the blackbirds pose a threat to the spider?
(birds eat spiders)
___ (V)
8. What is a synonym for intricate?
(complex, sophisticated, any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
9. Would you describe the old spider as ‘generous’?
Why/why not?
(any reasonable answer with support)
___ (C/E) 10. Other than for riding on the blackbird’s back, why would
the spider make the cape for the blackbird?
(to keep from being eaten by the blackbird, to become
friends with the blackbird, any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 13
___ (MI)
1. What is the main idea?
(children who go to meet a mean old man who lives in
the woods - any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
2. Which child was the oldest?
___ (V)
3. What is a hollow?
(a small valley, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
4. What type of things happened to people who tried to visit
Johnny Rabbit?
(he would shoot at them, kept monsters in his pond to
scare people, kept mean dogs, planted poison ivy
around his house, trained bees to sting people - any 3)
___ (C/E)
5. Why do you think Jean didn’t believe the stories?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
6. Did the old man want to meet Jean? How do you know?
(yes; he spoke to her, he put the dog in the house, any
reasonable answer)
___ (I)
7. Why did the children call this man ‘Johnny Rabbit’?
(he had large front teeth and he twitched his mouth, he
looked like a rabbit, etc.)
___ (I)
8. What foods were included in Johnny’s diet?
(carp, rabbit, honey)
___ (F)
9. Where did the children see a beehive?
(near the front gate)
___ (C/E) 10. Why do you think there were rumors about Johnny?
(any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 14
___ (MI)
1. What would be a good title for this story?
(Joan’s search for the sword and her desire to be a
heroine, or any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
2. Where did Joan find the sword?
(inside a cave, on a platform)
___ (V)
3. What is a heroine?
(a girl or woman hero)
___ (C/E)
4. Why is the sword so important to Joan?
(It has magical powers, it was used by many heroes of
the past, it would help her to become a heroine)
___ (I)
5. Did Joan ever meet Daniel the Dragon-Killer? How do you
(No, because he lived a century ago, he died long ago)
___ (V)
6. What is a quest?
(a goal or a journey for adventure, a search)
___ (F)
7. What was Joan’s quest?
(to destroy the Black Knight)
___ (I)
8. Describe the sword.
(any of the following: It is gold in color, it has gems on
its handle, it is heavy, it is magical)
___ (C/E)
9. Why do you think Joan deserves the title of a legendary
(she defeated the Black Knight, she completed other
acts of heroism)
___ (F)
10. What did Joan do with the sword after she defeated the
Black Knight?
(she returned it to the place she found it.)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 15
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(a family’s camping trip)
___ (F)
2. How many children are in the family?
___ (V)
3. What is the opposite of shallow when it is used in the
phrase shallow water?
(deep water)
___ (F)
4. During what season was the camping trip?
(summer, late summer)
___ (I)
5. Why did the Jones’ have to hunt for their clothing in the
(the raccoons drug it off)
___ (V)
6. hat does rummaged mean?
(to ransack, hunt or look through)
___ (F)
7. What activities did the family do while at Windy Lake?
(fish, read, swim skip stones, build sandcastles, or
___ (V)
8. What does it mean when the author writes, “the rain did
not dampen their spirits”?
(the rain did not make them mad or sad, the rain did not
frustrate them too much)
___ (C/E)
9. Do you think this was a pleasant vacation for the Jones
family? Why?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
10. Where did Mrs. Jones take the dirty and damp clothing
after they were soaked by the rain?
(to the laundromat, down the road to the laundromat)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 16
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(Michael and his love of sailing and the sea)
___ (F)
2. What was Michael’s great-great-grandfather’s occupation?
(he was a sea-faring captain, he transported cargo on
the sea, or similar description)
___ (I)
3. When he was a boy, why did Michael have to help his
father on the boat in the evenings?
(he had to go to school during the day or other
reasonable answer)
___ (F)
4. What object did Michael inherit from his great-greatgrandfather?
___ (I)
5. Did Michael choose an occupation similar to his great-great
(the author does not tell us, or yes, because of his love
of the sea and the influence from his family and he is on
a boat when this story takes place)
___ (V)
6. What does tarnished mean?
(dull, rusted, corroded)
___ (F)
7. When he was younger, how did Michael help his father?
(haul nets, help him fish)
___ (F)
8. When Michael graduated form high school what difficult
decision did he have to make?
