To Know If He Was Sent From God of Not.

To Know If He Was Sent
From God of Not.
• Jointly engage in normal life
routines: It is highly unlikely that a
man’s character and
personality would be
reflected when you are
always out on dates. On the
other hand, engaging in
normal life activities while
playing down all of the
romantic sparks would
create a natural scenarios
that a allows his personality
to be expressed. Jointly engaging in activities like
going to events together, working
out, attending church and so on
would allow him to be himself
and naturally express his
personality and views. When you
engage in life activities, many of
his natural traits would become
apparent to you and you would
begin to find out what life would
be like living with him. Interactions
become more original and are
not tainted with the lust of
romance thereby revealing his
flaws and strengths.
WARNING SIGNS: • When a guy always immerses
himself in games you should be
cautious as this is not a good
• Also, when you find that he
would rather be in the company
of friends that spend time with
you then you should be
concerned as this is not healthy
for marriage.
.If he is not concerned with his
environment and does not
engage in any meaningful
sanitation and repairs from time to
time then you should be worried as
it is only ideal for a home.
• A man who is not enthusiastic
about the things of God or does
not hold the word of God close to
heart should be a complete turn
off for you. You must realize that
challenges and trials are inevitable
in all marriages, and this would
require faith in God and his word
to overcome. • If your guy drinks alcohol at
any opportunity available free
time, it is something that you
should be concerned with. • When you find that he does
not see the need for the both
of you to jointly engage in any
fun activity together like yoga,
dancing, painting classes and
so on, this is an indication that
you may be signing up for a
very boring marriage which is
not advisable. One of the most important signs
that must not be ignored is
marrying a man who is not a
believer. This can be a very
costly mistake as you do not
share the same values.
Additionally, a man who does
not believe and obey the
principles of God would
certainly be involved in
practices that are
reprehensible. The worst part of
situations like this is that the man
may not consider it a wrong
thing and this could be very
harmful to the marriage. This situation could be further
exacerbated when you start
having kids as it becomes
highly unlikely that they grow
up with sound Christian values.
Engaging in the things of God
with your prospective husband
as often as possible is the
usually a great way to discover
him better as well as solidify
the relationship. When you and make the things
of God the focus of your
interactions and actively
participate in various Christian
activities like going to Sunday
service, reading the word of
God, starting or joining a ministry,
all of these would certainly help
you to remove your attention
from all of the materialistic and
worldly considerations that could
confuse your assessment. When
you make God the focus of the
relationship, you can be sure that
it would never go sour. • There are several cases of
women who get carried
away with the fact that
they see a man in church
occasionally and
immediately jump into the
conclusion that he is a
Christian. You must be able
to establish that he is
indeed is a Christian, pray
with home and enjoy
fellowship of God with him
as this is the most important
consideration for a
successful marriage. More Signs That He May Not Be
The Ideal Man For You:
• If he is not concerned with the
things of God and does not
contribute and enjoy
conversations about the things of
• When he does not study the
• A man who does not see the