Your Claimant Commitment - Sovereign Housing Association

Universal Credit
Your Claimant Commitment
Universal Credit is a new type of benefit designed to support people who are on a
low income or out of work. In return for this support, it’s your responsibility to do
everything you can to find work or increase your earnings. When you claim
Universal Credit you will need to accept your Claimant Commitment. In most cases
your Claimant Commitment will be drawn up during a work search interview at
your local jobcentre.
1. What is a work search interview?
A few days after you submit your claim for Universal
Credit, you’ll need to attend an interview with your work
coach at your local Jobcentre. They’ll use the interview
to check that you are who you say you are and talk you
through how Universal Credit works and what will
happen next.
They’ll then discuss your employment options with you
and help you create your Claimant Commitment to
improve your work situation.
 An official letter to prove your address, such as bank
statement or energy bill
 Your National Insurance number
 Your bank, building society or credit union account
 Evidence of how much rent you pay and your
landlord’s address. You can find these on your
tenancy agreement
 Evidence of any savings or ‘capital’ investments
If you miss your interview, your Universal Credit
claim will be cancelled and you’ll have to start again.
 Evidence of any income that’s not from work, such as
2. What should I do if I need to cancel or
change my interview?
 Details of how much you earn from work, such as a
You’ll only be able to change your interview time or date
if there is an emergency.
Call the Universal Credit helpline on 0345 600 0723
straight away to let them know.
3. What do I need to take to my
You’ll need to take some documents with you to prove
that the information you gave in your Universal Credit
application is correct. You’ll need:
 A passport, driving licence or EEA national identity
card. If you don’t have photo ID, the Jobcentre may
use security questions about you to check your
a pension or insurance plan
recent payslip
 Evidence of how much you pay for child care if you
want to claim for these costs
 A P45 if you’ve recently left work
 Evidence of any benefits you’re getting
 Birth certificates for your children
 Child benefit reference numbers if you’re receiving
any child benefit
If you’re missing any of these documents, call the
Universal Credit helpline on 0345 600 0723 to explain
why you need more time to gather your evidence.
If you can’t provide all your documents at or within
one month of your interview, your application could
be cancelled.
4. What is a Claimant Commitment?
6. What if I’m living with my partner?
Your Claimant Commitment sets out how you’re going to
prepare for and look for work, or how you’ll increase your
income if you’re already working. You’re making these
commitments in return for your Universal Credit
If you live with your partner, you’ll both have separate
interviews to make your own individual Claimant
Your Claimant Commitments may be affected, however, if
your partner’s circumstances change.
Your work coach will help you decide what responsibilities
to put in your Claimant Commitment by talking with you
about your personal circumstances.
7. What happens if I stop following my
Claimant Commitment?
For example, if you’re able to look for work straight away
you might include responsibilities like signing up to
Universal Jobmatch or applying for suggested vacancies.
If you stop following your Claimant Commitment, and can’t
give a good reason for it, your monthly payments will be
If you’re preparing to find work, you might have
responsibilities like completing your CV or taking part in
training courses.
8. Can I change when I get my payments?
While you need to formally accept your Claimant
Commitment so your Universal Credit claim can be
approved, you also need to make sure it’s right for
5. What happens after I’ve created my
Claimant Commitment?
Universal Credit is paid directly into your account each
month. If you think you’ll struggle to make that money last,
you can ask your work coach about making your
payments weekly or fortnightly.
You can also ask for your rent to be paid straight to your
landlord. This can be useful if you’re already in rent
arrears or are worried that you might not be able to keep
up with your rent payments.
Once your Claimant Commitment is ready, you’ll start
receiving mentoring from your work coach to help achieve
your goals. They’ll support and challenge you to fulfil your
potential and help you raise your expectations of what you
can achieve.
They’ll also book in regular meetings with you to review
your Claimant Commitment and make sure you’re on the
right track.
You need to sign to say you accept your new
Claimant Commitment each time it’s updated or your
Universal Credit payments will be stopped.
If you have a Universal Credit online account you will
be able to view your latest Claimant Commitment
online via your journal. You will also be able to update
your progress on your goals using that account.
Sovereign Housing Association Ltd
Woodlands, 90 Bartholomew Street
Newbury RG14 5EE
Phone: 01635 572220
Sovereign Housing Association Limited is charitable