010 Diamond Drilling Township Of DENYES Report NQ i? Work performed by: Gulf Minerals Limited Claim N9 Hole NQ P 453953 Notes: (1) *119-77 DE2-1 Footage Date Note 507.0* Mar/77 (1) **. - l V . . . i . ' dIHSNAAOJ. . ! A*' M.' 'I tt 1" P'* S/ . ' '.A - -4. i ^Itt- :i-4 -LV 'W. . i m^m^m^m^ *P?^;1|^S;|,:1;: 4,l ?!*iii r .Aynaonsi^f w \^.^"^yf.\^J\^ f - - REPORT OF ASSESSMENT WORK D.D.H. LOCATION SKETCH "l 1 1*410* P453953 Hining Claim No. P453953 .Hole No. of Naoe: DE2-1 Province: Ontario Location: Denyes Township DIAMOND DRILL RECORD DATEi - Heavily fractured with 1 1/2" ground core D.D.H. NO. SHEET DEPTH 75" BED'G FcftlA SIGNED. 92 1 45' DE2-1 OF REMARKS SAMPLES ETC. March 5. ____ 1977 DATE STARTED. ____ DATE COMPLETED March 8. 1977 DRILLED BY Morissette Drilling T. Carpenter LOGGED BY. - Heavily fractured core - Coated fractures 120* March 9. 1977 180* BEARING -TRUE,....^^^.—^—^^ DIP Collar - 45*. 100*-40*15'.300'-38'30'.507'-34* FINAL DEPTH______507J————^^-CORE SIZE_______*9—^—————- DESCRIPTION 54 -59' 60.5-61.5' 64 - 65' - Highly sheared at 70" to the core axis. Graphite occurs on fracture surfaces. 119 115 106.5 - 108' Light greenish grev mainly massive rock. This section appears to be an altered felsic tuff. Finely foliated with some folding of schistosity evident locally. Epidote occurs os greenish bands through the core. Kaolin appears on most fractures. Pyrite blebs occur locally. 103 -106' Ground core 100.5 - 101.5' - Ground core 88 - 90' Ground core 92 - 101.5 - Medium grey to black slightly fractured rock 87.5-92' 83.5 - 85.5' - Brecciated core healed with graphite 86 - 86.5' - Medium grey sheared core with graphite 71.5 - 78' - Contains 2 1/2' around core 78.5 - 81' - Ground core 71.5-81' blebs. The rock varies from slightly to heavily fractured with eranhite on most fractures. Locally there is minor foliation caused by shear ins. Por tions of the core arc weakly calcareous. Some calcite also occurs as minor stringers and as a fracture coat ins. Pyrite occurs as occasional Medium grey to strey b lack rock. Fine to medium erained. Comnosed of fine grained to porphyritic feldspar in a predominantly chloritic matrix. PROPERTY— Denyes II - Swayze Project LATITUDE— ____4+SON_________ 20+OOE LONGITUDE. ELEVATION. FORMATION Sericite schist AndesiteBasalt DEPTH F'TAGE PTAGE FEET CORED REC'D 16 46 Overburden 20.5 55.5 0-46 46-101.5 - 101.E-122' - - 119' - Moderately fractured core 117.5* Minor pyrite stringers - 120.5' Graphitic band. Seemingly sheared felsic rock cemented by graphite, siickensldes evident on fractures. 1 23 15 24' 30 7 7 22.5' ' 13 DEPTH FTAGE FTAGE FEET CORED REC'D 122-152' 152-176' 176-191' 191-214' DIAMOND DRILL RECORD—CONTINUATION SHEET DESCRIPTION Dacite Dacite Pine grained massive to moderately fractured unfoliated rock. Hard dense core. Contains an occasional graphite filled fracture, some epidotization evident. Minor pyrite blebs disseminated through core. Greenish in color. 152 -155' - Darker green core 160 - 163.5' - Broken core. 1 1/2' ground core Black fine grained material containing WJfJwU 1 felsic rock. The section exhibits fine banding, brecciation (cementeoj and is heavily fractured. Graphite is ubiquitous. Minor tension fractures occur throughout. The rock ranges from hard to soft with the softer intervals - usually l-2mm in width - seemingly chlorite rich quartz veins and calcite stringers are not uncommon. 