League of Nations

League of Nations
League of Nations
League of Nations (English)
Société des Nations (French)
Sociedad de Naciones (Spanish)
International organization
1939–1941 semi-official emblem
Anachronous world map in 1920–1945, showing the League of Nations
and the world
French, English and Spanish
Political structure
International organization
- 1920–1933
Sir James Eric Drummond
- 1933–1940
Joseph Avenol
- 1940–1946
Seán Lester
Historical era
Interwar period
- Treaty of Versailles
28 June 1919
- First meeting
16 January 1920
- Dissolved
20 April 1946
The headquarters were based at the Palace of Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland
The League of Nations (abbreviated as LON in English, and SDN in its other official languages), was an
intergovernmental organization founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. It
was the first permanent international organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. Its primary
goals, as stated in its Covenant, included preventing wars through collective security and disarmament, and settling
League of Nations
international disputes through negotiation and arbitration.[1] Other issues in this and related treaties included labour
conditions, just treatment of native inhabitants, human and drug trafficking, arms trade, global health, prisoners of
war, and protection of minorities in Europe.[2] At its greatest extent from 28 September 1934 to 23 February 1935, it
had 58 members.
The diplomatic philosophy behind the League represented a fundamental shift from the preceding hundred years.
The League lacked its own armed force and depended on the Great Powers to enforce its resolutions, keep to its
economic sanctions, or provide an army when needed. However, the Great Powers were often reluctant to do so.
Sanctions could hurt League members, so they were reluctant to comply with them. When, during the Second
Italo-Abyssinian War, the League accused Italian soldiers of targeting Red Cross medical tents, Benito Mussolini
responded that "the League is very well when sparrows shout, but no good at all when eagles fall out."[3]
After a number of notable successes and some early failures in the 1920s, the League ultimately proved incapable of
preventing aggression by the Axis powers in the 1930s. Germany withdrew from the League, as did Japan, Italy,
Spain and others. The onset of World War II showed that the League had failed its primary purpose, which was to
prevent any future world war. The United Nations (UN) replaced it after the end of the war and inherited a number of
agencies and organizations founded by the League.
The concept of a peaceful community of nations had
been proposed as far back as 1795, when Immanuel
Kant's Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch[4]
outlined the idea of a league of nations to control
conflict and promote peace between states.[5] Kant
argued for the establishment of a peaceful world
community, not in a sense of a global government, but
in the hope that each state would declare itself a free
state that respects its citizens and welcomes foreign
visitors as fellow rational beings, thus promoting
A commemorative card depicting President of the United States
co-operation to promote collective security originated
Woodrow Wilson and the "Origin of the League of Nations"
in the Concert of Europe that developed after the
Napoleonic Wars in the 19th century in an attempt to maintain the status quo between European states and so avoid
war.[7][8] This period also saw the development of international law, with the first Geneva Conventions establishing
laws dealing with humanitarian relief during wartime, and the international Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907
governing rules of war and the peaceful settlement of international disputes.[9][10]
The forerunner of the League of Nations, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, was formed by peace activists William
Randal Cremer and Frédéric Passy in 1889. The organization was international in scope, with a third of the members
of parliaments (in the 24 countries that had parliaments) serving as members of the IPU by 1914. Its aims were to
encourage governments to solve international disputes by peaceful means. Annual conferences were held to help
governments refine the process of international arbitration. Its structure consisted of a council headed by a president,
which would later be reflected in the structure of the League.[11]
At the start of the 20th century, two power blocs emerged from alliances between the European Great Powers. It was
these alliances that, at the start of the First World War in 1914, drew all the major European powers into the conflict.
This was the first major war in Europe between industrialized countries, and the first time in Western Europe that the
results of industrialization (for example, mass production) had been dedicated to war. The result of this industrialized
warfare was an unprecedented casualty level: eight and a half million soldiers killed, an estimated 21 million
League of Nations
wounded, and approximately 10 million civilian deaths.[12][13]
By the time the fighting ended in November 1918, the war had had a
profound impact, affecting the social, political and economic systems
of Europe and inflicting psychological and physical damage.[14]
Anti-war sentiment rose across the world; the First World War was
described as "the war to end all wars",[15][16] and its possible causes
were vigorously investigated. The causes identified included arms
races, alliances, secret diplomacy, and the freedom of sovereign states
to enter into war for their own benefit. One proposed remedy was the
creation of an international organization whose aim was to prevent
future war through disarmament, open diplomacy, international
co-operation, restrictions on the right to wage war, and penalties that
made war unattractive.[17]
Graves of French soldiers who died on the Ypres
While the First World War was still underway, a number of governments and groups had already started developing
plans to change the way international relations were carried out to try to prevent another such conflict.[15] United
States President Woodrow Wilson and his adviser Colonel Edward M. House enthusiastically promoted the idea of
the League as a means of avoiding any repetition of the bloodshed of the First World War, and the creation of the
League was a centrepiece of Wilson's Fourteen Points for Peace.[18] Specifically the final point stated: "A general
association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of
political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike."[19]
Before drafting the specific terms of his peace deal, Wilson recruited a team led by Colonel House to compile
information deemed pertinent in assessing Europe’s geo-political situation. In early January 1918, Wilson summoned
House to Washington and the two began hammering out, in complete secrecy, the president’s first address on the
League of Nations, which was delivered to Congress on 8 January 1918.[20] Wilson's final plans for the League were
strongly influenced by South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts (served as a General in World War I), who in 1918
had published a treatise entitled The League of Nations: A Practical Suggestion[21] . According to F. S. Crafford,
Wilson adopted "both the ideas and the style" of Smuts.[22]
On 8 July 1919, Wilson returned to the United States and embarked on a nation-wide campaign to secure the support
of the American people for their country’s entry into the League. On 10 July, Wilson addressed the Senate, declaring
that "a new role and a new responsibility have come to this great nation that we honor and which we would all wish
to lift to yet higher levels of service and achievement". Support, particularly from Republicans, was scanty at
The Paris Peace Conference, convened to build a lasting peace after the First World War, approved the proposal to
create the League of Nations (French: Société des Nations, German: Völkerbund) on 25 January 1919.[24] The
Covenant of the League of Nations was drafted by a special commission, and the League was established by Part I of
the Treaty of Versailles. On 28 June 1919,[25][26] 44 states signed the Covenant, including 31 states which had taken
part in the war on the side of the Triple Entente or joined it during the conflict. Wilson canvassed the country to
generate support for the treaty and the league, but his health was failing, and he gave his last speech on the subject
on 25 September 1919.[27] Despite Wilson's efforts to establish and promote the League, for which he was awarded
the Nobel Peace Prize in October 1919,[28] the United States did not join. Opposition in the Senate, particularly from
Republican politicians Henry Cabot Lodge and William Borah and especially in regard to Article X of the Covenant,
ensured that the United States would not ratify the agreement.[29]
The League held its first council meeting in Paris on 16 January 1920, six days after the Versailles Treaty came into
force.[30] In November, the headquarters of the League was moved to Geneva, where the first General Assembly was
held on 15 November 1920.[31]
League of Nations
Languages and symbols
The official languages of the League of Nations were French, English[32] and Spanish (from 1920). The League
considered adopting Esperanto as their working language and actively encouraging its use, but this proposal was
never acted on.[33] In 1921, Lord Robert Cecil proposed the introduction of Esperanto into state schools of member
nations, and a report was commissioned.[34] When the report was presented two years later, it recommended the
adoption of Cecil's idea, a proposal that 11 delegates accepted.[33] The strongest opposition came from the French
delegate, Gabriel Hanotaux, partially in order to protect French, which he argued was already the international
language.[35] As a result of such opposition, the recommendation was not accepted.[36]
In 1939, a semi-official emblem for the League of Nations emerged: two five-pointed stars within a blue pentagon.
They symbolized the Earth's five continents and five "races". A bow at the top displayed the English name ("League
of Nations"), while another at the bottom showed the French ("Société des Nations").[37]
Principal organs
The main constitutional organs of the League were the Assembly, the
Council, and the Permanent Secretariat. It also had two essential
wings: the Permanent Court of International Justice, and the
International Labour Organization. In addition, there were a number of
auxiliary agencies and commissions.[38] Each organ's budget was
allocated by the Assembly (the League was supported financially by its
member states).[39]
The relations between the Assembly and the Council and the
competencies of each were for the most part not explicitly defined.
Each body could deal with any matter within the sphere of competence
of the League or affecting peace in the world. Particular questions or
tasks might be referred to either.[40]
Palace of Nations, Geneva, the League's
headquarters from 1929 until its dissolution
Unanimity was required for the decisions of both the Assembly and the Council, except in matters of procedure and
some other specific cases, such as the admission of new members. This requirement was a reflection of the League's
belief in the sovereignty of its component nations; the League sought solution by consent, not by dictation. However,
in case of a dispute, the consent of the parties to the dispute was not required for unanimity.[41]
The Permanent Secretariat, established at the seat of the League at Geneva, comprised a body of experts in various
spheres under the direction of the General Secretary.[42] Its principal sections were: Political, Financial and
Economics, Transit, Minorities and Administration (administering the Saar and Danzig), Mandates, Disarmament,
Health, Social (Opium and Traffic in Women and Children), Intellectual Cooperation and International Bureaux,
Legal, and Information. The staff of the Secretariat was responsible for preparing the agenda for the Council and the
Assembly and publishing reports of the meetings and other routine matters, effectively acting as the League's civil
service. In 1931, the staff numbered 707.[43]
The Assembly consisted of representatives of all members of the League, with each state allowed up to three
representatives and one vote.[44] It met in Geneva and, after its initial sessions in 1920,[45] it convened once a year in
September.[44] The special functions of the Assembly included the admission of new members, the periodical
election of non-permanent members to the Council, the election with the Council of the judges of the Permanent
Court, and control of the budget. In practice, the Assembly was the general directing force of League activities.[46]
The League Council acted as a type of executive body directing the Assembly's business.[47] It began with four
permanent members (Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan) and four non-permanent members that were elected by the
Assembly for a three-year term.[48] The first non-permanent members were Belgium, Brazil, Greece and Spain.[49]
League of Nations
The composition of the Council was changed a number of times. The number of non-permanent members was first
increased to six on 22 September 1922, and then to nine on 8 September 1926. Werner Dankwort of Germany
pushed for his country to join the League, which it eventually did in 1926, becoming the fifth permanent member of
the Council. Later, after Germany and Japan both left the League, the number of non-permanent seats was increased
from nine to eleven, and the Soviet Union was made a permanent member giving the Council a total of fifteen
members.[49] The Council met, on average, five times a year and in extraordinary sessions when required. In total,
107 sessions were held between 1920 and 1939.[50]
Other bodies
The League oversaw the Permanent Court of International Justice and several other agencies and commissions
created to deal with pressing international problems. These included the Disarmament Commission, the Health
Organization, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Mandates Commission, the International
Commission on Intellectual Cooperation (precursor to UNESCO), the Permanent Central Opium Board, the
Commission for Refugees, and the Slavery Commission.[51] Several of these institutions were transferred to the
United Nations after the Second World War: the International Labour Organization, the Permanent Court of
International Justice (as the International Court of Justice), and the Health Organization (restructured as the World
Health Organization).[52]
The Permanent Court of International Justice was provided for by the Covenant, but not established by it. The
Council and the Assembly established its constitution. Its judges were elected by the Council and the Assembly, and
its budget was provided by the latter. The Court was to hear and decide any international dispute which the parties
concerned submitted to it. It might also give an advisory opinion on any dispute or question referred to it by the
Council or the Assembly. The Court was open to all the nations of the world under certain broad conditions.[53]
The International Labour Organization was created in 1919 on the
basis of Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles.[54] The ILO, although
having the same members as the League and being subject to the
budget control of the Assembly, was an autonomous organization with
its own Governing Body, its own General Conference and its own
Secretariat. Its constitution differed from that of the League:
representation had been accorded not only to governments but also to
representatives of employers' and workers' organizations. Albert
Thomas was its first director.[55]
Child labour in a coal mine, United States, ca.
