Discuss in groups and answer
Q 1. What did the Bhakti saints preach ?
Ans. The Bhakti saints preached the path of bhakti or
devotion towards God.
Q 2. What are the songs of Guru Nanak called?
Ans. The songs of Guru Nanak are called Japji
Q 3. Who are the leading Sufi saints of India ?
Ans. The leading Sufi saints of India are Biya, Nizamuddin
Auliya, Bandenawaz
Q 4.State the influence of the Bhakti cult
Ans. The influence of the bhakti cult are
 The bhakti saints were responsible for creating
harmony between the Hindus and the Muslims 
 The bhakti saints composed literature in the local languages. As
a result Indian languages were enriched. 
Q 5. What was the path preached by the saints ?
Ans.The path preached by the saints are,
 The bhakti cult condemned discrimination between the high
and the low . It declared that all human beings are equal. 
 The bhakti saints opposed and ridiculed outdated customs
and practices. 
 The Sufi saints proclaimed that religion meant love of all and
service to mankind. They maintained that there is only one
God, not many. 
 The saints took up the task of uniting the hearts of the people. 
Q 6. Which is the holy book of Sikhs ?
Ans. The holy book of saints is Granth
Fill in the blanks
1.Sri Chaitanya was born in West Bengal.
2.Guru Nanak was the founder of the Sikhism
3.Giridhar Gopal is the deity of Meerabais heart.
4.Moyinuddin Chisti was the founder of the Chisti
Discuss in groups and answer
Q1. Who was the greatest king of the Sangama dynasty ?
Ans. The greatest King of the Sangama dynasty was,
Q2. Who was the greatest emperor of Vijayanagara ?
Ans. The greatest emperor of Vijayanagara was Krishnadevaraya.
Q3.Which are the important temples of Hampi ?
Ans. The important temples of Hampi are, Hazara Ramaswamy
temple, Vijaya Vittalaswami temple, Krishnaswami temple and the
Achyutaraya temple.
Q4.Which is the name of Kumaravyasa`s work ?
Ans. The name of Kumaravyasa’s work is Gadugina Bharata.
Q5. Name the works of Krishnadevaraya.
Ans. The works of Krishnadevaraya are, Amukta Malyada in Telugu
and Jambavanti Kalyana in Sanskrit.
Q6. Give the name of the Persian ambassador who
visited Vijayanagara. What did he say about Vijayanagara
Ans. The name of the Persian ambassador who visited Vijayanagara
was Abdul Razak. About Vijayanagara he exclaimed that “The eyes
have not seen nor the ears heard about another glorious city like
Q7. Name the foreigners who visited Vijayanagara.
Ans. The foreigners who visited Vijayanagara were, Domingo Paes
and Abdul Razak.
Fill in the blanks
1. Hampi in Bellary district was the Capital of Vijayanagara
2.Hrihara and Bukka were the first two kings of Vijayanagara.
3.Vijayanagara period was the a golden era of Telagu literature.
4. Devarayas religious policy was Sarva- dharma-sambhava.
Q1. Which is the famous historical building in Bidar ?
Ans. The famous historical building in Bidar is Madrasa.
Q2.Who is Mahamud Gawan ?
Ans. Mahamud gawan is the Prime minister of Mahamud III.
Q3.Where is Solahkhamb mosque is located ?
Ans. Solahkhamb mosque is located in Bidar.
Q4. Who was the greatest among the Adil Shahi rulers ?
Ans. The greatest among the Adil Shahi rulers was Ibrahim II.
Q5.Which structure of the Adil Shahis is referred to as the Taj Mahal
of the Deccan ?
Ans. Ibrahim Roza is the structure of the Adil Shahis is referred to as
the Taj Mahal of the Deccan.
Q6.Why is Gol Gumbaz famous ?
Ans. Gol Gumbaz is famous because it is the fourth largest structure
in the world and the largest in India. It is one of the architectural
wonders of the world.
Fill in the blanks
1.The language used by foreign scholars came to be known as
2.Firoz Shah was the greatest emperor of the Bahamani dynasty.
