groton-dunstable regional middle school

UPDATED - September, 2014
The Groton-Dunstable Regional Middle School strives to foster a challenging, developmentally
appropriate educational program that is committed to educating the whole child. Knowledge and
skills are continuously developed through activities that enhance students’ thinking processes,
curiosity, creativity, and problem solving abilities. To ensure that all students are being
academically challenged, teachers pre-assess and differentiate their instruction, when necessary.
Teachers also have the opportunity to plan and coordinate interdisciplinary units during their
team time period.
This guide provides an overview of the course offerings in grades 5-8. All of our academic and
Integrated Arts courses are aligned with the Common Core State Standards and are intended to
meet the high expectations set by all of our staff.
If you have any questions regarding any of our course offerings, please do not hesitate to call the
English Language Arts - Grade 5
Overview: All English Language Arts classes are standards-based using the Scott Foresman,
Reading Streets program and various standards-based materials. Students participate in a
balanced approach to literacy that includes reading, writing, and word study. Students are
exposed to a variety of genres in reading and writing. Embedded in that is the exposure to new
vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. Students participate in whole class and small, flexible group
Topics Addressed:
 Applying reading strategies for comprehension
 Understanding genres
 Literary elements
 Text Structures
 Writing in a variety of genres
 Characteristics of effective writing
Word Study
 Spelling
 Grammar
 Vocabulary development
English Language Arts – Grade 6
Overview: Sixth grade English Language Arts focuses on reading and writing in a variety of
genres in both fiction and nonfiction. Each broad unit of study lasts approximately four to six
weeks. Within each unit, essential grade level reading and writing skills are addressed.
Topics Addressed:
Literary Elements using short stories
How to read a play
Understanding non-fiction
Oral Tradition: mythology, fables, and folk tales
The research process
Novel Study: Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
English Language Arts – Grade 7
Overview: Grade 7 English Language Art encompasses two major areas of study: reading and
writing. Students are asked to read/write across many genres. Particular areas of focus include
expository writing in both long and short format and higher order critical reading skills. Students
have opportunities for creative writing/projects. Spelling, grammar, and vocabulary
development are embedded in the curriculum throughout the year.
Topics Addressed:
Core Writing Genres:
Core Reading Genres:
Historical Fiction
Short Stories
Poetry Non-Fiction
English Language Arts – Grade 8
The eighth grade English Language Arts Program focuses on reading, writing, grammar,
spelling, vocabulary, and presentation skills. Multi-genre writing and reading are areas of
emphasis. Classes will read a variety of non-fiction, short stories, plays, poems and novels,
which are grouped together thematically including: science fiction, poetry, speeches, plays,
non-fiction, surveys, and adventure. Students use the process writing approach as they move
through the cycles of pre-writing and drafting, with a special focus on revision, editing, research
and publication. A variety of activities, projects, and assignments are intended to develop strong
and independent study/work skills.
Topics Addressed:
Science Fiction
Flowers for Algernon
Holocaust/World War II
Diary of Anne Frank (play)
All students at Groton-Dunstable Regional Middle School engage in learning mathematics by
engaging in the Standards for Mathematical Practice (CCSS, 2010), briefly described as:
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Mathematics - Grade 5
Overview: Grade 5 students learn the content from the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
(adopted from the Common Core State Standards) with a particular focus on conceptual as well
as procedural understanding and fluency. Major topics include: Operations and Algebraic
Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Number and Operations – Fractions,
Measurement and Geometry. Student learning is assessed through both formative and
summative assessments.
Mathematics – Grade 6
Overview: The grade six mathematics program draws upon a variety of resources to teach the
Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (adopted from the Common Core State Standards).
Major topics include: Ratio and Proportion, The Number System, Expressions and Equations,
Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The goals are:
 to help students develop mathematical knowledge, understanding, and skills.
 to develop the capacity to define and solve problems with reason, insight, inventiveness,
and technical proficiency.
 to build on and make connections among mathematical ideas and concepts.
 to see the connections between mathematics and other disciplines.
Mathematics – Grade 7
Overview: There are two math courses offered in Grade 7 – Pre-Algebra 7 (Level 1) and
Pre-Algebra 7 (Level 2).
