Stem Cells

Name: Ailyn Barrios
Lesson Title: Stem Cells
SSI Topic: Stem Cells
Lesson Length (class periods): 100 min
Grade Level(s): 10th
Appropriateness for Middle/High School Students
This lesson is designed for high school students to increase interest in Biology. It is a lesson taught in the
beginning to excite students using real world applications. Basic lab skills and procedures will be
developed. I will use cooperative learning groups while being culturally responsive because the topic of
stem cells is one that they may be one day voting upon.
Stem cells differ from other kinds of cells in the body. When a stem cell divides by mitosis, each new cell
has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized
function. All stem cells—regardless of their source—have three special properties:
1. Stem cells are unspecialized. A stem cell does not have any tissue-specific structures that
allow it to perform specialized functions. For example, a stem cell cannot work with its
neighbors to pump blood through the body (like a heart muscle cell), cannot carry oxygen
molecules through the bloodstream (like a red blood cell) or carry impulses (like nerve cells).
2. Stem cells are capable of dividing and self-renewing continually. Specialized cells like muscle cells,
blood cells, or nerve cells normally do not divide. Stem cells can self-renew by dividing many times to
produce millions of stem cells.
3. Stem cells differentiate into specialized cells. When unspecialized stem cells give rise to
specialized cells, the process is called differentiation. The specialized cells that form from
stem cells can be very different from one another, even though they have the same genetic
instructions. This is because different genes in stem cells are used (turned on) in different
types of cells and are influenced by the cell’s environment.
Information was taken from from the University of Rochester.
Florida State Standards (NGSSS)
List the Florida Sunshine State Standards (SSS) that directly applies to your objectives, as well as the
NGSSS for relevant grade level(s) that you will connect the lesson content to.
SC.912.N.1.1 Use tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data (this includes the use of measurement in
metric and other systems, and also the generation and interpretation of graphical representations of data,
including data tables and graphs), Collect data or evidence in an organized way. Properly use instruments,
equipment, and materials (e.g., scales, probe ware, meter sticks, microscopes, computers) including setup, calibration, technique, maintenance, and storage).
SC.912.N.4.1 Explain how scientific knowledge and reasoning provide an empirically-based perspective
to inform society's decision making.
S.C. 912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in
the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual
Performance Objectives
1. Follow laboratory rules and procedures using laboratory tools
2. Distinguish between embryonic and adult stem cells
3. Understand how stem cells are used in modern day research
Adapted from
4. Discuss the ethical considerations involving stem cell research
Materials List and Student Handouts
 1- Stem Cell Locker per group
 1- 200 micro liter pipette per group
 1 stem cell lab handout per student
5E Lesson Template
In the left column, list all activities you are planning. Also include information on how the class will be
organized (grouping; individual work). The right column contains only probing questions you intend to
ask of your students to guide their learning. For each phase, complete a brief (2-3 sentence) overview of
what will occur in the space provided.
Consider the following during the Engage:
 Include an interesting attention grabber that focuses students’ interest and attention on the lesson
content and activities.
 Introduce a guiding question that students should be able to answer at the end of the lesson.
Probing Questions:
 Elicit prior knowledge and students’ experiences.
Overview: Students will participate in “Design by Plate”.
Activities (Teacher or Student Actions)
Probing Questions
Students will pipette different volumes of colored
water specified by the protocol into a 96 well plate to
make a design.
1. What would be the consequence of not
removing the tip between the various colored
Teacher will circulate the classroom observing
students’ proper lab skills and safety. Teacher will
assist students and ask probing questions.
2. What would happen if you set the micropipette
with the incorrect amount stated in the protocol?
3. (1/2 way through the design) Can you predict
what the design will look like?
Consider the following during the Explore:
 Explain how your students will explore the concept(s), relating specifically to SSI-LPAI elements
when appropriate, including students’ interests shared during the Engage.
Probing Questions:
 Design questions that guide student explorations, evaluate student understanding, and facilitate
student interaction and group collaboration.
Overview: Students will complete simulation on stem cell lab using micropipettes.
Adapted from
Activities (Teacher or Student Actions)
Probing Questions
1. Students will
 work in partners of two.
 read the lab protocols individually then discuss
converse about the difference between
embryonic and adult stem cells.
 complete stem cell lab according to the lab
1. Discuss why the variety of color was noted and
what they might mean.
2. Discuss the role of the growth factors in the
laboratory procedures.
2. Teacher will circulate the classroom observing
correct lab procedures while asking probing questions.
Consider the following during the Explain:
 Have students share and explain the results of their investigation. Connect to relevant SSI-LPAI
 Add additional content, including definitions, explanations, and new vocabulary in the context of
concepts explored.
Probing Questions:
 Ask probing questions to deepen students’ conceptual understanding and skills of the concepts
that the lesson is based upon.
Overview: Students will participate in interactive teacher guided PowerPoint on stem cell.
Activities (Teacher or Student Actions)
Probing Questions
1. Students will reflect on their lab results with
another group.
2. Students will learn new vocabulary.
 Differentiation, unspecialized, self renew, adult
stem cells, embryonic stem cells, blastula,
growth factors.
3. Teacher will present information describing the
1. Predict what differentiation might mean based
on your background knowledge.
2. Predict what unspecialized might mean by what
it sounds like.
3. What did you observe of the activities of cell
type A? Type B?
4. Were your predictions correct about the type of
stem cell best needed to make the different
types of cells? If not, explain why these
predictions were wrong.
Consider the following during the Elaborate:
 Opportunity to provide students with the chance to transfer and extend (apply) the concepts and
skills they have just learned to their interests and new situations.
Probing Questions:
 Connect and apply the lesson to students’ interests outside the classroom.
Overview: Students will engage in a discussion about Bioethics and the potential impacts of stem cell
Adapted from
research on society.
Activities (Teacher or Student Actions)
Probing Questions
1. Teacher will present a TEDtalk/PowerPoint
describing current research being done on stem
1. Do you think embryonic / adult stem cells
research should continue? Why or why not?
2. Why don’t you think the U.S is regularly using
this kind of therapy?
3. What are some of the negatives stigmas that
come with stem cell research?
Consider the following during the Evaluate:
 Utilize the grading rubric you designed for the formative assessment tool (during session 4) to
assess the students’ mastery of all benchmarks.
Overview: Students will write a letter to a congressman explaining either the beneficial effects of stem cell
research, or the detrimental effects of stem cell.
Activities (Teacher or Student Actions)
1. Students will individually write their letter
defending their position in a five paragraph
format. The three main points on the letter
must be factual information and opinion can
only be addressed in the final conclusion
2. Students must read letter aloud to classmates.
Adapted from
Probing Questions
1. If your congressman had the power to grant you
funding for research in stem cells, what would
you focus your attention on? Or would you even
accept it?