(II) Set B - ITL Public School

ITL Public School
Summative Assessment - 2 (2014-15)
Class: VIII
Time: 3 Hrs
M. M: 70
General Instructions:
This paper consists of THREE sections :
Section A
20 marks
Section B
25 marks
Section C
Literature/Long Reading Text
25 marks
Attempt all questions.
Do not write anything on the question paper.
All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the Answer sheet
provided to you.
Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.
Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question.
Read the following passage and answer the following by choosing the correct option:
This is the high noon of the Age of Sponsorship. For several years now, we have become
used to all kinds of events being sponsored. In many newspapers, every possible feature,
barring the editorials, is sponsored. Even the daily weather report is sponsored. Student
organizations, which were once content to hold low-key festivals in their college, now find
corporate sponsors and get massive media exposure for such events. Ganesh Chaturthi, the
festival was once an affair confined to individual homes. Today, in Mumbai it provides
competition for rival sponsors as the size of the idols grows in height and girth every year
and the festivities are held with greater gusto and noise. During Dushera, Mumbai
reverberates to the beat of drums. Thousands of young people spend nights dancing to the
various versions of the traditional Gujarati „garba‟ dance- including the mutant-“disco
garba”. It is one of those strange twists of irony that dance, which actually liberated women
and gave them a legitimate reason to dance their hearts out, has now become a highly
sponsored event in which there is no place for traditional „garba‟ dancers. In the past, the
dancing was free of both self consciousness, as it was a women‟s dance, and commerce as it
was held in the courtyard. Thus each year something precious is being lost –and the worst
part of it is that the majority of us are not even aware of it.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones
given below:
1) It is called the age of sponsorship as
a) there‟s too much money in the market
b) newspapers , festivals in colleges are all commercialized
c) common man loves the paraphernalia
d) money attracts the common man
2) The role Garba played in the lives of the women in the past was to
a) help them get rid of their inhibitions
b) provide a stage for their talent
c) root them in tradition
d) prove commercially viable for them
3) Today Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival that
a) is confined to individual homes
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b) provides an opportunity for sponsors to invest money
c) is held with great fanfare
d) has a few sponsors
4) „Mutant ‟ in para 4 means
a) crazy
b) unimaginable
c) dangerous
d) adapted or changed
5) According to the author the greatest tragedy of sponsorship is
a) the loss of money
b) the focus on unnecessary expenditure
c) the common man is being duped
d) the loss of the essence of our culture without realizing it
Read the following extract of the story and answer the following by choosing the
correct option:
Adolescence is a period of life between childhood and maturity. It is largely characterized
as beginning and ending with the teenage stage. It is a period of change in
physical and mental faculties. Even parents and guardians begin to allow the adolescents
more freedom and exercise less supervision. Earlier adolescence was not recognized as
a phase of life. People understood the difference only between childhood and adulthood.
It was Stanely Hall who used this term in 1904 in his book Adolescence. He described this
period of life as having lots of changes in physical, mental and emotional set up of an
individual. These changes shape the attitude which may be a cause of conflict on the one
hand and positive personality development on the other.
The home environment and parents are still important and carry major influences on
adolescents. Those who have good relationship with their parents have less chances of
falling into risks or conflicts. For the first time in their lives they begin to think of their
friends of the same age as more important than their parents. They start searching for
a special identity for themselves. In that search they often get confused about what is
right and what is wrong.
(i) What is the characteristic feature of adolescence?
(ii) What is the major change that is seen in this age regarding the attitude of the
(iii) Who has a major effect on the behaviour and attitude of the adolescents.
(iv) How does having a good relationship with parents help adolescents?
(v) The word in the passage which means the same as related to „disagreement‟
(a) attitudinal
(b) conflict
(c) emotional
(d) personality
Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
Although everybody has a creative spark, the potential is not always fully utilized. How
does one recognize those who are developing their creative energies to the fullest? Mad
painters and tormented poets are only comic stereotypes of the creative personality. The
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essential traits of creativity are found among a wide variety of less conspicuous creators,
people in all walks of life. Unfortunately, the structure of our social and educational
environment does not always promote its growth.
Generally speaking, creative people often believe their purpose in life is to discover and
implement the interrelatedness of things, to make order out of disorder. They also see
problems where others see none and question the validity of even the most widely accepted
answers. Creative persons are compulsive problem seekers, not so much because they thrive
on problems, but because their senses are attuned to a world that demands to be put
together, like a jigsaw puzzle scattered on a table. Several tests now in use reveal that
highly creative people are much more open and receptive to the complexities of experience
than are less creative people. The creative temperament has a tendency to break problems
down into their most basic elements and then reconstruct them into whole new problems,
thereby discovering new relationships and new solutions.
Highly creative people aren‟t afraid to ask what may seem to be naïve or silly questions.
They ask questions like, “why don‟t spiders get tangled up in their own webs?” and, “why
do dogs turn in circles before lying down?” Such questions may seem childlike, and in a
way they are. Children have not yet had their innate creative energies channelled into
culturally acceptable directions and can give full rein to their curiosity – the absolute
prerequisite for full creative functioning, in both children and adults.
Unlike children, creative people appear to have vast stores of patience to draw upon.
Months, years, even decades can be devoted to a single problem.
The home that encourages inquisitiveness contributes to creative development The
teacher who stresses questions rather than answers and rewards curiosity rather than
restricting a child to be creative.
To be extremely intelligent is not same as to be gifted in creative works. The Quiz Kids are
often referred to as geniuses. They would undoubtedly score high in memory functions
….But it is doubtful whether they are also fluent in producing ideas.
