Announcement - February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014
Health employers and Community Bargaining Association ratify five-year agreement
HEABC and the Community Bargaining Association (CBA) have ratified a five-year agreement for the period between April 1,
2014 and March 31, 2019. HEABC and CBA signed a tentative agreement on November 30, 2013 after entering into early
bargaining in advance of the March 31, 2014 expiry of the current collective agreement.
Some of the highlights of the agreement are:
Modest wage increase (5.5 per cent over five years) funded by government
Five-year agreement provides for labour stability
Economic growth sharing dividend to be paid if the province's real gross domestic product exceeds the forecast.
Movement towards wage and benefit comparability with the Facilities Bargaining Association (FBA) through
comparability adjustments for eligible employees to be determined by a joint Occupation Comparability Review
Committee which will undertake a review of wage rates for CBA occupations compared with similar
occupations in the FBA
Formation of a joint benefits trust to provide cost certainty for employers and sustainable benefits for
Continuation of language that protects employers’ right to contract out
Additional funding for Enhanced Disability Management Program to help keep employees at work
“This agreement shows what can be achieved when the parties work together to reach a deal that is good for both
employers and employees, and supports improved care,” says Michael Marchbank, President & CEO of HEABC. “The
new agreement creates a framework for employers and employees to jointly manage benefits, ensuring cost certainty for
employers while providing for long-term sustainability of benefits for employees. It also gives employers and unions a
means to ensure that community health workers are compensated fairly compared with similar occupations in other
health sectors. This is good news for employees that will also help employers to recruit and retain skilled workers and
bring stability to the sector.”
Community Bargaining Association (CBA)
 CBA bargains on behalf of approximately 15,100 unionized employees working in home support agencies, mental
health programs, alcohol and drug centres, child development centres and community service agencies.
The largest union in CBA is the BC Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU), which represents
approximately 63 per cent of members, followed by the United Food & Commercial Workers Union (UFCW),
which represents 17 per cent of members, Hospital Employees' Union (HEU), Canadian Union of Public Employees
(CUPE) and Health Sciences Association (HSA).
Community Health Workers (CHWs) are the largest occupation group within the CBA accounting for
approximately half of all CBA employees.
In 2012 bargaining, a tentative agreement with CBA was reached on January 15, 2013 after 12 months of
negotiations. That two-year agreement covered the period between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2014 and was
reached under PSEC’s cooperative gains mandate.
More information:
Roy Thorpe-Dorward, HEABC Executive Director, Communications
604.714.2285 [email protected]