glendowie news - Glendowie College

glendowie news
Friday, 10th June 2016
Kia Ora
College Ball
Congratulations and thanks to the staff and
students who contributed to the fabulous school
ball last Friday, especially the organising
committee and two very special staff – Mrs Fraser
and Ms Gibb.
Upcoming Events:
The ball was a wonderful success with photos …
dancing … photos … great food … photos … the
haka … photos …
Feedback from students and staff who attended
has been very positive. There are a number of photos on our school Flickr
account, which you can get to via our school website.
Senior Exams
Senior exams take place next week. This is an important opportunity for
students to revise what they've studied so far this year, to gauge how well
they are progressing in their courses, and to practise their exam
A copy of the exam timetable is available on our college website. I
encourage you to download it and put a copy on the fridge. Check with
your child that he or she knows what standards will be in the exam, the
content for each standard, and what is required to achieve with merit or
Year 10 Market Day
Senior Exams
Big Sing (Secondary Schools
Choral Festival)
Board of Trustees Meeting
(6pm, Boardroom)
Pink Ribbon Breakfast
(7am, College Hall)
Blood Day
29, 30
Rhapsody Rotorua
Student Leadership Day
Year 12 P.E. Tough Guy/Gal
I wish all students well in the upcoming exams.
Board of Trustees
Thank you to all the candidates who put their names forward to be on the Board of Trustees. The following parent
trustees will join our current staff trustee Mrs Cherise Stone and student trustee Kate Yanagisawa. The successful
candidates were:
Steve Collier
Anne van der Straaten
Garry Ivill
Matthew Veal
Moana Oh
Glendowie College has consistently enjoyed highly capable and motivated trustees, and I'm pleased to see this
tradition continue. I look forward to working with our new trustees. The new board's first meeting is on Wednesday
22nd June at 6.00pm in the boardroom.
Finally we've included a personal story from one of our staff – Miss Celia Haggitt in this week's newsletter. Celia
was involved with a life-saving transplant for her niece, and asked if she could share her story and the benefits of
registering as an organ donor in the newsletter. Celia's story – and that of her niece – is a heart-warming story
and a reminder of the strength of family and community.
R Dykes
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
Tickets are now on sale: Midwinter Hoedown – Saturday July 2
Thanks to all our wonderful sponsors:
Barfoot & Thompson St Heliers
Eastmed Dental, Cruise Connections and Pak ‘n Save Glen Innes, Crayon Concepts Ltd,
Direct Mail Solutions
Hygiene House, Beverley Hills Skin & Body, Elstree Pharmacy, Jackie Jones Interior Design,
Physio Rehab, Vivid Hair, Matrix Security, Tetley Wheaton Automotive,
Abernethy Electrics, NZ Fire Doors, AVPlus, Beldon Creative; Cutshop; Ballentynes;
Yoogo; NMC Stylemaker; La Fourchette; St Heliers Life Pharmacy
St Heliers Life Pharmacy
Only three weeks to go until the Mid-Winter Hoedown on July 2, so we hope you’ve all got your costumes
There are a few tickets and tables still available so let us know soon if you’d like to reserve one.
Click here for a link to the booking form
or email [email protected]
Jo Cotton and the Mermaids are excited to be returning to Glendowie College after being such a huge hit last year
– this is what they had to say about their 2015 appearance “Glendowie College Fundraiser Ball, Grease theme.
What a night, nearly all empty chairs, the dance floor was packed and jumping with groovy parents.”
Lots of great prizes to be won too … so don’t miss out!!!
Ms Nicole Parish, Chairperson, Glendowie College Parents’ Association
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
Examination Centre Manager
Glendowie College is looking for an Examination Centre Manager to manage the NZQA examinations to be held in
November/December 2016. The Manager will be responsible to NZQA for the management of all processes
relating to the conduct of secondary examinations at our examination centre according to NZQA procedures and
will also be responsible for employing sufficient supervisors to ensure reliable supervision, while using the
minimum number of supervisors efficiently. Secondary examinations comprise those for NCEA, and those for
New Zealand Scholarship at some examination centres.