To better meet the needs of our incoming Grade 7 math students, our seventh grade curriculum
incorporates the increased rigor of the new Common Core State Standards for all students.
While both courses cover the seventh grade Common Core Standards, the Pre-Algebra - Level 1
class will cover additional higher-level content at a more accelerated pace.
Both Pre-Algebra classes will cover the required Grade 7 Massachusetts Curriculum
Frameworks (adopted from the Common Core State Standards) as specified by the Department
of Elementary and Secondary Education. Major topics include: Ratio and Proportion, The
Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
Students in Pre-Algebra 7 (Level 1) will enhance their study by covering these topics in greater
depth, providing them with a rigorous and challenging preparation for Algebra 1 in grade 8.
Mathematics – Grade 8
Overview: There are two math courses offered in Grade 8 – Algebra 1 and Introduction to
Both grade eight classes will cover the required Massachusetts Curriculum Framework (adopted
from the Common Core State Standards) topics: The Number System, Expressions and
Equations, Geometry, Functions, and Statistics and Probability. The Introduction to Algebra
class will provide students with a foundation of prerequisite skills to ensure their success in the
full year Algebra 1 program at the high school. Those students who successfully complete the
Grade 8 Algebra 1 course (and are recommended by their teacher) will be eligible to take Honors
Geometry in 9th grade.
As the mathematics teachers and administration make a decision about a child’s mathematics
placement, many factors are taken into consideration. Students who are ready to take Algebra 1
in eighth grade must be prepared to have material introduced at an accelerated pace, have
excellent study habits, be a self-advocate when necessary, be self-motivated, and able to work
Cognitively, students who are ready for Algebra 1 must have strong computation skills and are
able to apply these skills in multi-step problem solving; incorporating the use of higher order
thinking skills. Research has shown that students who are ready to study Algebra 1 concepts
have developed habits of mind that allow them to move beyond the thinking of mathematics as
arithmetic to more abstract ways of thinking.
Science – Grade 5
Overview: This course uses a variety of curriculum resources including; Science and
Technology for Children (STC) kits; Engineering is Elementary (EiE) Museum of Science kit;
non-fiction reading materials; and various standards-based materials. There is a focus on skills
of inquiry including observation, recording data, using appropriate tools and technology,
predicting and testing, and communication of findings. Student learning is assessed through
formative and summative assessments during each unit.
Topics Addressed:
Inquiry, experimentation, and design
 Scientific Method
 Observation skills
 Use of tools and technology
Earth and Space Science
 Soil
 Phases of the Moon/rotation & revolution of the Earth
Life Science
 Ecosystems
 Animal and plant behavior/adaptations
Physical Science
 Properties of Matter
 Forms of energy (light & sound)
Engineering & Technology
 Follow engineering design process using a variety of hands-on activities
Science – Grade 6
Overview: This course spirals and expands on topics covered in previous grades that are aligned
with district and state science standards. Students use the McDougal Littell Science Integrated
Course 1 text as well as many handouts, news articles, online resources and other media and text.
Inquiry based learning is integrated throughout the year by conducting labs, differentiated
research based projects, activities and writing. Technology is integrated throughout the course.
Topics Addressed:
Lab safety
Metric measurement
Engineering Design
Solar System
Classification of Living Things
Plant structure and function
Forces and Motion
Properties of Matter
Earth’s Surface
Science – Grade 7
Overview: This course spirals and expands on topics covered in previous grades that are aligned
with district and state science standards. We use the McDougal Littell Science Integrated Course
2 text as well as many handouts, news articles, online resources, other media and text. Inquiry
based learning is integrated throughout the year by conducting labs, differentiated research based
projects, activities and writing. Technology is an integral part of the classroom.
Topics Addressed:
Lab safety
Metric measurement
Scientific inquiry
Aquatic ecosystems
Cellular biology
Human body systems
Engineering design and The Universal Design models
Science – Grade 8
Overview: This course spirals and expands on topics covered in previous grades that are aligned
with district and state science standards. Students use the McDougal Littell Science Integrated
Course 3 text as well as many handouts, news articles, online resources and other media and text.
Inquiry based learning is integrated throughout the year by conducting labs, differentiated
research based projects, activities and writing. Technology is integrated throughout the course.
