Tangible Sketching in 3D with Posey

Tangible Sketching in 3D with Posey
Michael Philetus Weller
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
CoDe Lab
Carnegie Mellon University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
Atlanta, Georgia 30332 USA
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mark D Gross
COmputational DEsign Lab
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
[email protected]
Posey is a physical construction kit that is instrumented
to capture assembly and configuration information and
convey it to a host computer. We have used Posey to
build applications that deploy a reconfigurable physical
model as a tangible interface for various domains. We
demonstrate these applications to support a case for
computationally enhanced construction kits as a semigeneral interaction modality.
Construction kit, tangible interaction
ACM Classification Keywords
H.1.2: Models and Principles: User/Machine Systems;
H.5.2: Information Interfaces and Presentation: User
Interfaces: Interaction Styles.
Figure 1. Sketching a woolly dinosaur with Posey Puppet Show.
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
CHI 2009, April 4 – April 9, 2009, Boston, MA, USA
ACM 978-1-60558-247-4/08/04.
Educators inspired by the tradition of manipulatives
established by Fröbel [1] have spent nearly two
centuries searching for simple, powerful abstractions
for the tangible expression of spatial relationships. Each
kit provides an intuitive medium that affords
representing a class of spatial relationships: Fröbel’s kit
of wooden blocks lends itself to stacking and tiling;
Erector girders and panels to exploring structure and
containment; and Tinker Toy sticks and wheels to
graph representation. Manipulating these kits, children
can quickly represent a variety of forms in a sort of 3D
sketch. By instrumenting a physical construction kit we
can augment the kit with a computational back end,
supporting physical model-making with simulation,
database retrieval, and interactive behavior. The
model-making is quick rather than time consuming,
and the models are abstract and disposable rather than
specific and precious representations of a domain; we
think of the activity as three-dimensional sketching.
Educator Friedrich Fröbel’s
kindergarten gifts included a set
of modular wooden blocks.
Tangible models in chemistry:
Chemists Crick, Watson, and
Franklin built models to
understand the double-helix
structure of DNA.
To create Posey [9] (Figure 1), we instrumented a huband-strut kit to send information on the way the kit is
manipulated to applications on a personal computer.
Posey’s hubs and struts lend themselves to specifying
graph structures. By building applications that accept
input from Posey we demonstrate that tangible
sketches are an intuitive, versatile and powerful
interface for specifying spatial information for a variety
of domains: for character modeling and animation with
Puppet Show; for organic chemistry with Molecule
Explorer; and for a finite state machine with Escape
Machine [10].
In the following section we briefly describe these
applications. We then describe the instrumentation we
have developed to capture the changing state of a
model made with the kit. Next we contrast Posey with
other tangible interface construction kits. We conclude
with a discussion of what we have learned in
developing the kit and observing people interacting
with it, and directions for future work.
We built Posey as a hardware / software platform for
building construction kit applications. To test whether
Posey can serve this role, we have (so far) built several
demonstration applications. Our focus is the
construction kit and not the specific applications;
nevertheless in formal and informal testing we found
that these three applications are quite usable by
children and adults.
Puppet Show
Children can use Posey’s hubs and struts as a
construction kit to build puppet skeletons (Figure 1).
Once a skeleton is made, a child can skin it as a
computer graphics character. The child uses an onscreen menu to associate body parts (of a teddy bear,
a dinosaur, etc.) with the Posey hubs and struts, and
then manipulates the Posey model to animate computer
graphics characters on screen. The screen graphics are
updated with every change to the Posey model,
providing a tangible direct-manipulation interface to the
puppet show application.
Figure 2. A model of methanol in the Molecule Explorer.
Molecule Explorer
Organic chemists use physical models of molecules to
tangibly display the spatial structure of atoms and their
bonds. In the Molecule Explorer application Posey’s
hubs and struts represent atoms and bonds. Molecule
Explorer monitors the model that the user makes with
Posey and displays a 3-D view of the molecule under
construction (Figure 2). It also matches the Posey
model against a library of organic molecules, displaying
the list of retrieval hits on screen; and the user can
indicate to the Molecule Explorer which molecule is
being attempted. Molecules in the library are also
linked to Wikipedia entries, providing additional
information about the molecules.
Children playing Escape Machine.
Escape Machine
A “bizarro” (alternate universe) version of the
traditional Pac-Man computer game challenges users’
wits. The game characters (ghosts and Pac-Man
agents) move in a maze of colored rooms according to
a state machine that is defined by a Posey
configuration (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Escape Machine uses a Posey model as a state
machine to control the movement of characters in a Pac-Man
maze. (For clarity the figure shows only a small sample maze;
in the game a maze has many more rooms).
The colors of the Posey hubs correspond to the colors
of the maze rooms, and characters can only move
between neighboring rooms if the correspondingly
colored hubs are adjacent in the Posey state machine.
To play the game users pull the Posey model apart and
put it back together in different configurations and
reorient it in space. The pace of this puzzle game is
slow as players must project the effects of different
state machine configurations on the ghosts and PacMan players.
Posey’s plastic hubs and struts (Figure 4), printed on
our fused deposition model printer snap together and
pull apart using ball-and socket joints. The joints allow
considerable angular movement yet they are designed
to hold a position that the user sets. The hubs and
struts detect and communicate connect and disconnect
events and angle-change events through optical
couples in each ball-and-socket joint. Eleven infrared
LEDs in each end of each strut blink a unique identity
code; four light sensors (phototransistors) in each
socket sense blinking LEDs (Figure 5).