3.Kitab- I- Navras the Urdu book wrote by Ibrahim II.
Discuss in groups and answer
Q1. Which are the three organs of the Union Government ?What are
their functions?
Ans. The three organs of the Union Government are Legislature,
Executive, Judiciary. There functions are
 Legislature—The function of this organ is to make laws. Besides,
it checks the executive. 
 Executive—This organ implements the laws through the
administration. 
 Judiciary—This organ gives judgements. 
Q2. What are the qualifications required to become a member of Lok
Sabha ?
Ans. The qualifications required to become a member of Lok Sabha
One should be a citizen of India 
They must be at least 25 years of age 
They should not have been sentenced to imprisonment 
They should not be insolvent. 
Q3. Who has the authority to amend the Constitution ?
Ans. The Parliament has the authority to amend the Constitution.
Q4. Who is the head of the Indian republic ?
Ans. The President is the head of the Indian republic.
Q5.State the composition of the Union Government ?
Ans. The composition of the Union Government is, The President
invites the leader of the majority party elected by the people to form
the government, and appoints him as the Prime Minister. Later he
appoints the remaining minister and the minister form the Union
Cabinet. The process of forming the Cabinet in this way is known as
the Parliamentary system or the Cabinet system.
Q6. What is the role of the Prime Minister ?
Ans. The role of the Prime minister is,
  He is the leader of the Lok Sabha. 
 He is the Head of the government. 
 On the advice of the Prime Minister, the Minister are appointed
by president. 
  He has the power to allot portfolios to the minister. 
  He has the power to reshuffle the Cabinet. 
 He recommends to the removal of the Minister. 
Fill in the blanks
1. The Union legislature is called the Parliament.
2.The maximum number of seats in the Lok Sabha is 552.
3.The maximum number of seats in the Rajya Sabha is 250.
4.The member of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are Called M.Ps.
5.Vice President is the Chairmen of the Rajya Sabha.
Discuss in group in answer
1.What it meant by bicameral legislature?
Ans:A Legislature having two houses is known as bicameral
2.Name the house whose members are directly elected by the voters.
Ans: The house whose members are directly elected by the voters is
Legislative Assembly.
3.Of which house are the teacher’s representative members?
Ans:The teacher’s representative members are of legislative council
4.Who is the M.L.A of your Constituency?
Ans:There are 3 Constituency in our district.
1)Shri Firoz Seth North Belgavi
2) Shri Sambhaji Patil Rural Belgavi
3)Shri Sanjay Patil South Belgavi
5.Who is minister-in-charge of your district?
Ans:The Minister-in-charge of our district is Shri Satish Jarkiholi.
6.Mention any three powers of the Governor?
Ans:The three powers of the Governor are
1)The Governor appoints the Chief Minister and on his advice,
appoints the rest of the ministers
2)When the president dissolves the State Government, there is the
president rule in a State.
3)Governor takes charge of the administration of the State.
7.What are the main functions and powers of the Chief Minister?
Ans: The main functions and powers of the Chief Minister are:
1)The Governor appoints the Ministers on the advice of the Chief
2)The Chief Minister has the power to allocate the Departments to
the Ministers or change the departments.
3) The Chief Minister has the power to drop the Ministers.
4) He plays the important role in maintaining good relationship
between the Centre and the State.
8.Write the duties of an M.L.A?
Ans: The duties of an M.L.A are:
1)To keep in touch with the people of their respective constituencies
and solve their problems.
2)They must take special interest in the welfare programmes in their
3)In order to facilitate the members to carry on their work, they are
given monthly salary and certain facilities.
Fill in the blanks:
1.A Legislature having two houses is known as Bicameral Legislature.
2. The Legislature of Karnataka is bicameral.
3. The M.L.A.s are elected for a term of five years.
4.The M.L.C.s are elected for a term of six years.
5.The Chief Minister is the head of State Government.