The ILO successfully restricted the addition of lead to paint,[56] and
convinced several countries to adopt an eight-hour work day and
forty-eight hour working week. It also campaigned to end child labour,
increase the rights of women in the workplace, and make shipowners
liable for accidents involving seamen.[54] After the demise of the
League, the ILO became an agency of the United Nations in 1946.[57]
The League's health organization had three bodies: the Health Bureau,
Child labour in Kamerun during 1919
containing permanent officials of the League;, the General Advisory
Council or Conference, an executive section consisting of medical
experts; and the Health Committee. The Committee's purpose was to conduct inquiries, oversee the operation of the
League's health work, and prepare work to be presented to the Council.[58] This body focused on ending leprosy,
League of Nations
malaria, and yellow fever, the latter two by starting an international campaign to exterminate mosquitoes. The Health
Organization also worked successfully with the government of the Soviet Union to prevent typhus epidemics,
including organizing a large education campaign.[59]
The League of Nations had devoted serious attention to the question of international intellectual cooperation since its
creation. The First Assembly in December 1920 recommended that the Council take action aiming at the
international organization of intellectual work, which it did by adopting a report presented by the Fifth Committee of
the Second Assembly and inviting a Committee on Intellectual Cooperation to meet in Geneva in August 1922. The
French philosopher Henri Bergson became the first chairman of the committee.[60] The work of the committee
included: inquiry into the conditions of intellectual life, assistance to countries where intellectual life was
endangered, creation of national committees for intellectual cooperation, cooperation with international intellectual
organizations, protection of intellectual property, inter-university cooperation, coordination of bibliographical work
and international interchange of publications, and international cooperation in archaeological research.[61]
The League established the Permanent Central Opium Board to supervise the statistical control system introduced by
the second International Opium Convention that mediated the production, manufacture, trade, and retailing of opium
and its by-products. The board also established a system of import certificates and export authorizations for the legal
international trade in narcotics.[62]
The Slavery Commission sought to eradicate slavery and slave trading across the world, and fought forced
prostitution.[63] Its main success was through pressing the governments who administered mandated countries to end
slavery in those countries. The League secured a commitment from Ethiopia to end slavery as a condition of
membership in 1926, and worked with Liberia to abolish forced labour and inter-tribal slavery.[63] It also succeeded
in reducing the death rate of workers constructing the Tanganyika railway from 55 to 4 percent. Records were kept
to control slavery, prostitution, and the trafficking of women and children.[64] Partly as a result of pressure brought
by the League of Nations, Afghanistan abolished slavery in 1923, Iraq in 1924, Nepal in 1926, Jordan and Persia in
1929, Bahrain in 1937, and Ethiopia in 1942.[65]
Led by Fridtjof Nansen, the Commission for Refugees was established on 27
June 1921[66] to look after the interests of refugees, including overseeing their
repatriation and, when necessary, resettlement.[67] At the end of the First World
War, there were two to three million ex-prisoners of war from various nations
dispersed throughout Russia;[67] within two years of the commission's
foundation, it had helped 425,000 of them return home.[68] It established camps
in Turkey in 1922 to aid the country with an ongoing refugee crisis, helping to
prevent disease and hunger. It also established the Nansen passport as a means of
identification for stateless persons.[69]
The Committee for the Study of the Legal Status of Women sought to inquire
into the status of women all over the world. It was formed in 1937, and later
became part of the United Nations as the Commission on the Status of
A sample Nansen passport
League of Nations
Of the League's 42 founding members,
23 (24 counting Free France) remained
members until it was dissolved in
1946. In the founding year, six other
states joined, only two of which
remained members throughout the
League's existence. An additional 15
countries joined later. The largest
number of member states was 58,
between 28 September 1934 (when
Ecuador joined) and 23 February 1935
(when Paraguay withdrew).[71]
A map of the world in the years 1920–1945, which shows the League of Nations
members during its history
The Soviet Union became a member on 18 September 1934,[72] and was expelled on 14 December 1939[72] for
aggression against Finland. In expelling the Soviet Union, the League broke its own rule: only 7 of 15 members of
the Council voted for expulsion (Great Britain, France, Belgium, Bolivia, Egypt, South Africa, and the Dominican
Republic), short of the majority required by the Covenant. Three of these members had been made Council members
the day before the vote (South Africa, Bolivia, and Egypt). This was one of the League's final acts before it
practically ceased functioning due to the Second World War.[73]
On 26 May 1937, Egypt became the last state to join the League. The first member to withdraw permanently from
the League was Costa Rica on 22 January 1925; having joined on 16 December 1920, this also makes it the member
to have most quickly withdrawn. Brazil was the first founding member to withdraw (14 June 1926), and Haiti the last
(April 1942). Iraq, which joined in 1932, was the first member that had previously been a League of Nations
At the end of the First World War, the Allied powers were confronted with the question of the disposal of the former
German colonies in Africa and the Pacific, and the several non-Turkish provinces of the Ottoman Empire. The Peace
Conference adopted the principle that these territories should be administered by different governments on behalf of
the League – a system of national responsibility subject to international supervision.[75] This plan, defined as the
mandate system, was adopted by the "Council of Ten" (the heads of government and foreign ministers of the main
Allied powers: Britain, France, the United States, Italy, and Japan) on 30 January 1919 and transmitted to the League
of Nations.[76]
League of Nations mandates were established under Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.[77] The
Permanent Mandates Commission supervised League of Nations mandates,[78] and also organized plebiscites in
disputed territories so that residents could decide which country they would join. There were three mandate
classifications: A, B and C.[79]
The A mandates (applied to parts of the old Ottoman Empire) were "certain communities" that had
...reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognised
subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are
able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the
— Article 22, The Covenant of the League of Nations
League of Nations
The B mandates were applied to the former German colonies that the League took responsibility for after the First
World War. These were described as "peoples" that the League said were
...at such a stage that the Mandatory must be responsible for the administration of the territory under
conditions which will guarantee freedom of conscience and religion, subject only to the maintenance of public
order and morals, the prohibition of abuses such as the slave trade, the arms traffic and the liquor traffic, and
the prevention of the establishment of fortifications or military and naval bases and of military training of the
natives for other than police purposes and the defence of territory, and will also secure equal opportunities for
the trade and commerce of other Members of the League.[80]
— Article 22, The Covenant of the League of Nations
South-West Africa and certain of the South Pacific Islands were administered by League members under C
mandates. These were classified as "territories"
...which, owing to the sparseness of their population, or their small size, or their remoteness from the centres
of civilisation, or their geographical contiguity to the territory of the Mandatory, and other circumstances, can
be best administered under the laws of the Mandatory as integral portions of its territory, subject to the
safeguards above mentioned in the interests of the indigenous population."[80]
— Article 22, The Covenant of the League of Nations
Mandatory powers
The territories were governed by mandatory powers, such as the United Kingdom in the case of the Mandate of
Palestine, and the Union of South Africa in the case of South-West Africa, until the territories were deemed capable
of self-government. Fourteen mandate territories were divided up among seven mandatory powers: the United
Kingdom, the Union of South Africa, France, Belgium, New Zealand, Australia and Japan.[81] With the exception of
the Kingdom of Iraq, which joined the League on 3 October 1932,[82] these territories did not begin to gain their
independence until after the Second World War, a process that did not end until 1990. Following the demise of the
League, most of the remaining mandates became United Nations Trust Territories.[83]
In addition to the mandates, the League itself governed the Territory of the Saar Basin for 15 years, before it was
returned to Germany following a plebiscite, and the free city of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) from 15 November
1920 to 1 September 1939.[84]
Resolving territorial disputes
The aftermath of the First World War left many issues to be settled, including the exact position of national
boundaries and which country particular regions would join. Most of these questions were handled by the victorious
Allied powers in bodies such as the Allied Supreme Council. The Allies tended to refer only particularly difficult
matters to the League. This meant that, during the early interwar period, the League played little part in resolving the
turmoil resulting from the war. The questions the League considered in its early years included those designated by
the Paris Peace treaties.[85]
As the League developed, its role expanded, and by the middle of the 1920s it had become the centre of international
activity. This change can be seen in the relationship between the League and non-members. The United States and
Russia, for example, increasingly worked with the League. During the second half of the 1920s, France, Britain and
Germany were all using the League of Nations as the focus of their diplomatic activity, and each of their foreign
secretaries attended League meetings at Geneva during this period. They also used the League's machinery to try to
improve relations and settle their differences.[86]
League of Nations
Åland Islands
Åland is a collection of around 6,500 islands midway between Sweden and Finland. The islands are almost
exclusively Swedish-speaking, but in 1809, Sweden had lost both Finland and the Åland Islands to Imperial Russia.
