Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
STANDARD 1 Interpersonal Communication
1.1 greet and respond to greetings
Students will KNOW:
How to greet and respond to greetings in Spanish
How to use proper pronunciation
English meanings, such as hello, good-bye, good
morning, good afternoon, good evening, see you later,
see you tomorrow, until I see you again
Students will be able to DO:
Use appropriate pronunciation when speaking Spanish,
Speak, and write all the appropriate greetings listed
above in Spanish and understand their English meanings,
1.2 will introduce and respond to introductions
Students will KNOW:
How to make and respond to instructions in Spanish,
Meanings of these words in English
Appropriate pronunciation in Spanish,
Words and phrases using proper titles, polite responses
such as please and thank you, pleased to meet you, asking
how are you, and asking
How to respond to requests for name
Students will be able to DO:
Make verbal and written introductions in Spanish
Will understand their English meanings
1.3, 1.4 ask and answer questions, and make and respond
to requests
Students will KNOW:
How to form questions and answers in Spanish verbally
and in writing using all the questions words such as what,
when, where, how, why, how many, how much, who, and
How to form sentences and questions
Students will be able to DO:
Ask and answer questions in Spanish
Make and respond to requests
1.1 greet and respond to greetings
Not Addressed in Spanish II
1.2 will introduce and respond to introductions
1.1 greet and respond to greetings
Not Addressed in Spanish III
1.2 will introduce and respond to introductions
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Not Addressed in Spanish III
1.3, 1.4 ask and answer questions, and make and respond
to requests
1.3, 1.4 ask and answer questions, and make and respond
to requests
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Use appropriate pronunciation and grammatical
Understand their meanings in English
1.5 will exchange information and knowledge
Students will KNOW:
About family, housing, clothing, food, colors,
descriptive adjectives, body parts, transportation,
animals, locations, Spanish speaking countries, and
professions in Spanish
How to use appropriate grammatical structures in
Spanish such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
Understand gender, plurals and words order differences
between Spanish and English
How to say the date, month, day, year, weather, seasons
How to tell where they are from
How to tell time
Students will be able to DO:
Speak and write in Spanish to exchange information and
knowledge using the appropriate grammatical structures
and vocabulary
1.6 how to express likes and dislikes
Students will KNOW:
How to use the verbs meaning to like (gustarse, querer)
Students will be able to DO:
Express likes and dislikes in Spanish and understand
their English meanings
1.7 will express needs and emotions
Students will KNOW:
How to express needs and emotions using appropriate
Spanish pronunciation and appropriate Spanish verbs
such as necesitar, and querer, and will learn descriptive
vocabulary such as sad, happy, content, angry, tired,
Students will be able to DO:
1.5 will exchange information and knowledge
Not Addressed in Spanish II
1.6 how to express likes and dislikes
Not Addressed in Spanish II
1.7 will express needs and emotions
Not Addressed in Spanish II
1.5 will exchange information and knowledge
Not Addressed in Spanish III
1.6 how to express likes and dislikes
Not Addressed in Spanish III
1.7 will express needs and emotions
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Eexpress needs and emotions in Spanish and understand
their English meanings
1.8 perform stage 1 learning standards
Students will KNOW:
Grammar and vocabulary in Spanish and English listed
about for Stage 1 learning standard
Students will be able to DO:
Learn the grammar and vocabulary listed for stage 1
learning standard in Spanish and will know their English
1.9: Ask and respond to questions to clarify information
1.8 perform stage 1 learning standards
Students will KNOW:
Spanish 1 material
Students will be able to DO:
Stage 1 learning standards
1.9: Ask and respond to questions to clarify information
Students will KNOW:
Correct formation of questions and responses both by
listening and asking in a variety of contexts
Not Addressed in Spanish I
1.10: Exchange opinions about people, activities or
Not Addressed in Spanish I
1.8 perform stage 1 learning standards
Not Addressed in Spanish III
1.9: Ask and respond to questions to clarify information
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Form and respond to questions in a variety of situational
contexts as well as everyday conversation
1.10: Exchange opinions about people, activities or
Students will KNOW:
Correct phrases and grammar tenses to hold a
conversation or write about people, activities or events as
well as understand information being received
Not Addressed in Spanish I
1.11: Discuss class reading
1.10: Exchange opinions about people, activities or
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Create and respond to conversation and written
materials generating an opinion that can be applied to
several contexts and situations
1.11: Discuss class reading
1.11: Discuss class reading
Students will KNOW:
How to read and speak using the correct Spanish
grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Students will be able to DO:
Fform opinions about the reading and be able to express
those opinions in written and verbal form
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
1.12: Perform Stage 1 and Stage 2 Learning Standards
Not Addressed in Spanish I
1.13: Suggest possible solutions to a problem
Not Addressed in Spanish I
1.14: Discuss personal feelings and idea to persuade
someone to consider an alternative viewpoint
Not Addressed in Spanish I
1.12: Perform Stage 1 and Stage 2 Learning Standards
Not Addressed in Spanish II
1.13: Suggest possible solutions to a problem
Not Addressed in Spanish II
1.14: Discuss personal feelings and idea to persuade
someone to consider an alternative viewpoint
1.12: Perform Stage 1 and Stage 2 Learning Standards
Students will KNOW:
Grammar and vocabulary from Spanish 1 and 2
Students will be able to DO:
Connect and use the grammar and vocabulary learned in
Spanish 1 and 2 without difficulty
1.13: Suggest possible solutions to a problem
Students will KNOW:
Correct vocabulary and grammar to be able to suggest
how to fix a problem, as well as understand the
information being given by the informant.
