英 語 1

英 語
Answer questions(1)
(1) Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Instead of gasoline, hydrogen fuel cell cars use liquid hydrogen(the most abundant chemical element in
the universe)to power the car's electric motor. Oxygen from the air combines with the hydrogen, so the
cars emit only water vapor[ ]the harmful pollution produced by conventional vehicles.
a.but also
b.in addition to
c.instead of
d.aside from
(2) Choose the sentence that best links the paragraph to the previous paragraph.
As the price of clothing imported to the United States dropped 25 percent in the last two decades, Asian
textile mills often slashed costs by simply discharging untreated wastewater into rivers.
This has resulted in severe land and water degradation around textile clusters, according to various reports
from Greenpeace, the Chinese Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs(IPE), World Wildlife Fund,
and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.
[ ] Apart from dye houses, the industrial belt along major
Chinese rivers like the Yangtze and the Pearl includes chemical plants, petroleum refineries, nuclear fuel
processing plants, metal smelters, and electric equipment producers.
“It is breathtaking to see how bad it looks, ”says Ake Bergman, an expert on hormone-disrupting
chemicals and a professor at Stockholm University and at Tongji University in Shanghai. Bergman and
his colleagues are monitoring the discharges in the Yangtze River, which receives around 30 trillion liters
of wastewater every year, much of it untreated.
a.Things are not so bad, however.
b.The scale of the problem is quite limited.
c.The bigger picture is even worse.
d.There are no other pollution problems besides dyeing pollution.
英 語
(3) Choose the sentence that best represents the main idea of the paragraph below.
A 9-year-old boy fell from the 11th floor of an apartment building in Hirakata, Osaka Prefecture, but
survived after he landed on a tree, police said Wednesday. According to police, the incident occurred at
around 6 p.m. on Tuesday. NHK reported that the boy and two friends were playing on the 11th floor
stairwell, when he lost his balance and fell. Police said the boy fell about 30 meters, got caught in a tree
and then hit the ground, suffering no more than a bruised leg and scratches to his chest.
a.A boy's fall was investigated by the police.
b.A boy survived after playing on a stairwell.
c.A boy fell from a stairwell onto a tree.
d.A tree saved a falling boy from serious harm.
(4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
Juggling is the art of repeatedly throwing objects — called“props”— into the air and catching them. The
most popular props are balls, beanbags, rings, and clubs. Some jugglers use more[ ]
objects such as knives and fire torches. Many ancient civilizations are believed to have practiced
juggling, and it is depicted in ancient Egyptian wall paintings.
英 語
(5) Choose the sentence that best summarizes the reading below.
For the first time in its 54-year history, the State Water Project, which is the backbone of the California
water-delivery system, won't allot any water to the 25 million people and 1 million acres of farmland that
it usually services, according to Contracostatimes.com.
Officials said Friday that in the spring, they will stop water releases from the State Water Project's 34
storage facilities, reservoirs and lakes and also from large reservoirs in North California to preserve
supplies in what has become one of the worst droughts in modern California history, latimes.com reports.
“This is the most serious drought we've faced in modern times,”Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the State
Water Resources Control Board, told the Associated Press. “We need to conserve what little we have to
use later in the year, or even in future years.”
The‘zero allotment’policy will be reassessed month-to-month and the amount of available water could
increase if weather patterns change and send more snow and rain into the parched* state.
In the meantime, the announcement doesn't necessarily mean that farms will dry up and taps will run dry
all summer. But it does mean that every region in the state must now rely on other sources to keep up
with demand. The 29 agencies that draw from the state's water-delivery system have regional reservoirs
and stores of groundwater, although those also have been hard-hit by the drought.
Many farmers in California's Central Valley, one of the most productive agricultural regions in the
country, also draw water from a separate system of federally run reservoirs and canals, but that system
also will deliver just a fraction of its normal water allotment this year.
a.Soon many Californians will have no city water.
b.The water shortage in California is going to continue all summer.
c.The California government is asking people not to use water for farming.
d.The California government is stopping the water supply to some communities.
注) parched: dried up
(1)“Carmakers prepare to release hydrogen-powered vehicles.”PBS NewsHour. 21 May 2014. © 2015
NewsHour Productions LLC.
(2) Heida, Lydia.“Can Waterless Dyeing Processes Clean Up the Clothing Industry?”Yale Environment
360. 12 June 2014. © Lydia Heida.
(3)“9-year-old boy survives fall from 11th floor, landing in tree.”Japan Today. 28 May 2014. © 2014
GPlusMedia Co., Ltd.
