Eagle Examiner - Broward County Schools

Voice Mail (754) 322-6301
ASC (After School Care) (754) 322-6327
Security Hotline Number (754) 321-0911
24 Hour Attendance Hotline (754) 322-6302
Missing Child (754) 321-0725
Main Number (754) 322-6300
Eagle Examiner
Rick Redshaw, Principal
Lindsey Sierra, Assistant Principal
2016-2017 AdvancED Stakeholder Survey (Customer Survey)
Eagle Ridge parents, please take 5 minutes and take the 2016-2017 Customer Survey which is
now available at http://www.advanc-ed.org/survey/public/0413263. Your thoughts,
comments, and insight would be much appreciated by all.
Dear Eagle Ridge Parents/Guardians and Community Members:
A mathematical problem for you: What is 10 times 12 minus 8 divided by 2? Yep, that’s the number of
days left in the 2016-2017 school year! WHAT??? Seems like just yesterday I was meeting the ERE
students and families, welcoming them to the beginning of the school year, and before you know it, here
we are. As I always say . . . don’t blink your eyes. What an incredible school year we have had thus far,
and I’m sure that the next 11 weeks will prove to be even more than that.
Our 4th and 5th graders recently took the FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) Writing test. Having many
opportunities to write since the beginning of the school year (as well as during their Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd Grade years) AND having fine-tuned their skills in the weeks just prior to the test, I’m sure that the
students put their best foot forward and did ERE proud. Write? At the end of March, as well as the end
of April, all 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders will be involved in the FSA Testing for English Language Arts,
Mathematics, and Science (5th). Please be on the lookout for information coming home regarding testing
dates, etc. for each particular grade level. Over the next few weeks, while still covering the standards that
have yet to be taught, the staff are etching out time each day to work with smaller groups of students on
the standards that proved to be weaker based upon the results of the BSA that they all participated in at
the end of January. Once again, I’m sure that all will make us proud. Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.
During the month of March we’re highlighting the Character Trait of Self-Control – having discipline over
one’s behavior or actions. One way of exhibiting Self-Control would be using the power of our thoughts
to control the actions of our bodies, to include what we say to ourselves and others – when it comes down
to it, WE are the only ones in control of ourselves. One of my favorites is knowing that we can learn to
turn a frustrating situation into one that will be positive and productive. Out of everything that is
perceived as negative, something positive can blossom.
During the month of April we’ll be highlighting the Character Trait of Tolerance – recognizing and
respecting differences, values, and beliefs of other people. Tolerance is an extremely important Character
Trait to teach the children that will one day be leading our society, wouldn’t you agree? One way of
showing tolerance is appreciating that no two people are exactly alike and yet we all share many of the
same traits and needs. I think that if we were to do a Venn Diagram, we’d find that there would be more
traits found wherein the two circles overlap, as we all have more similarities than differences.
Voice Mail (754) 322-6301
ASC (After School Care) (754) 322-6327
Security Hotline Number (754) 321-0911
24 Hour Attendance Hotline (754) 322-6302
Missing Child (754) 321-0725
Main Number (754) 322-6300
Eagle Examiner
Rick Redshaw, Principal
Lindsey Sierra, Assistant Principal
As always, looking forward to seeing you all in and around the school and community, making every day
a learning opportunity for both our students and ourselves. Never stop learning, because life never stops
Rick Redshaw, Proud Principal
Mrs. Sierra – Assistant Principal
Did you know that we have a School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) at Eagle Ridge
Elementary? The SPBP is a research-based behavior support system to reinforce positive
behaviors. Our easy to remember acronym for students is S.O.A.R- Self Control, On Task, Act
Responsibly, and Respect. S.O.A.R. addresses the key expectations that are important for all
students in all areas of the school. Throughout the year, behavior expectations and reward
systems are taught to students, reinforced consistently, and monitored by staff and
administration. We are excited to announce that since the implementation of the school wide plan
our Office Discipline Referrals have gone down by 75% since March of last year. We love
rewarding students for the "right" behaviors in key areas like the cafeteria, hallways and the
playgrounds. Classes also earn compliments and recognized on the morning announcements
weekly. We are in the process of revising and adding elements to our SPBP for next year. If you
would like to be involved in the planning, please attend our next School Advisory Council Meeting
on March 27th at 2:30 in the Media Center. We will be discussing the new elements and analyzing
data to help us develop the new SPBP for 2017-18. We would love to hear your feedback and
Just a reminder that the safest place to drop your child off in the mornings is the car loop after
7:30 a.m. If you choose to come to the west parking lot, please park and walk your child to the
front of the school. This will ensure that all students arrive to school safely and that there is
proper supervision for students. Thank you for your help!