Please contact Mr P Chand via email [email protected] if you are interested and would like to find out more
information about this position.
Years 11 and 12 Study Skills Seminar
The Year 11 and 12 students recently attended a Study Skills
Seminar presented by Patrick Sherratt which gave the students a
synthesis of the latest meta-cognitive knowledge (how the brain
thinks, learns and remembers), coupled with performance
psychology – thinking strategies for effective learning.
Information from the seminar supports the students in
understanding how to study and how to revise and retain
information for several subjects at a time, this should be especially
helpful with the mid-year exams approaching (13th of June to the
17th of June).
Patrick Sherratt teaches and facilitates courses that help enable
individuals and organisations achieve higher levels of performance
and success.
For more information, please visit
Patrick also has a number of published books and on-line resources selling internationally. For example, ‘How to
Pass Exams’ – a teaching resource and student guide-book. Visit for details.
For further information about Patrick’s work, please visit
Ms F Smith, Year 11 Dean
Cross Country Championships
In the Cross Country Championships held yesterday congratulations go to Alyssa Bullot who placed fourth in the
Senior Girls event; and Sophie Atkinson and Brodie Tokios who placed sixth and fourteenth respectively in the
Intermediate Girls event. They will be going to Nationals in Rotorua in a couple of weeks.
Mrs N Beattie, Sports Administrator
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Batchelar on the birth of their son, Aiden John, on
Thursday, 26th May 2016.
A former Glendowie College student and Prefect (2007), Mr Batchelar started teaching
Mathematics at the college this year.
Mr Batchelar with Aiden John
Breast Cancer Foundation Fundraiser
Left to right: Sophie Painter, Miss Cook and Lily Herbison donated their pony tails to Freedom Wigs for
the hair to be used to make wigs for cancer patients with hair loss
Two Year 11 Students decided to organise a fundraiser for the Breast Cancer
Foundation and donate their ponytails for the hair to be used to make wigs for cancer
patients with hair loss. Sophie Painter (11BIL) donated her ponytails and got her head
shaved to inspire awareness, show her support and prove those who lose their hair
due to cancer that being bald doesn’t mean that you aren’t beautiful. Lily Herbison
(11HDU) and staff member Miss Fiona Cook also donated their ponytails to Freedom
Wigs in Dunedin to be used for making wigs. What brave young ladies they are!
Sophie and Lily also promoted and helped organise a school mufti day where the
theme was to wear something pink. These fundraising events have managed to raise
the wonderful figure of $2,841.20.
Many thanks go to Vivid Hair, Glendowie and to everyone for their kind donations and
Ms F Smith, Year 11 Dean
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
2016 Senior School Ball
King and Queen of the Ball were Sean Dartnall and Lisipesi Otukolo
(pictured), Prince and Princess were Hamish Beattie and Erin Abernethy
Congratulations to everyone who attended the School Ball on Friday 3rd June at the Pullman Hotel. You all helped
to make it an amazing night with your energy and excitement on the dance floor, in the photo booths and around
the dessert table. Everyone looked absolutely incredible and had an equally awesome time!
A huge congratulations to our best dressed Max Rawbone, Diana Fusha, Peter Goldstone and Tanaka
Chitsamatanga, our cutest couples Martin Ishigaki and Erin Dench and Greg Hunter and Ruby Wallace, our Prince
and Princess Hamish Beattie and Erin Abernethy and King and Queen Sean Dartnall and Lisipesi Otukolo. You are
all very deserving winners, especially Sean in a classy navy suit.
A stunning Haka was performed by the Year 13 boys, lead impressively by Korihi Patuwai and Shaun Motu for our
lovely Year 13 Dean Mrs Fraser, which left a great impact on the rest of the night. A large effort was put in by all
and it really showed.
A special shout out to Mrs Fraser, Ms Gibb, the
teachers and staff who attended and the Ball
Committee; Brenna Curtain, Hana Leofo,
Lewis Guy, Olivia O’Connor-Robertson,
Lucia Sandford, Tom Irwin, Carlo Bayogan,
Monique O’Meeghan, Sarah Scarrow,
Simon Archer, Lauren Vodanovich and
Darien Matsis who made it all possible.
