press release - Wenches In Trenches

Monday, 28th July 2014
The Roses of No Man’s Land
Wenches In Trenches honour forgotten heroes of WW1
“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.”
- Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary on the eve at which Britain officially entered the First World War.
100 years later on 4th August 2014, as a nation we are being encouraged to join together in a united
moment of reflection by turning off our lights between 10pm and 11pm, leaving a single candle lit, to
mark the time when Britain’s ultimatum with Germany expired and war commenced.
For Sue Robinson, Lights Out will also be the start of a 4-year poignant journey.
“It’s a humbling reminder to all of us how lucky we really are that so many men and women laid down
their lives for the future safety of Great Britain,” says Sue. “They can never be forgotten.”
Sue hails from a family of nurses and soldiers, and her grandmother Isabella Robinson served as a nurse
in both the Great War and WW2. As a young woman she would listen intently to her detailed first-hand
accounts of just how challenging life was on the front line for the nurses and medics who tended to
Britain’s wounded heroes.
Based in West Cornwall, Sue has a degree in Modern European history and has undertaken in depth
research into the VAD (Voluntary Aid Detachment) and nurses of the Great War. She has a background of
working for national charities including the Army Benevolent Fund, and realizing her grandmother’s
stories were as equally as inspiring and valid to Britain’s history, Sue was inspired to raise awareness of
the ‘forgotten’ heroes.
In 2007 she founded Wenches in Trenches, with the sole aim to raise funds for UK military and medical
causes and honour the memories of nursing staff and medics who served alongside our troops in all
conflicts, past and present.
Following Lights Out on 4th August, Wenches In Trenches will be commemorating the centenary of the
start of WW1 with their own poignant campaign.
The Roses of No Man’s Land
During the weekend of 13th & 14th September 2014, fifteen women will be walking the battlefields of
Ypres dressed in the uniforms of VADs and nurses of the Great War, each walking in memory of nurses
involved in the conflict, and paying their respects at the many war cemeteries on route. The walk –
entitled ‘The Roses of No Man’s Land’ – culminates on Sunday 14th September with a wreath laying
ceremony at the Menin Gate war memorial, dedicated to the British and Commonwealth soldiers who
were killed in the Ypres Salient of WW1, and whose graves are unknown.
All the walkers are raising sponsorship and the funds raised will be used to honour the memory of nurses
and VADs that served in WW1. This forms part of a wider programme of events that will take place 20142018.
About Wenches In Trenches
Wenches In Trenches was conceived in 2007 by Sue Robinson, sparked by memories of her grandmother
who had served as a front line nurse both in the Great War and WW2. Wenches is formed of a diverse
group of female volunteers, whose collective aim is two-fold: to raise funds for UK military and medical
causes, and to honour the memories of nursing staff and medics who served alongside our troops in all
The Roses of No Man’s Land campaign
2014 marks the centenary of the start of WW1 and Wenches In Trenches have launched a 4-year
fundraising campaign to coincide with the 100 year anniversaries of the beginning and the end of the
Great War, entitled The Roses Of No Man’s Land. During the weekend of 13th & 14th September 2014,
fifteen women will be walking the battlefields of Ypres dressed in replica nurses uniforms of 1914,
paying their respects at the many war cemeteries on route. The walk culminates on Sunday 14th
September with a wreath laying ceremony at the Menin Gate war memorial, dedicated to the British
and Commonwealth soldiers who were killed in the Ypres Salient of WW1, and whose graves are
All the walkers are raising sponsorship and the funds raised will be used to honour the memory of nurses
and VADs that served in WW1. This forms part of a wider programme of events that will take place
throughout 2014-2018.
Roses of No Man’s Land is a not for profit company, registration number 8793983.
Media Contacts:
For details of how you can support the Roses Of No Man’s Land campaign, or enquire about the work of
Wenches In Trenches contact:Sue Robinson – Founder, Wenches In Trenches
[email protected]
T: 07593 946580
Follow our story:-
Wenches in Trenches – Roses of No Mans Land
Kim De Luce – Press Officer
[email protected]
T: 07759 566379