Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 1 di 13 more LOGIN or CREATE A PROFILE LOGOUT () Every Collection Tells a Story EXHIBITIONS (/EXHIBITIONS) Stories into the Versatile World of Collecting INTERVIEWS (/INTERVIEWS) Discoveries & Insights ON–SITE (/ON-SITE) A Global Guide to Contemporary Art Collections ART GUIDE (/ART-GUIDE) Practical Advice for Art Lovers KUNST KOLLEG (/KUNST-KOLLEG) For Collectors – Specials for Registered Collectors FOR COLLECTORS (/FOR-MEMBERS) What’s Independent Collectors? ABOUT (/IC/ABOUT) 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 2 di 13 MARCO SCOTINI Opened in the Spring of 2016, the FM Centre for Contemporary Art is a new centre entirely dedicated to contemporary in the heart of Milan. Focusing largely on collections and educational programs, the FMCCA goes beyond the realm of a conventional art space, rather becoming a research and restoration center with an experimental cultural engagement. IC speaks with the artistic director and curator, Marco Scotini about his plans for the centre, the importance of showing private collections, and Italy’s long history of art collectors. All images featured in the interview are from the FM Centre for Contemporary Art’s exhibition “L’Inarchiviabile/The Unarchivable” IC: THE FM CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART OPENED IN APRIL THIS YEAR IN MILAN’S HISTORIC INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX – CAN YOU GIVE US A MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON WHAT WE CAN EXPECT TO FIND INSIDE? MARCO SCOTINI: The distinctive character of FM Centre for Contemporary Art is that it brings together in a single context different subjects and functions relating to the exhibition, valorization and conservation of art. The new centre has a wide exhibition area dedicated to research and cultural projects realized in collaboration with private collectors and artist estates, a modern restoration laboratory, a temporary space for art galleries (the first show was organized by Italian galleries P420 from Bologna, SpazioA from Pistoia, and Monitor from Rome) and an open art depot for collectors who wish to render their collections accessible to the public. Galleries such as Laura Bulian Gallery, artists estates such as the Dadamaino estate, the Ugo Mulas estate among others, residency facilities open to researchers and a bookshop complete the offer of this innovative project. The FM Centre for Contemporary Art resides in the historic industrial complex of Frigoriferi Milanesi, the former ice production facility of the city, which now has become a home to Open Care, the only company in Italy offering integrated services for art conservation and other activities related to art and culture. 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 3 di 13 (/interviews/marco-scotini-fmcca/image/cimhp52il00auhmf7ssaxlzag/) Photo: Alessandra Di Consoli WHAT COLLECTIONS WILL YOU BE EXHIBITING AND DOES THE FM CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART, HAVE ITS OWN PRIVATE COLLECTION? The opening exhibition is a group show curated by me, titled "L'Inarchiviabile/The Unarchivable. Italia anni '70". It deals with the Italian art in the 1970s. There are more than 200 artworks by 60 artists on show, coming from the most important Italian collections, such as the Consolandi collection, the Setari collection, the Barillari collection, the La Gaia collection, the Attolico collection, the Righi collection, the Gemma Testa collection, and many more. The centre will not have its own private collection; it will display collections owned by Italian and international collectors and will offer unique possibility to see works which usually are not accessible to the wider public. For example in the exhibition "L'Inarchiviabile/The Unarchivable. Italia anni '70" we are showing an important artwork by Marisa Merz that had disappeared for many years and was rediscovered in a private collection. THE CENTRE ALSO HOSTS AN “EXPERIMENTAL CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM DEDICATED TO ART COLLECTIONS AND ARTISTS’ ESTATES”, CAN YOU TELL US MORE ABOUT WHAT THIS WILL ENTAIL? For us, education plays a primary role. We collaborate with the visual arts department of Milan's art academy NABA in order to offer an educational program addressed to arts students and young curators. Furthermore, Open Care, which is the promoter of the centre, offers an educational program addressed to conservators. It includes five restoration laboratories for all kind of artworks, from historical carpets and fabrics to contemporary art, from scientific instruments to ancient furniture. 