122 - 124* - Ground core 124 - 127' - Heavily fractured core 128 - 129* - Brecciated quartzitic material 129 - 134' - No core recovered 134 - 135' - Predominantly quartz and graphite 135 - 152' - Heavily fractured. 12' ground core 150.1' Fine grained greenish felsic rocK FORMATION Andesite Basalt Dark grey moderately fractured soft rock, mssive. NO roiiation evident. Appears to be a partially altered mafic flow. Contains occasional pyrite cubes. 176 - 180' - Graphitic section. Predominantly ground core 18(i - US' - No core recovered 18( - !)1' 121.7 - 122' - Brecciated rock containing 15* pyrite. Breccia Zone . Heavily fractured rock composed of fragments of quartzitic material and felsic volcanic material cemented by chlor: ,te. serpentine and varying amounts of graphite. Narrow quartz ve: ,ns appear in many of the fragments. 192 - 194' 195 - : )0' - Ground core 2(1'- Mtt' 2(6 -214' - Approximately 4* of cor* recovered . DEPTH D.D.H. NO.. SHEET. 2 BEjp'G FOLIA ,. DE2-1 .OF. REMARKS SAMPLES ETC. t 77.5 34.5 FORMATION DESCRIPTION DIAMOND DRILL RECORD—CONTINUATION SHEET Mafic tuff From 259' to 291.5' the rock Is well epidotlzed. 255.5 - 257' Greenish arey massive rock. Weakly foliated. The rock appears to be tuffaceous and is comppsed predominantly of anhedral to enhedral felds par in a weakly foliated chloritic groundmass. Epidote appears through out. Locally graphite heals minor breccias. Quartz veins to 1" thicK occur throughout. Hematite occurs on several fractures. Sharp lower contact. 214 -219' - Rehealed breccia 226.5 - 227.1' Graphite in hairline fractures of breccias Mafic Tuff? Medium flrev core consisting of rounded to elongated fragments of light grey material in a brownish grey very fine grained matrix. Rounded feldspars occur near the top of the section. The section may represent a flow breccia or a lappilli tuff. Later stage quartz veins intrude and brecciate the lower part of the section. 311.5-312' - Breccia with hematite on fractures -323.5* - Contains numerous grey to black quartz veins Massive fine grained mafic volcanics. Weakly foliated. Small feldspar phenocrysts occur through the section. Grey to greenish in color. Section cut by narrow quartz a calcite stringers. 345.5 - 346.5' - Black, fine grained rock. Altered margin. - 326.2' Mafic Tuff Black medium grained. Lightly biotitic rock containing white feldspar phenocrysts. Massive. Cut by narrow quartz veins. 318 Ultramafic Intrusive 326 2 Mafic Tuff 20.5 2 58.5 - Baked marain 58.5 END OP HOLE 376 -382' - Darker rock cut by numerous quartz and calcite veins 421.8 - 422. S' - Epidotized rock 348.5 - 349* Fine grained, uniform, medium to dark green massive mafic volcanic rock. Tuffaceous. Contains a weak foliation imparted by white fine grained feldspars in a chloritic ground mass. The section is magnetite with magnetite disseminated through the core. Stringers of quarts and cal cite occur through the section. 20.5 S4.5 77.5 DEPTH PTAGE PTAGE FEET CORED RECD 214-291.5' 291.5.226' 326-346.5' 348.5 W A. S. S48. 5-507' CP7* BED'G FOLIA . D.D.H. NO.. SHEET__L DEPTH 70" 70' 298' 46*5' DE2-1 .OF. REMARKS SAMPLES ETC. t
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