Discuss in group and answer
1. What is the geographical location of Europe ?
Ans:The geographical location of Europe is. It lies between10’
west and 60’ east longitude and from 36’ north to 72’ north
2. “Europe is known as a peninsula of Asia” Why ?
Ans: “Europe is known as a peninsula of Asia” because, water
bodies surround Europe on three sides to the north is the
Barents sea, to the west is the Atlantic Ocean and south is the
Mediterranean sea.
3.Name the physiographic division of Europe.
Ans: The physiographic division of Europe.
1) The northwestern highlands
2) The north European plains
3) The central uplands
4) The southern mountain.
4.Mention the names of important mountains and peaks in
Europe ?
Ans:The important mountains and peaks in Europe are
Mountains- Sierra, Morena,Pyrenees and Alps
Peaks- Goldho Piggen, Ben Nevis,Snowdon and mount Blanc
5.What are the major climatic regions of Europe ?
Ans:The major climatic regions of Europe are,
1) Maritime north west Europe
2) Continental climate
3) mountainous climate
4) Mediterranean climate.
6.Mention the major types of natural vegetation of Europe.
Ans: The major types of natural vegetation of Europe are,
1) Tundra forests
2) Taiga vegetation
3) Mixed forests
4) Mediterranean vegetation
5) Grasslands
6) Alpine vegetation
7.Name the countries which are famous for dairying in
Ans : The countries which are famous for dairying in Europe
are, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and
8.What are the staple food crops of Europe ?
Ans: The staple food crops of Europe are, Wheat, Maize, Rye,
9.Mention the major fishing grounds in Europe
Ans : The major fishing grounds in Europe are, the Dogger
Bank and the great Fisher Bank
10.Mention the important minerals in Europe.
The important minerals in Europe are, Iron Ore, Copper,
Bauxite,, coal and Potash.
II) Fill in the blanks
1.Sugar beet and Potatoes are the two root crops of
2.Norway is the largest producer and exporter of fish in
3.Germany is Europe’s leading ship building country.
4.The average density of population in Europe is 76
persons per km2
Discuss in group and answer
1.Who is the childhood famous Rana of Mewad who opposed
Akbar ?
Ans: The childhood famous Rana of Mewad who opposed
Akbar is Rana Pratap Simha.
2.Which emperor got Fatehpur Sikri constructed ?
Ans:Akbar emperor got Fatehpur Sikri constructed.
3.Who was Tansen ?
Ans: Tansen was the most remarkable musician of Akbar’s
4.Who wrote Ramacharitamanasa ?
Ans: Ramacharitamanasa is written by Tulsidas.
5.Mention one of the causes for the decline of the Mughal
Ans: The causes for the decline of the Mughal empire was,
intense fighting took place among the claimants to the
II. Fill in the blanks
1.Akbar was the Humayuns son
2. Akbar constructed a prayer hall in Fatehpur Sikri
3.Aurangzib is the last well known Mughal emperor
4.The Taj Mahal at Agra shows Mughal architecture at its best
Discuss in group and answer
1.Where was Shivaji born?
Ans:Shivaji was born in the hill-fort Shivner near Pune.
2.How did Jija Bai mould the future of Shivaji?
Ans: Jija Bai mould the future of Shivaji by infused in his mind the
ideals of Dharma and patriotism by narrating inspiring stories from
the Mahabharata,the Ramayana,the Puranas and Kavyas.
3.Why did the Bijapur Sultan hate Shivaji?
Ans:The Bijapur Sultan hate Shivaji because at the age of 19 Shivaji
captured the fort of Torana which was under the Adil Shahis. Soon he
captured Raigad,Simhagad,Pratapgad and other forts one by one.
4.Who was Shayista Khan?What was the result of his conflict with
Ans: Shayista Khan was the governor of Aurangzib.The result of his
conflict was Shayista Khan was repulsed by Shivaji.
5.Where was the coronation of Shivaji held ?What was the title he
assumed on the occasion?
Ans: The coronation of Shivaji was held at Raigad. He assumed the
title Chhatrapati.
6.What are the qualities you appreciate in Shivaji?