(what course of study or career to choose from searelated careers)
___ (C/E)
9. Why do you think that of all the treasures from his greatgreat-grandfather Michael thought the stories were the most
(any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
10. In what state does Michael live?
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 17
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(a man who keeps dragons in his basement, any
reasonable answer)
___ (F)
2. Describe Mr. Huffman.
(dragon-like features, green glowing eyes, dry scaly
hands, old, tired and worn out)
___ (I)
3. Why is it surprising that Mr. Huffman would have fire places
lit in the middle of July?
(It is usually hot during July)
___ (F)
4. What do dragons eat?
___ (F)
5. What was Mr. Huffman carrying when he returned in his
(a jeweler’s box, a jewelry box, a box of rubies)
___ (V)
6. What is a synonym for concealing?
(hiding, covering up)
___ (F)
7. What did Simon do to prove the rumors about Mr.
Huffman are false?
(he snuck into the house to see for himself).
___ (I)
8. When Simon snuck into Mr. Huffman’s house where do you
think Mr. Huffman went?
(to the jewelry store for more rubies, or any other
reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
9. Do you think Mr. Huffman is a dragon?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
10. Where are the baby dragons when Simon sees them?
(in the basement, in a golden nest, in the middle of the
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 18
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(Ms. Pringle a strange teacher)
___ (C/E)
2. Why did others think Ms. Pringle was strange?
(her appearance)
___ (I)
3. Does Ms Pringle worry about what others think of her
appearance? How do you know?
(the author tells us she was not one bit worried, she
says she has better things to do)
___ (F)
4. Name something that Ms Pringle was trying to teach her
(cursive writing, England, France, squids, division)
___ (F)
5. Describe Ms Pringle.
(frizzy, golden hair, a laugh like a cackle, mismatched
clothing, etc.)
___ (V)
6. What is a synonym for flabbergasted?
(surprised, dumbfounded, shocked)
___ (F)
7. Rather than take care of her appearance, what did Ms.
Pringle prefer to do?
(teach her students)
___ (V)
8. What is a cackle?
(a loud sound, a shrill sound, a loud shrill laugh)
___ (C/E)
9. Do you think Ms Pringle is a good teacher?
(yes, because she cares first about teaching her
students or any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
10. Why did Angie offer Ms. Pringle a barrette?
(to clip back her hair)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 19
___ (MI)
1. What would be a good title for this story?
(Victoria and the ruby ring)
___ (I)
2. Why did Victoria think the ring was cursed?
(her brothers turned into statues)
___ (I)
3. In addition to the ruby ring what caused Victoria’s brothers
to turn into statues of ice and sugar?
(her words)
___ (F)
4. Where was Victoria walking home from?
(grocery store)
___ (F)
5. Where did Victoria find the ruby ring?
(on the sidewalk, in a crack on the sidewalk)
___ (V)
6. What does revive mean?
(to return to consciousness)
___ (F)
7. Why couldn’t Victoria read the engraving on the inside of
the ring?
(it was worn and bent)
___ (V)
8. What does the word stoop mean in the sentence: “Just
then Newman came out onto the back stoop”?
(back porch, small porch or step, step by the door)
___ (C/E)
9. Was Victoria wise to get rid of the ring?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
10.Why was Roger waiting in the yard for his sister to come
(to give her a picture he had colored for her)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 20
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(aliens come to visit!)
___ (F)
2. What happened in the story to make Chen think that aliens
have came to Earth?
(he saw a spaceship land on his neighbor’s roof, a new
teacher who called referred to the students as human
boys & girls)
___ (I)
3. Was Chen’s mother correct when she told him that he had
a dream about the spaceship landing on the neighbor’s roof?
___ (F)
4. What did Mrs. Ling draw on the chalkboard for the
(solar system)
___ (I)
5. Why do you think Mrs. Ling drew the planet surrounded by
hoops of fire?
(this was her home planet, any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
6. When the students asked “What planet is that?” why did
Mrs. Ling erase it?
(she did not want the students to see her mistake, any
reasonable answer)
___ (F)
7. What did Chen see as he was walking home from school?
(Mrs. Ling walking up to the door of the house next to
Chen’s house)
___ (I)
8. Why did Mrs. Ling attempt to draw on the window?
(she did not know what a chalkboard was.)
___ (I)
9. Why was Chen’s teacher absent that day?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (E)
10. What do you think Chen will do next?
(any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 21
___ (MI)
1. What would be a good title for the story?
(strange lightning bugs!)
