Sentence Source: The Red Badge of Courage by Stephan

Appetizer: DGP Week 5 Can you recognize the parts of
speech in the sentence this week?
Sentence: he lay down on a wide bunk that stretched across
the end of the room
Sentence Source: The Red Badge of Courage by Stephan
Soup: Grammar Can you use intensive, reflexive, relative,
demonstrative, and interrogative pronouns correctly?
Materials: Holt Grammar text p. 79-82
 Read p. 79-84 and complete Ex. 6, 7, and Rev. B by 20
September. Please put a 4pt heading but they can be on the same page. You do not
have to write out the sentences. For Ex 6: Identify the pronoun and state its type. For
Ex 7: answers may vary. For Rev. B: Follow the directions in the book.
Pronouns: Refer to the Grammar Chart on NetText Grammar
Unit # 6
 Relative pronouns begin adjective dependent clauses
 Demonstrative adjectives modify a noun, but
demonstrative pronouns take the place of a noun
 Indefinite pronouns and antecedent agreement in gender
Groups: Each person must write a sentence on a notecard
using at least one type of pronoun. Highlight the pronoun(s).
On the back write the type of pronoun. As a group, read your
sentences and determine if you were correct in identifying
your pronoun.
Salad: Vocabulary Can you annotate the selection, use, and
pronounce correctly, the words in Unit 3?
Materials: Vocab Workshop open to Unit 3
Directions: Repeat the words, use + for words you know, -for
words you do not know, and . for words you may/may not be
familiar using.
Instruction: Station Rotations
1. Categorize the words according to parts of speech, write
word family words next to the vocab words in your books
2. On Chromebook, open SchoolSpeak, go to Study Links,
VocabWorkshop, and Greek and Latin roots to play the
3. Complete Exercises due 26September 2016
4. Complete Vocab cards for words you do not know due 26
September 2016
5. Sentence Creation: in your notes:
a. Use the word comply in a complex sentence with an
adjective dependent clause.
b. Use the word myriad as a noun
c. Use the word untethered in a sentence with an
indefinite pronoun
d. Use a synonym of vie in a present tense sentence
e. Use the adverb form of prodigious in a sentence.
Beverages: Daily Reading Practice Can you read, annotate, and
find subject, genre, author and reader’s purpose, and create a
title for Week 5 DRP?
Entrée: Literature- Can you use background knowledge and
facts in the story to predict; can you analyze plot elements in
a short story?
Materials: Pearson text open to p. 25 and p. 41, notes, Close
reading page on shared drive, Net Text Literature unit open
to #14 (Prediction) and #16(Vocab)
Directions: Read about the comprehension skill and the
literary analysis of focus. We will be reading O. Henry’s “A
Retrieved Reformation” this week. You will completing sheets
as we read: NetText ARR Reading, Make predictions, ARR
Literary Analysis Plot, ARR Vocab Practice and the Close Read
from the Shared Drive
To go Box: Homework
 Grammar exercises Read p. 79-84 and complete Ex. 6, 7, and Rev.
B by 20 September 2016
 Vocabulary Unit 3 Cards/Exercises due 26 September
 Read for 30 minutes every night
 Study for Grammar/Vocab test 27 September on all pronouns, all
DGP covered so far, and Vocab words Unit 3.
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 119:1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44
1 How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the Law of Yahweh!
27 Show me the way of your precepts, that I may reflect on your wonders.
30 I have chosen the way of constancy, I have moulded myself to your judgements.
34 Give me understanding and I will observe your Law, and keep it wholeheartedly.
35 Guide me in the way of your commandments, for my delight is there.
44 I shall keep your Law without fail for ever and ever.