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Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ______
Carbohydrates Internet Lesson
Directions: Answer the following questions by visiting the website below.
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1. What is the ratio of C to H to O in a typical carbohydrate? _____C:_____H:_____O
2. Why are carbohydrates important?
3. Which carbohydrates tend to be more soluble? ___________________________________
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4. Name three examples of monosaccharides.
a. __________________
b. __________________ c. __________________
6. Where can glucose be found? ________________________________________________
7. Which foods often have fructose? _____________________________________________
8. Where can galactose be found? _______________________________________________
9. Define ISOMERS.
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10. In which shape is glucose most often arranged? __________________________________
11. Name the two sugars that make up nucleic acids.
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
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12. Name three examples of disaccharides.
a. __________________
b. __________________ c. __________________
13. How many monosaccharides make up a disaccharide? _____________________________
14. What is sucrose more commonly called? ________________________________________
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15. Name three examples of polysaccharides.
a. __________________
b. __________________ c. __________________
16. Which polysaccharide is used in the formation of a plant’s cell wall? ___________________
17. Which polysaccharide is stored in the liver and muscles? ___________________________
18. Which polysaccharide is created from glucose as a way plants store energy? ___________
Lipid Internet Lesson
Directions: Answer the following questions by visiting the website below.
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1. Define LIPID.
2. Name three examples of lipids.
a. __________________
b. __________________ c. __________________
3. What are three advantages of fat?
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
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4. What are considered to be the building blocks of fats? ______________________________
5. How many of those building blocks are usually attached to a glycerol at a time? _________
6. What are 3 facts about saturated fats?
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
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7. How do mono and polyunsaturated fats differ?
8. What are 2 facts about unsaturated fats?
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
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9. Phospholipids make up which part of a cell? _____________________________________
10. How many layers of phospholipids make up this cell part? ___________________________
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11. What are two ways that cholesterol is helpful?
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
Protein Internet Lesson
Directions: Answer the following questions by visiting the website below.
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1. Name 4 types of proteins.
a. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
d. ___________________________
2. What are the smaller building blocks of proteins called? ____________________________
3. How many types of amino acids exist? __________________________________________
4. What is different between the individual amino acids? ______________________________
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5. What determines the primary structure of a protein?
6. What is a long chain of amino acids called? ______________________________________
7. How many amino acids make up small proteins? __________________________________
8. How many amino acids make up large proteins? __________________________________
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9. Proteins fold into a secondary structure. What type of bond holds these together? ________
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10. Proteins have a final conformation. What does this mean? __________________________
11. What does the final shape of a protein determine? _________________________________
12. List 4 ways that a protein may be denatured (destroyed).
a. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
d. ___________________________
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13. Why are proteins from animals considered “complete”?
14. Why must vegetarians eat a wide variety of plants?