1 Inside B, Unit 5 The Solar System

Inside B, Unit 5
The Solar System: Planet, Stars and Moons
Name ______________________________
Reading / Writing Assessment
Vocabulary Check
1) Synonyms: Complete the sentences.
Word Box: stone, heavens, large, one year, one day, particles
1. Big is the same as ___________________________________________.
2. Rock is like ________________________________________________.
3. Universe is similar to _________________________________________.
4. Pieces is similar to ___________________________________________.
5. 24 hours is the same as a ______________________________________.
6. 365 days is the same as a ______________________________________.
Comprehension Check
Model - Using evidence from the text to support your answer.
Very hot and dry
Closest to the sun
2nd from the sun
Appearance (how does it Covered with holes Covered with poison gases
Good for humans
3rd from the sun
Water, oxygen
Select three planets to compare / contrast.
Appearance (how
does it looks)
1 Write a comparison / contrast paragraph:
Three planets are _________________, __________________, and ________________.
_______________ is ___________________ from the sun. __________________ is
___________________ from the sun. __________________ is _________________
from the sun. They are alike because ______________________________________.
They are similar because _________________________________________________.
The planets are different because ________________________________________.
They are also different because ___________________________(name of planet) is the
___________________________(er) (est).
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Speaking / Listening
Option 1: Fishbowl Discussion
What do people, and other living things, need to survive on earth? Look for evidence
from the text and your experiences to answer the question.
Evidence from the text
Evidence from my experiences
Air (oxygen)
(very hot or very
2 Inner circle: People need _______________ to survive on earth.
This is in the text on page _______________. The heading is _____________________.
My experience tells me I need _______________ to survive.
Outer circle: Use the chart to write notes and write questions.
Option 2: Numbered Head
Topic: Life on earth
(a) Think time: What do people, and other living things, need to survive on earth?
(b) Talk time: Form small groups and discuss the prompt. Use evidence from the text
and your experience.
Yes, people need _____________________ to survive.
Yes, people need _____________________ to survive.
Yes, people need _____________________ to survive.
No, people do not need _________________ to survive.
No, people do not need ___________________ to survive.
(c) Share time: Select a spokesperson for the group. Share the group’s discussion.
Distinguish between text based evidence and students’ experiences.
We found evidence in the text. People need ________________ and _______________
to survive. People do not need _____________________ to survive. We have evidence
from our experiences. People need _________________ _______________ to survive.
People do not need _____________________ to survive.
Option 3: Make a Suggestion / Make a Denial
People need oxygen (air), the sun, the moon and water to survive on earth.
How to Make a Suggestions
How to Make a Denial
You might want to…… not include the
I disagree. Most planets have moons so maybe
moon because the text does not say we
moons are important.
have to have a moon.
It may be helpful to include gravity
because the text says people float without
I do not think you are right. I think people can
survive if we float.
3 I think that you should think about gravity.
The text says people will float without
gravity. We cannot always float.
I think you are wrong. We do not know if we can
survive if we float.
People need _____________, ____________, __________ and _____________ to
survive on earth. The text says ___________________________. My experiences show
me we need ___________________________.
How to Make a Suggestions
You might want to……
It may be helpful to …..
I think that you should….
I think you must….
How to Make a Denial
I disagree.
I do not think you’re right.
I think you’re wrong.
I think you should not…
I think you must not…