Students will be able to DO:
Find information from the informant so that he/she will
be able to figure out the problem and help solve it.
1.14: Discuss personal feelings and idea to persuade
someone to consider an alternative viewpoint
Students will KNOW:
Correct intonations, body language and semantics
Proper vocabulary to convince others to see the same
way as he/she does.
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Students will be able to DO:
Form an opinion based on his/her own thoughts/ideas
and be able to apply that process to any variety of
situational contexts
STANDARD 2 Interpretive Communication
2.1: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will: Follow
Students will KNOW:
How to request directions and will be able to follow
directions using words such as where is, and locations
Students will be able to DO:
Ask and write directions and will be able to follow
2.1: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will: Follow
Students will KNOW:
How to from directions using tú, Ud. and Uds.
commands and the situations in which each is used, as
well as using specific directional words and texts
Students will be able to DO:
2.1: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will: Follow
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
written and verbal directions in Spanish and will know
their English meanings
Make commands using a variety of situations,
including giving and following directions using new
vocabulary and grammar
2.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will:
Understand some ideas and familiar details
2.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will:
Understand some ideas and familiar details
Students will KNOW:
How to read and listen to texts/ activities for specific
details and information, focusing on what they already
have learned but at the same time adding in new
materials to reinforce learning
Not Addressed in Spanish I
2.3: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will: Obtain
information and knowledge
Not Addressed in Spanish I
2.4 read and interpret signs, simple stories, poems and
informational texts
Students will KNOW:
How to read and interpret signs, simple stories, poems
and informational texts
How to use a Spanish - English dictionary
Students will be able to DO:
Read and interpret Spanish signs, stories,, and poems
into English and from English into target language of
signs, simple stories, poems and informational texts
Students will be able to DO:
Use previous knowledge and apply it to new concepts
and themes
2.3: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will: Obtain
information and knowledge
Students will KNOW:
How to apply previously learned material to new
concepts and ideas while obtaining new information
Students will be able to DO:
Activities that surround the students previous
knowledge while adding in new materials to ensure
2.4 read and interpret signs, simple stories, poems and
informational texts
Students will KNOW:
How to read various written material through their
knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
Students will be able to DO:
Discuss and answer questions on various written
materials to ensure comprehension of material
2.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will:
Understand some ideas and familiar details
Not Addressed in Spanish III
2.3: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error, students will: Obtain
information and knowledge
Not Addressed in Spanish III
2.4 read and interpret signs, simple stories, poems and
informational texts
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
2.5: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Perform Stage 1 Learning Standards
2.5: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Perform Stage 1 Learning Standards
Students will KNOW:
How to form and use the present and preterite tenses in
a multitude of contexts and situations
2.5: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Perform Stage 1 Learning Standards
Not Addressed in Spanish I
2.6: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Follow directions such as for a recipe, a word maze or a
logic problem
Not Addressed in Spanish I
2.7: Read authentic and adapted materials, such as short
stories, narratives, advertisements, and brochures
Not Addressed in Spanish I
2.9: Understand learned expressions, sentences,
questions, and polite commands in messages
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Apply knowledge of tenses and material to new
material and concepts
2.6: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Follow directions such as for a recipe, a word maze or a
logic problem
Students will KNOW:
How to apply previous knowledge and currents
concepts and themes to differing areas of communication,
both written and verbal
Students will be able to DO:
Complete varying activities and assignments that will
expand their usage of the language
2.7: Read authentic and adapted materials, such as short
stories, narratives, advertisements, and brochures
Not Addressed in Spanish II
2.9: Understand learned expressions, sentences,
questions, and polite commands in messages
Not Addressed in Spanish II
2.6: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Follow directions such as for a recipe, a word maze or a
logic problem
Not Addressed in Spanish III
2.7: Read authentic and adapted materials, such as short
stories, narratives, advertisements, and brochures
Students will KNOW:
Enough vocabulary to be able to read various materials
in Spanish without extensive usage of dictionaries
Students will be able to DO:
Relate the Spanish-speaking cultures to their own
2.9: Understand learned expressions, sentences,
questions, and polite commands in messages
Students will KNOW:
Concept of commands and how they are formed in
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Students will be able to DO:
Conjugate commands correctly and find the correct
2.10: Identify themes in fictional and non fictional works
and relate them to personal experiences
2.10: Identify themes in fictional and non fictional works
and relate them to personal experiences
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish II
2.10: Identify themes in fictional and non fictional works
and relate them to personal experiences
Students will KNOW:
Understand the literary concepts in English and apply
that knowledge to Spanish
Students will be able to DO:
Connect with various stories in Spanish and interpret
different literary usages
STANDARD 3 Presentational Communication
3.1, 3.2, 3.3 express opinions and ideas, express needs
and emotions, and express agreement and disagreement
Students will KNOW:
How to express opinions, ideas, needs, emotions,
agreement and disagreement using appropriate
pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in Spanish and