(4) Daemon.“The Ancient Art of Juggling.”The Free Dictionary. 3 May 2006. © 2006 Farlex, Inc.
(5)“California Drought Prompts 'Zero Water Allocation' from State Water”, Allie Goolrick, Chrissy
Warrilow, February 1, 2014, The Weather Channel,
http://www.weather.com/science/environment/news/california-drought-prompts-zero-waterallocation-state-water-project, 一部改
英 語
Read the following article and answer questions(1)
[1] From wood-burning stoves in Sudan to coal-fired power plants in Pittsburgh, most of the world runs
on biomass energy — energy produced using materials derived from living things. Two fossil fuels,
coal and petroleum, supply about 80 percent of the world's energy. In contrast, biofuels — fuels made
from plants or from animal waste — contribute less than 2 percent of all fuels produced commercially.
[2] Shifting that load to biofuels is becoming increasingly attractive for numerous reasons, starting with
environmental concerns. Both biofuels and fossil fuels release carbon(in the form of carbon dioxide
or methane)when they're burned to produce energy. The difference is that the carbon in biofuels was
only recently removed from the atmosphere by the plants used to make the fuel.(Plants, remember,
“inhale”carbon dioxide and“exhale”oxygen.) Thus, putting that carbon back into the atmosphere
doesn't throw the balance off too much.
[3] In contrast, the carbon in fossil fuels has been stored there for millions of years. Releasing it into the
atmosphere creates an excess, contributing to smog formation and climate change. Also, biofuels emit
no toxins, as opposed to the sulfur and mercury released when coal is burned.
[4] Growing crops to produce energy promises additional rewards. It could revive local agricultural
economies and reduce dependence on foreign sources. It could open new markets to existing crops by
utilizing by-products and waste materials that are currently thrown away. And some biomass energy
crops attract beneficial insects, reducing the need for pesticides*.
[5] A serious problem with biofuel farming today is that it competes with food production for land and
other resources. In 2007, one-third of the U.S. corn crop wound up* being used to produce ethanol.
The resulting shortage has been fingered as a cause for the skyrocketing prices of corn products, which
are staples in many countries. As the world's population and calorie needs grow, the squeeze will only
get tighter.
[6] Planting energy crops could upset the ecosystem. In Malaysia, for example, jungles are being
uprooted to plant palm trees for their oil. And some promising crops could become invasive species*.
For example, a giant reed that seemed ideally suited for Florida's tropical climate could also overwhelm
native Everglade plants and choke waterways.
英 語
[7] Additionally, the environmental impact of producing some biofuels makes them less eco-friendly.
Growing corn for ethanol uses vast amounts of water and nitrogen fertilizer*. And large-scale ethanol
production would mean laying new pipelines to transport the fuel — if it were piped through existing
gasoline lines, it would corrode* them and pick up contaminants*.
[8] Identifying these potential problems has allowed scientists to suggest potential solutions. Rather
than using potential sources of food for biofuel, farmers could raise dedicated biofuel crops that
actually benefit the environment. Switchgrass, for instance, is a water-thrifty * native to the Great
Plains that, as a perennial*, doesn't need annual replanting. Plus, it actually restores nutrients to the
soil, boosting the next season's growth.
[9] To relieve land stress, biofuels might be extracted from plants that thrive in conditions where food
crops flounder*. For example, poplar trees can grow in toxic soil due to their ability to remove and
destroy contaminants, such as petroleum. Another possible solution to biofuel's problems is breeding
new strains* of both fuel and food crops that are more drought* and saltwater resistant.
Venzon, Christine.“What crops can be used for biomass energy?”HowStuffWorks.com. 20 August
2012. From HowStuffWorks, © 2015 InfoSpace. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected
by the Copyright Laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of
this Content without express written permission is prohibited.
注) pesticides: chemicals for killing insects
wind up: end up
invasive species: kinds of plants or animals that come to a new place and compete well
nitrogen fertilizer: a kind of chemical to make plants grow better
corrode: to rust or break down a metal
contaminants: materials that make a place dirtier or poisoned
thrifty: good for saving money or reducing cost
perennial: a plant that grows for many years
flounder: to have difficulty in a situation
strains: genetic types of plants or animals
drought: a long time of no rain
英 語
(1) Which of the following paragraphs discusses how growing plants for biofuel could be good for
(2) Which of the following paragraphs talks about how the biomass industry could be a danger to the
world's food supply?