In December 1917, during the turmoil of the Russian October Revolution, Finland declared its independence, but
most of the Ålanders wished to rejoin Sweden.[87] However, the Finnish government considered the islands to be a
part of their new nation, as the Russians had included Åland in the Grand Duchy of Finland, formed in 1809. By
1920, the dispute had escalated to the point that there was danger of war. The British government referred the
problem to the League's Council, but Finland would not let the League intervene, as they considered it an internal
matter. The League created a small panel to decide if it should investigate the matter and, with an affirmative
response, a neutral commission was created.[87] In June 1921, the League announced its decision: the islands were to
remain a part of Finland, but with guaranteed protection of the islanders, including demilitarization. With Sweden's
reluctant agreement, this became the first European international agreement concluded directly through the
Upper Silesia
The Allied powers referred the problem of Upper Silesia to the League after they had been unable to resolve the
territorial dispute.[89] After the First World War, Poland laid claim to Upper Silesia, which had been part of Prussia.
The Treaty of Versailles had recommended a plebiscite in Upper Silesia to determine whether the territory should
become part of Germany or Poland. Complaints about the attitude of the German authorities led to rioting and
eventually to the first two Silesian Uprisings (1919 and 1920). A plebiscite took place on 20 March 1921, with 59.6
percent (around 500,000) of the votes cast in favour of joining Germany, but Poland claimed the conditions
surrounding it had been unfair. This result led to the Third Silesian Uprising in 1921.[90]
On 12 August 1921, the League was asked to settle the matter; the Council created a commission with
representatives from Belgium, Brazil, China and Spain to study the situation.[91] The committee recommended that
Upper Silesia be divided between Poland and Germany according to the preferences shown in the plebiscite and that
the two sides should decide the details of the interaction between the two areas – for example, whether goods should
pass freely over the border due to the economic and industrial interdependency of the two areas.[92] In November
1921, a conference was held in Geneva to negotiate a convention between Germany and Poland. A final settlement
was reached, after five meetings, in which most of the area was given to Germany, but with the Polish section
containing the majority of the region's mineral resources and much of its industry. When this agreement became
public in May 1922, bitter resentment was expressed in Germany, but the treaty was still ratified by both countries.
The settlement produced peace in the area until the beginning of the Second World War.[91]
The frontiers of Albania had not been set during the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, as they were left for the League
to decide; however, they had not yet been determined by September 1921, creating an unstable situation. Greek
troops held military operations in the south of Albania. Yugoslavian forces became engaged, after clashes with
Albanian tribesmen, in the northern part of the country. The League sent a commission of representatives from
various powers to the region. In November 1921, the League decided that the frontiers of Albania should be the same
as they had been in 1913, with three minor changes that favoured Yugoslavia. Yugoslav forces withdrew a few
weeks later, albeit under protest.[93]
The borders of Albania again became the cause of international conflict when Italian General Enrico Tellini and four
of his assistants were ambushed and killed on 24 August 1923 while marking out the newly decided border between
Greece and Albania. Italian leader Benito Mussolini was incensed, and demanded that a commission investigate the
incident within five days. Whatever the results of the investigation, Mussolini insisted that the Greek government
pay Italy fifty million lire in reparations. The Greeks said they would not pay unless it was proved that the crime was
League of Nations
committed by Greeks.[94]
Mussolini sent a warship to shell the Greek island of Corfu, and Italian forces occupied the island on 31 August
1923. This contravened the League's covenant, so Greece appealed to the League to deal with the situation. The
Allies, however, agreed (at Mussolini's insistence) that the Conference of Ambassadors should be responsible for
resolving the dispute because it was the conference that had appointed General Tellini. The League Council
examined the dispute, but then passed on their findings to the Conference of Ambassadors to make the final decision.
The conference accepted most of the League's recommendations, forcing Greece to pay fifty million lire to Italy,
even though those who committed the crime were never discovered.[95] Italian forces then withdrew from Corfu.[96]
The port city of Memel (now Klaipėda) and the surrounding area, with a predominantly German population, was
under provisional Allied control according to Article 99 of the Treaty of Versailles. The French and Polish
governments favoured turning Memel into an international city, while Lithuania wanted to annex the area. By 1923,
the fate of the area had still not been decided, prompting Lithuanian forces to invade in January 1923 and seize the
port. After the Allies failed to reach an agreement with Lithuania, they referred the matter to the League of Nations.
In December 1923, the League Council appointed a Commission of Inquiry. The commission chose to cede Memel
to Lithuania and give the area autonomous rights. The Klaipėda Convention was approved by the League Council on
14 March 1924, and then by the Allied powers and Lithuania.[97]
With League oversight, the Sanjak of Alexandretta in the French Mandate of Syria was given autonomy in 1937.
Renamed Hatay, its parliament declared independence as the Republic of Hatay in September 1938, after elections
the previous month. It was annexed by Turkey with French consent in mid-1939.[98]
The League resolved a dispute between the Kingdom of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey over control of the former
Ottoman province of Mosul in 1926. According to the British, who had been awarded a League of Nations mandate
over Iraq in 1920 and therefore represented Iraq in its foreign affairs, Mosul belonged to Iraq; on the other hand, the
new Turkish republic claimed the province as part of its historic heartland. A League of Nations Commission of
Inquiry, with Belgian, Hungarian and Swedish members, was sent to the region in 1924; it found that the people of
Mosul did not want to be part of either Turkey or Iraq, but if they had to choose, they would pick Iraq.[99] In 1925,
the commission recommended that the region stay part of Iraq, under the condition that the British hold the mandate
over Iraq for another 25 years, to ensure the autonomous rights of the Kurdish population. The League Council
adopted the recommendation and decided on 16 December 1925 to award Mosul to Iraq. Although Turkey had
accepted League of Nations' arbitration in the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, it rejected the decision, questioning the
Council's authority. The matter was referred to the Permanent Court of International Justice, which ruled that, when
the Council made a unanimous decision, it must be accepted. Nonetheless, Britain, Iraq and Turkey ratified a
separate treaty on 5 June 1926 that mostly followed the decision of the League Council and also assigned Mosul to
Iraq. It was agreed, however, that Iraq could still apply for League membership within 25 years and that the mandate
would end upon its admittance.[100][101]
League of Nations
After the First World War, Poland and Lithuania both regained their independence but soon became immersed in
territorial disputes.[102] During the Polish–Soviet War, Lithuania signed the Moscow Peace Treaty with the Soviet
Union that laid out Lithuania's frontiers. This agreement gave Lithuanians control of the city of Vilnius (Lithuanian:
Vilnius, Polish: Wilno), the old Lithuanian capital, but a city with a majority Polish population.[103] This heightened
tension between Lithuania and Poland and led to fears that they would resume the Polish–Lithuanian War, and on 7
October 1920, the League negotiated the Suwałki Agreement establishing a cease-fire and a demarcation line
between the two nations.[102] On 9 October 1920, General Lucjan Żeligowski, commanding a Polish military force in
contravention of the Suwałki Agreement, took the city and established the Republic of Central Lithuania.[102]
After a request for assistance from Lithuania, the League Council called for Poland's withdrawal from the area. The
Polish government indicated they would comply, but instead reinforced the city with more Polish troops.[104] This
prompted the League to decide that the future of Vilnius should be determined by its residents in a plebiscite and that
the Polish forces should withdraw and be replaced by an international force organized by the League. However, the
plan was met with resistance in Poland, Lithuania, and the Soviet Union, which opposed any international force in
Lithuania. In March 1921, the League abandoned plans for the plebiscite.[105] After unsuccessful proposals by Paul
Hymans to create a federation between Poland and Lithuania, Vilnius and the surrounding area was formally
annexed by Poland in March 1922. After Lithuania took over the Klaipėda Region, the Allied Conference set the
frontier between Lithuania and Poland, leaving Vilnius within Poland, on 14 March 1923.[106] Lithuanian authorities
refused to accept the decision, and officially remained in a state of war with Poland until 1927.[107] It was not until
the 1938 Polish ultimatum that Lithuania restored diplomatic relations with Poland and thus de facto accepted the
Colombia and Peru
There was several border conflicts between Colombia and Peru in the early part of the 20th century, and in 1922,
their governments signed the Salomón-Lozano Treaty in an attempt to resolve them.[109] As part of this treaty, the
border town of Leticia and its surrounding area was ceded from Peru to Colombia, giving Colombia access to the
Amazon River.[110] On 1 September 1932, business leaders from Peruvian rubber and sugar industries who had lost
land as a result organized an armed takeover of Leticia.[111] At first, the Peruvian government did not recognize the
military takeover, but President of Peru Luis Sánchez Cerro decided to resist a Colombian re-occupation. The
Peruvian army occupied Leticia, leading to an armed conflict between the two nations.[112] After months of
diplomatic negotiations, the governments accepted mediation by the League of Nations, and their representatives
presented their cases before the Council. A provisional peace agreement, signed by both parties in May 1933,
provided for the League to assume control of the disputed territory while bilateral negotiations proceeded.[113] In
May 1934, a final peace agreement was signed, resulting in the return of Leticia to Colombia, a formal apology from
Peru for the 1932 invasion, demilitarization of the area around Leticia, free navigation on the Amazon and Putumayo
Rivers, and a pledge of non-aggression.[114]
League of Nations
Saar was a province formed from parts of Prussia and the Rhenish Palatinate and placed under League control by the
Treaty of Versailles. A plebiscite was to be held after fifteen years of League rule to determine whether the province
should belong to Germany or France. When the referendum was held in 1935, 90.3 percent of voters supported
becoming part of Germany, which was quickly approved by the League Council.[115][116]
Other conflicts
In addition to territorial disputes, the League also tried to intervene in other conflicts between and within nations.
Among its successes were its fight against the international trade in opium and sexual slavery, and its work to
alleviate the plight of refugees, particularly in Turkey in the period up to 1926. One of its innovations in this latter
area was the 1922 introduction of the Nansen passport, which was the first internationally recognized identity card
for stateless refugees.[117]
Greece and Bulgaria
After an incident involving sentries on the Greek-Bulgarian border in October 1925, fighting began between the two
countries.[118] Three days after the initial incident, Greek troops invaded Bulgaria. The Bulgarian government
ordered its troops to make only token resistance, and evacuated between ten thousand and fifteen thousand people
from the border region, trusting the League to settle the dispute.[119] The League condemned the Greek invasion, and
called for both Greek withdrawal and compensation to Bulgaria.[118]
Following accusations of forced labour on the large American-owned Firestone rubber plantation and American
accusations of slave trading, the Liberian government asked the League to launch an investigation.[120] The resulting
commission was jointly appointed by the League, the United States, and Liberia.[121] In 1930, a League report
confirmed the presence of slavery and forced labour. The report implicated many government officials in the selling
of contract labour and recommended that they be replaced by Europeans or Americans, which generated anger
within Liberia and led to the resignation of President Charles D. B. King and his vice president. The Liberian
government outlawed forced labour and slavery and asked for American help in social reforms.[121][122]
Mukden Incident
The Mukden Incident, also known as the "Manchurian
Incident" or the "Far Eastern Crisis", was one of the
League's major setbacks and acted as the catalyst for
Japan's withdrawal from the organization. Under the
terms of an agreed lease, the Japanese government had
the right to station its troops in the area around the
South Manchurian Railway, a major trade route
between the two countries, in the Chinese region of
Manchuria.[123] In September 1931, a section of the
railway was lightly damaged by the Japanese
Kwantung Army[124][125] as a pretext for an invasion of
Manchuria.[124][126] The Japanese army claimed that
Chinese soldiers had sabotaged the railway and in
Chinese delegate addresses the League of Nations concerning the
Manchurian Crisis in 1932.