will know their meanings in English
Students will be able to DO:
Practice the appropriate grammar and vocabulary to
learn to express needs and emotions and agreement and
Write and perform a simple Spanish play in Spanish and
know its English meanings, using the appropriate
pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary to express
opinions, ideas, needs, emotions, agreement and
Create a dialog in Spanish expressing needs and
emotions and agreement or disagreement
3.1, 3.2, 3.3 express opinions and ideas, express needs
and emotions, and express agreement and disagreement
Not Addressed in Spanish II
3.1, 3.2, 3.3 express opinions and ideas, express needs
and emotions, and express agreement and disagreement
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
3.4 describe people, places and things
Students will KNOW:
How to describe people, places and things in target
language using appropriate pronunciation and vocabulary
(using words about the family, titles, ethnicity, class,
race, holidays, religion, the house, professions, foods,
transportation, animals, art, music, numbers, school
classes, and government), Grammar (nouns, verbs,
adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, gender, plural, word
order, definite and indefinite articles, reflexives, direct
object pronouns, present tense, preterite tense and present
progressive tense),
Names of and locations of buildings, locations, names
and capitals of Spanish and Latin American countries,
Names of important people in Spain and Latin
American countries,
Important locations in Spain and Latin America, and
will be able to locations of natural features such as rivers,
lakes, oceans, seas, mountains, deserts, and roads in
Spain and in Latin America, and will be able to describe
the Inca, Maya and Aztec
Students will be able to DO:
Describe people, places and things in Spanish and know
the corresponding meaning in English
3.5 write lists and short notes
Students will KNOW:
How to write paragraphs about themselves and other
topics as assignment by teacher in target language and
will know the corresponding English meanings
How to write a simple letter in Spanish
How to make a list that describes people and things in
Students will be able to DO:
Write lists, a letter, paragraphs, and will create dialogs
of various lengths to practice in Spanish and will know
their English meanings
3.4 describe people, places and things
3.4 describe people, places and things
Not Addressed in Spanish II
3.5 write lists and short notes
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Not Addressed in Spanish III
3.5 write lists and short notes
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
3.6 present a brief report, using English as necessary
Students will KNOW:
Information about a specific Latin American country or
Spain of their choosing that which they will teach the
class. Information to be included are climate, location,
capital, official title of country, ethnicity, language,
religion, history, art, music, politics, government,
economics, products, head of state, current event, head of
state, and relationship with US and other countries
Students will be able to DO:
Report presentation following country report guidelines
3.7: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Perform Stage 1 Learning Standards
Not Addressed in Spanish I
3.8: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Write simple paragraphs
3.6 present a brief report, using English as necessary
3.6 present a brief report, using English as necessary
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Not Addressed in Spanish III
3.7: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Perform Stage 1 Learning Standards
Students will KNOW:
Spanish 1 material such as expressing opinions and
ideas, needs and emotions, agreement and disagreement,
Describe people, places, things, write lists/ short notes
Present information in a brief report
3.7: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Perform Stage 1 Learning Standards
Students will be able to DO:
Complete all Stage 1 learning standards and apply them
to new material
3.8: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Write simple paragraphs
Students will KNOW:
How to take phrases, words, expressions and tenses and
combine them into a paragraph
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish III
3.8: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Write simple paragraphs
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Form paragraphs using complete sentences and correct
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
3.9: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Write greeting cards, notes, letters, and emails
3.9: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Write greeting cards, notes, letters, and emails
Students will KNOW:
How to apply the concept of writing simple paragraphs
into writing different types of communication
3.9: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Write greeting cards, notes, letters, and emails
Not Addressed in Spanish I
3.10: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Describe elements of stories such as characters, events
and settings
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Write various forms of communication that can be
applied to everyday usage
3.10: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Describe elements of stories such as characters, events
and settings
Students will KNOW:
how to choose required information from a text to
answer basic questions of character, events and setting
Not Addressed in Spanish I
3.11: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Give presentations on planned activities or cultural topics
Not Addressed in Spanish I
3.10: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Describe elements of stories such as characters, events
and settings
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Write sentences and paragraphs describing the elements
of a story
3.11: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Give presentations on planned activities or cultural topics
Students will KNOW:
How to take knowledge of differing writing methods
and apply them to a presentation that includes both
written and oral skills
Students will be able to DO:
Create and present a presentation for the class that
reflects their knowledge of stage 2 learning standards and
3.11: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions with the frequency of errors proportionate to
the complexity of the communicative task, students will:
Give presentations on planned activities or cultural topics
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
3.12: Perform Stage 1 and Stage 2
Not Addressed in Spanish I
3.13: Develop and present solutions to problems
Not Addressed in Spanish I
their ability to reproduce them.