(3) According to the article, what is an important difference between the carbon in fossil fuels and that in
a.Biofuels release more carbon than fossil fuels when they're burned.
b.The carbon in fossil fuels has only been stored for a short time.
c.The carbon in fossil fuels has been out of the atmosphere for a long time.
d.Only fossil fuels release carbon when they are burned.
(4) According to the article, one problem with biofuel farming today is that it competes with food
production for land and other resources. What solution to this problem does the article suggest?
a.Using biofuel crops that don't compete with food crops.
b.Using potential sources of food for biofuel.
c.Uprooting jungles to plant palm trees for their oil, a biofuel.
d.Laying new pipelines to transport biofuel.
(5) Which of the following is true according to the article?
a.Most of the world's energy is produced by burning biofuel.
b.Fossil fuels release more carbon into the environment than biofuels.
c.All energy crops threaten the ecosystem.
d.Researchers have thought of some answers to the biofuel-food clash.
英 語
Follow the directions and write sentences in English.
(1) Write a question to complete this dialog.
A: Did you finish mixing the flour and sugar?
B: Yes, I did. How does it look?
A: Oh, that looks very good. Now add the milk.
B: A: Half a cup.
(2) Write a sentence to complete this dialog.
A: Well, I guess it's about time to go to the airport. It's 4:30 now. What time does your
plane leave?
B: A: You mean your plane is leaving in an hour? I don't know if you can make it!
(3) Write a question to complete this dialog.
A: Hi. Long time no see. How are you?
B: Actually I'm pretty sick. I can hardly walk.
A: Oh, my goodness! How long have you been like this?
B: A few days I think.
A: I could have come over and helped you.
B: I didn't call you because I couldn't find my phone.
(4) Write a question to complete this dialog.
A: Hello, this is Acme Electronics. How may I help you?
B: I'm having trouble with my phone. I can't charge the battery.
A: B: I tried to charge it three times.
(5) Write a sentence to complete this dialog.
A: Thanks for the ride home. I really appreciate it.
B: My pleasure. Actually, I like to practice driving since I got my driver's license.
A: When did you get your license?
B: A: What? That's scary. You mean you've only been driving for two days?
英 語
次の語義に当てはまる単語を下の a ~ q の中から選び,解答欄に記号で答えなさい。
(1) real, not copied
(2) something that is difficult or impossible to explain
(3) not mixed with anything else
(4) not final, because circumstances might change
(5) a means of earning a living
(6) something that is different from the way it looks
(7) the process or business of moving goods from one place to another
(8) force or weight being put on something
(9) to make someone decide to do something by telling them reasons why they should do it
(10)to succeed in doing something
英 語
Presentations are about change. Businesses, and indeed all professions, have to change and adapt in order
to stay alive.
Organizations go through a life cycle of starting up, growing, maturing, and eventually declining — that
is, unless they reinvent themselves. A business is usually founded because someone came up with a clear
vision of the world in the future as an improved place. But that improved world quickly becomes an
ordinary world. Once an organization arrives at maturity, it can't get too comfortable. To avoid potential
decline, it must alter and adapt its strategy so it's at the right place at the right time in the future. If an
organization doesn't take a new path, it will eventually wither*. Communicating each move carefully to
all stakeholders and clients becomes critical.
It takes gutsy* intuitive skills to move toward an unknown future that involves unfamiliar risks and
rewards, yet businesses must make these moves to survive. Companies that learn to thrive in the chronic
flux* and tension between what is and what could be are healthier than those that don't. Many times the
future cannot be quantified with statistics, facts, or proofs. Sometimes leaders have to let their gut lead
them into uncharted territories where statistics haven't yet been generated.
An organization should make continual shifts and improvements to stay healthy. That makes even simple
presentations at staff meetings a platform for persuasion. You need to persuade your team to self-organize
at a distinct place in the future or it could bring the demise* of the organization.
Getting ahead of the next curve requires courage and communication: Courage to determine the next bold
move, and communication to keep the troops committed to the value of moving forward.
Rallying stakeholders to move together in a common course of action is all part of the innovation and
survival process. Leaders at every level in an organization need to be skillful at creating resonance if that
organization is to control its own destiny.
Duarte, Nancy. Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010.
Kindle edition.
注) wither: dry up
gutsy: showing courage
chronic flux: continuous change
demise: death
英 語
“Presentations are about change.”と主張しているのはなぜか。本文に即して,句読点も
(1) 筆者が,
含め 100 字以内の日本語で説明してください。
(2) プレゼンテーション(presentation)とは何だと思いますか。あなたの考えるプレゼンテーショ
ンの定義を,50 語程度の英語で書いてください。