Complete the sentences:
a. Every person is not able to use his / her creativity fully because of the …………………
b. Two qualities of highly creative people that we get to know from the passage are :
i._______________ ii._______________
c. The most essential prerequisite for full creative functioning is ……………….
d. The Quiz Kid may be great in
(i) …………but they cannot be called creative unless they can ii)……………………
Read the following poem and choose the correct options given below:
When my shoulders are bent,
With burdens
of life;
When I‟m tired
So tired
(And when) I think, now- that now
my knees will give in,
a small little poem comes
and stands in front of me
Holds my hands and says:
Give me your burden
Come give it to me,
my poet.
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(i) The burden here refers to
(a). A heavy sack
(b). Adversities that have plagued him
(c). His haversack
(d).None of the above
(ii) The word „tired‟ here refers to
(b). The loss of will to carry on any further
(c). Disillusionment
(d). The result of being exposed to the scorching sun
(iii) The saviour that gives him temporary relief is
(a). God
(b). A bystander
(c). Outpourings of the heart in the form of a poem
(iv) The central idea of the poem is
(a). When a person is down and out he can take refuge in a poetry
(b). He can unburden and give vent to his feelings by penning a few lines
(c). He an curl up with a book of poems
(d). None of the above
(v) An apt title would be
(a).Never lose hope
(c). Burden
You are Jatin/ Tanya living in 28/1, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi. You see how the animal are
affected by polythene bags. Write a letter in about 120-150 words to the editor of a
national daily expressing your concern and suggesting ways to Save Animals from
polybags. Take help from the following notes:
(i) animals - natural asset
(ii) indestructible remains of food thrown in polybags eaten by animals, cows etc.
(iii) choke the life out of them.
(iv) affects marine life.
Vaibhav/ Vibha Asher is quite concerned about the increasing incidence of deaths and
accidents caused due to the endemic disorder called road rage. He/ She decides to write an
article on the need for people to control their anger and inculcate the habit of disciplined
Study the following information and write the article in not more than 120 words.
intolerance and lack of self discipline
behavioral pattern- sense of superiority
due to owning bigger vehicle
family and work related stress
external environment influenced
stress [e.g. rage greater in summer]
city layout, traffic jams, delays
absence of severe penalty for defaulters
o Know traffic rules
o Be courteous to fellow drivers
o Start before time if you have an appointment
o Maintain your cool-don‟t carry stress while driving
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On the occasion of International Literacy Day, your school organized a function titled
„Literacy: A Boon‟. As Activity Captain of the school, write a report for the school
newsletter based on the following outline in about 80-100 words:
• When was it celebrated
• Aim of the function
• Who inaugurated it
• Different competitions organized
• Winners in different categories
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Underline
the incorrect word. Write the incorrect word and the correct word in the space
provided. The first one has been done for you.
Once an poor woman, who had
e.g. an
lost his only son, came to Buddha and
(a) ________
prayed to him to bringing her
(b) ________
dead son back in life. Buddha
(c) ________
said that their is only one medicine
(d) ________
that can given back her son‟s life.
(e) ________
She asked him who it was. Buddha
(f) ________
told her that she will bring
(g) ________
a handful off mustard seeds from a
(h) ________
house where death had not taken place.
The woman then understood the message given by Buddha.
½ x8=4
Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in bracket:
½ x6=3
Also, or, that, despite, but, therefore
I was having a lot of problems with my car. The engine kept cutting out, and I (a) _____had
trouble starting it. I got so fed up with it (b) ________ I took it to a garage. They told me it
was going to cost hundreds of pounds to repair (c) ______ unfortunately I didn't have the
money, and I (d) ________ decided to get rid of the car (e) ______ needing it for work.
Now I get the bus to work (f) _________ a colleague gives me a lift.
Study the cartoon strip carefully and complete the passage given below:
A said that he (a) ____________. B told him (b) ________________A was
surprised and told her that her name did not appear on his list.
B was surprised and told A that (c) _____________.
A then clarified that Elaine was collecting money for the gift while he was
collecting money for the party.
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Reference to Context:
For ‘twas the self-same power Divine
Taught you to sing, and me to shine
That you with music, I with light,
Might beautify and cheer the night.
(i) Who is referred to as „the self same power divine‟ in the above lines?
(ii) How does the nightingale beautify the earth?
(iii) Who beautifies the earth at night and how?
Answer any four of the following in about 40-50 words:
(a).Why do Jim and Hans think that games or sports are good ways of resolving
conflicts? Do you agree?
(b). In the poem „The Nightingale and the Glow- worm‟ the nightingale has been
portrayed as a considerate and patient listener. Prove the statement with
reference to the poem.
(c). What is Mrs Parker‟s real identity? What is her plan?
(d).In the poem „The Plate of Gold‟ who were the people who came from „every
quarter‟? What were the people asked to prove?
(e).What was the mess in the kitchen when Sandys returned home after the
Answer any one of the following in about 80-100 words:
A. Justify the title „The Unexpected‟.
B. Suppose you are the narrator of „The Best Christmas Present in the World‟. You are
in a dilemma. You don‟t know whether to disclose your identity and disappoint the
old lady or let her believe that her dear Jim has come back. Write a diary entry
highlighting your anxiety, fears and feelings.
Answer any two of the following questions given below:
A. Throw light on the theme of „As You Like It‟.
B. How does “Ganymede” get Phoebe to marry Silvius?
C. Why does Rosalind/Ganymede say that Orlando seems to be more in love
with himself than with another person?
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