___ (F)
2. Describe the lightning bugs.
(any two of the following: they had miniature light bulbs
that gave off a green glow, wore black spectacles, large
brains, each carried a little backpack, they talked)
___ (F)
3. What was Jessie going to use the lightning bugs for?
(use them as a night light)
___ (V)
4. What does lingered mean?
(to delay, dally, remain, hang around)
___ (I)
5. During what season does the story take place?
___ (F)
6. What did some of the lightning bugs do when they got out
of the jar?
(fly out of the window or fly around Jesse’s pillow)
___ (V)
7. What does devour mean?
(eat, wolf down, destroy)
___ (F)
8. What did Herman give to Jessie?
(a pair of earrings)
___ (F)
9. Why did Herman give Jessie that gift?
(to remember the lightning bugs by)
___ (I)
10. Why did Herman choose that color of gift?
(because that is the color of the lightning bugs light )
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 22
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(a school bully)
___ (F)
2. Describe Will Weston.
(at least two of the following: tall, good b-ball player,
skinny, red hair, freckles)
___ (F)
3. What does Will do when Peter teases him?
(ignore him)
___ (I)
4. Why does Peter call Molly “book face”?
(because she reads a lot)
___ (F)
5. What do Molly and Will do when Peter falls off of the
(help him to the nurse’s office)
___ (F)
6. What was the result of Peter’s fall?
(he broke his arm)
___ (I)
7. Why would Molly and Will help Peter since he usually
bullies them?
(they are kind people)
___ (V)
8. What is another name for spectacles?
(eye glasses, glasses)
___ (F)
9. Why did Molly tell Peter that breaking his arm is “really not
that bad”?
(you get to choose the color cast you want.)
___ (E)
10. How do you think Peter will treat Molly and Will in the
(he will not tease them, any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 23
___ (MI)
1. What is the main idea?
(a rat who wants to be a rabbit, an unhappy rat!)
___ (F)
2. Why did Radcliff dislike being a rat and want to be a rabbit?
(one of the following: He thought he would have a
better life, rabbits have more fun, rabbits are cute, they
get to be on stage more often than rats)
___ (F)
3. What did Radcliff use to transform himself into a rabbit?
(one of the following: popsicle sticks and an old T-shirt
for the ears, cotton balls for a tail)
___ (F)
4. Who was the first person Radcliff met as he climbed out of
his hole as a rabbit?
___ (V)
5. What does robust mean?
(strong, boisterous)
___ (F)
6. Why was Radcliff heartbroken when the magician told him
that no one realized he was not a real rabbit?
(because Radcliff thought the magician thought he was
a real rabbit)
___ (F)
7. Why did the magician keep Radcliff in his magic show?
(because he was the only magician with a magic rat!)
___ (V)
8. Radcliff did a tap-dancing number that “brought down the
house”. What does “brought down the house” mean?
(everyone in the audience clapped and cheered for the
act, everyone like the performance very much.)
___ (F)
9. Describe Radcliff the rat before he changed himself into a
(two of the following: gray fur, brown splotches, a limp
cold tail, only one ear)
___ (V)
10. What does authentic mean?
(real, genuine)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 24
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(two children who find a lost purse)
___ (F)
2. Where did Ricky and Shelly find the purse?
(on the floor or on the floor in the paper aisle)
___ (F)
3. Describe the purse.
(two of the following: small, had a zipper, child’s purse,
it had money in it, did not have identification in it)
___ (F)
4. Why were the children surprised when they opened the
(it contained two hundred dollars)
___ (F)
5. What did the children think about doing with the purse?
(leave the store with it, it would be wrong to leave the
store, hand the purse in to the cashier)
___ (F)
6. What did they decide to do with the purse?
(give it to the cashier)
___ (I)
7. Are Shelly and Ricky rich?
(no, they could use the money)
___ (C/E)
8. Why was the cashier amazed when Ricky and Shelly went
to the counter?
(she couldn’t believe someone would turn in a lost purse
with that much money in it)
___ (C/E)
9. Did Ricky and Shelly do the right thing? Why/ Why not?
(any reasonable answer with explanation)
___ (E)
10. What do you think will happen next?
(the young woman will give Shelly and Ricky a reward,
or the cashier will call the woman and tell her the purse
was found, any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 25
___ (MI)
1. What is the main idea?
(a squirrel who prepared for winter and one who did
___ (V)
2. What is a tuft of grass?
(a small bunch)
___ (F)
3. Which squirrel enjoyed the food from the bird feeder?
(gray squirrel)
___ (F)
4. Why was the black squirrel well fed throughout the winter?
(she gathered and stored acorns, she built a cozy nest)
___ (C/E)
5. What happened when the humans forgot to fill the bird
(the gray squirrel did not have anything to eat)
___ (F)
6. When he became cold and hungry what did the gray
squirrel do?