Ans: The qualities which I appreciate in Shivaji are
1)Shivaji’s life was marked by a high standard of morality. His respect
for other religion was worthy of being imitated.
2)Even from his childhood. Shivaji had imbibed great leadership
qualities. He fought with the force and deceit with deceit.
3) Shivaji’s military system was remarkable. He was an expert in
guerilla warfare. In a word, Shivaji was an ideal ruler.
Discuss in group and answer
1.What was the capital city of Odeyar?
Ans: The capital city of Odeyar was Mysore.
2.Name the ruler who set up a postal system in the Mysore Kingdom?
Ans: The ruler who set up a postal in the Mysore kingdom was
Chikkadevaraja Odeyar.
3.What were the pro-people reforms of Chikkadevaraja?
Ans: The pro-people reforms of Chikkadevaraja are
1)He set up a central office in Mysore.It had 18 departments and was
also called the Athara Kacheri.
2)He regulated the weights and measures so that the people were not
cheated to put down corruption in the administrations.
1. What are the achievements of Haidar Ali ?
Ans: The achievements of Haidar Ali are,during the period of his
rule the territories of the Mysore kingdom more than double in
size. A valiant warrior and an efficient administrator, Haidar has
earned an important place in Karnataka history. Lalbag garden at
Bangalore was his creation.
2. Where is Daria Daulat located ?
Ans: Daria Daulat is located at Bangalore.
3. What were the results of the Third Mysore war ?
Ans: The results of the Third Mysore war were, the British
besieged his capital Srirangapattana. Rendered helpless. He
signed a peace treate with the British and surrendered one half
of his kingdom to the British. He also agreed to pay a huge
amount of indemnity. Besides he surrendered his two sons as
hostages to the British.
4.Who secured the throne of Mysore after Tipu’s death ?
Ans: After Tipu’s death the throne of Mysore secured by
Krishnaraja Odeyar III.
5.What were the achievements of Tipu sultan?
Ans: The achievements of Tipu sultanwere,
1)The summer palace of Srirangapattana was built by him. The
tomb of Haidar and Jumma Masjid at Srirangapattana were also
built by Tipu. The tall minars of the mosque are quite
impressive. Tipu’s palace at Bangalore is elegant.
2)Tipu did his best to improve the economic conditions of the
kingdom.He encouraged the development of sericulture on a
wide scale.He established a paper factory at Harihara.With the
help of the French officers he modernized the army. Guns were
being manufactured at Srirangapattana. He developed a
technology to shoot rockets.
3)Tipu gave grants to some Hindu temples and donation to the
Sringeri Matha. He introduced reform in land tenure and
provided easy loan and other facilities to the ryots.
Fill in the blanks.
1.Ganda-Berunda was the royal emblem of Odeyars.
2.Navakoti Narayana was the title assumed by Chikkadwaraja
3.Tipu is popularly known as Tiger of Mysore.
Discuss in group and answer
1.Which are the main functions of the judiciary?
Ans : The main function of the judiciary are :1)The courts interpret the laws framed by the legislature.
2)They give judgments relating to disputes between
individuals and between individuals & the government
3)They perform the important task of protecting the life
property dignity and rights of the citizens
4) The courts are not controlled by either the Legislature or
the Executive they function impartially and independently
2. Which is the highest court of law in our country?
Ans : The highest court of law in our country is supreme court.
3.What are the qualifications necessary to be a high Court
Ans : The qualifications necessary to be a high Court Judge are,
1) Must be a citizen of India
2) Must have served under the Indian Judiciary for at least
ten years or Must have served as an advocate of High Court for ten
4.What are the functions of the Supreme Court?
Ans : The functions of the Supreme Court are :1)Resolving the disputes between the union and the States, and
between the states.
2) Issuing writs to safeguard the Fundamental rights of the
3)Interpreting the provisions of the Constitutions
4)Giving advice and opinion to the President when asked.
5)Framing necessary regulations.