3.12: Perform Stage 1 and Stage 2
3.13: Develop and present solutions to problems
Students will be able to DO:
Use and apply those learning standards to Spanish 3
presentational communication
3.13: Develop and present solutions to problems
Students will KNOW:
How to find solutions to problems in Spanish and
understand various contexts in Spanish
Not Addressed in Spanish II
3.14: State and support opinions to convince or persuade
a listener or reader
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Not Addressed in Spanish I
3.12: Perform Stage 1 and Stage 2
Students will KNOW:
All Spanish 1 and 2 presentational communication
learning standards
Not Addressed in Spanish II
3.14: State and support opinions to convince or persuade
a listener or reader
3.15: Write letters requesting specific information
3.15: Write letters requesting specific information
Students will be able to DO:
Outline the problems in the context and rewrite the
situation in a summary in Spanish
3.14: State and support opinions to convince or persuade
a listener or reader
Students will KNOW:
Vocabulary and grammar that convinces the
Students will be able to DO:
Provide a well-formulated and argued topic that
intrigues the listener as well as supports their idea.
3.15: Write letters requesting specific information
Students will KNOW:
How to write correspondences as well as question words
in Spanish
Not Addressed in Spanish II
3.16: Write e-mail correspondence with peers to compare
and contrast interests
3.16: Write e-mail correspondence with peers to compare
and contrast interests
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Students will be able to DO:
Use prior knowledge of question words to write
correspondences with questions
3.16: Write e-mail correspondence with peers to compare
and contrast interests
Students will KNOW:
Various writing styles and question words
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
3.17: Write reviews about a story, play, movie or other
form of literature
Not Addressed in Spanish I
3.17: Write reviews about a story, play, movie or other
form of literature
Students will be able to DO:
Use laptops to write in Spanish
3.17: Write reviews about a story, play, movie or other
form of literature
Students will KNOW:
Different writing styles as well as vocabulary for
expressing opinions
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Students will be able to DO:
Understand various materials in Spanish and recall
STANDARD 4 Cultures
4.1: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Use
appropriate words, phrases, expressions, and gestures in
interactions such as greetings, farewells, school routines,
and other daily activities
Students will KNOW:
Greetings such as hello, good-bye, good morning, good
afternoon, good evening, see you later, until I see you
again, school routines such as when students go to
school, what classes they take, when holidays are, what
they like to eat and do with their friends, who they visit,
what family expectations are, what their daily schedule is
like, la siesta, breakfast, lunch and dinner times and
expectations and telling time
Students will be able to DO:
Read about student and family life, say and respond to
greetings and farewells, participate in activities that
present information about daily life, routines, and
holidays in Spain, Latin America and other Spanish
speaking areas, learn to tell time
4.2, 4.3, 4.4, using English when necessary interact
appropriately in group culture activities such as games,
storytelling, and celebrations, identify distinctive cultural
4.1: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Use
appropriate words, phrases, expressions, and gestures in
interactions such as greetings, farewells, school routines,
and other daily activities
Students will KNOW:
How to interpret and apply knowledge of language and
culture to transfer that knowledge into the classroom
Students will be able to DO:
perform greetings, farewells, school and daily activities
using aspects of the culture
4.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Interact
4.1: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Use
appropriate words, phrases, expressions, and gestures in
interactions such as greetings, farewells, school routines,
and other daily activities
Not Addressed in Spanish III
4.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Interact
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
aspects of target culture presented in stories, dramas,
films, and photographs, identify cultural products from
target culture such as toys, cloths, foods, currencies,
games, traditional crafts and musical instruments
Students will KNOW:
Cultural activities from a group perspective, distinctive
cultural activities and products from Spanish speaking
culture in Spanish and in English,
How to interact with people from Spanish culture
Students will be able to DO:
Read about watch videos and DVDs about cultural
aspects of target culture, videos include Don Quijote, The
Rise and Fall of the Maya and Aztec, Christopher
Columbus, and Evita,
Participate in classroom celebrations of holidays such as
the day of the dead, Christmas, three kings day, holy
week, Easter, the various independence days, Cinco de
Mayo, try foods from target culture,
Learn about current events from target culture using
technology and websites from Latin American Countries
and Spain,
Learn what products come from what Latin American
country or Spain, read about traditional crafts and
musical instruments Learn about international
currencies in Latin America and Spain as it relates to the
US dollar
appropriately in group cultural activities such as games,
storytelling, celebrations and dramatizations
appropriately in group cultural activities such as games,
storytelling, celebrations and dramatizations
Students will KNOW:
How to interact and associate cultural activities into
other classroom activities and assignments
Students will be able to DO:
Perform cultural norms within the classroom setting and
use written and verbal knowledge to express these norms
4.3: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
distinctive cultural aspects of the target culture presented
in stories, dramas, films, and photographs
Students will KNOW:
How to use knowledge of the target language to
identify and understand various aspects of the cultures
Students will be able to DO:
