Bivalve or Univalve

Bivalve or Univalve
Author: Jennifer Meere
Date created: 03/09/2010 7:49 PM EDT ; Date modified: 03/10/2010 8:50 PM EDT
Topic/Unit of Study & Time
Date and Time of Lesson
March 11, 2010, 1:40-2:20
Grade 3
The students will identify bivalves and univalves (gastropods) by observing ocean shells.
Evaluation of Student
The students will be evaluated by teacher observation and the completion of their Ocean Shells sheet. The teacher will be
walking around and asking questions that will help scaffold student discovery.
The students will
Time Allotment
1 class periods. 40 Min. per class.
Learning Context
This activity fits into the Ocean Unit. The students have been learning about the various ocean sea animals such as sharks,
jellyfish, whales, and octopuses. The students have been learning about octopuses, which is a type of mullosk. The students
are now going to learn about bivalves and gastropods (univalves) which are also mullosks. After this lesson, the students will
begin studying dolphins.
Universal Design for
Diversity Issues
Anticipatory Set
Write the prefixes "bi" and "uni" on the white board.
In a think pair share, have the students discuss what these prefixes mean.
Ask the students what words have "bi" and "uni" in them. i.e bicycle, unicycle, biplane, unicorn
Write the meaning next to the prefixes on the white board
"bi" means two
"uni" means one
Teach/Model (instruction)
1. 1. Inform the students that they are going to learn about bivalves and univalves, which are also known as gastropods.
Write these words on the white board for students to visually see. Ask the students if they have ever heard of these
words. Ask the students: Since we know that "bi" means two, what do you think bivalve is going to have? (2 of something).
What about univalve? (1 of something)
2. Begin showing the powerpoint display of bivalves and univalves (gastropods).
Slide 1-2: Ask the students what they see. (2 Shells)
Ask the students if they believe this is a bivalve or a univalve. (Bivalve)
Why? (because there are two shells)
Inform the students that ocean animals called mollosks live in these shells.
Ask the students if they know any sea creatures that live in a bivalve? (Clams, Muscles)
Slide 3-4: Ask the students what they see. (1 shell)
Ask the students if they believe this is a bivalve or a univalve. (Univalve)
Why? (because there is one shell)
What kind of sea animal would live in a univalve? (sea slug, snails)
Inform the students that univalves are also known as gastropods.
3. Arrange the students in small groups. Provide the students with a set of bivalve shells and gastropods that will be
numbered. Inform the students that they are to treat their shells with care because they are very delicate and will
4. Inform the students that they will be observing the shells and determine whether they are a bivalve shell or a
gastropod. They must record their observations on their Bivalve or Gastropod sheet.
1. Bivalve and Gastropod PowerPoint
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Guided Practice
On the powerpoint:
Slide 3: Vocabulary
Together as a class the students will match the term with the definition.
Vocabulary Words
1. Bivalve- a mollusk that has two shells to protect itself
2. Univalve- a mollusk that has one shell to protect itself
3. Gastropod- another term for univalve
4. Muscle- bivalve
5. Clam- bivalve
6. Sea Slug- gastropod
7. Snail- gastropod
8. Oyster-bivalve
Independent Practice
The students will be in small groups of 3 students. Each group will be given a set of gastropods and bivalves that are going to
be numbered. The students will write down in their Bivalve and Univalve Sheet whether the shell they are observing is a
gastropod or a bivalve. They will do this for all of their shells.
The students must compete their Bivalve and Univalve Worksheets, which are included below. These worksheets will be
assessed by the teacher.
Instructional Materials
1. Bivalve and Univalve PowerPoint
2. Computer Projector
3. White board
4. Dry Erase Marker
5. Bivalve or Gastropod Worksheet Packet (14)
6. Bivalve and Univalve Worksheet Packet Key
7. Bivalves (3 per group)
8. Gastropods (3 per group)
Technology resources:
Computer Projector
The number of computers required is 1.
NY- New York State Core Curriculum (updated)
Subject: Science
Grade Range: Elementary Science
Standard: STANDARD 1—Analysis, Inquiry, and Design Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as
appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.
Key Idea: Key Idea 1: The central purpose of scientific inquiry is to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative
Indicator: S1.1 Ask "why" questions in attempts to seek greater understanding concerning objects and events they have observed and
heard about.
Detail: S1.1a Observe and discuss objects and events and record observations
Area: General Skills
Process Skill: iv. manipulate materials thr ough teacher dir ection and fr ee discovery
Process Skill: x. classify objects according to an established scheme
Standard: STANDARD 4: The Living Environment Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the
physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.
Key Idea: Key Idea 5: Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life.
Performance Indicator: PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 5.2 Describe some survival behaviors of common living specimens.
Major Understanding: 5.2g The health, growth, and development of organisms are affected by environmental conditions such as the
availability of food, air, water, space, shelter, heat, and sunlight.
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Subject: English Language Arts (May 2005)
Grade: Grade 3
Content Area: Reading
Area: Decoding Including Phonics and Structural Analysis
Competency: Decode grade-level words using knowledge of word structure (e.g., roots, prefixes, suffixes, verb endings, plurals,
contractions, and compounds)
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