Chemical Hazard Communication

For further information,
refer to the District’s
Accident Prevention and
Safety Plan or call the
Safety Office at
This publication was revised in October 2013
by the Safety Office and reproduced in the
Printing & Graphics Department.
Tacoma Public Schools
P.O. Box 1357
Tacoma, WA 98401-1357
(Right to Know Program)
Chemicals in the workplace
In 1984, the Washington State
Legislature adopted a Hazard
Communication Standard (WAC 296-62054) relating to hazardous chemicals, more
commonly known as “An Act Relating to
worker and Community Right to Know.” This
legislation received strong support since
there are about 500,000 chemical products
used in the workplace affecting 25 million
workers nationwide.
Chemical exposure can cause or
contribute to many serious health effects
while some chemicals can be safety hazards.
Because these problems can be serious, and
because there often is a lack of information
available to employees and employers, “The
Right to Know” standard will assist all of us
in reducing the incidence of occupational
illnesses and injuries.
Hazard Communication
“Right to Know” Program
In order to protect and promote a
safe and healthful environment for our
employees, students and the public, the
Tacoma School District recognizes a need for
information covering hazardous chemicals
and materials used in our operation and
to provide adequate information quickly
to assure personal safety. To achieve this,
the Tacoma School District has established
a written, comprehensive communication
program which is available in each school
location as well as in the Safety Office for
review by any interested party. The written
program describes our policy on container
labeling, material safety data sheets
(MSDS), employee training programs as well
as a list of all the hazardous chemicals.
The following definitions are commonly
used for the “Right to Know” Program:
Hazardous Chemical or Material:
Any solid, liquid or gas used, stored or
produced by Tacoma Public Schools which
through inhalation, ingestion or skin contact
could cause illness, injury, health hazard or
environmental damage during use, storage
or disposal.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):
A specifically designed report describing
a hazardous chemical and containing
information relative to identify physical
and chemical characteristics, known health
effects, exposure limits, carcinogenic
properties, precautionary measures,
emergency and first aid procedures, and the
identity of the organization which prepared
the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
Principals/Administrators shall comply
with the “Right to Know” Program and be
responsible to:
• Maintain a copy of the written Hazard
Communications (Right to Know) Program
in each work location.
• Maintain a Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) for each of the hazardous chemicals
or materials used in the specific work
location. These must be made available for
employee or public review upon request.
• Assure that no hazardous chemical
or material is used without an approved
material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) within
their work location.
• Prohibit the use of hazardous chemicals
or materials until an approved Material
Safety Data Sheet is received, and training
for employees is provided.
Employees shall comply with the “Right
to Know” Program and be responsible to:
• Be familiar and follow all instructions
and safety procedures dedicated to the use,
storage, handling and disposal of hazardous
chemicals or materials within their work
District Safety Officer in the Safety
Office will assist with employee training,
safety assistance and consultation to all
departments. Principals/Administrators will
coordinate such activities with the Safety