Topics Addressed:
Lab safety
Metric measurement
Scientific inquiry
Independent investigation
Plate Tectonics
Structure of Earth
Geologic Time
 Physical and chemical change
 Periodic table
 Atoms and molecules
Evolution and Diversity
Cell Structure and Function & Heredity and Reproduction
Social Studies - Grade 5
Overview: All Social Studies classes are standards based using Harcourt Horizons, United
States History: Beginnings, and various standards-based materials. Grade 5 students will study
the Americas from pre-Columbian civilizations through the American Revolution Era. Students
will learn about significant events and the places where they occurred. In addition, students will
learn about people who helped shape our country and how they worked together to meet their
needs, wants and the ongoing formation of government. Students will discover what it means to
be a citizen of the United States.
Topics Addressed:
 Ancient Pre-Columbian Civilizations
Mayas, Incas & Aztecs
 Early Exploration and Settlement
European Explorers
Settlements of New Spain & New France
Settlements of Jamestown & Plymouth
 Thirteen Colonies
Northern Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
 Revolutionary War Era
Steps to the Revolution
Battles of the Revolution
Government Then & Now
Social Studies – Grade 6 (Ancient Civilizations)
Overview: This course is a survey of ancient civilizations. The year will begin by discussing
what makes a civilization a civilization. Each Social Studies unit will be accompanied by a
“hands on” project to help students demonstrate their mastery of the subject. A few examples of
the types of activities that will be used to make classroom learning come alive are: Creating
stone age tools from nature, cave painting under a desk in the dark, a modern Middle School
version of the Code of Hammurabi, building a 3D map of the Nile River and a day in the life of a
Roman soldier. Reading and writing in content nonfiction will also be emphasized throughout all
Topics addressed:
Archeology and Early People
Ancient Middle Eastern civilizations
Ancient Egypt and Nubia, Ancient Greece, and
Ancient Rome (including the beginnings of Christianity)
Skills such as map reading and general vocabulary unique to Social Studies will be
embedded throughout the school year.
Current Events will be included when appropriate and time permits.
Social Studies – Grade 7 (Geography)
Overview: Students study the world outside of the United States and North America. Students
will explore continent by continent, an approach that is similar to the way in which atlases are
organized. Emphasis is placed on physical and political geography. Students will also be able to
explain how major physical features, location, natural resources, climate, and population
influence settlement and economy. Embedded within the course are five major concepts:
1. Location – Where am I?
a. Absolute: using latitude and longitude
b. Relative: indicated by direction, distance, or time
2. Place – What does it look like there?
a. Physical characteristics
b. Man-made characteristics
3. Human-Environment Interaction – How do people use, adapt to ,or modify their
4. Movement – How do people, goods, and ideas move from place to place?
5. Region – How is this location unique from the surrounding area?
a. Physical
b. Cultural
Topics Addressed:
South America
North & East Asia
Southeast Asia & Oceania
Central & South Asia
Western Asia: The Middle East
Social Studies – Grade 8 (World History I (500 – 1800 C. E.)
Overview: This course is a survey of World History from 500 to 1800 C. E. Students study the
achievements of numerous cultures of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. The course
follows the learning standards of Grades 8 to 12 Pathway A from the Massachusetts Frameworks
for History and Social Science. This is the first half of a two-year study of World History.
Students will continue the second half in ninth grade. Students will also create a shield project in
which they express their own values using symbols from medieval heraldry. Our study of
Japanese culture and history includes a Pillow Book project which explores the art, writing and
culture of the Heian Period.
Topics addressed:
The cultural legacy of the Roman Empire
Medieval Europe, Feudalism and the role of the Church
The Crusades
The Geography of the Arabian Peninsula
The Rise of Islam
The Culture and Kingdoms of West Africa
The Mughal Empire
The Rise of the British Raj
Imperial China
Japan and Korea During Medieval Times
Civilizations of the Americas
The Renaissance and the Reformation
The Scientific Revolution and The Age of Enlightenment
Grade 5 Spanish
Overview: This course is an introduction to Spanish that will enable students to greet a friend,
tell the date and time, tell the weather, describe themselves and their family and tell about
school. Class exercises and activities will strengthen students’ skills in speaking and listening to
Spanish and in reading and writing short passages. Spanish will be spoken as much as possible
during class to provide an opportunity for students to hear the language. Students will also be
expected to communicate in the target language during class. Language study will be linked to
the culture and geography of the Spanish-speaking world as it relates to these themes.