The particular combination of which sensors see which
LEDs is collected by an onboard (ATMega 168)
microprocessor and transmitted wirelessly (Zigbee) to
the host PC, which uses a lookup table to determine
which hub is connected to which strut, as well as their
three-dimensional angle. A 3-D accelerometer in one of
the hubs provides a gravity vector, and this enables the
software to orient the internal computer model as the
user moves and manipulates the physical model. Figure
5 shows the hardware inside a two-socket hub.
Technical details of the instrumentation and the
software API are described in [9].
Related Work
Posey belongs to the growing genre of computationally
enhanced construction kit tangible interfaces that
include the well-known Topobo [7], Senspectra [6], and
Triangles [3] kits. Among others are Buechley’s Boda
Blocks [2] and some interesting relevant older work
reviewed by Sutphen et al [8]. These kits vary along
several dimensions: whether they are stand-alone or
serve as an interface to a host computer; whether they
are 2-D or 3-D; whether they capture and report
dynamic geometry of the physical model; and whether
they afford input only or both input and output.
Figure 4. Posey consists of hubs and struts that connect in balland-socket joints that are instrumented with an optocouple.
For example, Topobo’s constructions directly capture
and replay motion, but do not sense the full topology of
the model. So while Topobo is a compelling example of
the power of 3-D sketching interfaces, it is not
instrumented to provide the information needed to
serve as an interface to applications on a host
computer. Senspectra captures the connectivity of its
hubs but only captures geometry indirectly (through
strain). It uses colored LEDs to display information
directly on the kit’s parts. Triangles captures
information about the 2-D configuration of pieces (but
not 3D), and captures connections but not the dynamic
geometry. Posey occupies a unique point in this space
in that it captures both the topology and the dynamic
geometry of 3-D models that users make with the kit
and transmits this information to a host computer on
the fly.
Discussion and Future Work
Figure 5. Inside each Posey hub are phototransistors (4 per
socket), battery and a microprocessor and Zigbee transceiver
mounted on a custom circuit board.
Although advances in electronics and physical
prototyping have made it much easier to build tangible
interfaces like Posey that employ embedded sensing
and computation, development is still a major
undertaking. Highly specific tangible interfaces will be
appropriate only when the application is either widely
used (such as in consumer electronics) or low volume
but mission critical (e.g., air traffic control). But for
other applications the cost and effort of building
tangible interfaces can be daunting.
This work was supported by the National Science
Foundation under ITR-0326054.
[1] Brosterman, N. Inventing Kindergarten. H. N. Abrams,
New York, (1997).
One approach is to provide tangible interface-building
kits such as Phidgets [4] and d.tools [5] that enable
designers and developers to quickly prototype new
interfaces. These kits make it easier for a developer to
configure a physical design with sensors and actuators
and connect them to an application on a PC that
simulates the standalone tangible interface. In contrast
to designing a highly-specific interface, these
prototyping tools enable a developer to experiment
quickly with a tangible interface design. Still this
requires considerable attention to the details of
hardware embedding and physical design, and the
object of this process is to arrive at a design for a
single specific device and application.
[2] Buechley, L and Eisenberg, M. Boda Blocks: A
Collaborative Tool for Exploring Tangible ThreeDimensional Cellular Automata. Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning (CSCL), ACM, (2007).
[3] Gorbet, M G, Orth, M and Ishii, H. Triangles: Tangible
Interface for Manipulation and Exploration of Digital
Information Topography. CHI, ACM, (1998), 49-56.
[4] Greenberg, S and Fitchett, C. Phidgets: Easy
Development of Physical Interfaces through Physical
Widgets. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST),
ACM, (2001), 209-218.
[5] Hartmann, B, Klemmer, S R, Bernstein, M, Abdulla, L,
Burr, B, Robinson-Mosher, A and Gee, J. Reflective Physical
Another approach, the one taken with Posey, is to try
instead to design a construction kit that offers specific
affordances that can support ‘sketching’ in a range of
domains. Using a single physical kit with embedded
hardware a developer can implement interfaces to
various applications. Posey, for instance, is appropriate
for domains that can be modeled as a graph, especially
when the geometry of the nodes and edges is relevant
in addition to the graph connectivity. By getting the
abstraction right, a semi-general tangible interface like
Posey can offer a middle ground for building interfaces
for sketching in 3D.
Prototyping through Integrated Design, Test, and Analysis.
User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), ACM,
(2006), 299-308.
[6] LeClerc, V, Parkes, A and Ishii, H. Senspectra: A
Computationally Augmented Physical Modeling Toolkit for
Sensing and Visualization of Structural Strain. CHI, ACM,
(2007), 801–804.
[7] Raffle, H, Parkes, A and Ishii, H. Topobo: A
Constructive Assembly System with Kinetic Memory. CHI,
ACM, (2004), 647-654.
[8] Sutphen, S, Sharlin, E, Watson, B and Frazer, J.
Reviving a Tangible Interface Affording 3d Spatial
Interaction. Western Canadian Computer Graphics
[10] Weller, M P, Do, E Y-L and Gross, M D. Escape
Symposium, (2000), 155-166.
Machine: Teaching Computational Thinking with a Tangible
[9] Weller, M P, Do, E Y-L and Gross, M D. Posey:
Instrumenting a Poseable Hub and Strut Construction Toy.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI), ACM, (2008),
State Machine Game. Interaction Design and Children
(IDC), ACM, (2008), 282-289.