League of Nations
apparent retaliation (acting contrary to the civilian government's orders[125]) occupied the entire region of
Manchuria. They renamed the area Manchukuo, and on 9 March 1932 set up a puppet government, with Pu Yi, the
former emperor of China, as its executive head.[127] This new entity was recognized only by the governments of Italy
and Nazi Germany; the rest of the world still considered Manchuria legally part of China. In 1932, Japanese air and
sea forces bombarded the Chinese city of Shanghai, sparking the January 28 Incident.[128]
The League of Nations agreed to a request for help from the Chinese government, but the long voyage by ship
delayed League officials. When they arrived, they were confronted with Chinese assertions that the Japanese had
invaded unlawfully, while the Japanese claimed they were acting to keep peace in the area. Despite Japan's high
standing in the League, the subsequent Lytton Report declared Japan to be the aggressor and demanded Manchuria
be returned to the Chinese. Before the report could be voted on by the Assembly, Japan announced its intention to
push further into China. The report passed 42–1 in the Assembly in 1933 (only Japan voting against), but instead of
removing its troops from China, Japan withdrew from the League.[129]
According to the Covenant, the League should have responded by enacting economic sanctions or declaring war; it
did neither. The threat of economic sanctions would have been almost useless because the United States, a
non–League member, could continue trade with Japan. The League could have assembled an army, but major
powers like Britain and France were too preoccupied with their own affairs, such as keeping control of their
extensive colonies, especially after the turmoil of the First World War.[130] Japan was therefore left in control of
Manchuria until the Soviet Union's Red Army took over the area and returned it to China at the end of the Second
World War.[131]
Chaco War
The League failed to prevent the 1932 war between Bolivia and Paraguay over the arid Gran Chaco region. Although
the region was sparsely populated, it contained the Paraguay River, which would have given either landlocked
country access to the Atlantic Ocean,[132] and there was also speculation, later proved incorrect, that the Chaco
would be a rich source of petroleum.[133] Border skirmishes throughout the late 1920s culminated in an all-out war in
1932 when the Bolivian army attacked the Paraguayans at Fort Carlos Antonio López at Lake Pitiantuta.[134]
Paraguay appealed to the League of Nations, but the League did not take action when the Pan-American Conference
offered to mediate instead. The war was a disaster for both sides, causing 57,000 casualties for Bolivia, whose
population was around three million, and 36,000 dead for Paraguay, whose population was approximately one
million.[135] It also brought both countries to the brink of economic disaster. By the time a ceasefire was negotiated
on 12 June 1935, Paraguay had seized control of most of the region, as was later recognized by the 1938 truce.[136]
Italian invasion of Abyssinia
In October 1935, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini sent 400,000 troops
to invade Abyssinia (Ethiopia).[137] Marshal Pietro Badoglio led the
campaign from November 1935, ordering bombing, the use of
chemical weapons such as mustard gas, and the poisoning of water
supplies, against targets which included undefended villages and
medical facilities.[137][138] The modern Italian Army defeated the
poorly armed Abyssinians and captured Addis Ababa in May 1936,
forcing Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie to flee.[139]
The League of Nations condemned Italy's aggression and imposed
economic sanctions in November 1935, but the sanctions were largely
ineffective since they did not ban the sale of oil or close the Suez Canal
Emperor Haile Selassie escaping Ethiopia via
League of Nations
(controlled by Britain).[140] As Stanley Baldwin, the British Prime Minister, later observed, this was ultimately
because no one had the military forces on hand to withstand an Italian attack.[141] In October 1935, US President
Franklin D. Roosevelt invoked the recently passed Neutrality Acts and placed an embargo on arms and munitions to
both sides, but extended a further "moral embargo" to the belligerent Italians, including other trade items. On 5
October and later on 29 February 1936, the United States endeavoured, with limited success, to limit its exports of
oil and other materials to normal peacetime levels.[142] The League sanctions were lifted on 4 July 1936, but by that
point Italy had already gained control of the urban areas of Abyssinia.[143]
The December 1935 Hoare–Laval Pact was an attempt by British Foreign Secretary Samuel Hoare and French Prime
Minister Pierre Laval to end the conflict in Abyssinia by proposing to partition the country into an Italian sector and
an Abyssinian sector. Mussolini was prepared to agree to the pact, but news of the deal leaked out. Both the British
and French public vehemently protested against it, describing it as a sell-out of Abyssinia. Hoare and Laval were
forced to resign, and the British and French governments dissociated themselves from the two men.[144] In June
1936, although there was no precedent for a head of state addressing the Assembly of the League of Nations in
person, Haile Selassie spoke to the Assembly, appealing for its help in protecting his country.[145]
The Abyssinian crisis showed how the League could be influenced by the self-interest of its members;[146] one of the
reasons why the sanctions were not very harsh was that both Britain and France feared the prospect of driving
Mussolini and German dictator Adolf Hitler into an alliance.[147]
Spanish Civil War
On 17 July 1936, the Spanish Army launched a coup d'état, leading to a prolonged armed conflict between Spanish
Republicans (the leftist national government) and the Nationalists (conservative, anti-communist rebels who
included most officers of the Spanish Army).[148] Julio Álvarez del Vayo, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs,
appealed to the League in September 1936 for arms to defend Spain's territorial integrity and political independence.
The League members, however, would not intervene in the Spanish Civil War nor prevent foreign intervention in the
conflict. Adolf Hitler and Mussolini continued to aid General Francisco Franco’s Nationalists, while the Soviet
Union helped the Spanish Republic. In February 1937, the League did ban foreign volunteers, but this was in
practice a symbolic move.[149]
Second Sino-Japanese War
Following a long record of instigating localized conflicts throughout the 1930s, Japan began a full-scale invasion of
China on 7 July 1937. On 12 September, the Chinese representative, Wellington Koo, appealed to the League for
international intervention. Western countries were sympathetic to the Chinese in their struggle, particularly in their
stubborn defence of Shanghai, a city with a substantial number of foreigners.[150] However, the League was unable
to provide any practical measures; on 4 October, it turned the case over to the Nine Power Treaty
Failure of disarmament
Article 8 of the Covenant gave the League the task of reducing "armaments to the lowest point consistent with
national safety and the enforcement by common action of international obligations."[153] A significant amount of the
League's time and energy was devoted to this goal, even though many member governments were uncertain that such
extensive disarmament could be achieved or was even desirable.[154] The Allied powers were also under obligation
by the Treaty of Versailles to attempt to disarm, and the armament restrictions imposed on the defeated countries had
been described as the first step toward worldwide disarmament.[154] The League Covenant assigned the League the
task of creating a disarmament plan for each state, but the Council devolved this responsibility to a special
commission set up in 1926 to prepare for the 1932–34 World Disarmament Conference.[155] Members of the League
held different views towards the issue. The French were reluctant to reduce their armaments without a guarantee of
League of Nations
military help if they were attacked; Poland and Czechoslovakia felt vulnerable to attack from the west and wanted
the League's response to aggression against its members to be strengthened before they disarmed.[156] Without this
guarantee, they would not reduce armaments because they felt the risk of attack from Germany was too great. Fear of
attack increased as Germany regained its strength after the First World War, especially after Adolf Hitler gained
power and became German Chancellor in 1933. In particular, Germany's attempts to overturn the Treaty of
Versailles and the reconstruction of the German military made France increasingly unwilling to disarm.[155]
The World Disarmament Conference was convened by the League of Nations in Geneva in 1932, with
representatives from 60 states. A one-year moratorium on the expansion of armaments, later extended by a few
months, was proposed at the start of the conference.[157] The Disarmament Commission obtained initial agreement
from France, Italy, Japan, and Britain to limit the size of their navies. The Kellogg–Briand Pact, facilitated by the
commission in 1928, failed in its objective of outlawing war. Ultimately, the Commission failed to halt the military
build-up by Germany, Italy and Japan during the 1930s. The League was mostly silent in the face of major events
leading to the Second World War, such as Hitler's re-militarization of the Rhineland, occupation of the Sudetenland
and Anschluss of Austria, which had been forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. In fact, League members themselves
re-armed. In 1933, Japan simply withdrew from the League rather than submit to its judgement,[158] as did Germany
the same year (using the failure of the World Disarmament Conference to agree to arms parity between France and
Germany as a pretext), and Italy in 1937.[159] The final significant act of the League was to expel the Soviet Union in
December 1939 after it invaded Finland.[160]
General weaknesses
The onset of the Second World War demonstrated that
the League had failed in its primary purpose, the
prevention of another world war. There were a variety
of reasons for this failure, many connected to general
weaknesses within the organization. Additionally, the
power of the League was limited by the United States'
refusal to join.[161]
Origins and structure
The origins of the League as an organization created by
the Allied powers as part of the peace settlement to end
The Gap in the Bridge
the First World War led to it being viewed as a "League
the sign reads "This League of Nations Bridge was designed by the
of Victors".[162][163] The League's neutrality tended to
President of the U.S.A." Cartoon from Punch magazine, 10
1920, satirizing the gap left by the USA not joining the
manifest itself as indecision. It required a unanimous
vote of nine, later fifteen, Council members to enact a
resolution; hence, conclusive and effective action was
difficult, if not impossible. It was also slow in coming to its decisions, as certain ones required the unanimous
consent of the entire Assembly. This problem mainly stemmed from the fact that the primary members of the League
of Nations were not willing to accept the possibility of their fate being decided by other countries, and by enforcing
unanimous voting had effectively given themselves veto power.[164][165]
League of Nations
Global representation
Representation at the League was often a problem. Though it was intended to encompass all nations, many never
joined, or their time as part of the League was short. The most conspicuous absence was the United States. President
Woodrow Wilson had been a driving force behind the League's formation and strongly influenced the form it took,