Olivia O’Connor-Robertson and Lewis Guy,
2016 School Ball Committee
To view more photos from the event as well as a
video of the amazing haka performed on the
night please visit the following links: and
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
‘Pathway to Podium’
Congratulations to Jayden Fleming on his selection to the
‘Pathway to Podium’ programme.
A nationwide talent development programme ‘Pathway to
Podium’ helps emerging athletes and coaches be better
prepared for the demands of a life in high performance
sport. About 350 pre-elite athletes and 150 coaches from
throughout New Zealand are selected to participate in the
programme each year.
Jayden’s 16 week training programme starts on
Wednesday, 1st June 2016 for his first two World Cup
competitions in the USA at the end of September.
We currently have three former students participating in
the ‘Pathway to Podium’ programme, Zoe Fleming (BMX),
Isaac Everitt and Sarah Crummey (Rowing).
Jayden and Zoe Fleming
Mr D James, Director of Sport
Left to right: Jayden Fleming, Zoe Fleming,
Isaac Everitt and Sarah Crummey
Upcoming Drama Department Festival
Year 12 Drama performing "Twelfth Night" and "Macbeth"
5.30pm and 7pm on Wednesday, 27th July and in reverse order Thursday, 28th July 2016
Year 13 Drama performing "Revenge of the Amazons"
5.30pm and 7.30pm on the Friday, 29th July 2016
Year 11 Drama performance of "Dracula"
5.30pm and 7pm on the Wednesday, 3rd August 2016
(Note all these shows will cost $5 and tickets will be presold unless not sold out as there are only 50
seats per show)
Year 10 Drama will be performing short versions of "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" and "Twelfth
Night" (STO) and "Hamlet" (THM)
5.30pm and 7pm Tuesday, 9th August and Thursday, 11th August 2016 (Tickets are $2)
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
Year 12 Outdoor Education
Last week saw both Year 12
Outdoor Education classes take to
the high seas on the famous
‘Steinlager 2’ in the Hauraki Gulf.
Students were taught about the
historical importance of the boat
and learnt about Sir Peter Blake and
his achievements as well as the
boat’s prolific performance in the
Whitbread around the World Race
in 1989-1990.
Students also learnt various sailing
and team building skills.
They were required to man the
grinders, steer the boat, sail at
night, cook in the galley, clean the
boat and go swimming around the
boat in the morning.
Each class took different routes with
Miss Webster's class going to Great
Barrier Island and Mr Salmon's class
going to the Coromandel peninsula.
In what were very challenging
weather conditions, both classes
had an amazing experience.
The experience was not just a
highlight of the year but for some a
trip of a lifetime, teachers included.
Congratulations go to Whitiora Rolleston, Raquel Manks and Ben O'Grady who were outstanding on the trip,
consistently performing and helping out wherever they could. The instructors were very impressed with both
classes over the week.
Both classes would like to thank the New Zealand Sailing Trust for this opportunity.
Mr A Salmon and Miss K Webster, Health and P.E. Faculty
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
Free Adolescent Dental Care
A major concern of dental practitioners is the number of students who do not continue with regular dental checkups once they finish primary school. As a result students are falling through the cracks and Dental Centres are not
seeing them until there is a serious issue resulting in fillings or, on some occasions, root canal treatment.
We would like to stress that teenagers are eligible for an annual FREE dental exam until they turn 18. A limited
number of dental practitioners offer this free service. In the Glendowie area we have been informed that it is
offered by:
Glendowie Dental Centre, 106 West Tamaki Road
Kohimarama Dental Centre, 303C Kepa Road
Eastmed Dental, 188 St Heliers Bay Road
To our knowledge other dental practices in the area are not part of the Ministry of Health Dental Benefits Scheme
so students attending would be charged for any dental treatment.
To enrol in the Ministry of Health Dental Scheme the following process must be undertaken. Parents need to
contact a dental practice participating in the scheme, make a first appointment and enrol your child with that
dental practice. Once enrolled the dental practitioner will see your child annually until they turn 18 and
undertake any necessary dental work. Glendowie Dental Centre also provides orthodontic care but orthodontic
treatment is not covered by the Ministry of Health Dental Benefits Scheme.
