Prebell Turn in your HW! Pythagorean triples – possible side lengths

Melanie is making a piece of jewelry that is in
the shape of a right triangle. The two shorter
sides of the piece of jewelry are 9 mm and 12
mm. Find the perimeter of the piece of jewelry.
Turn in your HW!
WB p. 261 # 5 - 6
Bruce’s physical trainer instructed him to jog
twice around the athletic field from point B and
then sprint to the opposite corner on the
diagonal shown below. The field is 24 yards by
32 yards. How many total yards did Bruce run?
32 yards
Pythagorean triples – possible side
lengths of a right triangle; numbers
that make 𝑎2 + 𝑏2 = 𝑐 2 true.
Do the following lengths form a right triangle?
1. 3, 6, 9
2. 10, 24, 26
24 yards
Do the following lengths form a right