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 4 di 13 Italy has a long and deep-rooted history of art collecting, and private collectors in our country play a fundamental role in the promotion of contemporary art MARCO SCOTINI (/interviews/marco-scotini-fmcca/image/cimhmfy6400adhmf74hmstv51/franco-vaccariphotomatic-ditalia-1973-74-photostrips-collage-on-card-photography-portrait-italy) FRANCO VACCARI, Photomatic d'Italia, 1973-74 Courtesy P420, Bologna 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 5 di 13 (/interviews/marco-scotini-fmcca/image/cimhmgfsn00aehmf7z4m2lamq/franco-vaccariphotomatic-ditalia-1973-74-photostrips-collage-on-card-photography-portrait-italy) FRANCO VACCARI, Photomatic d'Italia, 1973-74 Courtesy P420, Bologna 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 6 di 13 (/interviews/marco-scotini(/interviews/marco-scotinifmcca/image/cimhmgz0b00afhmf78s42hdwi/giannifmcca/image/cimhmhfq600aghmf7gq41iqi9/giannicolombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-e- colombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-ebieloquenza-neg) bieloquenza-neg) (/interviews/marco-scotini(/interviews/marco-scotinifmcca/image/cimhmi8ij00ahhmf721gy3u3e/giannifmcca/image/cimhmirhr00aihmf74gdnt76y/giannicolombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-e- colombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-ebieloquenza-neg) bieloquenza-neg) 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 7 di 13 (/interviews/marco-scotini(/interviews/marco-scotinifmcca/image/cimhmj2jn00ajhmf75nx1j8w5/giannifmcca/image/cimhmjk4c00akhmf7i5mualzh/giannicolombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-e- colombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-ebieloquenza-neg) bieloquenza-neg) (/interviews/marco-scotini(/interviews/marco-scotinifmcca/image/cimhmjyxv00alhmf7hp0c577b/giannifmcca/image/cimhmkpgp00amhmf7qqked14w/giannicolombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-e- colombo-vincenzo-agnetti-vobulazione-ebieloquenza-neg) bieloquenza-neg) DO YOU SEE IT AS A RESPONSIBILITY TO HELP EDUCATE AND PREPARE YOUNG COLLECTORS TO HAVE SAFE AND LONG-LASTING COLLECTIONS? Yes, we do. Italy has a long and deep-rooted history of art collecting, and private collectors in our country play a fundamental role in the promotion of contemporary art. We want to give our contribution to maintain this tradition and this is possible only if we prepare young collectors to be the art patrons of the future. We like the idea of 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 8 di 13 collection in a broad sense as Walter Benjamin said, and we plan to start a collectors club in which we will promote the dialog among young collectors and experienced collectors who will help their younger colleagues with practical advice. WHERE DO YOU SEE THE FUTURE OF COLLECTING HEADED? First of all, the most important thing is to distinguish different genealogies of collecting and, for sure, those collections based on research, as in the future art collectors will be more and more influential in the art world. As I said before speaking of Italy, they play a fundamental role in supporting the contemporary art scene, but it is the same also at the international level. In some countries that do not have yet an established art scene, private foundations sponsored by collectors are often the only art institutions sustaining young artists and educating the public to contemporary art. In the last years we have witnessed a growing number of private funded initiatives and collections opening to the public, and I think that this will grow and grow. Nevertheless, the collector will continue to be a privileged interlocutor of the museum, which nowadays needs the private support more than ever. Yet it is important to define the cultural limits of