Iinterpret and understand the connections between the
target language and their own as well as be able to
explore other topics
4.4: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
distinctive cultural products from the target culture such
as toys, clothes, foods, currencies, games, traditional
crafts, and musical instruments
Not Addressed in Spanish III
4.3: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
distinctive cultural aspects of the target culture presented
in stories, dramas, films, and photographs
Not Addressed in Spanish III
4.4: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
distinctive cultural products from the target culture such
as toys, clothes, foods, currencies, games, traditional
crafts, and musical instruments
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Students will KNOW:
Distinction between items of the target language and
culture versus their own and assimilate that knowledge
into their comprehension
Not Addressed in Spanish III
4.5 using English when necessary, students will identify
distinctive contributions made by people in the target
Students will KNOW:
Contributions made by famous people from Spanish
speaking culture
Students will be able to DO:
Reading about famous people in target culture, and
present information through their Latin American/Spain
country report Presentations about famous people from
their report (heads of state, government officials, soldiers,
artists, musicians, politicians, explorers), learn how to
interact appropriately with people from Spanish culture
4.6: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will:
Demonstrate knowledge of artistic expression in the
target culture by identifying learning, and performing
songs, dances or memorizing poems; by identifying and
making examples of crafts or visual arts using traditional
techniques such as brush painting, paper folding, or
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Students will be able to DO:
Apply their knowledge to understand the varying
elements of the target culture/language to experience
their lifestyles and customs
4.5 using English when necessary, students will identify
distinctive contributions made by people in the target
Students will KNOW:
How contributions were made by people/natives of the
target culture and how these interpretations are similar or
different from their previous perspectives
4.5 using English when necessary, students will identify
distinctive contributions made by people in the target
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Understand and create new understandings of people
from the target culture and apply those ideas to their
acquisition of the language
4.6: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will:
Demonstrate knowledge of artistic expression in the
target culture by identifying learning, and performing
songs, dances or memorizing poems; by identifying and
making examples of crafts or visual arts using traditional
techniques such as brush painting, paper folding, or
Students will KNOW:
How cultural distinctions are implemented and
observed in the varying cultures surrounding the t
language through interaction with these customs and
4.6: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will:
Demonstrate knowledge of artistic expression in the
target culture by identifying learning, and performing
songs, dances or memorizing poems; by identifying and
making examples of crafts or visual arts using traditional
techniques such as brush painting, paper folding, or
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Students will be able to DO:
Attempt to recreate and understand the varying aspects
of the target culture through production of distinctive
cultural elements
4.7 using English when necessary, students will
demonstrate knowledge of the target culture’s geography
by naming features such as rivers, mountains, cities and
climate on maps
Students will KNOW:
Location of Spain and Latin American countries on
maps as well as their climate, capital cities, the terrain of
each Latin America Country, about the Andes Mountains,
and Sierra Madres and Pyrenees Mountains, about the
Rio Grande, the Balsas River, the Amazon River, the
Silver River, Lake Titicaca, the Pacific and Atlantic
Ocean, Caribbean area, Argentine pampas, and the
Spanish plains,
Seasons in Latin America versus seasons in the US
Students will be able to DO:
Readings, locating countries and capitals on maps,
Listen to student presentations on Spain and Latin
American countries,
Locate geographical features of Latin America and
4.9: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Interact appropriately in
social and cultural activities such as: exchanges in a
restaurant, at a bus stop, in a store, or in a classroom
Not Addressed in Spanish I
4.7 using English when necessary, students will
demonstrate knowledge of the target culture’s geography
by naming features such as rivers, mountains, cities and
climate on maps
Students will KNOW:
How to locate and read basic geographical concepts in
the language and transfer that knowledge into written or
verbal forms
Students will be able to DO:
Attempt to recreate aspects of the target culture using
maps, reports, and readings
4.9: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Interact appropriately in
social and cultural activities such as: exchanges in a
restaurant, at a bus stop, in a store, or in a classroom
Students will KNOW:
How to use appropriate vocabulary, grammar and
expressions to initiate and sustain a written and verbal
4.7 using English when necessary, students will
demonstrate knowledge of the target culture’s geography
by naming features such as rivers, mountains, cities and
climate on maps
Not Addressed in Spanish III
4.9: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Interact appropriately in
social and cultural activities such as: exchanges in a
restaurant, at a bus stop, in a store, or in a classroom
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
4.11: Identify historical and/or cultural figures from the
target culture and describe their contributions
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Students will be able to DO:
Use the language as much as possible to interact with
classmates and teacher about normal situations
4.11: Identify historical and/or cultural figures from the
target culture and describe their contributions
Not Addressed in Spanish II