but the US Senate voted not to join on 19 November 1919.[166] Ruth Henig has suggested that, had the United States
become a member, it would have also provided backup to France and Britain, possibly making France feel more
secure and so encouraging France and Britain to co-operate more fully regarding Germany, making the rise to power
of the Nazi Party less likely.[167] Conversely, Henig acknowledges that if the US had been a member, its reluctance
to engage in war with European states and to enact economic sanctions may have hampered the ability of the League
to deal with international incidents.[167] The structure of the US federal government may also have made its
membership problematic, as its representatives at the League could not have made decisions on behalf of the United
States executive branch without having prior approval of the legislative branch.[168]
In January 1920, when the League was born, Germany was not permitted to join because it was seen as the aggressor
in the First World War. Soviet Russia was also initially excluded, as communist views were not welcomed by the
victors of the war. The League was further weakened when major powers left in the 1930s. Japan began as a
permanent member of the Council, but withdrew in 1933 after the League voiced opposition to its invasion of
Manchuria.[169] Italy also began as a permanent member of the Council, but withdrew in 1937. The League had
accepted Germany as a member in 1926, deeming it a "peace-loving country", but Adolf Hitler pulled Germany out
when he came to power in 1933.[170]
Collective security
Another important weakness grew from the contradiction between the idea of collective security that formed the
basis of the League and international relations between individual states.[171] The League's collective security system
required nations to act, if necessary, against states they considered friendly, and in a way that might endanger their
national interests, to support states for which they had no normal affinity.[171] This weakness was exposed during the
Abyssinia Crisis, when Britain and France had to balance maintaining the security they had attempted to create for
themselves in Europe "to defend against the enemies of internal order",[172] in which Italy's support played a pivotal
role, with their obligations to Abyssinia as a member of the League.[173]
On 23 June 1936, in the wake of the collapse of League efforts to restrain Italy's war against Abyssinia, British
Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin told the House of Commons that collective security had
failed ultimately because of the reluctance of nearly all the nations in Europe to proceed to what I might call
military sanctions ... The real reason, or the main reason, was that we discovered in the process of weeks that
there was no country except the aggressor country which was ready for war ... [I]f collective action is to be a
reality and not merely a thing to be talked about, it means not only that every country is to be ready for war;
but must be ready to go to war at once. That is a terrible thing, but it is an essential part of collective
Ultimately, Britain and France both abandoned the concept of collective security in favour of appeasement in the
face of growing German militarism under Hitler.[174]
Pacifism and disarmament
The League of Nations lacked an armed force of its own and depended on the Great Powers to enforce its
resolutions, which they were very unwilling to do.[175] Its two most important members, Britain and France, were
reluctant to use sanctions and even more reluctant to resort to military action on behalf of the League. Immediately
after the First World War, pacifism became a strong force among both the people and governments of the two
countries. The British Conservatives were especially tepid to the League and preferred, when in government, to
League of Nations
negotiate treaties without the involvement of that organization.[176] Moreover, the League's advocacy of
disarmament for Britain, France, and its other members, while at the same time advocating collective security, meant
that the League was depriving itself of the only forceful means by which it could uphold its authority.[177]
When the British cabinet discussed the concept of the League during the First World War, Maurice Hankey, the
Cabinet Secretary, circulated a memorandum on the subject. He started by saying, "Generally it appears to me that
any such scheme is dangerous to us, because it will create a sense of security which is wholly fictitious".[178] He
attacked the British pre-war faith in the sanctity of treaties as delusional and concluded by claiming:
It [a League of Nations] will only result in failure and the longer that failure is postponed the more certain it is
that this country will have been lulled to sleep. It will put a very strong lever into the hands of the
well-meaning idealists who are to be found in almost every Government, who deprecate expenditure on
armaments, and, in the course of time, it will almost certainly result in this country being caught at a
Foreign Office minister Sir Eyre Crowe also wrote a memorandum to the British cabinet claiming that "a solemn
league and covenant" would just be "a treaty, like other treaties". "What is there to ensure that it will not, like other
treaties, be broken?" Crowe went on to express scepticism of the planned "pledge of common action" against
aggressors because he believed the actions of individual states would still be determined by national interests and the
balance of power. He also criticized the proposal for League economic sanctions because it would be ineffectual and
that "It is all a question of real military preponderance". Universal disarmament was a practical impossibility, Crowe
Demise and legacy
As the situation in Europe escalated into war, the Assembly transferred
enough power to the Secretary General on 30 September 1938 and 14
December 1939 to allow the League to continue to exist legally and
carry on reduced operations.[73] The headquarters of the League, the
Palace of Nations, remained unoccupied for nearly six years until the
Second World War ended.[179]
At the 1943 Tehran Conference, the Allied powers agreed to create a
new body to replace the League: the United Nations. Many League
bodies, such as the International Labour Organization, continued to
function and eventually became affiliated with the UN.[57] The
structure of the United Nations was intended to make it more effective
than the League.[180]
The League of Nations' Assembly building in
The final meeting of the League of Nations was held on 12 April 1946 in Geneva. Delegates from 34 nations
attended the assembly.[181] This session concerned itself with liquidating the League: assets worth approximately
US$22,000,000 in 1946,[182] including the Palace of Peace and the League's archives, were given to the UN, reserve
funds were returned to the nations that had supplied them, and the debts of the League were settled.[181] Robert Cecil
is said to have summed up the feeling of the gathering during a speech to the final assembly when he said:
Let us boldly state that aggression wherever it occurs and however it may be defended, is an international
crime, that it is the duty of every peace-loving state to resent it and employ whatever force is necessary to
crush it, that the machinery of the Charter, no less than the machinery of the Covenant, is sufficient for this
purpose if properly used, and that every well-disposed citizen of every state should be ready to undergo any
sacrifice in order to maintain peace ... I venture to impress upon my hearers that the great work of peace is
resting not only on the narrow interests of our own nations, but even more on those great principles of right
and wrong which nations, like individuals, depend.
League of Nations
The League is dead. Long live the United Nations.[181]
The motion that dissolved the League passed unanimously: "The League of Nations shall cease to exist except for
the purpose of the liquidation of its affairs."[183] It also set the date for the end of the League as the day after the
session closed. On 19 April 1946, the President of the Assembly, Carl J. Hambro of Norway, declared "the
twenty-first and last session of the General Assembly of the League of Nations closed."[182] The League of Nations
ceased to exist the following day.[184]
Professor David Kennedy suggests that the League was a unique moment when international affairs were
"institutionalized", as opposed to the pre–First World War methods of law and politics.[185] The principal Allies in
the Second World War (the UK, the USSR, France, the US, and the Republic of China) became permanent members
of the UN Security Council in 1946. However, in 1971, the People's Republic of China replaced the Republic of
China (Taiwan) as permanent member of the UN Security Council. Decisions of the Security Council are binding on
all members of the UN; however, unanimous decisions are not required, unlike in the League Council. Permanent
members of the Security Council are also given a veto shield to protect their vital interests.[186]
Like its predecessor, the UN does not have its own standing armed forces, but calls on its members to contribute to
armed interventions, such as during the Korean War and the peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia. The
UN also has more member nations than the League.[187]
[1] "Covenant of the League of Nations" (http:/ / avalon. law. yale. edu/ 20th_century/ leagcov. asp). The Avalon Project. . Retrieved 30 August
[2] See Article 23, "Covenant of the League of Nations" (http:/ / avalon. law. yale. edu/ 20th_century/ leagcov. asp). ., "Treaty of Versailles"
(http:/ / en. wikisource. org/ wiki/ Treaty_of_Versailles). . and Minority Rights Treaties.
[3] Jahanpour, Farhang. "The Elusiveness of Trust: the experience of Security Council and Iran" (http:/ / www. transnational. org/
Area_MiddleEast/ 2008/ Jahanpour_SC-Iran. pdf) (PDF). Transnational Foundation of Peace and Future Research. p. 2. . Retrieved 27 June
[4] Kant, Immanuel. "Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch" (http:/ / www. mtholyoke. edu/ acad/ intrel/ kant/ kant1. htm). Mount Holyoke
College. . Retrieved 16 May 2008.
[5] Skirbekk & Gilje 2001, p. 288
[6] Kant, Immanuel (1795). "Perpetual Peace" (http:/ / www. constitution. org/ kant/ perpeace. htm). Constitution Society. . Retrieved 30 August
[7] Reichard 2006, p. 9
[8] Rapoport 1995, pp. 498–500
[9] Bouchet-Saulnier, Brav & Olivier 2007, pp. 14–134
[10] Northedge 1986, p. 10
[11] "Before the League of Nations" (http:/ / www. unog. ch/ 80256EE60057D930/ (httpPages)/
B5B92952225993B0C1256F2D00393560?OpenDocument). The United Nations Office at Geneva. . Retrieved 14 June 2008.
[12] Bell 2007, pp. 15–17
[13] Northedge 1986, pp. 1–2
[14] Bell 2007, p. 16
[15] Archer 2001, p. 14
[16] Northedge 1986, p. 1
[17] Bell 2007, p. 8
[18] Kawamura 2000, p. 135
[19] Wilson, Woodrow (8 January 1918). "President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points" (http:/ / www. yale. edu/ lawweb/ avalon/ wilson14.
htm). The Avalon Project. . Retrieved 19 April 2008.
[20] Heckscher, Auguste (1991). Woodrow Wilson. Scribner. p. 470. ISBN 0-684-19312-4.
[21] Smuts, Jan Christiaan (1918). The League of Nations: A Practical Suggestion (http:/ / archive. org/ details/ leagueofnationsp00smutuoft).
London, U.K.: Hodder and Stoughton. .
[22] Crafford 2005, p. 141
[23] Clements, Kendrick A (1992). The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson (3rd ed.). University Press of Kansas. p. 189. ISBN 978-0-7006-0524-8.
[24] Magliveras 1999, p. 8
[25] Magliveras 1999, pp. 8–12
[26] Northedge 1986, pp. 35–36
League of Nations
[27] Michael E. Eidenmuller (1919-09-25). "Woodrow Wilson - "Final Address in Support of the League of Nations"" (http:/ / www.
americanrhetoric. com/ speeches/ wilsonleagueofnations. htm). American Rhetoric. . Retrieved 2012-08-16.
