
The Lord of the Flies
Chapters 7, 8, 9
Directions: Answer the following questions, in complete, detailed sentences utilizing quotes for support.
Chapter 7
1. Ralph notes that from the other side of the island, the view is quite different from the view they are used
to. How is the view different? How does it make Ralph feel?
2. What “daydreams came swarming up” for Ralph?
3. What changed Ralph’s opinion of hunting? Why is his change of opinion significant?
4. Describe the ritual the boys enact here and have participated in previously after other hunts. What
purpose does it serve? What might it foreshadow?
5. Why do Ralph and Roger follow Jack up the mountain? What are they looking for?
6. At the mountain-top, why does Ralph experience “green lights of nausea”?
7. What do the three boys discover on the mountain-top near the extinguished signal fire?
Chapter 8
1. Explain what occurs in the meeting Jack calls at the beginning of the chapter. What is Jack’s motivation
for calling the meeting? How do the boys respond to him?
2. Jack says, “[Ralph’s] just like Piggy. He says things like Piggy.” What is Jack’s intent in comparing
Ralph to Piggy?
3. What decision does Jack reach by the end of the meeting? Why?
4. Why can’t the boys have a signal fire on the mountain-top anymore? Where does Piggy suggest they
move the fire to, and how do the others react?
5. How does Jack’s departure affect Piggy? Do any of the boys join Jack?
6. Simon leaves the group that day, too. Where does he go, and for what purpose?
7. After the pig hunt, what do Jack and the other hunters decide they need next? How will they go about
getting it?
8. What does Jack do with the pig’s head? Why?
9. What is the Lord of the Flies? How and to whom does it reveal itself? What does it say?
10. Before Simon loses consciousness, the Lord of Flies tells him this: “Fancy thinking the Beast was
something you could hunt and kill! . . . You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m
the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are?” What is the Lord of the Flies revealing about
the true nature of its identity? Why is Simon “unwanted”? What do these words from the Lord of the
Flies foreshadow?
Chapter 9
1. When Simon awakes from his seizure, he asks aloud to the clearing, “What else is there to do?” What is
he thinking, and where does he go?
2. What does it mean when it is said that Simon walking “with the glum determination of an old man”?
3. What does Simon do when he finds the dead parachutist on the mountain-top?
4. Ralph and Piggy decide to join Jack’s pig feast. Describe the scene. What role has Jack cast/put himself
5. Jack declares himself chief again, since he and his hunters are the only ones who can give the group
meat. What three things, according to Ralph, does Jack not possess?
6. In the face of the impending storm, and without fire or shelter, how does Jack regain order? What does
he suggest they do to take their minds off what they lack? How does this illustrate the difference
between Jack and Ralph as leaders?
7. Who stumbles into the circle of dancers? What do they mistake him for, and what happens, as a result?