Fill in the blanks :
1. The supreme court is in New Delhi
2. There are 24 high Courts in our country.
Discuss in group and answer
1.What is meant by Unity in diversity?
Ans : Unity in diversity means,
1)It includes respecting each other and living in harmony.
2) It refers to an attitude that we all belong to one nation and to one
family as equals
3)There is a cultural awareness among us that we are all one.
2.What are the factors which promote national unity?
Ans : The factors which promote national unity are :1)Geographical diversity.
2)Bio – diversity
3)Human diversity
1. What are the factors which threaten nation unity?
Ans : The factors which threaten national unity are :1)Casteism
12-Keladi, Chitradurga And Yelahanka
Discuss in group and answer
1. What are the achievements of Hiriya Venkatappa Nayaka?
Ans : The achievements of Hiriya Venkatappa Nayaka are :1)He conquered west coast up to the Chandragiri
2)He defeated The Portuguese in Mangalore with
the help of Abbakka, Queen of Ullala
3)He also defeated the army of the Adil Shahi’s &
built a pillar of victory at Hangal. He patronised all
the religious sects.
2. Who was known by the title Padukadalodeya in the
history of Keladi?
Ans : Shivappa Nayaka was known by the title
Padukadalodeya. in the history of Keladi
3. In what ways Shivappa Nayaka encouraged the Goan
Ans : Shivappa Nayaka encouraged the Goan Christians,
mercantile Communities, by insisting them to come and settle at his
capital. He also encouraged Christians from Goa to settle in his
kingdom & granted them lands as they were good in agriculture.
4. What is Sistu?
Ans : Sistu is the well – known revenue system introduced by
Shivappa Nayaka.
5. Who was Rani Chennammaji?
Ans : Rani Chennammaji was a daughter in – law of Shivappa
6. Write a short note on the main achievement of the Keladi
Ans : 1)The Keladi rulers built, temples, Agraharas and
Veerashaiva mathas .
2)The Aghoreshwara temple at Keladi is remarkable for its
sculptural wealth.
3)The Mathas became the centres of education. The rulers
gave huge donations to all religious sects.
4) Chennammaji donated a plot of land in Mangalore for
construction of a Church.
The Nayakas Of Chitradurga
Discuss in group and answer
1. Write a short note on Madakari Nayaka?
Ans : Madakani Nayaka was the most the most powerful and
famous ruler of Chitradurga. He was only twelve years
old when he ascended the throne. Madakari Nayaka
assisted Haidar Ali in many battles.
2. Why do we remember Onake Obavva even now?
Ans : We remember Onake Obavva even now because,
Haidar was jealous of the bravery of Madakari Nayaka,
determining to destroy him, his soldiers discovered a secret
path into the fort and tried to slip in when the watchman
had gone to take food.But Obavva, watchman’s wife,
discovered the movements of the soldiers in time. Wielding a
large onake, She killed many soldiers
The Nadaprabhus of Yelahanka
1. What were the important achievement of Kempegowda
Ans : The important achievements of Kempegowda I was, He
became famous as the founder of Bengaluru. and ruled from
there. He constructed the Basavanagudi of Basava and the
Ulsoor Someshwara temple at Bengaluru. He also expanded
the Gavi Gangadhareshwara temple in Bengaluru. The credit
for excavating four tanks in the capital goes to him.
Kempegowda I also built rest houses & Agraharas.
2. Write a note on Kempegowda II?
Ans : Kempegowda II was the son of Kempegowda I. He set
up four watch towers after identifying the boundaries of
Bengaluru. Like his father, he attained fame by developing
new villages and building temples and tanks. The
Paleyapattu of Yelahanka Nadaprabhus finally merged with
the Mysore kingdom.
Fill in the blanks
1. Shivappa Nayaka introduced a well – Known Knew System
known as Sistu
2. Kempegowda I had the title Praja Vatsala
3. The Kempegowda rules made Magadi their capital
4. Hiriya Venkatappa Nayaka was the most competent
among the Keladi rulers.
Discuss in group and answer
1.Name the place of origin of Kaveri river ?