[28] Levinovitz & Ringertz 2001, p. 170
[29] Northedge 1986, pp. 85–89
[30] Scott 1973, p. 51
[31] Scott 1973, p. 67
[32] Burkman 1995
[33] Kontra et al. 1999, p. 32
[34] Forster 1982, p. 173
[35] Forster 1982, pp. 171–76
[36] Forster 1982, p. 175
[37] "Language and Emblem" (http:/ / visit. un. org/ wcm/ content/ site/ visitors/ lang/ en/ home/ about_us/ un_offices). United Nations. .
Retrieved 15 September 2011.
[38] Northedge 1986, pp. 48, 66
[39] "Budget of the League" (http:/ / www. indiana. edu/ ~league/ pictorialsurvey/ lonapspg30. htm). University of Indiana. . Retrieved 5 October
[40] Northedge 1986, pp. 48–49
[41] Northedge 1986, p. 53
[42] Northedge 1986, p. 50
[43] "League of Nations Secretariat, 1919–1946" (http:/ / biblio-archive. unog. ch/ detail. aspx?ID=245). United Nations Office at Geneva. .
Retrieved 15 September 2011.
[44] "Organization and establishment:The main bodies of the League of Nations" (http:/ / www. unog. ch/ 80256EE60057D930/ (httpPages)/
84C4520213F947DDC1256F32002E23DB?OpenDocument). The United Nations Office at Geneva. . Retrieved 18 May 2008.
[45] Northedge 1986, p. 72
[46] Northedge 1986, pp. 48–50
[47] Northedge 1986, p. 48
[48] Northedge 1986, pp. 42–48
[49] "League of Nations Photo Archive" (http:/ / www. indiana. edu/ ~league/ photos. htm). University of Indiana. . Retrieved 15 September
[50] "Chronology 1939" (http:/ / www. indiana. edu/ ~league/ 1939. htm). University of Indiana. . Retrieved 15 September 2011.
[51] "League of Nations" (http:/ / www. nla. gov. au/ research-guides/ league-of-nations). National Library of Australia. . Retrieved 15
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[52] "Demise and Legacy" (http:/ / visit. un. org/ wcm/ content/ site/ visitors/ lang/ en/ home/ about_us/ un_offices). United Nations Office at
Geneva. . Retrieved 15 September 2011.
[53] "Permanent Court of International Justice" (http:/ / www. indiana. edu/ ~league/ pcijoverview. htm). University of Indiana. . Retrieved 15
September 2011.
[54] Northedge 1986, pp. 179–80
[55] Scott 1973, p. 53
[56] Frowein & Rüdiger 2000, p. 167
[57] "Origins and history" (http:/ / www. ilo. org/ global/ About_the_ILO/ Origins_and_history/ lang--en/ index. htm). International Labour
Organization. . Retrieved 25 April 2008.
[58] Northedge 1986, p. 182
[59] Baumslag 2005, p. 8
[60] Northedge 1986, pp. 186–187
[61] Northedge 1986, pp. 187–189
[62] McAllister 1999, pp. 76–77
[63] Northedge 1986, pp. 185–86
[64] Northedge 1986, p. 166
[65] "The Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 25". Americana Corporation. 1976. p. 24.
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Media. . Retrieved 30 August 2011.
[67] Northedge 1986, p. 77
[68] Scott 1973, p. 59
[69] Torpey 2000, p. 129
[70] de Haan, Francisca (25 February 2010). "A Brief Survey of Women's Rights" (http:/ / www. un. org/ wcm/ content/ site/ chronicle/ cache/
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[71] "National Membership of the League of Nations" (http:/ / www. indiana. edu/ ~league/ nationalmember. htm). University of Indiana. .
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[72] Scott 1973, pp. 312, 398
[73] Magliveras 1999, p. 31
[74] Tripp 2002, p. 75
[75] Northedge 1986, pp. 192–193
[76] Myers, Denys P (July 1921). "The Mandate System of the League of Nations". Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science 96: 74–77. doi:10.1177/000271622109600116.
[77] Northedge 1986, p. 193
[78] Northedge 1986, p. 198
[79] Northedge 1986, p. 195
[80] League of Nations (1924). "The Covenant of the League of Nations:Article 22" (http:/ / avalon. law. yale. edu/ 20th_century/ leagcov. asp).
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. . Retrieved 20 April 2009.
[81] Northedge 1986, pp. 194–195
[82] Northedge 1986, p. 216
[83] "The United Nations and Decolonization" (http:/ / www. un. org/ en/ decolonization/ history. shtml). United Nations. . Retrieved 15
September 2011.
[84] Northedge 1986, pp. 73&ndash75
[85] Northedge 1986, pp. 70–72
[86] Henig 1973, p. 170.
[87] Scott 1973, p. 60
[88] Northedge 1986, pp. 77–78
[89] Scott 1973, pp. 82–83
[90] Osmanczyk & Mango 2002, p. 2568
[91] Northedge 1986, p. 88
[92] Scott 1973, pp. 83
[93] Northedge 1986, pp. 103–105
[94] Scott 1973, p. 86
[95] Scott 1973, p. 87
[96] Northedge 1986, p. 110
[97] Northedge 1986, p. 107
[98] Çaǧaptay, Soner (2006). Islam, secularism, and nationalism in modern Turkey. Taylor & Francis. pp. 117–121. ISBN 978-0-415-38458-2.
[99] Scott 1973, p. 133
[100] Northedge 1986, pp. 107–108
[101] Scott 1973, pp. 131–135
[102] Northedge 1986, p. 78
[103] Scott 1973, p. 61
[104] Scott 1973, p. 62
[105] Scott 1973, p. 63
[106] Northedge 1986, pp. 78–79
[107] Bell 2007, p. 29
[108] Crampton 1996, p. 93
[109] Osmanczyk & Mango 2002, p. 1314
[110] Scott 1973, p. 249
[111] Bethell 1991, pp. 414–415
[112] Scott 1973, p. 250
[113] Scott 1973, p. 251
[114] Hudson, Manley, ed. (1934). The verdict of the League. World Peace Foundation. pp. 1–13.
[115] Northedge 1986, pp. 72–73
[116] Churchill 1986, p. 98
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03F1E1DD124D3276C1256F32002EE3AB?OpenDocument). United Nations. . Retrieved 15 September 2011.
[118] Northedge 1986, pp. 112
[119] Scott 1973, pp. 126–127
[120] Miers 2003, pp. 140–141
[121] Miers 2003, p. 188
[122] Du Bois, W.E. Burghardt (July 1933). "Liberia, the League and the United States". Foreign Affairs 11 (4): 682–95. doi:10.2307/20030546.
[123] Northedge 1986, p. 138
[124] Iriye 1987, p. 8
[125] Scott 1973, p. 208
[126] Nish 1977, pp. 176–178
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[127] Northedge 1986, p. 139
[128] Northedge 1986, pp. 152–153
[129] Northedge 1986, pp. 156–161
[130] Northedge 1986, pp. 161–164
[131] Garver, John W (1988). Chinese-Soviet relations, 1937–1945. Oxford University Press. p. 229. ISBN 978-0-19-505432-3.
[132] Scott 1973, pp. 242–243
[133] Levy 2001, pp. 21–22
[134] Bethell 1991, p. 495
[135] Scott 1973, p. 248
[136] Scheina 2003, p. 103
[137] Northedge 1986, pp. 222–225
[138] Hill & Garvey 1995, p. 629
[139] Northedge 1986, p. 221
[140] Baer 1976, p. 245
[141] Events Leading Up to World War II. Library of Congress. 1944. p. 97.
[142] Baer 1976, p. 71
[143] Baer 1976, p. 298
[144] Baer 1976, pp. 121–155
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htm). Black King. . Retrieved 6 June 2008.
[146] Baer 1976, p. 303
[147] Baer 1976, p. 77
[148] Lannon 2002, pp. 25–29
[149] Northedge 1986, pp. 264–265, 269–270
[150] Northedge 1986, p. 270
[151] van Slyke, Lyman, ed. (1967). The China White Paper. Stanford University Press. p. 10.
[152] "Japanese Attack on China 1937" (http:/ / www. mtholyoke. edu/ acad/ intrel/ WorldWar2/ china. htm). Mount Holyoke University. .
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Avalon Project at Yale Law School. . Retrieved 17 May 2006.
[154] Northedge 1986, pp. 113, 123
[155] Northedge 1986, p. 114
[156] Henig 1973, p. 173
[157] Goldblat 2002, p. 24
[158] Harries, Meirion and Susie. Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army. p. 163. ISBN 0-394-56935-0.
[159] Northedge 1986, pp. 47, 133
[160] Northedge 1986, p. 273
[161] Northedge 1986, pp. 276–278
[162] Gorodetsky 1994, p. 26
[163] Raffo 1974, p. 1
[164] Birn, Donald S (1981). The League of Nations Union. Clarendon Press. pp. 226–227. ISBN 0-19-822650-0.
[165] Northedge 1986, pp. 279–282, 288–292
[166] Knock 1995, p. 263
[167] Henig 1973, p. 175
[168] Henig 1973, p. 176
[169] McDonough 1997, p. 62
[170] McDonough 1997, p. 69
[171] Northedge 1986, p. 253
[172] Northedge 1986, p. 254
[173] Northedge 1986, pp. 253–254
[174] McDonough 1997, p. 74
[175] McDonough 1997, pp. 54–5
[176] Northedge 1986, pp. 238–240
[177] Northedge 1986, pp. 134–135
[178] Barnett 1972, p. 245
[179] Scott 1973, p. 399
[180] Northedge 1986, pp. 278–280
[181] Scott 1973, p. 404
[182] "League of Nations Ends, Gives Way to New U.N.", Syracuse Herald-American, 20 April 1946, p. 12
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[183] Motion of the League of Nations, quoted in Scott 1973, p. 404
[184] "The end of the League of Nations" (http:/ / www. unog. ch/ 80256EE60057D930/ (httpPages)/
02076E77C9D0EF73C1256F32002F48B3?OpenDocument). The United Nations Office at Geneva. . Retrieved 18 May 2008.
[185] Kennedy 1987
[186] Northedge 1986, pp. 278–281
[187] Northedge 1986, pp. 279–281
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• Baer, George W (1976). Test Case: Italy, Ethiopia, and the League of Nations. Hoover Institution Press.
ISBN 0-8179-6591-2.
• Barnett, Correlli (1972). The Collapse of British Power. Eyre Methuen. ISBN 978-0-413-27580-6.
• Baumslag, Naomi (2005). Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus. Praeger.
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• Bell, P.M.H (2007). The Origins of the Second World War in Europe. Pearson Education Limited.
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• Bethell, Leslie (1991). The Cambridge History of Latin America: Volume VIII 1930 to the Present. Cambridge
University Press. ISBN 0-521-26652-1.
