IDX Smart Framing

IDX Smart Framing
Quick Start Guide Paragon 4.0
IDX Smart Framing is a simplified method of providing prospects/clients with a way to search
for, find, and see listings via an agent’s and/or office’s web site. Once an agent/broker subscribes to IDX Smartframing from their MLS, several links will be activated which they can
post on their web site or with whomever maintains their site. These are dynamic links, which
means that listing data is continually updated based on the data in Paragon 4. MLS rules dictate which data fields will be available for public access and what will be displayed in the resulting report.
To navigate to the IDX set
up screen on Paragon, on
the tool bar click Preferences, then click on IDX
Smartframing. Remember
this option is only available
if your MLS has selected
IDX Smartframing for Paragon and you have the correct log in level as chosen
by your MLS.
The first time you enter the
IDX Smartframing section
of Paragon, you will be presented with the IDX Smartframing subscription page.
After you review your
board’s rules and filling out
the appropriate paper work,
select the I agree button
and click submit.
Note* Most MLS associations will not activate
agents or brokers IDX
links until the correct paper work is turned in and
any associated fees are
paid. Please check with
your MLS about Smartframing processes before
you get started.
Quick Start Guide © 2009 LPSREG
IDX Smart Framing
Quick Start Guide Paragon 4.0
The IDX Smartframing contact information window will open. Notice the account is in pending
status, this will remain until your MLS has activated your IDX links. During this time it is recommended that you customize your search screens, and listing display pages by using the
menu buttons on the left hand side of the page. First is your Contact Information which is the
screen you see above. To make changes click on the Modify button.
To customize your contact
information, use the Rich
Text Editor controls above
your work area. This works
in a very similar fashion as
a word processing software would.
For more information on
these controls see the Rich
Text Editor Quick Start
Quick Start Guide © 2009 LPSREG
IDX Smart Framing
Quick Start Guide Paragon 4.0
To customize the search
page layout that your potential customers will use,
click the Search Layout
link in the left hand column.
Note* All customizations
on the following pages can
be turned off by the MLS.
Your MLS has set up default search criteria for
your IDX Smartframing.
These fields appear in the
Primary criteria box in this
example. The fields you
select here are the search
fields the prospect sees on
your website. A list of additional search criteria appears in the container on
the left side. Both containers combined are the fields
that your MLS has deemed
available for the public to
search by.
To add an available field to
your search, click on the
field in the left box and
click Add. To move the
field up or down in the list,
again click on it, and click
Move up or Move Down
until it appears where you
want it to be. Once the
search criteria fields are
the way you want them,
click Preview to see what
your prospects will see,
click Save to save your
Quick Start Guide © 2009 LPSREG
IDX Smart Framing
Quick Start Guide Paragon 4.0
The preview
screen appears here.
The colors of
the screen are
also customizable and will
be discussed
in a follow section.
To go back to
the search layout click the
Back To
Search Layout button.
The Disclaimer and Logo
section have been set up
by your board, both for the
protection of the agent and
the local association.
Therefore it is not recommended that the agents or
brokers make any changes
to these sections.
To change colors of the
Background, Tile Banner
or the Tile Font. Click on
Color in the left hand column, then Create New
Theme. The Select A
Color links will then appear, along with the Save
Theme As box. First Click
on the Select A Color link
for the section you wish to
Quick Start Guide © 2009 LPSREG
IDX Smart Framing
Quick Start Guide Paragon 4.0
With the Color Selection
window open move your
cursor in the general area
of the color you wish to
use. Left click on the
mouse, the color you
have selected will appear
in the color box towards
the bottom of the page.
You can then use the
shading buttons on the
right hand side to dial in
the desired color. When
you have the color the
way you want, click OK.
HTML color codes can be
used. If you know the HTML
code for the color you want,
type that number into this
space and click Apply, then
click OK. This will let you
match your website colors.
Once you have clicked
OK the colors will change
on the example. Be sure
the font colors stand out
so they can be seen. If
not you may need to go
back and change either
the background or the
font colors so it is readable by your customer.
After the colors are set,
you need to save the
theme. Type in the name
of the theme in the Save
Theme As box. Then
click Save. This will now
place the theme name
into the drop down titled
Quick Start Guide © 2009 LPSREG
IDX Smart Framing
Quick Start Guide Paragon 4.0
The Default View Fields are the fields that will be displayed on the listings your customers
view on your web site. As you can see above the MLS is not allowing any changes to these
fields by the agent.
If however, your MLS does allow these changes by the agents, you would do the same as in
the search layout. Highlight the field you wish to display in the left box by clicking on it, click
the Add Button, then highlight the field in the right box and click Move Up or Move Down
until you have it set the way you want it. Click Preview to see how it appears. This would
have to be done for each class and for each result view. Once finished click Save. (Not Displayed here.)
Quick Start Guide © 2009 LPSREG
IDX Smart Framing
Quick Start Guide Paragon 4.0
At the bottom of the Contact Information page are the search links for your IDX Smart Framing. These links are fully functional search pages that can be added to your web site. They
are set up based on the customization you have done in the previous steps, and any requirements of your local MLS. As stated earlier, these links are dynamic, meaning they are connected directly to Paragon. Giving your web site the latest information.
All IDX users have access to the “My Office Listings” link.
“My Listings New” and the “My Listings Old” function identically. It is recommended that
new IDX users use the My Listings New link, and existing user stay with the My Listings
Old link.
My (Class) Listings’ are links that show the agents listings for that corresponding class.
Quick Start Guide © 2009 LPSREG