Ans: The place of origin of Kaveri river is Talakaveri in Kodagu.
2.Why did the Amarasullia rebellion break out ?
Ans: The Amarasullia rebellion break out because, since the peasants
of Amarasullia found it hard to bear the heavy burden of land revenue
they rose in an armed revolt against the British. They resolved to drive
out the British from Kodagu.
1. Why did Rani Chennamma of Kittur fight against the British?
Ans: Rani Chennamma of Kittur fight against the British because,
She adopted Shivalinga Sarja and started administering Kittur.
The Collector of Dharwad Thakeray objected to the adoption as
improper. He suggested to the British government to take over
the administration of Kittur. Hearing this Chennamma became
extremely anger. She Opposed the British policy of suppressing
Kittur, and decided to fight for the freedom of her land.
2.Who was Sangolli Rayanna ? How did he meet his end ?
Ans: Sangolli Rayanna was a loyal follower of Rani Chennamma.
Rayanna was like a frightening dream to the British. As the
British could not defeat him, they resorted to foul means.They
captured Rayanna by deceit and handed him over to the British.
Soon Rayanna and his associates were hanged.
1.Nme the royal family which ruled for the longest period in
Tulunadu ?
Ans: The royal family which ruled for the longest period in
Tulunadu was Alupas.
2.Who was Ullala Abbakka Rani ?
Ans: Ullala Abbakka Rani was Qween of Ullala.
3.Who was Ferdinand Kittel ?
Ans: Ferdinand Kittel was the writer of Kannada dictionary.
4.Where is the Thousand Pillared Basadi located ?
Ans: The Thousand Pillared basadi is located at Moodabidri.
5.What are the ancient popular arts of Tulunadu ?
Ans: The ancient popular arts of Tulunadu are, Yakshagana and
6.Why is Karnad Sadashiva Rao remembered ?
Ans : Karnad Sadashiva Rao is remembered because, he
rendered unforgettable service to the Harijan children in his
home. He sacrificed everything for the freedom of his
7. What was the social work undertaken by Kudmul Ranga Rao
for the upliftment of the Harijan ?
Ans: The social work undertaken by Kudmul Ranga Rao
for the upliftment of the Harijan was, he led a social
reform mivement for the upliftment of the Harijans. He
actively worked for the education of the Harijan girls and
removal of untouchability.
8.Name the major banks of India established in Tulunadu ?
Ans: The major banks of India established in Tulunadu are,
Canara bank Corporation bank, Syndicate bank, Karnataka
bank and Vijaya banks.
Hyderabad- Karnataka
1.What were the causes for the revolt of Bedanayakas ?
Ans; The causes for the revolt of Bedanayakas were,
1) Exploitation by the local zamindars.
2) Oppression by the British and the passing of the Arms
Act and the Forest Act.
3) Provoked by the oppressions the local rulers the
Paleyagars and common people revolted.
2.What were the Act that the Bedanayakas of Halagali
opposed ?
Ans: The Act that the Bedanayakas of Halagali opposed were,
the Arms Act passed by the British in 1857 had put a condition
that the Indians could own arms only with the prior permission
of the Government.
3.Who was Rami ?
Ans:Rami was a valiant Bedanayaka women who actively
participated in the revolt ?
4.Who was Sindhura Lakshmana ?
Ans: Sindhura Lakshmana was a remarkable leader who fought
against the British.
5.What was the role played by Surapura venkatappa nayaka in
the first war of independence1857-58 ?
Ans: the role played by Surapura Venkatappa nayaka in the first
war of independence1857-58 was, he decided to join the war.
The young ruler received from Mundargi Bhimaraya, Baba Saheb
of Naragund and others.
6.What was Kalagapti ?
Ans: Kalagapti was a force of 53 rules brought by Nizam.
7.Who was Swami Ramanand Tirtha ?
Ans: Swami Ramanand Tirtha was a one of the popular leader of
the freedom struggle in Hyderabad.
8.Who is called Karnataka Gandhi ?