4.11: Identify historical and/or cultural figures from the
target culture and describe their contributions
Students will KNOW:
How to write essays in Spanish as well as formatting
Students will be able to DO:
Research information using the internet and other
reliable sources
STANDARD 5 Linguistic Comparisons
5.1 using English when necessary ask and answer
questions regarding similar/different phonetic/writing
systems to English
Students will KNOW:
Spanish Alphabet of 30 letters
How to pronounce the 30 letters.
Silent H.
Spanish vowel sounds.
How to use accents and tildes
5.1 using English when necessary ask and answer
questions regarding similar/different phonetic/writing
systems to English
Students will KNOW:
How to transfer knowledge and linguistic
characteristics of Spanish into English while
understanding the negative transfer of linguistic
characteristics that can only be acquired in Spanish
Students will be able to DO:
Spanish Alphabet and know how to pronounce the
letters and will use accents and tildes appropriately
Students will be able to DO:
Compare and contrast Spanish with English and transfer
that knowledge into understanding assignments and
5.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Give
examples of ways in which the target language differs
from/ is similar to English
5.2, 5.3, 5.4 using English when necessary students will
give examples of how the Spanish language differs
from/is similar to English, give examples of borrowed
and loaned words, and identify linguistic characteristics
of the Spanish language and compare and contrast them
with English linguistic characteristics
All Spanish 2 Comparison Standards (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4,
5.6, 5.7, 5.9)
Students will KNOW:
All Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 Linguistic Comparison
Students will be able to DO:
Apply these standards to Spanish 3 knowledge
5.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Give
examples of ways in which the target language differs
from/ is similar to English
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Students will KNOW:
Grammatical rules and vocabulary for the Spanish
language which include gender, plural and word order
differences, similarities in root language (latin) and
similarities in words due to borrowing (American
Southwest and Floridian influences) and invention, give
examples of them, and be able to identify, compare and
contrast the Spanish language with English (computer –
computador) (usar – to use, practicar – to practice)
Students will KNOW:
How to transfer ideas and concepts from Spanish and
English into one another and be able to use the target
language using the differences and similarities to English
Students will be able to DO:
Discuss and understand similarities and differences
between English and Spanish languages
Give examples of borrowed and loaned words
Compare and contrast Spanish language with English
5.3: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Give
examples of borrowed and loan words
Students will KNOW:
Words that originated in Spanish that have been
transferred into English’s common speech and how they
were adopted
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Use grammar tenses, adjective, noun, adverb and
pronoun phrases in Spanish while understanding meaning
in English
5.3: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Give
examples of borrowed and loan words
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Understand the true meanings of borrowed and loaned
5.4: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
linguistic characteristics of the target language and
compare/ contrast them to English
5.4: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
linguistic characteristics of the target language and
compare/ contrast them to English
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Students will KNOW:
How to transfer ideas and concepts from Spanish and
English into one another
Spanish using the differences and similarities to English
as a basis for comparison/contrast
Not Addressed in Spanish III
5.5: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Compare, contrast, and
exchange views on an aspect of the target language
Students will be able to DO:
See and understand the differences and similarities in
Spanish to English yet transfer that knowledge to make
correct comparisons and contrasts to English to be able to
correctly form and use Spanish
5.5: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Compare, contrast, and
exchange views on an aspect of the target language
Students will KNOW:
How to form and answer appropriate questions/debates
regarding their knowledge of Spanish characteristics
versus those of English
Not Addressed in Spanish I
5.6: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Identify Words in the
target language that are used frequently in English
Not Addressed in Spanish I
5.5: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Compare, contrast, and
exchange views on an aspect of the target language
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Ask and respond to appropriate questions/debates
regarding their knowledge of Spanish characteristics
versus those of English
5.6: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Identify Words in the
target language that are used frequently in English
Students will KNOW:
Words and phrases that have been adapted into English
from Spanish
5.6: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Identify Words in the
target language that are used frequently in English
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Students will be able to DO:
Learn the meaning of these words in phrases in Spanish
to better identify with the Spanish culture
5.7: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Analyze how idiomatic
expressions work in both languages
5.7: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Analyze how idiomatic
expressions work in both languages
Students will KNOW:
Meaning of the idiomatic expressions English
counterparts in Spanish
Not Addressed in Spanish I
5.9 Recognize grammatical categories such as tense,
gender, and agreement in the target language and English
Students will KNOW:
How to form and how to use Spanish verbs in the
present tense, the past preterite tense and the present
progressive tense and will know their Spanish and
English meanings.