Grade 6 Spanish
Overview: This course is a continuation of the grade 5 Spanish course. Vocabulary and
grammar topics include ways to describe school, clothes, stores, restaurants and activities. Class
exercises and activities will focus on strengthening skills in reading and writing short passages
and on speaking and listening to Spanish. Spanish is used as much as possible during class to
provide an opportunity for students to hear the language. Students will also be expected to
communicate in the target language during class. Students learn culture and geography of the
Spanish-speaking world and vocabulary related to those topics.
Grade 7 Spanish
Overview: This course is a continuation of the grade 6 Spanish course. Vocabulary and
grammar topics include ways to describe sports, health, travel and activities. Classroom
exercises and activities will focus on strengthening skills in reading and writing short passages
and on speaking and listening to Spanish. Spanish is used as much as possible during class to
provide an opportunity for students to hear the language and students are expected to
communicate in the language during class. Students learn culture and geography of the Spanishspeaking world and vocabulary related to those topics.
Grade 8 Spanish
Overview: This course is a continuation of the grade 7 Spanish course. Vocabulary and
grammar topics will include weather, expressing feelings, pastimes, and activities. Class
exercises and activities will focus on strengthening skills in Reading and writing short passages
and on speaking and listening to Spanish. Language study is linked to the culture and geography
of the Spanish-speaking world. Spanish is used as much as possible during class to provide an
opportunity for students to hear the language and students are expected to communicate in the
language during class.
Grade 7 French
Overview: This course is an introduction to French where students will learn how to greet
people, introduce themselves, talk about their likes and dislikes, talk about their family and
friends, order in a café, use numbers 0-100, say the days of the week and current day’s date, tell
time and talk about the weather and seasons. Students will gain proficiency in French through
the development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Particular
emphasis will be spent on listening exercises to ensure students are learning language structures
and pronunciation in a holistic manner. There will be various research and writing projects
throughout the year to learn about the culture and geography of the francophone world, and how
it relates to the students and their lives.
Grade 8 French
Overview: This course continues the introduction of the French language through development
of the four skill areas of: listening, reading, speaking and writing. Comprehensive input will
continue to be the major focus in order to support and increase communicative proficiency.
Standards-based content consists of building vocabulary by combining previously learned
vocabulary with new vocabulary/communicative expressions. Students will learn verb
conjugations, composing affirmative and negative statements, several question formations,
identification of parts of speech and basic non/adjective agreement. French is used as much as
possible during class to provide an opportunity for students to hear the language. Aspects of the
target culture is reflected in the content, embedded in the textbook, analyzed and compared to
their own. Open discussion of cultural differences and similarities ensue naturally in the
classroom as aspects of the target language are taught and learned. Students will research and
present major geographical, historical and cultural aspects of France using Power point.
Grade 5
Health Education
Growth & Development, D.A.R.E. Program, Postural
Screening, Wellness, Sun Safety, Dental Health
Physical Education -
Team & Individual Sports – Frisbee
Games/Challenges, Hockey
Fitness Education
Fitness Assessments, Introduction to Fitness Equipment,
Cooperative Games & Challenge Activities, which may include the
use of high elements such as, ropes, cargo net, climbing wall
(on belay), high traversing (on belay)
Major Projects
6 Dimensions of Wellness Poster Project, D.A.R.E.
Activity Book & Report, Portfolio
Nutrition, Personal Safety & Injury Prevention
Grade 6
Health Education
Physical Education -
Team & Individual Sport – Frisbee
Games/Challenges, Hockey
Fitness Education
Fitness Assessments, Circuit Training, Components of
Fitness, Cooperative Games & Challenges, which may
include the use of high elements such as, ropes, cargo net,
climbing wall (on belay), high traversing (on belay)
Major Projects
First Aid Kits & Skits, Portfolio
Grade 7
Health Education
Physical Education -
Human Sexuality & Reproduction, Mental & Emotional Health
Team & Individual Sports – Frisbee
Games/Challenges, Hockey
Fitness Education
Fitness Assessments, Circuit Training, Components of
Fitness, Cooperative Games & Challenges, which may
include the use of high elements such as, ropes, cargo net,
climbing wall (on belay), high traversing (on belay)
Major projects
Personal Time Capsule, Puberty Book, and Portfolio.