this kind of relationships otherwise it can become a torea to the art institution as such. THE CENTRE HAS A VERY INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF EXPERTS ON ITS TEAM, IS THIS SOMETHING THAT WE WILL SEE REFLECTED IN THE WORKS AND COLLECTIONS EXHIBITED AT THE CENTRE? Yes, we aim at having an international program and addressing an international public. Even if our first exhibition is dedicated to Italian art from Italian collections, already the second exhibition will show an international collection, that of Croatian collector Marinko Sudac. The show will focus on works by the Croatian Avantgarde collective "The Gorgona Group", which were already shown at the MoMA in 2015. For me collecting is something deeply rooted in human subjectivity. I have always been collecting, since I was a child. I am very passionate about books, which I have been collecting for the last 30 years. But I have been collecting also art for the last ten years MARCO SCOTINI 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 9 di 13 (/interviews/marco-scotini-fmcca/image/cimhmq1p200anhmf7olowcl84/paolo-icaromisura-mano-sinistra-1971-installation-white) PAOLO ICARO, Misura Mano Sinistra, 1971 Courtesy P420, Bologna 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 10 di 13 (/interviews/marco-scotini(/interviews/marco-scotinifmcca/image/cimhmr0l000aohmf7uc81swav/ugofmcca/image/cimhmriky00aphmf7w3cmbwpf/ugola-pietra-il-desiderio-delloggetto-dala-pietra-il-desiderio-delloggetto-daprogettare-inpiu-1973-75) progettare-inpiu-1973-75) (/interviews/marco-scotini(/interviews/marco-scotinifmcca/image/cimhms9yi00aqhmf778gxtalq/ugofmcca/image/cimhmtecq00arhmf73c7vknvf/ugola-pietra-il-desiderio-delloggetto-dala-pietra-il-desiderio-delloggetto-daprogettare-inpiu-1973-75) progettare-inpiu-1973-75) ARE YOU YOURSELF A COLLECTOR AND IF SO, WHAT DO YOU COLLECT? Yes, I am. For me collecting is something deeply rooted in human subjectivity. I have always been collecting, since I was a child. I am very passionate about books, which I have been collecting for the last 30 years. But I have been collecting also art for the last ten years. My choices are related to my research as a curator; for example, I am interested in Latin American art, in East European art, and in the art of the 1970s. 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 11 di 13 WHAT WORDS OF WISDOM DO YOU HAVE FOR THE YOUNG COLLECTORS OUT THERE WHO WOULD ONE DAY LIKE FOR THEIR COLLECTIONS TO BE EXHIBITED IN A SPACE LIKE THE FM CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART? I would suggest them to buy works by artists they truly believe in and discourage them to follow an artist just because he or she is hype. To buy art and to build up an important art collection you need to inform yourself, to read, to study, to meet the artists, to visit them in their studios, to talk to the gallerists, to visit the exhibitions. With FM Centre for Contemporary Art we try to give collectors all the instruments they need for their collections in just one place. CONTRIBUTOR MARCO SCOTINI Milan / Italy Marco Scotini published in INTERVIEWS. PARTNERS WHERE ART FEELS AT HOME Art can be protected from deterioration and ageing, even in a private environment. But how should ar… (/partners/kunst-kolleg-where-art-feels-at-home) 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 12 di 13 ON–SITE A COUNTRY IN CRISIS – A DEFIANT SÃO PAULO Strategist, entrepreneur and IC Collector Hergen Wöbken takes us on a journey into the Brazilian art… (/on-site/hergen-woebken-a-country-in-crisis-a-defiant-sao-paulo) EXHIBITIONS WHITE RABBIT Inspired by the Chinese contemporary art Judith Neilson encountered on a trip to Beijing in 2001, th… (/exhibitions/judith-neilson-white-rabbit) INTERVIEWS LISA IMMORDINO VREELAND Before her death, Peggy Guggenheim gave a final interview to her biographer, Jacqueline Bograd Weld,… (/interviews/lisa-immordino-vreeland) 10/05/2016 Marco Scotini … Independent Collectors Pagina 13 di 13 ABOUT (/ic/about) CONTACT (/ic/contact) TEAM (/ic/team) PRESS (/ic/press) NEWSLETTER (/ic/newsletter) LEGAL INFO (/ic/legal-info) Independent Collectors In Partnership with: 10/05/2016
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