It is also important that Year 13 students take advantage of their final free treatment before they turn 18 or leave
school. The Dental Benefits Scheme does provide for one final extra check-up before the student turns 18.
If you require any further information please contact the relevant dental practice or look on their website.
‘Pink Ribbon Breakfast’
The students of 12SCF are working hard to promote Breast Cancer Awareness within the school.
They have held a special assembly for Year 12, and organised a guest speaker. They are also selling tickets to a
“Breast Cancer Breakfast” – a tummy warming event for all students, staff, parents and siblings.
Tickets are $15, available from our form class or reception and the breakfast will be held in the Hall on
Wednesday 22nd June from 7.45am-9am in the morning (no school missed!).
Payment is available through internet banking reference “Pink Ribbon Breakfast” and your child’s name:
ASB 12-3027-0364377-00. There is a gift basket raffle for tickets sold and paid for by Friday the 17th. Tickets are
on sale until next Friday 17th June.
Please encourage your children to grab a ticket, support this worthy cause, and enjoy a yummy breakfast with
their friends before school!
Ms H Scheffer, Form 12SCF
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
Start the Conversation – Celia Haggitt
Glendowie College is an amazing community, which demonstrates its
support for students, staff and their families in so many ways. The last few
months have been difficult for my family and I am thankful for the support
I have received from the school community.
My niece, Katie was born a very sick baby. She has spent over half her
short life in Neonatal ICU or Starship Hospital.
The main problem was a condition called biliary atresia in which bile duct
damage restricts the flow of bile out of the liver. After numerous
procedures and a 6 hour operation, the only solution left was a liver
transplant. A few weeks before Easter, Katie’s liver function deteriorated
rapidly and she was prepared for transplant urgently.
Katie remained in Starship Children’s Hospital but no deceased donor liver
became available. Not wanting to chance Katie’s fragile state any longer,
my brother in law and I decided to be tested to see if our livers were
compatible as a living donor for our niece. After extensive testing, Simon’s
liver was found suitable and the transplant took place on 13th April, 2016.
Katie is now doing amazingly well. There is every reason to believe that
she will lead a relatively normal, productive life. Simon’s recovery is much
slower but his liver should have regenerated to its original size within two
months of the transplant.
Had a deceased donor liver been available for Katie, it would probably have come from someone who had
sustained an irreversible, fatal brain injury, such as from a road accident or brain haemorrhage. Only hospital
deaths can be considered for organ donation and only 1% of hospital deaths occur in circumstances that make
organ donation possible.
Some of us will have ticked the “donor” box on our driver licence form but despite this, at the time of our death,
the decision whether or not to donate our organs will lie with our family.
Through this process, our family have met many other lovely families with very sick children waiting for organ
transplants. New Zealand has relatively low rates of deceased organ donation compared to other developed
countries. Unfortunately, not all of the people waiting for deceased organs will get one.
So please start the conversation with your family, loved ones and friends about whether you, and/or they, wish
to be an organ donor. It is important to know that you can specify the organs and tissues that you wish to
donate. An adult deceased donor liver can benefit two recipients - it can be split so that one larger section can be
transplanted into an adult and the smaller segment given to a child - like Katie.
More information can be obtained from Organ Donation New Zealand
Miss C Haggitt, Social Sciences Faculty
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]
glendowie news
Second Year 10 Market Day
We have held another successful Year 10 Market Day on the
10th of June in the school hall.
Thirteen entrepreneurial student companies sold a range of
sweet and savoury products.
A special acknowledgement and a big thank you to the
sponsors organised by the student companies:
Pak 'n Save Glen Innes
New World Eastridge
Karachi St Heliers
Ms P Harduar and Ms B Rothbart, Social Sciences Faculty
Selwyn Medical Centre
If your child has been with the Selwyn Medical Centre and has changed to a new practice can you please inform
us so that we can update your child’s information. We need to have accurate information in case of emergency.
Mr G Robertson, Deputy Principal
p: +64 9 575 9128
e: [email protected]