Health Education
Relationship Violence & Disease Prevention
Physical Education
Team & Individual Sports – Frisbee
Games/Challenges, Hockey
Fitness Education
Fitness Assessments, Circuit Training, Components of
Fitness, Cooperative Games & Challenges, which may
include the use of high elements such as, ropes, cargo net,
climbing wall (on belay), high traversing (on belay)
Major projects
Disease Awareness/Prevention PowerPoint and Portfolio.
Grade 8
Visual Arts – Grade 5
Overview: The fifth grade art program continues to build on the basic skills learned in the
elementary grades focusing on the elements of art. Through a variety of media, students will
explore their artistic and creative potential. Students will learn to use materials appropriately and
increase their skill in manipulating art tools. Emphasis will be placed on pre-planning, problem
solving, and evaluating their own work. Looking at exemplary works of art and incorporating art
history is ongoing. In addition, interdisciplinary connections are integrated when appropriate.
Topics Addressed:
Identify various forms of line and their effects in a work of art
Demonstrate an understanding of texture and pattern through 2D and 3D art
Expand and apply their knowledge of color theory
Create more advanced clay projects by employing a combination of techniques
Responsibly use and care for art materials and workspace
Research, pre-plan, problem solve and evaluate their own work
Prepare work for exhibition
Produce artwork that demonstrates an understanding of good craftsmanship
Be exposed to art from other cultures and time periods
Visual Arts – Grade 6
Overview: Sixth grade students will have an opportunity to work in a variety of media as they
increase their understanding of the elements of art. They will also be introduced to some of the
principles of art to enable a more effective expression of their designs. Emphasis will be placed
on how to create color values, and to more accurately render objects. Students will create
3-dimensional work using clay and other sculptural media. When appropriate, students will
combine core subject knowledge in the creation of art.
Topics Addressed:
Use the element of line to render objects accurately
Demonstrate an understanding of color mixing
Create well-balanced interesting compositions that demonstrate an understanding of
Create artworks that are representational and abstract
Create clay slab containers that show increased sophistication in the handling of the
Responsibly use and care for art materials and the work space
Research, pre-plan, problem solve and evaluate their own work
Prepare work for exhibition
Produce artwork that demonstrates an understanding of good craftsmanship
Create artworks that reflect an understanding of art styles from other cultures and time
Visual Arts – Grade 7
Overview: Students will be introduced to right and left brain thinking and how it influences
their ability to see clearly and draw accurately from observation. Several exercises and drawings
will be completed to try to realistically portray what they see. Students will also explore color
theory and abstract composition through the medium of chalk pastel. In addition, students will
have the opportunity to further their knowledge and skills in working with clay and other
sculptural materials.
Topics Addressed:
Draw with accuracy exploring how contour lines define edges and creates detail.
Understand the importance of right/left brain dominance in artistic expression
Explore the unique color mixing and blending techniques of chalk pastel
Create clay forms that demonstrate increased awareness of the various hand-building
Responsibly use and care for art materials and workspace
Research, pre-plan, problem solve and evaluate their own work
Prepare work for exhibition
Produce artwork that demonstrates an understanding of good craftsmanship
Be exposed to art from other cultures and time periods
Visual Arts – Grade 8
Overview: Eighth grade students will expand their grasp of drawing to include how light source
affects objects and how to portray this in their drawing. More sophisticated drawing tools are
introduced for practice and experimentation. Students will learn about color relationships and
work on a painting project that incorporates their interests for topic inspiration. Students will
work on three-dimensional projects using a variety of materials. Through discussion, reflection
and problem solving, students will be encouraged to communicate their own feelings through
their art work.
