What is a nebula?

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What is a nebula?
 A star “nursery”
 A cloud of gas and dust in space
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The Orion Nebula
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What is the Nebular Theory?
An explanation of how the solar
system was formed from a nebula.
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What’s happening in a nebula?
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The collapsing, spinning nebula begins to flatten
into a rotating pancake
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99% of the mass is located in the center. The rest
of the mass forms smaller bodies, our planets.
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Matter outside of the center of
the disk clumped into small
masses called planetesimals.
gravity caused the gases and dust to
be drawn together into denser cloud,
the rate of rotation increases
PLANETESIMAL collide together to
form larger bodies called
as the nebula cloud began to collapse
and spin faster it flattened out to resemble
a disk, with most of the mass collapsing into
the center
Nebula- gas and dust
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Nebula- gas and dust
gravity caused the gases and dust to
be drawn together into denser cloud,
the rate of rotation increases
as the nebula cloud began to collapse
and spin faster it flattened out to resemble
a disk, with most of the mass collapsing into
the center
Matter outside of the center of
the disk clumped into small
masses called planetesimals.
PLANETESIMAL collide together to
form larger bodies called
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The Nebular Theory
I can explain
I can explain
I understand
I know that
how our solar
how our solar that our solar
our solar
system formed system formed system formed
from a nebula
from a nebula from a nebula, formed a long
through gravity through gravity
but am not
time ago, but
and the steps of and the steps
sure what
its formation
of its
caused its
and will be able
to assist my
classmates who
need help.
I have no idea
how our solar
system was