Anne Frank Review Sheet

Anne Frank Review Sheet – Focus your studies on the following items &
Play’s setting
What prompts the flashback
Arrival and characterization of the Franks
o Mr. Frank (character traits)
o Mrs. Frank (character traits)
o Margot (character traits)
o Anne (character traits)
Characterization of the Van Daans
o Mr. Van Daan (character traits)
o Mrs. Van Daan (character traits)
o Peter (character traits)
Arrival and characterization of Dussel
Hanukkah celebration
Rumor about the Frank family (how did they cover up their leaving?)
Anne’s age at beginning and end
Restrictions in the Secret Annex
Opening scene
Anne’s view of herself and her future
Issues with Mouschi
Issues with Mrs. Van Daan’s fur coat
Anne’s writings about the War
Anne’s nightmare
Arguments among members of the Secret Annex
Issues with the ration books
The burglary
News of D-Day
Anne’s change in personality
Franks’ discovery (specifics and date)
New Year’s Day
Miep and Mr. Kraler –importance
Recognizing examples of dramatic irony
Anne & Peter’s relationship development
Notes to Study:
 German History/Holocaust notes
 Propaganda notes—purpose
 Elements of Drama—know the following terms and apply to DAF:
o Conflict
o Crisis
o Complications
o Climax
o Resolution