Topics Addressed:
Use value to define a form in space
Understand the effects of light in rendering objects
Create well balanced compositions using the entire picture plane
Create paintings that demonstrate an understanding of color theory
Create 2D and 3D work that is representational, non-objective or symbolic in nature
Communicate views of themselves and the world through their art
Responsibly use and care for art materials and the work space
Research, pre-plan, problem solve and evaluate their own work
Prepare work for exhibition
Produce artwork that demonstrates an understanding of good craftsmanship
Create artworks that reflect an understanding of art styles from other cultures and time
Band – Grades 5-8
Overview: Band follows a sequential order starting in Grade 5 and continues through Grade 8.
Instruments offered in this program include: flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, French horn,
trumpet, trombone, and percussion. Each grade level band performs at two concerts each year.
The first concert occurs during the month of January, while the second occurs during the month
of June. Grades 5 and 6 Band is offered in two sections as a way to further instruction to each of
the different instruments offered. Classes meet together prior to each concert to be sure that
students get practice to perform as a full ensemble. The 7th and 8th grade band meet as their own
ensemble incorporating all of the instruments present. Music for each group is chosen based on
that ensembles ability level. Musical selections are differentiated. For example, some pieces
may be of an easy level of difficulty, striving for musicality, whereas others may be above
students’ current level, as to drive the instruction of new concepts.
Topics Addressed:
Rhythmic Accuracy
Tone Quality
Melodic Accuracy
Technique on a student’s particular instrument
Breathing Techniques
Chorus – Grades 5-8
Overview: Chorus follows a sequential order starting in Grade 5 and continues through Grade 8.
Each grade level chorus performs two concerts each year. The first concert occurs during the
month of January, while the second occurs during the month of June. Both grades 5 and 6 chorus
is offered in two sections as a way to further instruction to each of the classes offered in our
program. The classes then meet together prior to each concert to be sure the students can
perform together as a full ensemble. The 7th and 8th grade chorus meet as their own ensemble
with all instruments present. Musical selections are differentiated. For example, some pieces
may be of an easy level of difficulty, striving for musicality, whereas others may be above
students’ current level, as to drive the instruction of new concepts.
Topics Addressed:
Rhythmic Accuracy
Tone Quality
Melodic Accuracy
Technique on a student’s particular instrument
Breathing Techniques
Drama – Grade 6
Overview: The sixth grade Drama curriculum covers basic communication skills. The student
will learn and use; audience skills, appropriate criticism, skills for working in a small group,
conversation skills, public speaking techniques, how to evaluate oneself and one’s peers, as well
as an introduction to the art of theater. These areas are taught through the use of theater games
and classroom activities.
Drama – Grade 7
Overview: The seventh grade Drama curriculum looks at how people communicate, both
verbally and through their actions. Theater games and activities are used to foster creative
thinking and self-awareness. Students will learn, practice and hopefully, appreciate the art of
theater. Students will read scripts and be introduced to plot structure, as well as theater
Drama – Grade 8
Overview – The eighth grade Drama Program covers public speaking, digital movie making, and
play-building. Each of these areas are designed to enhance communication skills that will be
useful to students in high school.
Grade 5 General Music Workshop/Chorus – Grades 5, 6, and 7
Overview: Grade 5: In Music Workshop students will be working in the Yamaha Music
Literacy Lab to experience music through singing, decoding notation and playing keyboard
accompaniments. Topics include: studying rhythmic notation, melodic notation, time signatures,
vocabulary and musical symbols. Students will also spend time studying famous composers and
their historical significance. The Chorus portion of this course includes vocal techniques,
singing in parts, continued music notation and performing in a school concert.
Overview: Grade 6 students will be continuing their work in the Yamaha Music Literacy Lab.
Music Theory will include: dynamic symbols, tempo terminology and articulation. Sight singing
will include the use of solfege in the keys of C, F, and G major. Students will be composing
diatonic songs in the key’s of C, F, and G. Students will also create their own rhythmic version
of Stomp which they will perform in class. They will also continue studying famous composers
and their historical significance.
Overview: Grade 7 students will be using the Yamaha Lab to learn piano skills and working on
beginner and intermediate level piano pieces. Students will also learn guitar techniques.
Students will begin playing melodies and move on to playing chords. Drums will also be
introduced in this class. Music Theory will include learning all 12 major scales, blues scales and
major minor and diminished chord formulas.