• Bouchet-Saulnier, Françoise; Brav, Laura; Olivier, Clementine (2007). The Practical Guide to Humanitarian
Law. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 0-7425-5496-1.
• Burkman, Thomas W (1995). "Japan and the League of Nations: an Asian power encounters the European Club"
(http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=9507273188&site=ehost-live). World
Affairs 158 (1): 45–57.
• Churchill, Winston (1986). The Second World War: Volume I The Gathering Storm. Houghton Mifflin Books.
ISBN 0-395-41055-X.
• Crafford, F.S (2005) [1943]. Jan Smuts: A Biography. Kessinger. ISBN 1-4179-9290-5.
• Crampton, Ben (1996). Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-16461-3.
• Forster, Peter (1982). The Esperanto Movement. Mouton. ISBN 978-90-279-3399-7.
• Frowein, Jochen A; Rüdiger, Wolfrum (2000). Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law. Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers. ISBN 90-411-1403-3.
• Goldblat, Jozef (2002). Arms control: the new guide to negotiations and agreements. SAGE Publications Ltd.
ISBN 0-7619-4016-2.
• Gorodetsky, Gabriel (1994). Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917–1991: A Retrospective. Routledge.
ISBN 0-7146-4506-0.
• Henig, Ruth B, ed. (1973). The League of Nations. Oliver and Boyd. ISBN 978-0-05-002592-5.
• Hill, Robert; Garvey, Marcus; Universal Negro Improvement Association (1995). The Marcus Garvey and
Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-07208-4.
• Iriye, Akira (1987). The Origins of the Second World War in Asia and the Pacific. Longman Group UK Limited.
ISBN 0-582-49349-8.
• Kawamura, Noriko (2000). Turbulence in the Pacific: Japanese-U.S. Relations During World War I. Praeger.
ISBN 978-0-275-96853-3.
• Kennedy, David (April 1987). "The Move to Institutions" (http://www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/dkennedy/
publications/cardozo.pdf) (PDF). Cardozo Law Review 8 (5): 841–988. Retrieved 17 May 2008.
• Knock, Thomas J (1995). To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order. Princeton
University Press. ISBN 0-691-00150-2.
• Kontra, Miklós; Phillipson, Robert; Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove; Varady, Tibor (1999). Language, a Right and a
Resource: Approaching Linguistic Human Rights. Central European University Press. ISBN 978-963-9116-63-4.
• Lannon, Frances (2002). The Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 1-84176-369-1.
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• Levinovitz, Agneta Wallin; Ringertz, Nils (2001). The Nobel Prize: The First 100 Years. World Scientific.
ISBN 981-02-4665-X.
• Levy, Marcela López (2001). Bolivia:Oxfam Country Profiles Series. Oxfam Publishing. ISBN 0-85598-455-4.
• Magliveras, Konstantinos D (1999). Exclusion from Participation in International Organisations: The Law and
Practice behind Member States' Expulsion and Suspension of Membership. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
ISBN 90-411-1239-1.
• McAllister, William B (1999). Drug Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century: An International History. Routledge.
ISBN 0-415-17990-4.
• McDonough, Frank (1997). The Origins of the First and Second World Wars. Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 0-521-56861-7.
• Miers, Suzanne (2003). Slavery in the Twentieth Century: The Evolution of a Global Problem. AltaMira Press.
ISBN 0-7591-0340-2.
• Nish, Ian (1977). Japanese foreign policy 1869–1942:Kasumigaseki to Miyakezaka. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
ISBN 0-415-27375-7.
• Northedge, F.S (1986). The League of Nations: Its Life and Times, 1920–1946. Holmes & Meier.
ISBN 0-7185-1316-9.
• Osmanczyk, Edmund Jan; Mango, Anthony (2002). Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International
Agreements. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0-415-93924-0.
• Raffo, P (1974). The League of Nations. The Historical Association.
• Rapoport, Anatol (1995). The Origins of Violence: Approaches to the Study of Conflict. Transaction Publishers.
ISBN 1-56000-783-4.
• Reichard, Martin (2006). The EU-NATO relationship: a legal and political perspective. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN 0-7546-4759-5.
• Scheina, Robert L (2003). Latin America's Wars:Volume 2 The Age of the Professional Soldier, 1900–2001.
Potomac Books Inc. ISBN 1-57488-452-2.
• Scott, George (1973). The Rise and Fall of the League of Nations. Hutchinson & Co LTD. ISBN 0-09-117040-0.
• Skirbekk, Gunnar; Gilje, Nils (2001). History of Western Thought: From Ancient Greece to the Twentieth
Century. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-22073-4.
• Torpey, John (2000). The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State. Cambridge
University Press. ISBN 0-521-63493-8.
• Tripp, Charles (2002). A History of Iraq. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-52900-X.
Further reading
• Egerton, George W (1978). Great Britain and the Creation of the League of Nations: Strategy, Politics, and
International Organization, 1914–1919. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0-807-81320-6.
• Gill, George (1996). The League of Nations from 1929 to 1946. Avery Publishing Group. ISBN 0-89529-637-3.
• Kitsikis, Dimitri (1972) (in French). Le rôle des experts à la Conférence de la Paix de 1919. Gestation d'une
technocratie en politique internationale. Ottawa: Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa. p. 227. OCLC 643562008.
(The founding of the League of Nations).
• Kuehl, Warren F; Dunn, Lynne K (1997). Keeping the Covenant: American Internationalists and the League of
Nations, 1920–1939.
• Malin, James C (1930). The United States after the World War (http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&
d=5260560). pp. 5–82.
• Marbeau, Michel (2001) (in French). La Société des Nations. Presses Universitaires de France.
ISBN 2-13-051635-1.
• Pfeil, Alfred (1976) (in German). Der Völkerbund. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
ISBN 978-3-534-06744-2.
League of Nations
• Walters, Francis P. (1952). A History of the League of Nations. Oxford University Press.
• The League of Nations (http://libcudl.colorado.edu/wwi/pdf/i73728238.pdf), Boston : Old Colony Trust
Company, 1919. A collection of charters, speeches, etc. on the topic.
External links
• League of Nations Photo archive (http://www.indiana.edu/~league/), Indiana.edu
• League of Nations chronology (http://www.unog.ch/80256EDD006B8954/(httpAssets)/
• League of Nations timeline (http://worldatwar.net/timeline/other/league18-46.html), worldatwar.net
• History of the League of Nations (http://www.leagueofnationshistory.org/), University of Oxford-led project
• Wilson's Final Address in Support of the League of Nations (http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/
wilsonleagueofnations.htm) Speech made 25 September 1919
• History (1919–1946) (http://www.unog.ch/80256EE60057D930/(httpPages)/
1247483E6FED755A80256EF8004FE8FD?OpenDocument) from the United Nations Office at Geneva
• League of Nations Archives (http://www.unog.ch/80256EE60057D930/(httpPages)/
775F57EE7B39FC0D80256EF8005048A6?OpenDocument) from the United Nations Office at Geneva
• Table of Assemblies (http://www.indiana.edu/~league/tcassemblies.htm) Dates of each annual assembly,
links to list of members of each country's delegation
• LONSEA – League of Nations Search Engine, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context",
Universität Heidelberg (http://www.lonsea.org/)
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
League of Nations Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=518337830 Contributors: (, 1exec1, 90, A Softer Answer, ABF, Aarhusjutland, Achowat, Acrazy007, Adam Conover,
Adashiel, Addug, Afernand74, Alanl, Alansohn, AlasdairEdits, Alex:D, Alexdow93, Alfons2, Ali, Alinor, AliveFreeHappy, Aljohnston, Allard, Allens, AllyUnion, Alrasheedan, Altenmann,
Amgine, Ams80, Anastasios, Andonic, Andre Engels, Andrea105, Andres, Andrewlp1991, Andrij Kursetsky, Andrwsc, Andy Marchbanks, AnnaFrance, Anomie, AnonMoos, Anonymous101,
Antandrus, Anti Vandal Spy, AntiWhilst, Antigc, Antiuser, Antman, Appalachianeer, Appenzeller, Asdfjklasdfjklasdf, Ashley Pomeroy, Ashmoo, Asiaticus, Auntof6, AxelBoldt, Azure94,
BD2412, Bagande, BanyanTree, Barney Stratford, Bart133, Barticus88, Bashir.sadjad, Bastin, Batmen, Bauerder, Beaumont, Bellerophon5685, Bender235, Berek, Bevo, Bevo74, Bezuidenhout,
Bigdottawa, Binksternet, Biruitorul, Bkonrad, Bksicoo2, Bkwillwm, Blindman shady, Blueshirts, Bmclaughlin9, Bobblehead, Bobblewik, Bobo192, Bogdangiusca, Boing! said Zebedee,
Bonadea, Bongwarrior, Boomtown Rat, Bped1985, Brad101, Brasoveanul, Brendan Moody, Briaboru, Brian0918, Brighterorange, Brion VIBBER, Britannicus, BrokenSegue, Bronks, Brossow,
Bruce Hall, Bry9000, Burgundavia, CBDunkerson, Cakeman, CambridgeBayWeather, Camnew6969, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, CanisRufus, Canuckguy, Capricorn42, Carlossuarez46,
CattleGirl, Cedrus-Libani, Cenarium, Century0, Chairman S., Charles Nguyen, CharlotteWebb, Chcoc, Chevybowtie, Chey21, Chinasaur, Chip123456, Cholmes75, Chris the speller,
ChrisGualtieri, Chuck11111, Ckincaid77, Clarityfiend, Cloudz679, Cocytus, Codetiger, Cody6, ColinBowers, Colonies Chris, CommonsDelinker, Consequencefree, ContinentalAve, Conversion
