Kiwanis Honors Emperor Elementary School Students Janelle

Kiwanis Honors Emperor Elementary School Students
Janelle Santos, Ryan Chu, and Ivan Martinez
November 10, 2009
Kiwanis Club of Temple City was pleased to have honored three outstanding students from Emperor
Elementary School on November 10, 2009. Pictured with the proud students is 6th grade teacher, Mr. Greg
Janelle is 11 years old and in Mr. Giangregorio’s class. Janelle has two brothers and enjoys
basketball, flag football, pentathlon, and her sense of humor. Janelle said, “The best things about Emperor
are the great staff and the exciting assemblies.” The best thing that ever happened was when she first met
her coach who encouraged her in sports. Personal goals are to build an amusement park with the scariest
rides, get straight A’s, go to college, and become a pediatrician.
Ryan is 11 years old and in Mrs. Scanlan’s class. Ryan has a younger brother and enjoys school,
books, computers, and games. Ryan said, “The best things about Emperor are the staff, teachers, and
students.” The best thing that ever happened was getting all A’s for the first time in his life. Personal goals
are to build a museum of all the video games in the world, get good grades, have a healthy life, and get
better at his weaknesses.
Ivan is 11 years old and in Miss Parrille’s class. Ivan has three sisters and enjoys playing football,
skating, and going camping with his family. Ivan said, “The best things about Emperor are my teachers, the
playground, and the great Principal.” The best thing that ever happened was getting a baby sister.
Personal goals are to invent a new flavor of soda, become a good football player, do good in school, and
become a marine biologist.
Each week the Temple City Kiwanis Club is pleased to recognize outstanding students and their
teachers from Cloverly, Emperor, Longden, Oak Avenue, and the Dr. Doug Sears Learning Center. Kiwanis
treats students and their teacher to lunch. Students receive a certificate, a letter for their parents, a bumper
sticker, a gift certificate from The Hat Restaurant, and a photograph of them receiving their award. Their
photo will also be published in Temple City Life, Mid Valley News, Temple City Tribune, and displayed in the
Temple City Unified School District lobby.
Temple City Kiwanis has been serving our community since 1939. Members are dedicated men and
women who desire to make a difference in the quality of life for the youth of Temple City. Kiwanis meets at
12:00 noon each Tuesday at The Bahooka Family Restaurant. To find out more about Kiwanis, please call
Jerry Jambazian at (626) 286-2444. You can also visit their website at