Theatre `80 to stage `Same Time, Next Year`

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News· ···· · ·
·Thursday, July 3, 1980
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Theatre '80 to stage 'Same Time, Next Year'
by Herb Meeker
"Same Time, Next Year," the story
about an adulterous 25-yearlove affair,
wilf be presented by
Summer Theatre '80 beginning at 8
p.m., Saturday, in the Playroom of the
Doudna Fine Arts Center.
This Bernard Slade play, which first
appeared on Broadway in March,
1975, tells the story of an adulterous
love affair which takes place only once
a year. The two characters help reflect
twenty-five years of American morals,
manners and attitudes, while trying to
mold their own identities.
The play begins in 1951 when
George picks up Doris in a California
inn, where they both decide to meet
there once a year. Despite their yearly
weekend encounters from 195 I to
1975. both characters remain happily
married, and have children.
At first, George (played by Barry
Roberts) is an uptight, neurotic accountant becoming more stuffy and
rich by telling other people how to
spend their money. He finally gives it
all up. goes into analysis, becomes a
latter day hippie, and then returns to
the establishment.
Doris. played by junior Beth Adams,
Is a shy married girl, who becomes a
young. restless housewife, a college
student, over-age flower child, ambitious career woman with a shaky
marriage. then finally a satisfied
This play is Robert's "virgin voyage" in theater. Adams has done plays
for Eastern's theater company, including "Spoon River Anthology" and
"Taming of the Shrew."
Through the affair, the characters
cover subjects such as book-of-themonth clubs. impotency, the sexual
revolution of the 60's, Vietnam and
Senior Barry Roberts and sophomore Beth Adams star in photo by Robin Scholz)
"Same Time Next Year," which will begin Saturday. (News
One of the prime responsibilities of City Government is
G. E Gabbard, director of the play,
said, "This is not a play for the whole
to make people aware of WHO is responsible for
family. since there is profanity and
WHAT. If you have a request for certain city action or a
mature subjects are covered."
The play will be presented again at
question concerning a certain city service, you may
8 p.m. July 7 and 8. and matinees at 2
call the person(s) listed for assistance:
p.m. on July 6 and 12.
Tickets are $3.50 for adults, $2.50
for senior citizens and $2.00 for
Police, Administration, Council Meeting Agenda,
Eastern students. Reservations can be
Liquor Licenses, PueHc Relations
made by calling 581-3110 between 1
p.m. and 5 p.m.
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