Voice Mail (754) 322-6301
ASC (After School Care) (754) 322-6327
Security Hotline Number (754) 321-0911
24 Hour Attendance Hotline (754) 322-6302
Missing Child (754) 321-0725
Main Number (754) 322-6300
Eagle Examiner
Rick Redshaw, Principal
Lindsey Sierra, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Figas – Literacy Coach
Did you know that ERE continues to utilize iStation's computer-based learning system
that offers the depth and breadth of curriculum, the quality production, the wealth of
resources, and the measurable results?
What Is Istation Reading? It's a comprehensive computer-based reading program that
maximizes students’ reading fluency, comprehension and retention, and academic success.
Computer-adaptive assessments and curriculum present reading and writing in a fun, interactive
way that motivates students to participate.
Just to name a few...Istation Delivers:
Computer-adaptive assessments that dynamically adjust to each student's
skill level
Pre-K through 8th grade curriculum in reading and interdisciplinary studies
Engaging, interactive content in a game-like format that kids love
Our domain: eagleridge.broward.fl
Website: www.istation.com
In addition, students in grades K-5 can use Istation from home. Below is the link to begin the
download. This is the icon that students will use to log on.
Each student has their own card with their username ID and password to login to Istation. Happy
Ms. Davis – Counseling and ESOL Corner
We are still in need of volunteers to proctor the FSA Assessments. If you are interested in
proctoring the FSA and you are not yet approved as a volunteer, please go to the website,
www.getinvolvedineducation.com to get approved in time for the FSA administration. On March
28th and 29th the 3rd grade English Language Arts (ELA) test will be administered. On April 18th
and 19th the 3rd grade math test and the 4th grade ELA test will be administered. On April 24th
and 25th the 4th grade math test and the 5th grade ELA test will be administered. The 5th grade
math test will be administered on April 27th and 28th.
The 5th grade science test will be
administered on May 2nd and May 3rd. We will need many volunteers to help proctor. The proctor
forms have gone home and we have more forms in the front office. We will be composing the
proctor schedule soon, so please go online to get approved as a volunteer. Your assistance with
the FSA administration is greatly appreciated.
Voice Mail (754) 322-6301
ASC (After School Care) (754) 322-6327
Security Hotline Number (754) 321-0911
24 Hour Attendance Hotline (754) 322-6302
Missing Child (754) 321-0725
Main Number (754) 322-6300
Eagle Examiner
Rick Redshaw, Principal
Lindsey Sierra, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Collins – ESE Corner
S.E.L. (Social Emotional Learning)
Our guest speaker:
Dr. Daniel Shapiro, Broward Schools' Elementary School Counseling Specialist
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Hosted at McArthur High School - 6501 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, FL 33024
The Broward Gifted Advisory Council (GAC) is a group of parents, volunteers, and educators
focused on providing quality gifted education and opportunities for Broward County's gifted
children. We also facilitate two-way communication between parents and the Broward County
http://browardgiftedadvisory.zohosites.com or contact Ms. Veronica Newmeyer, GAC Chair, at
[email protected].
Safety Tips & City Events – Officer Burton and Officer Dittman
The Coral Springs Police Dept. wants to remind you to set your clocks one hour ahead on March
12th at 2:00 a.m.
Voice Mail (754) 322-6301
ASC (After School Care) (754) 322-6327
Security Hotline Number (754) 321-0911
24 Hour Attendance Hotline (754) 322-6302
Missing Child (754) 321-0725
Main Number (754) 322-6300
Eagle Examiner
Rick Redshaw, Principal
Lindsey Sierra, Assistant Principal
March and April Calendar of Events
March 13
Kindergarten Fieldtrip Safety Town
March 14
Kindergarten Fieldtrip Safety Town
March 23
Early Release Day
March 24
Employee Planning – No School For Students
March 27
1st Grade Fieldtrip Flamingo Gardens
March 28
PTA General Meeting 7:00 pm
April 5
Visiting Author Pre-K – 2
April 10-14
Spring Break