Academic Learning Center – Grade 5
Overview: The 5th grade Learning Center is designed to provide a range of services to students
with varied mild and moderate disabilities as designated in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Learning Center Course Syllabus:
Academic subject support is available for math, ELA, Reading, written language, science
and social studies. Support is provided for test and quiz preparation, review of study
guides, vocabulary and concepts so that students have access to the general curriculum.
Organizational and study skills are developed in the form of study habits, memorization
techniques, organizational strategies, test-taking strategies, open response strategies,
managing short and long-term assignments, editing and revision skills, self-advocacy
skills, time management and recording of assignments in the agenda.
 MCAS test-taking strategies are provided throughout the year in the Learning Center.
 Goals within the student’s Individual Education Plan are addressed through specialized
instruction in the areas of math, written expression, and comprehension.
Support for the transition from the 4th grade to the Middle School is also provided.
Academic Learning Center – Grade 6
Overview: Students in the 6th grade Academic Learning Center receive support and specialized
instruction according to the goals listed within their Individual Educational Plans.
Learning Center Course Syllabus:
Academic support is provided for the following academic areas, as needed: English
Language Arts (to including reading comprehension and written expression), math, social
studies and science. Students preview and review vocabulary and concepts they
encounter in the general curriculum. Support is provided for quiz and test preparation.
Students receive ongoing instruction and assistance with organization, study skills,
clarification of assignments and projects, time management techniques, and frequent
agenda book check-ins.
Basic math and English Language Arts skills are taught as they relate to the current
content areas covered in academic classes. Reading fluency is practiced as needed.
Previous sample MCAS questions are used to further familiarize students with content
and various test-taking strategies.
Academic Learning Center – Grade 7
Overview: The 7th grade Learning Center assists students in the development of individual
strengths and weaknesses through review, reinforcement, and re-teaching of academic skills.
Specialized instruction based on the student’s Individual Educational Plan is provided.
Assistance in a variety of forms is provided to students to help them meet grade level
Learning Center Course Syllabus:
Test and quiz preparation
Study Skills
Review and/or re-teaching of concepts and skills as needed
Assistance with difficulty in specific academic areas
Assistance in the Function Skills of prioritizing, planning, pacing, initiation, organizing,
and self-monitoring
Short and long term assignment assistance
Planning and organization
Revision and editing of writing pieces
MCAS Preparation and review skills
Test taking skills
These are the skills most often addressed, however, depending on a student’s individual need,
any number of additional skills may be addressed.
Academic Learning Center – Grade 8
Overview: The 8th grade Learning Center continues to assist students in the development of
individual strengths and weaknesses through review, reinforcement, and re-teaching of academic
Learning Center Course Syllabus:
To remediate areas of weakness
To develop areas of strength
To support regular education curricula
To develop study and organizational skills
To correlate regular class goals with special education goals
To facilitate communication with parents and within the school
To provide up- to- date assessment information
To encourage students to reach their highest potential facilitating student growth
Reading Program (Grades 5-8)
Overview: Multisensory Reading/Language is a course based on a student’s individual
educational plan and is offered during the Integrated Arts block. This program is based on
scientific research and is used to provide specialized instruction in decoding and encoding for
reading and writing.
Math Lab Grades 5-8
Overview: This course is designed to help students who struggle while learning mathematics. Every
year there is an expectation that each student will enter his/her grade level mathematics course having
mastered the material taught in previous years. The Math Lab Program addresses the needs of those
students with significant gaps in knowledge, understanding, and mathematical ability. Therefore, this
course does not provide direct tutoring of the content students are learning in their regular math class.
Rather, it supports each students learning of mathematics at grade level by providing re-teaching of
the underlying foundation concepts, skill sets, and problem-solving strategies necessary for success.
Reading Tutor Grades 5-8:
Overview: The reading tutor program is designed to help students who need additional reading
support, specifically in the areas of comprehension and vocabulary. The program is not intended to
provide direct tutoring for the content students are learning in their regular ELA class. Instead, the
program focuses on providing students with reading tools and strategies that can be used to help
support what they are learning in their ELA classes. Lessons are based on topics or skills that are
identified by the GRADE as areas of weakness for each student.