Nouns in Spanish have feminine and masculine gender
How to use definite and indefinite articles, adjectives
and their plurals with Spanish nouns to form grammatical
Students will be able to DO:
Speak and write in Spanish using standard Spanish
grammatical structures and vocabulary
5.10: Give examples of word or word parts from the
target language that have been adopted into the English
5.7: Using sentences, strings of sentences, and
recombinations of learned words, phrases, and
expressions, with frequency of errors proportionate to the
complexity of the communicative task, and using English
when necessary, students will: Analyze how idiomatic
expressions work in both languages
Not Addressed in Spanish III
Students will be able to DO:
Learn how to transfer the idiomatic expressions of both
languages into one another so direct translation does not
5.9 Recognize grammatical categories such as tense,
gender, and agreement in the target language and English
Students will KNOW:
Basis of English grammar that helps support the
learning of Spanish by comparing and contrasting
Students will be able to DO:
Form grammatical structures correctly in Spanish by
learning the similarities and differences between each and
apply that knowledge to assignments and concepts
5.10: Give examples of word or word parts from the
target language that have been adopted into the English
5.9 Recognize grammatical categories such as tense,
gender, and agreement in the target language and English
Not Addressed in Spanish III
5.10: Give examples of word or word parts from the
target language that have been adopted into the English
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
Students will KNOW:
Words from Spanish that are used in English
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Students will be able to DO:
Give examples of these words
5.11: Analyze differences and similarities between
writing systems of both languages
5.11: Analyze differences and similarities between
writing systems of both languages
5.11: Analyze differences and similarities between
writing systems of both languages
Students will KNOW:
English and Spanish grammar
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish II
5.13: Compare, contrast, and analyze articles in
newspapers, journals, and TV and radio broadcasts in the
target language
5.13: Compare, contrast, and analyze articles in
newspapers, journals, and TV and radio broadcasts in the
target language
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Students will be able to DO:
Use knowledge of English and Spanish grammar to
understand their properties and qualities
5.13: Compare, contrast, and analyze articles in
newspapers, journals, and TV and radio broadcasts in the
target language
Students will KNOW:
How to read and listen for key words in Spanish
Students will be able to DO:
Write, speak, listen, and read in Spanish
STANDARD 6 Cultural Comparisons
6.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will:
Describe the patterns of behavior of the target culture
such as celebrations and compare/contrast them to those
of their own culture
Not Addressed in Spanish I
6.2: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will:
Describe the patterns of behavior of the target culture
such as celebrations and compare/contrast them to those
of their own culture
Students will KNOW:
Distinctions and observances of American holidays and
traditions as well as those celebrated in Spanish-speaking
Students will be able to DO:
compare and contrast those concepts and ideas with
Spanish 2 Cultural comparisons standards (6.2, 6.3, 6.4,
6.5, 6.6)
Students will KNOW:
Spanish 1 and 2 Cultural comparisons
Students will be able to DO:
Adapt and remember Spanish 1 and 2 standards in
Spanish 3
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
6.3 using English when necessary, students will describe
some cultural beliefs and perspectives relating to family,
school, and play in both target culture and their own
Students will KNOW:
About social class and race, holidays, family
expectations, school expectations and political
expectations in Spanish culture and will compare them to
their own
Students will be able to DO:
Read about, discuss and listen to lectures about holidays
and family life
6.4: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
and discuss cultural characteristics of the target culture
and compare/contrast them to cultural characteristics of
their own culture
that of Spanish to understand their usages of holidays and
celebrations according to their own cultural traditions
6.3 using English when necessary, students will describe
some cultural beliefs and perspectives relating to family,
school, and play in both target culture and their own
Students will KNOW:
Their own perspectives and cultural beliefs in school,
family and play
6.3 using English when necessary, students will describe
some cultural beliefs and perspectives relating to family,
school, and play in both target culture and their own
Students will be able to DO:
Relate their own knowledge to that of people in
Spanish-speaking countries to understand the dimensions
of both their own and the Hispanic culture
Not Addressed in Spanish III
6.4: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
and discuss cultural characteristics of the target culture