(went to the black squirrels nest, asked to be let in)
___ (F)
7. What did the black squirrel tell the gray squirrel he must do
if she let him stay in her nest?
(shell nuts)
___ (E)
8. Do you think the gray squirrel will agree to shell the black
squirrel’s nuts? Why?
(any reasonable answer)
___ (C/E)
___ (E)
9. What would you do if you were the black squirrel?
(any reasonable answer)
10. What do you think the gray squirrel will do next summer?
(gather acorns, build a nest, any reasonable answer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 26
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(a girl who was nervous about performing at a piano
___ (V)
2. What does self-consciously mean as in the phrase: “
until she self-consciously sat down”?
(she was aware of everyone looking at her, she was
nervous or unsure of herself)
___ (F)
3. Had Holly ever performed at a piano recital before this?
___ (F)
4. Where was the recital being performed?
(in an auditorium)
___ (C/E)
5. What was making Holly so nervous?
(all the people watching her or afraid she would make a
___ (V)
6. What is a sour note?
(playing the wrong note, or key on a piano)
___ (I)
7. How did hitting a sour note help Holly?
(it surprised or shocked her and caused her to become
more determined)
___ (E)
8. Do you think Holly will play more recitals in the future?
(any reasonable answer.)
___ (C/E)
9. Would you say Holly is a strong or weak young girl?
(any answer with reasonable explanation)
___ (F)
10. Did the audience like Holly’s performance? How do you
(yes, they applauded loudly or enthusiastically)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 27
___ (MI)
1. What would be a good title for the story?
(5th graders going on a field trip to a circus.)
___ (I)
2. Why were the 5th graders difficult to control?
(they were excited about going to the circus.)
___ (F)
3. Name two things they saw at the circus.
(two of the following: lions, elephants, trapeze act,
clowns, circus tents.)
___ (F)
4. How many clowns climbed out of the car?
___ (C/E)
5. What caused the children to settle down?
(the circus and its surroundings)
___ (V)
6. What is meant by “wide as saucers” in the phrase “The
children’s eyes opened as wide as saucers”?
(any of the following: their eyes were very big, as big as
saucers, they were excited.)
___ (I)
7. What makes you think the children are not always behaved
in Mr. Randall’s class?
(the author said, “for once they did were perfectly
behaved, no one threw spitballs, no one got out of their
___ (F)
8. How many adults chaperoned this field trip?
___ (I)
9. Has Mr. Randall taken other classes of his to the circus?
How do you know?
(yes, because he said to his teaching assistant,
“Happens to them every time”)
___ (F)
10. What color was the car the clowns rode in?
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 28
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(a trip to the circus)
___ (V)
2. What does rivalry mean?
(contest, competition, playing against, trying to beat one
___ (F)
3. Name two things the family saw at the circus.
(clowns, circus tents, circus rings, elephant, a clown
with a goofy nose, a multi-colored clown)
___ (I)
4. How many people were in this family?
(five, because father bought five tickets)
___ (C/E)
5. What caused everyone to laugh hysterically?
(a clown taking dad’s hat)
___ (V)
6. What does ruckus mean?
(a commotion, loud noise, disturbance)
___ (I)
7. Why didn’t dad say anything about the circus when he
came home from work?
(he wanted to surprise the family.)
___ (F)
8. How many clowns came out of the car?
___ (F)
9. What day of the week did the family go to the circus?
___ (I)
10. What day of the week did Dad surprise the family with the
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 29
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(a young boy who becomes a brave soldier.)
___ (F)
2. What was the boy’s name?
___ (F)
3. Name two things Abraham took with him to the King’s
(food, blanket, clothing, an old bag)
___ (I)
4. What did Abraham do with his father that prepared him for
(worked in the fields, swung an ax, threw bales of hay)
___ (F)
5. What did Abraham receive from the King’s men?
(training, new clothes, a sword, fighting techniques)
___ (V)
6. What are mighty feats?
(brave actions, daring fighting)
___ (I)
7. Was Abraham braver than the other soldiers? How do you
(yes, because he received a medal, he lead them into
battle, he performed might feats).