Ans: Hrdikar Manjappa is called Karnataka Gandhi.
9.Who was the brave leader of the Vande Mataram movement ?
Ans: The brave leader of the Vande Mataram movement was Swami
Ramananda Tirtha.
10.What was the role played by Sharanagowda Inamdar in the
Hyderabad struggle ?
Ans: The role played by Sharanagowda Inamdar in the Hyderabad
struggle was, The young leader, who organized the underground
activities by enroling the youths. They made lightning attacks on the
Razakars. As a result, many villages were freed from the atrocities of
the Razakars. The people called Sharanagowda Sardar out of great
II. Fill in the blanks.
1.The Nagarhole National Park is in Kodagu.
2.Kodagu was founded by Veeraraja in the 17th century.
3.Cariappa was the first Indian General of the Indian Army.
4.Sri Manjunath temple at Kadri in Mangalore is an ancient temple of
5.Surapura in Yadgiri district was a Settlement of the brave
Discuss in group and answer
1.What does the white colour in our National Flag symbolize ?
Ans: The white colour in our National Flag symbolizes truth,
peace and purity.
2.What is the significance of the writing below our National
emblem ?
Ans: The significance of the writing below our National
emblem is Truth alone triumphs.
3.Who composed our National song ?
Ans :Our National is composed by Bankimchandra
4.Whta are the guidelines given in the Flag code ?
Ans: The guidelines given in the Flag code are,
1)The flag should not be dirty or torn.
2)When hoisting the flag care should be taken to ensure that
saffron color is at the top.
3)No other flag should fly higher than the National flag.
4.The flag should be hoisted up to the top of the flagpole.
5)The National flag should be hoisted after sunrise and should
be lowered before sunset and therefore kept folded.
6)The flag should be flown at half mast at the time of National
7)The flag should be held in the right hand while marching.
8)The flag should not touch the ground.
5.Which are our National festivals ?
Ans: Our National festivals are, Republic day, Independence
day, Gandhi Jayanti.
6.Name some of the important days of public celebration.
Ans; Some of the important days of public celebration
are,Ambedkar Jayanti, Teacher’s, day Children’s day, Karnataka
Rajyotsava and youth day.
II. Fill in the blanks
1.The Lion capital of Sarnath pillar is our National Emblem.
2.Jana Gana Mana is composed by Rabindranath Tagore.
3.Devraj Urs renamed the Mysore state as Karnataka state.
4.The central Government has declared January Youth Day.
Discuss in group and answer
1.Why is Africa called the Dark Continent ?
Ans: Africa is called the Dark Continent because, of the obstacles to
explorate its interior.
2.Africa is known as the central continent. Why ?
Ans: Africa is known as the central continent because, the equator
almost passes through the centre of Africa.
3.What is Isthmus ?
Ans: Isthmus is a narrow strip of land joining two large masses.
4.Name the basins of Africa ?
Ans: The basins of Africa are, Sudan, Chad, Djouf, Congo ,Kalahari.
5.Which is the highest peak of Africa ?
Ans: The highest peak of Africa is Mt. Klilimanjaro.
6.Mention the types of natural vegetation of Africa ?
Ans: The types of natural vegetation of Africa are,
1)Equatorial rain forest
2)Monsoon forest
3)Savanna grassland
4) Veldt grassland
5)Mediterranean vegetation
6)Desert vegetation
7)Semi desert vegetation
7.Which is the largest river of Africa?
Ans: The largest river of Africa is Nile.
8.Name the important food crops of Africa ?
Ans: The important food crops of Africa are, Maiz, Millets, Rice,
Cassava, Sweet potato, Peanuts and Starch.
9.Which African countries are rich in diamond reserves ?
Ans: African countries which are rich in diamond reserves are,
Botswana, Zaire, South Africa, Angola, Namibia and Ghana .
II Fill in the blanks
1.There are 52 countries in Africa.
2.Lake Victoria is the largest lake of Africa.
3.Congo is the second largest river in Africa.
4.Nearly 1051 million people live in Africa.