and compare/contrast them to cultural characteristics of
their own culture
Students will KNOW:
Characteristics and perspectives of their own culture
6.4: Using selected words, phrases, and expressions with
no major repeated patterns of error in the target language,
and using English when necessary, students will: Identify
and discuss cultural characteristics of the target culture
and compare/contrast them to cultural characteristics of
their own culture
6.7: Compare and contrast examples of music, visual arts,
dance, and theatre from the target culture with examples
from there own culture
Students will be able to DO:
Understand characteristics and perspectives of the
Spanish-speaking culture
Understand how and why those things are similar or
different from their own, as well as learn acceptance of
other traditions besides their own
6.7: Compare and contrast examples of music, visual arts,
dance, and theatre from the target culture with examples
from there own culture
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Not Addressed in Spanish I
Not Addressed in Spanish III
6.7: Compare and contrast examples of music, visual arts,
dance, and theatre from the target culture with examples
from there own culture
Students will KNOW:
Various forms of cultural expression in Spanish
Students will be able to DO:
Understand and connect with various cultural events
through reproduction
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
6.8: Compare, contrast, and exchange views on cultural
traditions and celebrations
Not Addressed in Spanish I
6.9: Compare folktales from the target culture and the
students’ own culture
Not Addressed in Spanish I
6.8: Compare, contrast, and exchange views on cultural
traditions and celebrations
6.8: Compare, contrast, and exchange views on cultural
traditions and celebrations
Students will KNOW:
Some customs of Spanish speaking countries
Not Addressed in Spanish II
6.9: Compare folktales from the target culture and the
students’ own culture
Students will be able to DO:
Write and present new knowledge in Spanish
6.9: Compare folktales from the target culture and the
students’ own culture
Students will KNOW:
How to read in Spanish, as well as how to interpret a
stories meaning
Not Addressed in Spanish II
Students will be able to DO:
Understand differences and similarities in various types
of writing in Spanish
STANDARD 7 Connections
7.1 obtain information and knowledge related to other
disciplines from sources in the Spanish language
Students will KNOW:
How to locate information for their country report from
embassy and consulate websites, where to look for
Spanish language in everyday products
Where to access information from Spanish television
and radio (univision and local radio programming) in
Spanish language,
Use maps obtain geographical information about
Spanish countries the literary work Don Quijote,
How to use numbers in Spanish
How to go shopping outside the United States,
information about Latin America/Spanish history and
Students will be able to DO:
Locate geographic information on maps, find
information for their country report on target language
country, find products used here in the US in the target
7.1 obtain information and knowledge related to other
disciplines from sources in the Spanish language
Students will KNOW:
Information and facts in other disciplines that can be
related and used in the target language
7.1 obtain information and knowledge related to other
disciplines from sources in the Spanish language
Students will KNOW:
Information and facts in other disciplines that can be
related and used in Spanish
Students will be able to DO:
Use their current knowledge and transfer it into target
language as well as learn and understand carious
elements in the target language that can be used and
Students will be able to DO:
Use their current knowledge and transfer it into Spanish
as well as learn and understand various elements in
Spanish that can be used and transferred into other
Gateway Regional School District
Grades 9-12
View a video about Don Quijote and discuss the work’s
role in Spanish literature, Learn about foreign currency
exchange, Learn a little about Latin America and
Spanish history and politics through their country reports
and handouts about the native cultures found in Latin
STANDARD 8 Communities
8.1 will apply knowledge of the target language and
culture beyond the classroom setting
Students will KNOW:
Authentic cultural and/or linguistics information
How to appropriately communicate and participate with
people from Spanish language and culture
8.1 will apply knowledge of the target language and
culture beyond the classroom setting
Students will KNOW:
Authentic cultural and/or linguistic information so they
can participate and communicate with people from the
target culture
Students will be able to DO:
Apply knowledge of Spanish language and culture in
real life contexts by participating in a school organized
field trip
Students will be able to DO:
Apply knowledge of the target language in real life
8.1 will apply knowledge of the target language and
culture beyond the classroom setting
Students will KNOW:
Authentic cultural and/or linguistic information so they
can participate and communicate with people from the
target culture
Students will be able to DO:
Apply knowledge of the target language in real life