___ (F)
8. Was it far from Abraham’s house to the King’s castle? How
do you know?
(yes, because he arrived days later.)
___ (F)
9. From where did the invaders come ?
(across the sea.)
___ (F)
10. Describe Abraham.
(any two of the following: strong, healthy, big for his
age, honest, quiet, brave, a leader, a farmer)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 30
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(an old lady who is a carpenter who fixed up a storm
damaged house.)
___ (F)
2. How did the house become damaged?
(In a thunderstorm.)
___ (F)
3. Describe the damage to the house.
(roof blew off, a tree fell on the house, rain damage.)
___ (F)
4. What was surprising about the carpenter who came to fix
the house?
(it was an old woman, curlers in her hair, work boots,
carpenter pants)
___ (F)
5. In what kind of vehicle did the carpenter arrive?
(a van)
___ (V)
6. What does flabbergasted mean?
(speechless, surprised)
___ (I)
7. What did Harry do before she became a carpenter?
___ (I)
8. What lesson did the story teller learn from this experience?
(first impressions are everything, first impressions are
not always correct)
___ (F)
9. During what month did the storm take place?
___ (F)
10. What did the story teller and the father do most of the
(try to save their belongings.)
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 31
___ (MI)
1. What is this story about?
(a grandfather who is ice fishing.)
___ (I)
2. What in the story tells you that Grandpa loves ice fishing?
(he goes fishing in bad weather or he organized his
gear the night before, or he got out of bed early.)
___ (C/E)
3. How was Grandpa in danger?
(the bucket he was sitting on was crushing beneath him
or the bucket he was sitting on was sliding towards the
hole in the ice.)
___ (F)
4. Why didn’t Grandpa respond to his family’s warning?
(he had hearing problems)
___ (F)
5. Who finally was able to warn Grandpa of the danger?
6. How did Grandma warn Grandpa of the danger?
(she yelled, “It’s time for lunch or “Bob lunch”.)
7. Why could Grandpa hear Grandma but not the other family
(any reasonable answer)
___ (I)
8. In what season did this story take place?
___ (F)
9. Did Grandpa catch any fish?
___ (F)
10. In what State did this story take place?
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 32
___ (MI)
1. What is the main idea?
(children spend too much time in front of the TV)
___ (V)
2. What does turning into a vegetable mean?
(you are becoming lazy, you are inactive, any
reasonable description)
___ (F)
3. Describe what Trevor saw as he met his friends that day.
(his friends were taking on the appearance of certain
___ (F)
4. What did Trevor’s friends invite him to do after school?
(invite him to watch videos at their house.)
___ (F)
5. Did Trevor accept their invitations?
___ (V)
6. What does I’ll take a rain check mean?
(I’ll accept your invitation at a later time, I will do it later
with you.)
___ (I)
7. Do you think Trevor will increase or decrease the amount
of TV he watches? Why?
(decrease, because he wants to get in shape).
___ (F)
8. What is one thing Trevor will do to get back in shape?
(exercise, ride his skateboard, watch less TV)
___ (C/E)
9. When did Trevor notice that he and his friends were
starting to look like vegetables?
(his mother told him he was turning into a vegetable)
___ (F)
10. What tells us that Trevor did not agree with his parents
when they told him he was watching too much TV?
(he muttered, “whatever”, he did not see anything wrong
with his friends and they watch just a much TV as he
Comprehension Questions-Aimsweb
Grade 7, Passage 33
1. What is this story about?
(two friends who build a go-cart)
___ (F)
2. Describe what the go-cart looked like.
(a reasonable description of three or more
___ (F)
3. What gave the boys the idea to build a go-cart?
(they were looking a John Cobb or any reasonable
___ (I)
4. Who is John Cobb?
(a professional race car drive, or any reasonable
___ (F)
5. When the go-cart was finished what did the boys use to
power the cart?
(they tied it to a horse)
___ (F)
6. What happened after they tied the go-cart to the horse?
(the horse jumped a ditch and the go-cart fell apart.)
___ (I)
7. Why didn’t the boy telling the story walk home with Marty?
(he did not want to get in trouble with Marty’s parents, or
any reasonable answer)
___ (V)
8. Describe what an axel is.
(the long rod or part that holds the wheels on.)
___ (C/E)
9. Why did the boy telling the story suggest that Marty be the
first test-driver?
(he did not want to get hurt, any reasonable answer)
___ (F)
10. Was Marty hurt badly?
(no, he was able to walk home.)