script, Counny, Courcelles, Crystallina, Crzyclarks, Cwolfsheep, Cyfal, Cylauj, DAJF, DGJM, Da500063, DaleW, Dana boomer, Dancomono, Daniel,levine, Daniel563, DanielVonEhren,
DarkAudit, Darker Dreams, Darwinek, Darwinius, Davewild, David Straub, David.Mestel, Db099221, Dcflyer, Dcheng, Deansamsupernatural, Deconstructhis, Degen Earthfast, DeltaQuad,
Deon, Deor, Derdukerder, Detruncate, Diannaa, Diderot, Differentgravy, Dimadick, Discospinster, Distal24, Djhumble, Djln, Dlohcierekim, DocDee, Domino theory, Don4of4, Donarreiskoffer,
Doradus, DrKiernan, Drackir, Drasai, Drilnoth, Droll, Drstuey, Dude1818, Duncan.leo, Dunemaire, E2eamon, EAderhold, Easterino, Eastlaw, Edward, Eeekster, Egil, Eiilir, Ekrenor, El C,
Elaragirl, Electric counterpoint, Elginapples, Emc2, Emptyshell, Enauspeaker, Encyclokool1, Erianna, Eskandarany, Esperantix, Etimbo, Etincelles, EugeneZelenko, Everyking, Evil saltine,
Excirial, FF2010, FJPB, Farquaadhnchmn, Faustus37, Felicity86, Fennoscandia, Fitzwilliam, Flewis, Flockmeal, Floquenbeam, Fluffernutter, Flyaway1111, Flyguy649,
Fnsdjklnfgdjsgnjdfgndfjklgdfjkl, Formeruser-81, Fornost, Fpkwsg1, Fritz Saalfeld, Fryede, Fupodorje, Future Perfect at Sunrise, Fuzheado, Gadfium, Gaius Cornelius, Gakmo, Ganchelkas,
Gardnej, Garethhamilton, GavinTing, Gdo01, Ged UK, Georgia guy, Gilliam, Ginsengbomb, Gmialtft, Gogo Dodo, Golbez, GoldRingChip, Goldfritha, GorillaWarfare, Graham87, Grahamec,
Green Giant, Gro-Tsen, Gromlakh, Ground Zero, Grovel, Gujuguy, Gurchzilla, Gwandoya, Gzkn, HJ Mitchell, Hadal, Haham hanuka, Hairchrm, Haker94, HangingCurve, Happy Hitler, Harlan
wilkerson, Hawoawo, Hayabusa future, Hello17, Helpfuleditor2, Henry Flower, Henry-bond-comedy, Herbee, Herr Horn, HexaChord, Highimpact1, Hmains, Hojinaska, Hut 8.5, IANVS,
IFaqeer, IRP, Ian Pitchford, IceDragon64, Illumini85, Immunize, InMyHumbleOpinion, Indopug, Infrogmation, Instinct, Intangible, Inter, InverseHypercube, Iohannes Animosus, Iridescent,
IronChris, Irrbloss, Isaackuan, Isseicreek, It Is Me Here, Ixfd64, J, J Di, J.delanoy, JForget, JLogan, JPMcGrath, JRawle, JSpung, JaGa, Jaberwocky6669, Jacobolus, JamesAM, JamesBWatson,
Jarble, Jaxl, JayJasper, Jayron32, Jbmurray, Jcw69, Jebba, Jeltz, Jemather, Jengod, Jeremygbyrne, Jerzy, Jesus Is Love, Jfknrh, Jguk, Jhf, Jiang, Jim1138, Jjsmith123, Jmacza, Jmlk17, JodyB,
Joerg reitmaier, John Paul Parks, John Z, John of Reading, John-1107, John.n-irl, Johnada, Johnleemk, Jon Cates, Jonkerz, JorgeGG, Jose77, Joseph Solis in Australia, Joy, Juliancolton, Juntung,
Jusjih, KFP, KNewman, KPH2293, Kaly99, Kcordina, Keero, Kelisi, Kemiv, Kent Witham, Kessler, Kevin Gorman, Kevin W., Khoikhoi, Kikyo27, Kimchi.sg, KimvdLinde, Kintetsubuffalo,
Klausneumann, Koavf, Koda1971, Kolchak1923, Kozuch, Kpjas, Kranix, Krellis, Kubaan, Kungfuadam, Kvickers123, Kwamikagami, Kwertii, L Kensington, LFaraone, La goutte de pluie,
Lacrimosus, Lampman, Laser brain, LeFrog, Leandrod, Leominster+1, Leuce, Levineps, Liamdaly620, LibLord, Liftarn, Lightmouse, LilHelpa, Lindsey8417, Lionbreath02, Listmeister,
Lkinkade, Llywrch, Logical Cowboy, Lonarchives, LoneStar77, Looxix, Loremaster, Lotje, LovesMacs, Lst27, Luckyherb, Luigi30, Luminate, Luna Santin, Lupin, Lvl2prayer, Lysy, MECU,
MONGO, MPerel, Madmagician, Maestral, Magister Mathematicae, Malcolm, Man vyi, Mandarax, Mandsford, Marc Venot, Marcika, Marek69, Marktreut, Marskell, Master of Puppets, Matt
Gies, Mattayc16INC, Mav, Mbc362, McMullen, Mccready, Meagain1, Mean as custard, Mendalus, Mgiganteus1, Miborovsky, Michael Zimmermann, Michielodb, Mikeo, Millisits,
Minesweeper, Minimac, Mintguy, Miraceti, MisfitToys, Miss Madeline, Mkpumphrey, Mnmazur, Molobo, Monty845, Mr Who 0, Mr.Clown, Mrmanhattanproject, Mus Musculus, Mxn, Mysid,
Naddy, Nakon, Nasnema, Natalie Erin, Nathanael123, NawlinWiki, Nbulgaria, Ndaisley, Neko-chan, Netoholic, Neutrality, Neverquick, Newton2, Nicetomeetyou, Nicodemus75, Nightscream,
Nightworker, Nik42, Nikkimaria, Nils, Nils Simon, Nimloth250, NobleHelium, Nobs01, North Shoreman, Notwej, Nz101, O.Koslowski, Oberiko, ObeyK1NGTaz, Objectivesea, Olegwiki,
Olivier, Ollyjoancy, Omnipaedista, Onco p53, Ondra2, Onen hag oll, Orioane, Overintellectualization, Oxymoron83, P. S. Burton, P.B. Pilhet, Panicpgh, Parutakupiu, Paul August, Pavel
Vozenilek, Pawluk, Pawyilee, Peatoneil, Peregrine981, Perplex bob, Peter Fremlin, Peter112785, Petri Krohn, PhilKnight, Philip Trueman, Piotrus, Poeloq, Poor Yorick, Postdlf, Pro66,
Pyromonkeykw, Qst, Quadell, Quaxanta, Qxz, R'n'B, RHaworth, Rabiddog51sb, RandomCritic, RashersTierney, Ratemonth, Raven4x4x, Reachtokaushik, Recurring dreams, Redking7,
Remilord, Renata3, RetiredUser2, Revived, RevolverOcelotX, RexNL, Reywas92, Rheo1905, Rich Farmbrough, Richard Weil, Richj1209, Rjensen, Rjwilmsi, Roadrunner, RobertG, RobertG19,
Rocket000, Rogerd, Roisterer, Romanm, RossPatterson, Rossen3, Royalguard11, Rrostrom, Rskellner, Rusty2005, Ruzihm, Ruziklan, SJP, SMC, SQGibbon, SYSS Mouse, Saga City, Sam Korn,
Samhook, SamuelWolff, SandyGeorgia, Sarabowen, SchfiftyThree, Schippiy, Scolaire, Seminomad, Seryo93, Setanta747, Shadowjams, Shalom Yechiel, Shanes, Shawnathon95, Shigernafy,
Shirik, Shoeboy12, Shoegal5225, Silverhelm, Simon J Kissane, SimonP, Simon_J_Kissane, Sinistrum, Siryendor, Slike, Sluj, Slysplace, Smalljim, Smith03, Smith2006, Snowolf, Snoyes,
Sohan5544, Sooner Dave, Spartaz, Spearhead, Spinach Monster, Spiralhighway, Spirals31, SqueakBox, SrikeitLikesmen, Srnec, Srushe, Ssolbergj, Stefanjcarney, Superfly12, Superm401,
Supuhstar, Sushi111, Sverdrup, Sylfide, Sylixe, Syrcro, Sysy, TAL81, TFCforever, TJ Spyke, Tabledhote, TaerkastUA, Tagishsimon, Tankman182, Tassedethe, Tcncv, Ted Wilkes, Teemu
Leisti, TehmidnightQ, Tempodivalse, TenPoundHammer, Teresia, Terrx, Teryx, Testing times, Tfkalk, Thanhnguyen2792, That-Vela-Fella, Thatguy onlynameleft, The Epopt, The King Of
Gondor, The Rambling Man, The Scriptor, The Thing That Should Not Be, The Wild Falcon, The man stephen, The real avenger, The wub, The.megapode, TheChrisRoss, TheLeopard,
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Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
File:Flag of the United Nations (1945-1947).svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Flag_of_the_United_Nations_(1945-1947).svg License: Public Domain Contributors:
EvilSuggestions, Homo lupus, Huhsunqu, Mephiles602, 4 anonymous edits
File:Symbol of the League of Nations.svg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Symbol_of_the_League_of_Nations.svg License: Public Domain Contributors: Original
uploader was Mysid at en.wikipedia. Later version(s) were uploaded by AnonMoos, Oren neu dag at en.wikipedia.
File:League of Nations Anachronous Map.PNG Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:League_of_Nations_Anachronous_Map.PNG License: GNU Free Documentation
License Contributors: Allard Postman, The Netherlands
File:Origin of the League of Nations.png Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Origin_of_the_League_of_Nations.png License: Public Domain Contributors:
BeatrixBelibaste, Elcobbola, Eteru, Rocket000
File:Ypres-necropole-national-gravestones.redvers.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Ypres-necropole-national-gravestones.redvers.jpg License: Public Domain
Contributors: User:Redvers
File:Palais des nations.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Palais_des_nations.jpg License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 Contributors: Yann Forget
File:Childlabourcoal.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Childlabourcoal.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: Original uploader was SGGH at en.wikipedia
File:Kamerun children weaving.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Kamerun_children_weaving.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: Originally in Kelly Miller's
History of the World War for Human Rights, originally published in 1919 by A. Jenkins and O. Keller.
File:Nansenpassport.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Nansenpassport.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: Original uploader was Iosd at en.wikipedia
File:LN member states animation.gif Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:LN_member_states_animation.gif License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0
Contributors: Maps & Lucy
File:SesiónDeLaSociedadDeNacionesSobreManchuria1932.jpeg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:SesiónDeLaSociedadDeNacionesSobreManchuria1932.jpeg License:
Public Domain Contributors: Rowanwindwhistler
File:SelassieInJerusalem.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:SelassieInJerusalem.jpg License: unknown Contributors: Taken either by the American Colony Photo
Department or its successor, the Matson Photo Service.
File:The Gap in the Bridge.gif Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:The_Gap_in_the_Bridge.gif License: Public Domain Contributors: artist: Leonard Raven-Hill
File:UN building, Genevra.jpg Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:UN_building,_Genevra.jpg License: Public Domain Contributors: de:Benutzer:Filzstift
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